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Fitzpatrick, R.W. (1999). Soil quality indicators for healthy catchments. In “Maintaining and improving soil quality within profitable farming systems”. Proceedings of Soil Management Strategic Planing Workshop, NSW Agriculture, Tocal, NSW, 21-22 April, 1999. p.11-16.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and D.J. Chittleborough (1999). Pedogenic processes: their impact on soil and water quality. Proceedings of the Australian Academy of Science symposium: “Fixing the foundations - the role of soil science in solving Australia’s crisis in land and water management.” Adelaide: 11-12 November 1999. pp.21-22; It is also available at: http://www.science.org.au/soilrep.htm PDF file: http://www.science.org.au/soils.pdf p.28-29.

  • Bruce, DA, Fitzpatrick, RW, Davies, PJ, Merry, RH, Spouncer, A. Langdon, J. Phillips (1999) Soil landscape quality assessment at catchment and regional scale. SICOM Spatial Information Day, July 26th, 2000, Adelaide Convention Centre.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1998). Soil Processes and Patterns in Spatial Soil Differentiation and Horizonation: An introduction to symposium 15. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 15; 4pp. CD-ROM.

  • Dowley A., R.W., Fitzpatrick, A. Cass and W. Besz. (1998). Measurement of redox potential (Eh) in periodically waterlogged viticultural soils. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 35; Summary: http://www.iuss.org/files/resumes_summaries_vol_ii_aout_1998_compressed.pdf p647

    Paper (CD-ROM) https://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/robert.fitzpatrick?dsn=directory.file;field=data;id=34916;m=view 10pp.

    1. Naidu R. and Fitzpatrick R.W. (1998). Changes in clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of soils during long-term farming at four contrasting sites in South Australia. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. . Symposium No. 16; 9pp. CD-ROM.

    2. Willett I., R.W. Fitzpatrick and W. Bond. (1998). Redox and moisture conditions in an Albaqualf-Haploxeralf toposequence and their relation to soil morphology and mineralogy. Proceedings of the International Soil Science Society Congress, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 15; 9pp. CD-ROM.

    3. Davies P., Bruce D., Fitzpatrick R., Cox J., Maschmedt D. and Bishop L. (1998). A GIS using remotely sensed data for prediction of soil waterlogging in southern Australia. Proceedings of 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia. July 1998.

    4. Davies P.J, D. Bruce, R.W. Fitzpatrick, J.W. Cox, D. Maschmedt and L. Bishop (1998). A GIS using remotely sensed data for identification of soil waterlogging in southern Australia. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 17; 8pp. (CD ROM).

    5. Fitzpatrick, R.W., J.W. Cox and J. Bourne. (1998). Soil indicators of catchment health: tools for property planning. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 37; 8pp. (CD ROM).

    6. Fritsch E, R.W., Fitzpatrick, A. Melfi J., A. J. Herbillon, and R. Boulet (1998). Soil features at toposequence scale for identifying structures, water flows and processes either past or present. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium 15; 7pp. CD-ROM.

    7. Gardner W. K., R. M. Norton, R.W. Fitzpatrick, J. Fawcett and M. Trethowan (1998). The Red Barren Project: when salt is not salt. Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, July 1998.

    8. Brouwer J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1998). Relations between soil macro-morphology and current soil hydrology in a toposequence in SE Australia. Proceedings 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26 August, 1998. Symposium No. 15; pp.9. CD-ROM.

    9. Lowe D.J., G.J. Churchman, R.H., Merry, R.W. Fitzpatrick, M.J. Sheard and W.H. Hudnall (1996). Holocene basaltic volcanogenic soils of the Mount Gambier area, South Australia. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Soils Conference 1996: Soil Science Raising the Profile. Volume 2 (ed. N. Uren) Oral papers p153-154, Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. Parkville.

    10. MacEwan R.J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). Pedological context for assessment of soil quality. In "Soil quality is in the hands of the land manager". (eds. R.J. MacEwan and R. Carter). Proceedings of an International Symposium on Advances in Soil Quality for Land Management: Science, Practice and Policy. 17-19 April, 1996, University of Ballarat, Victoria. p.10-16.

    11. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1996). Red, yellow and smelly black iron-rich features in soils: Indicators of salt-affected wetlands in southern Australia. Proceedings of the Balmoral Landcare Group “Red Barren Project” Conference and Field Inspection, Balmoral, Victoria, 3407, 8 July, 1996. p.12-17.

    12. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1996). Pedotechnology: Examples from Australia. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Soils Conference 1996: Soil Science Raising the Profile. Volume 2 (ed. N. Uren) Oral papers p.81-82, Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. Parkville.

    13. Fitzpatrick R.W. and I.D. Hollingsworth (1995). Towards a new classification of minesoils in Australia based on proposed amendments to Soil Taxonomy. Proceedings of the National cooperative soil survey conference. San Diego. California, July 10-14, 1995. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Washington D.C. p.87-97.

    14. Hollingsworth I.D., R. Naidu, J.W. Cox, and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Warren Reservoir Catchment Studies: Stream Gradient and Stream Water Salinity. Preprints of papers from Water Down Under '94 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Adelaide 21st-25th November, 1994. The Institution of Engineers, Australia. 11, National Circuit, Barton, ACT. p.127-132.

    15. Fitzpatrick, R.W., J.W. Cox, E., Fritsch, and I.D. Hollingsworth (1993). A soil-diagnostic key to the management of saline catchments in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Proceedings of the National Conference on Land Management for Dryland Salinity Control, La Trobe University, Bendigo 28 September - 1 October 1993). (ISBN 075064085X) p.98 - 107.

    16. Fitzpatrick R.W., E. R. Fritsch and P.G. Self (1993). Australia's unique saline acid sulphate soils associated with dryland salinity. (ed. R. Bush) Proceedings of the first National Conference on Acid Sulphate Soils Coolangatta, 24-25 June, 1993. p.41-56.

    17. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.J. Wright, M.A. Wells and R.J. Gilkes (1992). The formation and identification of iron oxyhydroxides in an Aquic Palexeralf on a hillslope with an altered soil water regime. (ed. J.M. Kimble); Proceedings Eighth International Soil Correlation Meeting, Louisiana and Texas, USA .(October 7-20, 1990). p. 123-157.

    18. Rovira A.D., D.K. Roget, S.M. Neate, K.R.J. Smettem, R.W. Fitzpatrick, N.J. McKenzie, J.C. Buckerfield and A. Simon (1992). The effect of conservation tillage practices on soil properties, earthworms, cereal root diseases and wheat yields. (eds. G. J. Hamilton, K.M. Howes and R. Attwater). Proc. 5th Australian Soil Conservation Conference, Perth, Australia. Vol. 4: p. 85-89.

    19. Naidu R., R.W. Fitzpatrick and W.H. Hudnall (1992). Chemistry of saline sulphidic soils with altered soil water regime in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. (eds. L. Monchareon, S Jantawat, I Kheoruenronne et al.). Proc. International Symposium on Strategies for Utilizing Salt Affected Lands, Bangkok, Thailand (February, 17-25 1992). p.477 - 489.

    20. Riley T.W., J.M. Fielke, and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1991). Relationship between soil condition and share performance. Proceedings International Summer Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1991. Paper No. 911066; 13p.

    21. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1991). Soil processes in salt-affected soils. Dryland Salinity Training Workshop: Murray Mallee, Upper South East, 16- 18 Sept 1991, Meningie SA, Proceedings. South Australia, Department of Agriculture, Adelaide SA, 1991, p54-68, 2 tables, 4 figs, 21 refs.

    22. Fitzpatrick R.W. and T.W. Riley (1990). Abrasive Soils in Australia: Mineralogical properties and classification. Transactions of the 14th International Soil Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August, 1990. Volume VII; p. 404-405.

    23. Riley T.W., J.M. Fielke, M.G. Slattery and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). Performance of shares in South Australian soils. Agricultural Engineering 1990, Toowoomba 11-14 November, 1990. The Institution of Engineers, Australia Preprints of Papers p. 112-117 (I.E. Aust. Publication No. 90/13).

    24. Naidu R., R.W. Fitzpatrick and R.J. Morrison (1990). Iron oxides in some highly weathered soils from Fiji, Solomon Islands and Western Samoa. Transactions of the 14th International Soil Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August, 1990. Vol. VII; p. 424.

    25. Riley T.W., J.M. Fielke, M.G. Slattery, B.G. Richards and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). Pressed and cast share comparison in abrasive soils. Proceedings the Summer Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Columbus, Ohio, June 1990. Paper no. 90-1044.; 9pp.

    26. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1989). Ferrihydrite and associated poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxides in weathering environments in the Southern Hemisphere: Observations on occurrence, genesis, properties and biomineralization. Proceedings 28th International Geological Congress. Washington D.C. July 9-19, 1989. Vol. 1 p. 491-492.

    27. Riley T.W., M.G. Slattery, J.M. Fielke, R.W. Fitzpatrick and M.J. Wright (1989). Performance of pressed, coated pressed and cast shares in abrasive soils. Proceedings Workshop on Tillage Systems, Rotations, Nutrition and Associated Cereal Diseases, S.A. Dept of Agriculture, March 1989. p. 2-3.

    28. Fitzpatrick R.W., B.G. Richards, P. Peter, P.J. Butterworth, J.Mc. Thompson, T.W. Riley and J.M. Fielke (1989). Highly Abrasive Soils and Ground Engaging Tool Performance. Proceedings of Workshop on Tillage Systems, Rotations, Nitrogen and Cereal Root Diseases, S.A. Dept of Agriculture, March 1989. p. 6-7.

    29. Riley T.W. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1989). The Relationship of Draft Force, Vertical Force and Wear Rates in Highly Abrasive Soils. Proceedings of Workshop on Tillage Systems, Rotations, Nitrogen and Cereal Root Diseases, S.A. Dept of Agriculture, March 1989. p. 8-9.

    30. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1989). Some future directions in the combined use of pedology and mineralo-chemistry in tropical regions with emphasis on iron compounds. In "Agricultural Development in the Pacific Islands in the 90's" (eds R. J. Haynes and R. Naidu). Proceedings of an international conference and workshop held in Suva, Fiji, 31 March to 7 April, 1989; (ISBN 0-477-03152-8; University of South Pacific). p. 196-218.

    31. Hawker L.C. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1989). Iron oxide mineralogy of placic horizons in podzols near George. Summaries of papers. Combined Congress SASCP, SAWSS, SSSA, Wild Coast Sun, Transkei.

    32. Milnes A.R., W.W. Emerson, B.G. Richards, R.W. Fitzpatrick and A.B. Armstrong (1988). The long-term stability of aste-rock dumps in the Ranger project area, Northern Territory, Australia. Proceedings of Environmental Workshop - Darwin 1988 Vol. II, p. 79-94. Australian Mining Industry Council, Dickson A.C.T.

    33. Loock A.H., R.W. Fitzpatrick, M.B. Schneider and H.C.H. Hahne (1983). Distribution of liming resources in relation to acid soils in South Africa. Map (1:1,500,000) SIRI Map Reg. NR 12231.

    34. Schwertmann U, DG Schulze, RW Fitzpatrick, N Kampf and E Murad (1982). Lateritisation processes. Proceedings of the II International Seminar on Lateritisation Processes held in São Paulo, Brazil, July 4-12. Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico, University of São Paulo-Brazil. p. 65

    35. de Villiers J.M., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R.R. Maud, T.C. Partridge and F. Netterberg (1982). Soil-landscape relationships in sub-equatorial Africa. Transactions 12th International Soil Sci. Soc. Cong. New Delhi, India. p. 160-161.

    36. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1982). Clay mineral studies in South Africa and its application to ceramic raw materials. Proc. of S. African Ceramic Society 14th Annual Symposium. p. 1-8.

    37. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1980). The role of soil weathering in the generation of salt within a catchment. Proc. Workshop on Understanding Mineralization Processes; National Institute for Water Research (CSIR) and The Water Research Commission, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria. p. 35-43.

    38. Schwertmann, U., Fitzpatrick, R., and Taylor, R. 1978. Influence of aluminium on iron oxides, 1. Natural and synthetic hematites. Proceedings of the 11th International Society of Soil Science Congress. (Edmonton, Canada: 1978) Abstracts for Commission Papers: International Society of Soil Science: 1: 177.

    39. Schwertmann U., R.W. Fitzpatrick and J. Le Roux (1976). Iron oxides in soils: Crystallinity and environmental conditions. Proc. U.S.-Japan Intern. Seminar, Oregon State University, p. 12-13.

    40. Fitzpatrick R.W. and J. Le Roux (1975). Mineralo-chemical studies on titaniferous red soils of varying base status and structure. In M.E. Sumner (ed.). Proc Soil Sci. Soc. S. Africa 6th Congr., Pretoria. South Africa. p. 344-375.

    41. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1973). A reconnaissance of representative soil patterns in the Southeastern Transvaal. Proc. 5th Biennial Soil Sci. Soc. S.Afr. Cong., Salisbury, Rhodesia. p.9-18.

    42. Fitzpatrick R.W., D.P. Turner, A. Cass and M.E. Sumner (1971). Reclamation of some sodic soils by the high salt water dilution method. Proc. 45th Ann. Congress S.Afr. Sugar Techn. Association. p. 1-10.

    Consulting Reports

    1. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2018). Analyses of five control soil samples relating to a NSW Police Homicide Investigation: Code named SF Flaggy. (NSW Police Event No E45169336). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_187b. 26th March, 2018. 47pp.

    2. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2017). Analyses of nine questioned soil samples relating to a NSW Police Homicide Investigation: Code named SF Flaggy. (NSW Police Event No E45169336). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_187. 8th June, 2017. 74pp.

    3. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2016). Analyses of nine questioned soil samples on a vehicle, three control samples from a quarry and two reference finger print powders relating to a missing person investigation by Queensland Police Service (Operation North Meteor). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_145. 1st February, 2016. 71pp.

    4. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2016). Analyses of two questioned soil samples from the rear mud guards of a vehicle, six control soil samples along roadways and two alibi soil samples along driveways relating to a murder investigation by Queensland Police Service. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_149. 22nd February, 2016. 62pp.

    5. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2016). Analyses of five questioned soil samples from a shovel, mattock and boots, and one control soil sample collected from a previously dug “grave site” relating to an attempt murder investigation near Turtons Creek by Victoria Police (Case No 055204/145) Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_152. 21st March, 2016. 42pp.

    6. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2016). Forensic Soil Investigations in the matter of the “Trial of DPP v JONAS BLACK”: Request to provide DPP with additional information resulting from the Pre Trial hearing in the Supreme Court of Victoria on 6th June, 2016. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_152 Supplementary Report. 9th June, 2016. 45pp.

    7. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2016). Analyses of soil samples relating to a suspicious disappearance – suspected murder in the Northern Territory (NT Police - Forensic Science Branch Case # 131320. PROMIS Case # 5870951. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_125. 20th April, 2014. XXpp.

    8. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). Analyses of 7 soil samples relating to a cannabis crop investigation by South Australia Police: Aggravated Serious Criminal Trespass case (Operation Triumph). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_131. 4th April, 2015. 62pp.

    9. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). Analyses of one soil sample comprising 5 particles on shoes relating to Operation Hawarden / Bocari. (AFP Forensic Case No 5767130). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_143. 15th July, 2015. 37pp.

    10. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). Quantitative X-ray diffraction analyses of: (a) match-heads from Redheads safety matches, (b) sucrose of caster sugar, (c) known mixtures of match-head and sucrose in ratios 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and (d) five questioned samples to determine the ratios of match-head and sucrose. (Australian Federal Police Forensic Case No 5794630). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_147. 13th July, 2015. 33pp

    11. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). Analyses of four questioned soil samples on a pyjama top and fourteen control samples from the Onkaparinga river region relating to the Louis Bell investigation by SAPOL. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_138. 4th September, 2015. 116pp

    12. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). Response to the defence expert report by Dr. Duncan B Gilmore, engineering scientist, dated 20 July 2015 (NSW Police Case No E46791278). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_100-Sub. 4th September, 2015. 70pp

    13. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2013). Sampling and analyses of 6 soil samples relating to a burglary investigation by Victoria Police. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_072. 20th June, 2013. 69pp.

    14. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2013). Analyses of ten (10) brick-like fragments relating to a forensic investigation of materials used to construct false bottoms of furniture (AFP Lab Case #. L1203470) Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_116. 8th August, 2013. 75pp.

    15. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2013). Analyses of four (4) soil materials on shoes relating to Operation ALDRETH. AFP (Forensic Case # L1301863) Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_123. 20th August, 2013. 43pp.

    16. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2013). Sampling and analyses of 17 soil samples relating to a murder investigation by Victoria Police named Operation Guilder. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_088. 15th November, 2013. 111pp.

    17. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Self (2013). Sampling and analyses of 31 and associated samples relating to the murder investigation of Edward Joseph CAMILLERI near Two Wells, SA. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_095. 17th May, 2013. 80pp.

    18. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Self (2012). Sampling and analyses of 12 soil samples relating to an armed robbery offence committed on the Pacific Highway, Bulahdelah Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_094. 6th February, 2012. 86pp.

    19. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Self (2012). Sampling and analyses of 18 soil samples relating to a murder investigation by WA Police named Operation ONYX. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_096. 16th March, 2012. 107pp.

    20. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2012). Origin and management of Acid Sulfate Soils in a re-excavated swimming pool site and adjacent mound of stockpiled soil in Campbelltown, NSW. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science. Report No. CAFSS_079 (Version 4). 29th June, 2012. 65pp.

    21. Fitzpatrick, R.W. (2012). Sampling and analyses of 3 soil samples and corrosion products from 2 metal objects relating to a sexual assault investigation by NSW Police (Case No. E46791278). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_100. 3rd December, 2012. 49pp.

    22. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Self (2011). Detailed mineralogical characterization of small brick and soil fragments (<0.5mm diameter) by Synchrotron X-ray diffraction analyses for further forensic comparisons relating to Operation Dargan. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_080. 27 May 2011. 116pp.

    23. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Forrester (2011). Investigation of three soil profiles from the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) in Afghanistan for work associated with the detection of buried landmines and Improvised Explosive Devices. Report for DSTO. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_044. 15th February 2011. 49pp.

    24. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and P Self (2011). Investigation of five soil profiles from Woomera and Port Wakefield, South Australia associated with the detection of buried landmines and Improvised Explosive Devices. Report for DSTO. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_058. February 2011. 45pp.

    25. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Forrester (2011). Investigation to determine if soil collected from foot-ware (thongs) submitted by AFP contain soil materials that may establish whether suspect has travelled to Somalia and/or Kenya (AFP: 02-0002-0000631B1; Case No. 3873765 seizure/exhibit; Seizure No 3182593/001). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_066. 27th January 2011. 32pp.

    26. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and Forrester (2011). Investigation to determine if two samples submitted by Tasmania Police contain bone fragments and, if present, ascertain if the bone fragments have been subjected to high temperatures (Tasmania Police Case No 413922). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_083. 25th March 2011. 37pp.

    27. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2010). Investigation to determine if soil collected from clothing and shoes (runners) submitted by the Victorian Police contain soil materials that are comparable with a soil sample from the crime scene (Case and sample numbers: CAFSS_056; VFSC No 5315/089). Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science Restricted Client Report No. CAFSS_056. February 2010. 33pp.

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