Critical Skills Investment Fund List of Projects Western Australia

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Critical Skills Investment Fund

List of Projects
Western Australia
Project: Addressing the Enterprise Agreement Workforce Gap

This project will up-skill 30 existing workers and employ 25 new employees for a resources project in Kalgoorlie, WA.

Lead Organisation: Australian Minerals and Metals Association (AMMA)

Contact: 08 6218 0707

Project: Workforce Development for Resources Sector Supervisors

Three resources sector employers will train over 40 supervisors in Certificate IV in Training & Assessment and Frontline Management in SA and WA. The project will enable the participating employers to conduct internal assessment and training on an ongoing basis and provide skilled workers to conduct these operations and provide an avenue to take on new workers in later phases.

Lead Organisation: Australian Minerals and Metals Association (AMMA)

Contact: 08 6218 0707

Project: Workforce Development Support for Small, Remote Operators

A mining operation in the Pilbara, WA will up-skill over 70 existing employees in workplace safety, training and management, who will then be able to train new workers. The enterprise aims to increase retention by providing career pathways for its workers.

Lead Organisation: Australian Minerals and Metals Association (AMMA)

Contact: 08 6218 0707

Project: Electro-technology – Worker Up-skilling

One employer in the electro-technology industry in WA will train over 350 existing and 20 new workers in Certificates II and IV Electro Technology, and a Training Package Skill Set in Photovoltaic Installation.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: John Holland Group (JHG) – Rail Skills Development

Large construction employer supporting training for over 380 existing and 270 new workers in Certificate III Rail Infrastructure for construction workers and Certificate IV Frontline Management and Training & Assessment for supervisors and trainers, for rail construction projects in WA.

Lead Organisation: CRN Country Regional Network

Contact: 02 9475 2615

Project: Regional Councils Working Together

Local government partnership from the Great Southern region of WA to up-skill 10 existing plant operators to become supervisors and to train 20 new entrants in Certificate III Civil Construction and Plant Operations.

Lead Organisation: Great Southern Employment Development Committee

Contact: 08 9842 9399

Project: Australian Oil & Gas Community of Technical Best Practice

Four employers to up-skill over 180 existing workers and train over 110 new workers delivering Certificate II-IV qualifications and skills required for the operation of upstream oil and gas assets in WA and NT.

Lead Organisation: GE Oil and Gas

Contact: 08 6210 7479

Project: Dive and Chamber Supervisor Simulator Training

This project will train 37 existing and 5 new position offshore dive supervisors using the innovative ADAS Dive Supervisor Training Simulator in WA. The qualifications are at the Certificate III, IV and Diploma level. The dive and chamber supervisors will then train divers for off-shore oil and gas rigs.

Lead Organisation: The Underwater Centre, Fremantle

Contact: 08 9336 3343

Project: Light Vehicle Mechanic Up-skilling to Diesel Fitter for the Mining Industry

This project will train 48 candidates in groups of 10 to undertake an initial 8-week intensive program of study, plus on the job training components. This will enable light motor mechanics to attain Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical Technology (Diesel Fitter), with additional specific training applicable to the mining industry (confined spaces, HR truck driving, elevated platform) to be provided onsite in WA.

Lead Organisation: Edge Contracting Pty Ltd

Contact: 0400 860390

Project: Resources and Engineering Critical Skills Program

Seven employers in the resources and infrastructure sectors to train over 590 existing and new workers in Certificate II-III Resource Processing and Civil Construction and Certificate IV Training and Assessing and Frontline Management

Lead Organisation: Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance

Contact: 08 8212 6006

Project: Fenner Conveyor Training Project

Large employer project for 15 branches in WA, QLD, NSW, SA and NT to train over 160 new and existing workers in Certificate III Polymer Processing to manufacture conveyor belting.

Lead Organisation: Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Contact: 03 9680 4508

Project: AGGA Skills Enhancement

This project will train 46 existing workers in glazing, management, project management and sales qualifications in QLD, WA and NSW. The qualifications range from Certificate III to Diploma. The project will address skill shortages in key areas of the participating employer businesses, as identified in surveys and consultancy conducted by the Lead Organisation. The aim is to increase the business and project management skills of small glazing employers to enable them to be more competitive and manage projects more effectively within the construction industry.

Lead Organisation: Australian Glass & Glazing Assoc Inc

Contact: 03 9413 1310

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Strategic Mining And Resources Training (SMART) program

Three large resources employers will up-skill over 20 existing workers in WA, NSW, NT and SA with Certificates III and IV and a Training Package skill set.

Lead Organisation: Manufacturing Industry Skills Council

Contact: 02 9955 5500

Project: WesTrac Critical Skills

Large employer to up-skill 247 existing workers and train 73 new workers in Certificate IV-Advanced Diploma in Management, Training & Assessment, Auditing and OHS. It will move senior tradespeople into supervisor, mentor and specialist roles in the Goldfields in South West WA.

Lead Organisation: WesTrac Pty Ltd

Contact: 08 9377 9475

Project: Galaxy Resources Project

Large employer and sub-contractors in Ravensthorpe, Southern WA to up-skill around 50 existing workers in Certificate III-Diploma in nine qualifications including Surface Extraction, Management, Training & Assessment, Resource Processing and OHS.

Lead Organisation: Great Southern Employment Development Committee

Contact: 08 9842 9399

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with around 35 existing and 25 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955


Project: Enabling critical industries – supply chain skills, training

The project will train up to 300 new and existing workers small enterprises in QLD in the sector in Certificate III to Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing. Flexible training delivery to workers across metropolitan, rural and regional Australia involving a large number of partners will help enhance competitiveness of the sector which supplies the resources and construction sectors.

Lead Organisation: Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Ltd (AMTIL)

Contact: 03 9800 3666

Project: Mining Industry – Health and Safety Advisory

This project will enable up to 60 existing workers in QLD to be up-skilled in nationally-recognised qualifications in OHS. It will deliver fully contextualised training and assessment in the Certificate IV in OHS that also aligns to the national CRC Framework and assists the participating employers to implement their OHS management systems, as well as meet OFSC auditing requirements, legal and contractual safety obligations.

Lead Organisation: Mining Industry Skills Centre

Contact: 07 3872 8500

Project: QLD Business Sustainability Assessment Project

This project will deliver Certificate IV in Business Sustainability Assessment for the clean energy sector in QLD and small numbers in some other states, to over 120 existing workers and business owners and around 40 new workers. The training will allow workers to complete audits and report/make recommendations in the areas of energy, water, waste and building thermal performance.

Lead Organisation: The Trustee for the Kramer Family Trust

Contact: 07 3161 8146

Project: Training for Employers in N & NE Qld

Eight mining employers to employ 250 workers in Certificate III and Diploma in technical/ management qualifications in QLD.

Lead Organisation: Mining Industry Skills Centre

Contact: 07 3872 8500

Project: Operation VaQIR

One employer to train 24 workers in Certificate III Maritime Operations to support the offshore oil and gas industry spread across QLD and VIC.

Lead Organisation: METL (Maritime Employees Training Limited)

Contact: 02 9032 7604

Project: Drilling - Central Queensland

Targeting youth and mature age workers, a small resources company in Central QLD will train over 10 new workers and up-skill almost 30 existing workers in drilling and training and assessment.

Lead Organisation: SkillsDMC

Contact: 02 9299 3014

Project: AGGA Skills Enhancement

This project will train 46 existing workers in glazing, management, project management and sales qualifications in QLD, WA and NSW. The qualifications range from Certificate III to Diploma. The project will address skill shortages in key areas of the participating employer businesses, as identified in surveys and consultancy conducted by the Lead Organisation. The aim is to increase the business and project management skills of small glazing employers to enable them to be more competitive and manage projects more effectively within the construction industry.

Lead Organisation: Australian Glass & Glazing Assoc Inc

Contact: 03 9413 1310

Project: Santos Ltd EA – Critical Skills Agenda

Large employer to up-skill 65 existing workers in a rage of qualifications including Certificate II Pipeline Transmission, Certificate IV – Process Plant Technology, Training and Assessment and Engineering Mechanical in the Mining Industry. Located in remote areas of SA, QLD and NT.

Lead Organisation: Santos Limited

Contact: 08 8116 7124

Project: Closing the Spatial Technician Skill Gap

This project will involve up to 68 employers, up-skilling around 800 existing workers and 200 new workers in Certificates III and IV in Spatial Information Services and Surveying for the surveying/geospatial information industry in QLD.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: Fenner Conveyor Training Project

Large employer project for 15 Branches in WA, QLD, NSW, SA and NT to train over 160 new and existing workers in Certificate III Polymer Processing to manufacture conveyor belting.

Lead Organisation: Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Contact: 03 9680 4508

Project: Transport & Logistics Rail Operations

Three large employers to up-skill around 280 existing and new workers in Certificate II – IV in Rail Operations in regional QLD. The Certificate II in Transport and Logistics (Rail Operations) will deliver an entry level qualification to meet the needs of the Participating Employers (and indeed the rail industry) in the area of rolling stock and freight logistics. Successful completion of the Certificate II can lead workers into the Certificates III and IV in Rail Operations.

Lead Organisation: Rail Skills Australasia Limited

Contact: 0409 891 928

Project: Resources and Engineering Critical Skills Program

Seven employers in the resources and infrastructure sectors to train over 590 existing and new workers in Certificates II-III Resource Processing and Civil Construction and Certificate IV Training and Assessing and Frontline Management

Lead Organisation: Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance

Contact: 08 8212 6006

Project: Weir Minerals Australia – Workforce Development

Large employer to train up to 170 existing and new workers in Certificate III-IV Engineering Production, Competitive Manufacturing and Frontline Management in QLD and NSW.

Lead Organisation: Weir Minerals Multiflo and Weir Minerals Australia

Contact: 07 5449 3030

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

Project: Sunshine Coast Region Solar & Waste Water Training

15 small employers to up-skill around 25 existing and two new workers in Certificate II-IV for the renewable energy and domestic waste water management sectors in the Sunshine Coast region of QLD.

Lead Organisation: Sunshine Coast Council

Contact: 07 5475 7272

New South Wales
Project: Critical Skills Development in Civil Construction Local Government

This project aims to address critical skills shortages in selected regional councils in NSW by implementing training that is skills based, contextualised to local industry needs and nationally accredited – with a combination of classrooms, on the job, online, multimedia, trainer and workplace coach facilitation for around 160 existing and 26 new workers.

Lead Organisation: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (NSW Division)

Contact: 02 8267 3007

Project: Shenhua Watermark Training Project

75 existing worker to be trained in waste and recycling transport industry to receive Certificate IV Transport and Logistics in Gunnedah, NSW.

Lead Organisation: Charter HR

Contact: 02 88471300

Project: Painting and Decorating Industry Up-skilling

This is an up-skilling and RPL project for workers in over 200 small businesses within the painting and decorating industry in NSW.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: ‘On the Road Again’

15 existing worker to be trained in waste and recycling transport industry to receive Certificate IV Transport and Logistics.

Lead Organisation: Waste Contractors & Recyclers Assoc of NSW

Contact: 02 9604 7206

Project: Skilling the Hunter Valley Region

The project will up-skill 36 existing workers in Certificate IV Frontline Management, Certificate IV Training & Assessment and Diploma OHS in the resources and infrastructure sectors in the Hunter Valley of NSW.

Lead Organisation: Australian Minerals and Metals Association (AMMA)

Contact: 0407 636153

Project: AGGA Skills Enhancement

This project will train 46 existing workers in glazing, management, project management and sales qualifications in QLD, WA and NSW. The qualifications range from Certificate III to Diploma. The project will address skill shortages in key areas of the participating employer businesses, as identified in surveys and consultancy conducted by the Lead Organisation. The aim is to increase the business and project management skills of small glazing employers to enable them to be more competitive and manage projects more effectively within the construction industry.

Lead Organisation: Australian Glass & Glazing Assoc Inc

Contact: 03 94131310

Project: Fenner Conveyor Training Project

Large employer project for 15 Branches in WA, QLD, NSW, SA and NT to train over 160 new and existing workers in Certificate III Polymer Processing to manufacture conveyor belting.

Lead Organisation: Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Contact: 03 96804508

Project: Critical Skills Training – Building Industry

The project involves up-skilling existing workers for up to 50 employers in the ACT and regional NSW in Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) and the Diploma of Project Management qualification.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: Weir Minerals Australia – Workforce Development

Large employer to train up to 170 existing and new workers in Certificate III-IV Engineering Production, Competitive Manufacturing and Frontline Management in QLD and NSW.

Lead Organisation: Weir Minerals Multiflo and Weir Minerals Australia

Contact: 07 5449 3030

Project: ‘Clean Skin’

Two employers to train 28 existing and 12 new workers in Certificate II-IV Surface Extraction and Drilling in NSW with a mixture of RTO based and workplace based training.

Lead Organisation: COALPAC Pty Ltd

Contact: 07 3720 1555

Project: Rail infrastructure worker skill development

Large civil construction employer to train 8 existing workers in their national rail division in NSW – in Certificate II-III Rail Infrastructure for construction workers and leading hands, and Certificate IV Training & Assessment for supervisors and trainers.

Lead Organisation: Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council

Contact: 03 9604 7223

Project: Strategic Mining and Resources Training (SMART) program

Three large resources employers will up-skill over 20 existing workers in WA, NSW, NT and SA with Certificates III and IV and a Training Package skill set.

Lead Organisation: Manufacturing Industry Skills Council

Contact: 02 9955 5500

Project: Resources and Engineering Critical Skills Program

Seven employers in the resources and infrastructure sectors to train over 590 existing and new workers in Certificates II-III Resource Processing and Civil Construction and Certificate IV Training and Assessing and Frontline Management

Lead Organisation: Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance

Contact: 08 82126006

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

Project: Tasmanian Mining Project

Three employers in mining, civil construction and quarrying sectors in TAS will train over 550 mining and quarrying workers in a range of Underground Metalliferous Mining, Business and Training & Assessment qualifications, using RPL and on the job training.

Lead Organisation: SkillsDMC

Contact: 02 9299 3014

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

Australian Capital Territory
Project: Critical Skills Training – Building Industry

The project involves up-skilling existing workers for up to 50 employers in the ACT and regional NSW in Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) and the Diploma of Project Management qualification.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: Building for the Future

The project delivers up-skilling to 28 existing workers (26 mature) in Certificate IV Building and Construction (Building/Site Management/Contracts) and Certificate IV Frontline Management with Hindmarsh Constructions to develop pathways in the Company in the ACT. The aim is to support retention of workers by up-skilling to supervisor roles which will enable entry level positions to open up to support new workers in the future.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180


Project: Technical Officer Development Program

The Technical Officer Development Program is designed to increase the knowledge and experience in the water industry in VIC, gained through a structured program of work experience, business education and technical training. Training for around 38 existing and 27 new workers include Certificate III in Business, a Diploma in Engineering Technology and an Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology.

Lead Organisation: City West Water Limited

Contact: 03 9313 8318

Project: Construction and Property Services Training Initiative

This project will up-skill 125 existing trade labourers and training and placing 284 new workers in Certificates III and IV in trade qualifications, Building and Construction, and OHS for the construction sector in VIC.

Lead Organisation: Construction & Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC)

Contact: 02 6253 0002

Project: Operation VaQIR

One employer to train 24 workers in Certificate III Maritime operations to support the offshore oil and gas industry spread across QLD and VIC.

Lead Organisation: METL (Maritime Employees Training Limited)

Contact: 02 9032 7604

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

South Australia
Project: Civil Construction SA – Critical Skills

Five construction employers (metropolitan and regional) to train and up-skill 230 existing and new workers in Certificate III Civil Construction/Horticulture and Certificate IV Frontline Management, Training & Assessment and OHS for supervisors.

Lead Organisation: Work’n Oz

Contact: 0412 228 338

Project: Carbon Neutral Communities (CNC)

This project provides training for 78 existing workers in Certificate IV in Carbon management in the clean energy sector in SA. These learners will be educated in key sustainable products and services while introducing them to emerging technologies for the building and construction industry. The applicant has recently commenced a Carbon Neutral Communities program and is beginning to work with Councils and Sustainability Groups nationally to develop this program.

Lead Organisation: Energy Efficient Building Australia Pty Ltd

Contact: 08 8223 7400

Project: Sarah Leadership Development Program

This project will train 10 male and 2 female mature aged, existing workers in the construction industry in SA to become site supervisors and project managers and undertake a Diploma of Management and Certificate IV Frontline Management.

Lead Organisation: Sarah Constructions P/L

Contact: 08 7129 8820
Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955

Project: Strategic Mining And Resources Training (SMART) program

Three large resources employers will up-skill over 20 existing workers in WA, NSW, NT and SA with Certificates III and IV and a Training Package skill set.

Lead Organisation: Manufacturing Industry Skills Council

Contact: 02 9955 5500

Project: Fenner Conveyor Training Project

Large employer project for 15 Branches in WA, QLD, NSW, SA and NT to train over 160 new and existing workers in Certificate III Polymer Processing to manufacture conveyor belting.

Lead Organisation: Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Contact: 03 9680 4508

Project: Santos Ltd EA – Critical Skills Agenda

Large employer to up-skill 65 existing workers in a rage of qualifications including Certificate II Pipeline Transmission, Certificate IV – Process Plant Technology, Training and Assessment and Engineering Mechanical in the Mining Industry. Located in remote areas of SA, QLD and NT.

Lead Organisation: Santos Limited

Contact: 08 8116 7124

Project: Southern Adelaide and Fleurieu Civil Construction Alliance

This project provides training for 50 existing workers among 10 participating employers for qualifications at Certificates III and IV level. This is a competitive attempt to bring their workers up to speed with the required qualifications for SMEs in the region. The intention is to up-skill their existing workers through RPL and gap training in Civil Construction.

Lead Organisation: Regional Development Australia – Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Inc.

Contact: 08 8552 1557

Project: Workforce Development for Resources Sector Supervisors

Three resources sector employers will train over 50 supervisors in Certificate IV in Training & Assessment and Frontline Management in SA and WA. The project will enable the participating employers to conduct internal assessment and training on an ongoing basis and provide skilled workers to conduct these operations and provide an avenue to take on new workers in later phases.

Lead Organisation: Australian Minerals and Metals Association (AMMA)

Contact: 0407 636 153

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-Oz Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Northern Territory
Project: Australian Oil & Gas Community of Technical Best Practice

Four employers to up-skill over 180 existing workers and train around 110 new workers delivering Certificate II-IV qualifications and skills required for the operation of upstream oil and gas assets in WA and NT.

Lead Organisation: GE Oil and Gas

Contact: 08 6210 7479

Project: The Northern Maritime Career Development Program

This is an up-skilling project for a maritime construction and logistics company in Darwin to service the energy and resources sector in the NT. 65 Learners will be trained in a range of technical, management and safety qualifications from Skill Sets, Certificate II-IV to Diploma level.

Lead Organisation: The Trustee for Workboats Northern Australia Unit Trust

Contact: 08 89422691

Project: Strategic Mining And Resources Training (SMART) program

Three large resources employers will up-skill over 20 existing workers in WA, NSW, NT and SA with Certificates III and IV and a Training Package skill set.

Lead Organisation: Manufacturing Industry Skills Council

Contact: 02 9955 5500

Project: Resources and Engineering Critical Skills Program

Seven employers in the resources and infrastructure sectors to train over 590 existing and new workers in Certificate II-III Resource Processing and Civil Construction and Certificate IV Training and Assessing and Frontline Management

Lead Organisation: Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance

Contact: 08 8212 6006

Project: Fenner Conveyor Training Project

Large employer project for 15 Branches in WA, QLD, NSW, SA and NT to train over 160 new and existing workers in Certificate III Polymer Processing to manufacture conveyor belting.

Lead Organisation: Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Contact: 03 9680 4508

Project: Santos Ltd EA – Critical Skills Agenda

Large employer to up-skill 65 existing workers in a rage of qualifications including Certificate II Pipeline Transmission, Certificate IV – Process Plant Technology, Training and Assessment and Engineering Mechanical in the Mining Industry. Located in remote areas of SA, QLD and NT.

Lead Organisation: Santos Limited

Contact: 08 8116 7124

Project: Digital Reception Technology Training

This project provides training for over 150 mature age franchise technicians in every Australian state in Certificates II and III in Telecommunications Digital Reception Technology.

Lead Organisation: EE-OZ Training Standards

Contact: 02 6154 5180

Project: Think Skills Pathways

29 employers across Australia with 37 existing and 29 new workers will provide training in Certificate III Irrigation for the design, installation and maintenance of de-watering and dust suppression in mines, as well as water infrastructure.

Lead Organisation: Think Water

Contact: 07 3211 4955
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