Curriculum Vitae 1/1/2018

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Promotion/Tenure Reviews

2013 University of Salzburg, Vienna, Department of Psychology (Habilitation/Full Professor)

2012 Hunter College, Department of Psychology (Full Professor)

2012 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Associate Professor)

2011 Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Psychology (Associate Professor with tenure)

2011 Northern Illinois University, Department Psychology (Full Professor)

2011 Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (Associate Professor)

2010 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Department of Psychology (Full Professor)

2010 Ohio State University (Associate Professor)

2009 Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry (Full Professor)

2009 University Albany, SUNY, Department of Psychology (Associate Professor with tenure)

2009 Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry (Associate Professor)

2008 Tulane University, Department of Psychology (Associate Professor with tenure)

2007 Freie Universität Berlin, Psychologie (Habilitation von Frau Dr. Fehm)

2007 Northern Illinois University, Department Psychology (Associate Professor with tenure)

2005 University of Cincinnati, Department of Psychology (Associate Professor with tenure)

2004 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Department of Psychiatry (Associate Professor with tenure)

2004 University of Vermont (Associate Professor with tenure)

2004 Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry (Associate Professor)

Service to Profession
2012 ADAA Scientific Council Member Selection Committee
2009-2010 Local arrangement chair and congress co-organizer,

World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,

Boston, MA held in June 2-5, 2010
2008-2013 Advisor to the DSM-5 Development Process (Social Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia, and Panic Disorder);

Member, DSM-5 Anxiety Disorders Sub-Work Group

Reviewer of the 2009 Career Development Travel Awards for the Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Ad hoc reviewer for PAR “Building Translational Research and Integrated Behavioral Science” (first reviewer).
2003 Program committee member, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
1998 Member of the panel of evaluators for “Current Drugs”
1996 - 2005 Research Consultant for the Groden Center, Providence, RI

(inpatient clinic for individuals with autism).

Services to Boston University
2015/16 Academic Promotion and Tenure Committee

2001-2013 Chair, Academic Conduct Committee

2010 Member, Developmental Science Search Committee

2000-2010 Advisor of Premedical Students

2000-2002 Member of the Institutional Review Board (Charles River Campus)

1999-2001 Chair, Clinical Colloquium Series

2010-2011 Member, Developmental Psychology Faculty Search Committee

Since 2006 Chairman, Academic Conduct Committee

Since 2006 Advisor for premedical students

    1. Board Member, Charles River Campus Institutional Review Board

    1. Board Member, Academic Conduct Committee

    1. Chair of the Clinical Colloquium Series


Spring, 1998 Psychosocial Interventions and Research (graduate seminar, 5 students).

Summer, 1998 Dissertation Workshop (graduate seminar, 7 students)

Fall, 1999 General Psychology (lecture, 83 students)

Spring, 2000 Empirically-Supported Treatments of Psychological

Disorders (graduate seminar, 17 students)

Fall, 2000 General Psychology (lecture, 74 students)

Spring, 2001 Empirically-Supported Treatments of Psychological

Disorders (graduate seminar, 15 students)

Fall, 2001 General Psychology (lecture, 148 students)

Spring, 2002 Empirically-Supported Treatments of Psychological

Disorders (graduate seminar, 17 students),

Topics in Clinical Psychology (lecture, 43 students)

Fall, 2002 General Psychology (lecture, 150 students),

Topics in Clinical Psychology (lecture, 24 students)

Spring, 2003 Empirically-Supported Treatments of Psychological

Disorders (graduate seminar, 24 students),

Topics in Clinical Psychology (lecture, 20 students)

Fall, 2003 General Psychology (lecture, 153 students), Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 10 students)

Spring, 2004 General Psychology (lecture, 161 students), Empirically-Supported Treatments of Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 21 students)

Summer, 2004 General Psychology (lecture, 29 students).

Fall, 2004 General Psychology (lecture, 151 students), Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 15 students)

Spring, 2005 General Psychology (lecture, 102 students), Empirically- Supported Treatments of Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 18 students)

Fall, 2005 General Psychology (lecture, 204 students), Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 9 students)

Spring, 2006 Sabbatical

Fall, 2006 General Psychology (lecture, 204 students), Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 10 students)

Spring, 2007 General Psychology (lecture, 100 students), Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 17 students)

Fall, 2007 General Psychology (lecture, 201 students).

Spring, 2008 Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 10 students)

Fall, 2008 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2009 Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 4 students)

Fall, 2009 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2010 Empirically Supported Treatments of Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 18 students)

Fall, 2010 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2011 Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Shyness (graduate seminar, 10 students)

Fall, 2011 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2012 General Psychology (lecture, 100 students).

Empirically Supported Treatments for Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 14 students).

Fall, 2012 General Psychology (lecture, 199 students).

Spring, 2013 General Psychology (lecture, 98 students).

Empirically Supported Treatments for Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 19 students).

Fall, 2013 Sabbatical

Spring, 2014 Sabbatical

Fall, 2014 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2015 Empirically Supported Treatments for Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 17 students).

Fall, 2015 General Psychology (lecture, 200 students).

Spring, 2016 Empirically Supported Treatments for Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 9 students).

Fall, 2016 General Psychology (lecture, 189 students).

Spring, 2017 Empirically Supported Treatments for Psychological Disorders (graduate seminar, 17 students).

Ph.D. Supervision
Jessica Goldstein, 1998: Resiliency in survivors of sexual abuse (chair).

Karestan Koenen, 1999: The comorbidity of PTSD and antisocial personality disorder: An epidemiological and genetic study (chair).

Cassandra Lehman, 2000: Effects of alcohol consumption on laboratory-induced panic in patients with panic disorder: The role of alcohol outcome expectancy.

Jeffrey Wincze, 2001: The role of under-inclusion in the etiology of compulsive hoarding behavior.

Rebecca Harley, 2001: A twin study on schizotypy: The psychosis-proneness scales and its correlates.

Amy K. Bach, 2002: The enhancing effects of manualized treatment for erectile dysfunction among men using Sildenafil: A preliminary investigation (third reader).

Monica Strauss, 2002. A cognitive neuroscience study of stress and motivation (third reader)

Robb O. Stanley, 2002 Emotional processes and cortical localization in panic disorder (external evaluator for the University of Melbourne, Australia).

Laura Campbell, 2003. The relevance of emotion regulatory processes to anxiety and mood disorders (chair).

Brian Ostafin, 2003. Affective learning and alcohol consumption: Correlates of risk and causes of change (third reader).

Jason Fogler, 2004 Social Anxiety and Social Support: Influence of Expressed Emotion, Perceived Criticism, and Comorbid Depression on Outcome in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (second reader).

Lissa Davis, 2004 Mindfulness and affect exposure in treatment for depression(second reader)

David Moscovitch, 2005 Perceived Standards in Social Phobia (first reader).

Hyo-Jin Kim, 2005 Information processing bias in hoarders (first reader)

Lisa Scepkovsky, 2005 Anorgasmia in women (first reader)

Jill Stoddard, 2006 Development and single case experimental evaluation of a 8 –day 6-session intensive cognitive behavioral treatment for social phobia (first reader)

Dr. Lydia Fehm, 2007 Soziale Phobie – Epidemiologie, cognitive Aspekte, d Bühnenangst al seine spezifische Form sozialer Ängste. External evaluator of a Habilitation for the University of Berlin.

Charles Taylor, 2007 Better safe than sorry? An Examination of safety behaviour reduction interventions in social anxiety disorders. (external evaluator for the University of British Columbia, Canada).

Amy Allen, 2007 Exposure to carbon dioxide enriched air for panic disorder with agoraphobia: An exploration of clinical utility (second reader).

Laura Allen, 2007 Effects of emotion regulation skills on clinically relevant and irrelevant emotional cues in obsessive-compulsive disorder (fourth reader).

Lissa Davis, 2008 The Effect of treatment for principal anxiety disorders on comorbid Axis I disorders (fourth reader).

Markus Wiegel, 2008 Adult women who sexually abuse minors: Description and assessment instrument validation (fourth reader).

Stella Bitran, 2008 The effect of affect on cognitions in social anxiety disorder (first reader).

Anke Seidel, 2009 Examining multidimensional change during in-vivo exposure in panic disorder (external evaluator)

Susanne Heering, 2009 Effect of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Autonomic Arousal (external evaluator, University of Hamburg)

Michael Suvak, 2009 A multi-method investigation of affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder (first reader)

Maria Steenkamp, 2010 Trajectories of early adjustment to sexual assault (first reader)

Julia Langton, 2010 The role NMDA receptors in extinction and re-extinction (external evaluator, University of New South Wales)

Yael Perry, 2010 A multimodal investigation of emotion regulation in schizophrenia (external evaluator, University of New South Wales)

Cassidy Gutner, 2011: Effects of augmentation agents on emotional consolidation and subliminal cue exposure to fear-relevant stimuli (first reader).

Grant: 2014-2019      

NIMH K23 MH103396-01A1.  PI: Gutner.  

Effectiveness of a unified transdiagnostic treatment in routine clinical care.   

The purpose of this study is to utilze a hybrid effectiveness/pre-implementation design to (1) examine the feasibility, acceptability, and tolerability study of the Unified Protocol (UP) in Veterans with diverse psychiatric and medical comorbidity; and (2) to  determine the feasibility, acceptability, perceived fit and satisfaction of the UP in the VA.

Judith Stern, 2012 Evaluation of a yoga intervention for music performance anxiety in conservatory students: A pilot study (first reader).

Benjamin Dickstein, 2012 Predictors of post-deployment mental healthcare utilization among active duty marines (first reader).

Christopher Fairholm, 2012 An initial test of the multidimensional model of emotion regulation (second reader)

Samantha Moshier Cognitive control training as an adjunct to behavioral activation therapy in the treatment of depression (prospectus approved)

Martin Wolgast, 2012 Acceptance and cognitive restructuring: Analyses and comparisons from an emotion regulation perspective (Opponent; Department of Psychology, Lund University, Sweden).

Anu Asnaani, 2012 The effects of approach-avoidance modification on social anxiety disorder (first reader).

Alice Sawyer, 2013 Attention retraining in social anxiety disorder: An fMRI study (first reader).

Angela Fang, 2013 Effect of intranasal oxytocin on pro-social behavior in social anxiety disorder (first reader).

Grant: 2016- (Pending) 

NIMH K23 MH109593-01A1. PI: Fang

Brain correlates of self-focused processing as a biomarker of treatment response.

This study aims to examine the brain correlates of self-focused processing in the default mode network, and their relation to treatment response after 12-weeks of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

Sandra L. Ladd, 2014 Psychophysiological and behavioral evidence for an affective implicit priming mechanism (third reader).

Samatha Moshier, 2015 Cognitive control training as an adjunct to behavioral activation therapy in the treatment of depression (second reader).

Philip Enock, 2015 Making an IMPACT: Designing and testing a novel attentional training game to reduce social anxiety (third reader). External evaluator for a doctoral thesis of psychology at Harvard.

Jamie Gauthier, 2015 Developed and graded qualifying exam questions for BU’s Brain Behavior Cognition program (Professor Kat Kantak’s student).

Lauren Wadsworth, 2015 Perceived external control as a key transdiagnostic cognitive process in anxiety disorders (third reader; U Mass Boston).

Teresa Au, 2015 Compassion-based therapy for trauma-related shame and posttraumatic stress: Initial evaluation using a multiple baseline design (fifth reader)

Jacqueline Bullis, 2016 Temporal patterns of sleep disturbance, anxiety, and depressed mood in generalized anxiety disorder (second reader)

Nicole Wiggert, 2016 Behavioral and neural reactivity to social-evaluative video clips: Implications for fear-of-evaluation-models of social anxiety (second reader). University of Salzburg, Austria.

Work for Distinction Adviser
Lisa James, 1999: Focus of attention in individuals with social phobia

Joel Mirkin, 2000: Cross cultural anxiety and its existing nosology

Steven Ellis, 2003 Social anxiety, harm avoidance, and heart rate

Neil Dion, 2004 An investigation of differences in cardiac function and autonomic regulatory abnormalities in perpetrators of domestic violence in close relationships.

Seung Mi Oh, 2004 Change in social anxiety behaviors after

Larissa Cucurrulo, 2004 Face processing in social phobia

Tina Chou, 2009 Racial discrimination and lifetime prevalence rates of mood and anxiety disorders in African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians in the U.S.

Christina Zinna, 2009 Blushing, the human phenomenon, and alcohol as a mediating factor for a manifestation of social phobia

Zachary Mardoc, 2009 Lifetime Treatment-Seeking amongst Americans with Mood Disorders: Results from the NCS-R.

Philippa Moore, 2010 An investigation into the verbal appeasement behaviors of people with social anxiety disorder.

Sheina Godovich, 2014 The effect of attention biases on episodic future simulations in generalized anxiety disorder (Kilichand Honors College Keystone)

Hope Turner, 2015 The benefits and deficits of humor: Examining emotion regulation and coping strategies as mediators of the relationship between humor style and well-being.

Priyanka Alluri, 2017 The immediate effect of mindfulness meditation on respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Directed Study Adviser
Spring 1999 Richard Davis, Lisa James (work for distinction)

Fall 1999 Jason Peer

Fall 2000: Beatrice Sersea, Patricia Moy, Dialma Miranda

Spring 2001: Emily Brandt, Isabel Butrymowicz

Spring 2002: Courtney Apgar, Jennifer Carey, Samir Khalidy

Fall 2003: Alexis Schmiedigen, Neil Dion (work for distinction)

Spring 2004: Alexis Schmiedigen, Neil Dion (work for distinction)

Fall 2004: Micah Brosbe, Andrew Camp (work for disctinction)

Spring 2005: Nicholas Carde, Chis-Fang Hsieh, Micah Brosbe, Andrew Camp (work for distinction)

Fall 2005: Julie Groveman

Spring 2006: Erica Pockell

Fall 2006: Brittany Remmert

Spring 2007: Allison Hartl, Kristina Korte, Kseniya Tuchinskaya

Fall 2007: Paola Chaniewics,

Spring 2008: Ruta Dimaite, Margo Gunderson, Michael Zaramba

Fall 2008: Tina Chou, Zachary Mardoc, Christina Zinna (all work for distinction)

Spring 2009: Zachary Mardoc, Christina Zinna (all work for distinction), Diana Oh

Summer 2009: Jonathan Lopez (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program)

Fall 2009 Christina Barry, David Friedlander, Anjali Rastogi

Spring 2010: Cassandra Aasmundson, Alexandra Dick, Zeynep Kardicali, Marla Rowland, Christina Barry, Ashley Brown, Anjali Rastogi, Philippa Moore (work for distinction).

Spring 2011: Danielle Cooper, Maria Garcia Senent, Debanjali Ghosh, Lindsey Ong, Myles Rizvi, Hannah Simkins

Spring 2013 Carolyn Caine, Meredith Schreier, James Steinberger

Fall 2013 Sabbatical

Spring 2014 Sabbatical

Fall 2014 Ellen Carmody, Hope Turner

Spring 2015 Amruta Houde, Liora Sitelman, Hope Turner

Spring 2016 Annika Benz, Johann D’Souza

Summer, 2016 Seung Rim “Mimi” Yoo (RISE student), Talia Blumhofe (high school student)

Fall, 2016 Priyanka Alluri

Spring, 2017 Priyanka AlluriPublications

Books (Authored)

  1. Hofmann S. G. & Otto, M. W. (2008). Cognitive-behavior therapy of social anxiety disorder: Evidence-based and disorder specific treatment techniques. New York, NY: Routledge. So far, translated in German, Japanese, and Spanish.

  2. Ettinger, R. H. & Hofmann, S. G. (2011). Understanding psychology (fourth edition). Redding, CA: BVT Publishing.

  3. Hofmann, S. G. (2011). An introduction to modern CBT: Psychological solutions to mental health problems. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. So far, translated into German, Japanese, Mandarin, and Portuguese.

  4. Hofmann, S. G. (2016). Emotion in therapy: From science to practice. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

  5. Hofmann, S. G. & Doan, S. N. (in progress). The social world of emotions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Due date: October 29, 2015.

  6. Barlow, D. H., Durand, V. M., & Hofmann, S. G. (2017). Abnormal psychology: An Integrative apporach (8th edition). Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Books (Edited)

  1. Hofmann, S. G. & DiBartolo, P. M. (Eds.) (2001). From social anxiety to social phobia: Multiple perspectives. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

  2. Hofmann, S. G. & Tompson, M. C. (Eds.) (2002). Treating chronic and severe mental disorders: A handbook of empirically supported interventions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

  3. Hofmann, S. G. & Weinberger, J. (Eds.) (2007). The art and science of psychotherapy. New York, NY: Routledge.

  4. Otto, M. W. & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.) (2010). Avoiding treatment failures in the anxiety disorders. New York, NY: Springer Publications.

  5. Hofmann, S. G., & DiBartolo, P. M. (Eds.) (2010). Social anxiety: Clinical, developmental, and social perspectives (second edition). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier/Academic Press.

  6. Hofmann, S. G. & Reinecke, M. A. (Eds.) (2010). Cognitive–behavioral therapy with adults: A guide for assessment, conceptualization, and intervention. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

  7. Hofmann, S. G. (2012) (Ed.). Psychobiological approaches for anxiety disorders: Treatment combination strategies. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

  8. Simos, G. & Hofmann, S. G. (2013) (Eds.). CBT for anxiety disorders: A Practitioner Book. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

  9. Hofmann, S. G. (2014) (Ed.). The Wiley handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy. Volumes I-III. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Hofmann, S. G., & DiBartolo, P. M. (Eds.) (2014). Social anxiety: Clinical, developmental, and social perspectives (third edition). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier/Academic Press.

  11. Hofmann, S. G. (Ed.) (2017). Clinical psychology: A global perspective. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

  12. Hofmann, S. G. (Ed.) (2017). International perspectives on psychotherapy. New York: Springer Nature.

  13. Hofmann, S. G. & Asmundson, G. A.(Eds.). (2017). The science of cognitive behavioral therapy. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Elsevier/Academic Press.

  14. Hayes, S. C. & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.) (2017). Process-based CBT: The science and core clinical competencies of cognitive behavioral therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

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