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Electrosynthesis and Characterization of CdSe Thin Films: Optimization of Preparative Parameters By Photoelectrochemical Technique.

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale.

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 67 (2006) 2386.

Effect of substrate temperature on properties of spray deposited CdIn2Se4 thin films.

V.M.Nikale, U.B. Suryawanshi and C. H. Bhosale

Materials Science & Engineering B. 134 (2006) 94-98.

Effect of substrate temperature on properties of spray deposited semiconducting CdIn2S4 thin films

R.R. Sawant, C.H. Bhosale, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 44 (2006) 741.

Influence of pH on electrochemically deposited CdSe Thin Films.

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, C.H. Bhosale

Materials Letters. 61 (2007) 1034-1038.

Effect of precursor to solvent ratio in spraying solution on the properties of highly oriented spray deposited fluorine doped tin oxide thin films

A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale

Materials Letters, 61 (2007) 3030.


Electrosynthesis and characterization of iron selenide thin films

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, U.B. Suryavanshi, K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91(2007) 560-565.


Effect of substrate temperature on properties of spray deposited CdIn2S4 thin films, R. R. Sawant, K. Y. Rajpure and C. H. Bhosale, Physica B 393 ( 2007) 249.


Effect of concentration of SnCl4 on sprayed fluorine

doped tin oxide thin films

A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 455 (2008) 440


Photoelectrochemical properties of spray deposited n-ZnIn2Se4 thin films
S.P. Yadav, P.S. Shinde, K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,  92 (2008) 453-456


Spray deposition of highly transparent fluorine doped cadmium oxide thin films

R.J. Deokate, S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, V.S. Sawant, C.A. Pawar, C.H. Bhosale and K.Y. Rajpure

Applied Surface Science,  254 (2008) 2187-2195


Photoelectrochemical investigations on electrochemically deposited CdSe and Fe-doped CdSe thin films

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 92 (2008) 45-49


Photoelectrochemical and physical properties of spray deposited titanium oxide thin films

P.S. Shinde, S.B. Sadale, P.S. Patil, P.N. Bhosale, , A. Brüger, M. Neumann-Spallart, C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 92(2008) 283-290


Properties of chemical vapour deposited nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films and their use in dye sensitized solar cells,

P.S. Shinde and C.H. Bhosale,

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 82 (2008) 83-88


Concentration dependent properties of spray deposited TiO2 thin films

P.S. Shinde, P.S. Patil, P.N. Bhosale and C.H. Bhosale,

Journal of American Ceramic Society, 91 (2008) 1266.


Properties of highly oriented spray-deposited fluorine-doped tin oxide thin films on glass substrates of different thickness

A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, P.S. Patil, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 68, Issue 10, October 2007, Pages 1981-1988


Electrical and optical properties of Bi2S3 thin films deposited by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method

A.U. Ubale, A.S. Daryapurkar, R.B. Mankar, R.R. Raut, V.S. Sangawar, and C.H. Bhosale,

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 110 (2008) 180-185


Preparation and properties of spray-deposited ZnIn2Se4 nanocrystalline thin films
S.P. Yadav, P.S. Shinde, K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69 (2008) 1747–1752


Physical properties of transparent and conducting sprayed fluorine doped zinc oxide thin films

S.S. Shinde, P.S. Shinde, S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, C.H. Bhosale and K.Y. Rajpure

Solid State Sciences, 10 (2008) 1209


Optoelectronic properties of sprayed transparent and conducting indium doped zinc oxide thin films

S.S. Shinde, P.S. Shinde, C.H. Bhosale and K.Y. Rajpure

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41 (2008) 105109

101. Effect of precursor concentration on the properties of ITO thin films,

A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, V. Ganesan, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 464 (2008) 387

102. Solvent-dependent growth of sprayed FTO thin films with mat-like


A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, Saleh N. Almari, P.S. Patil,

C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 92 (2008) 1439

103. Gallium doping in transparent conductive ZnO thin films prepared by

chemical spray pyrolysis

A R Babar, P R Deshamukh, R J Deokate, D Haranath, C H Bhosale and

K Y Rajpure

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135404
104. Room temperature electrocrystallization of CdSe thin films from ethylene

glycol bath

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, P.S. Shinde, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 459 (2008) 515

105. Gas Sensing of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Spray

Pyrolysis Gas Sensing of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared

by Spray Pyrolysis

A. A. Yadav, E. U. Masumdar, A. V. Moholkar, K. Y. Rajpure, C. H.


Sensors & Transducers Journal, 92 (2008) 55

106. UVA and solar light assisted photoelectrocatalytic degradation of AO7

dye in water using spray deposited TiO2 thin films

P.S. Shinde, P.S. Patil, P.N. Bhosale, A. Bruger , G. Nauer, M. Neumann-

Spallart, C.H. Bhosale

Applied Catalysis B : Environmental 89(2009)288-294
107. Structural and magnetic properties of Co1-xMnxFe2O4 (0 ≤x ≤ 0.4) spinel

ferrites synthesized by combustion route

R.C. Kambale, P.A. Shaikh, N.S. Harale, V.A. Bilur, Y.D. Kolekar, C.H.

Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 490 (2010) 568.
108. Studies on magnetic, dielectric and magnetoelectric behavior of (x)

NiFe1.9Mn0.1O4 and (1 − x) BaZr0.08Ti0.92O3 magnetoelectric


R.C. Kambale, P.A. Shaikh, C.H. Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure, Y.D. Kolekar

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 489 (2010) 310.
109. Effect of fluorine doping on highly transparent conductive spray deposited

nanocrystalline tin oxide thin films

A.V. Moholkar, S.M. Pawar, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale, J.H. Kim

Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 9358

110. Fabrication of Fe:CdSe solar rechargeable (semiconductor–septum)

storage cells

S.M. Pawar, A.V. Moholkar, K.Y. Rajpure, J.H. Kim, C.D. Lokhande,

C.H. Bhosale

Current Applied Physics, 9 (2009) 1122
111. Electrical, structural and optical properties of SnO2:F thin films: Effect of

the substrate temperature

A.A. Yadav, E.U. Masumdar, A.V. Moholkar, M. Neumann-Spallart, K.Y.

Rajpure, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 488 (2010) 350
112. Effect of quantity of spraying solution on the properties of spray deposited

fluorine doped tin oxide thin films

A.A. Yadav, E.U. Masumdar, A.V. Moholkar, K.Y. Rajpure, C.H.


Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404 (2009) 1874
113. Bimetallic and trimetallic catalyzed carbon nanotubes for aqueous H2, Cl2

fuel cell electrodes

U.B. Suryavanshi, C.H. Bhosale

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 476 (2009) 697

114. Effect of calcining temperature on electrical and dielectric properties of

cadmium stannate

V.S. Sawant, S.S. Shinde, R.J. Deokate, C.H. Bhosale, B.K. Chougule,

K.Y. Rajpure

Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 6675
115. Synthesis and characterization of CdIn2O4 thin films by spray pyrolysis


R.J. Deokate, C.H. Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 473 (2009) L20

116. Chemical vapor deposited carbon nanotubes for aqueous H2,Cl2 fuel Cells

U. B. Suryavanshi and C. H. Bhosale

J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (2010) 4007
117. Influence of substrates on photoelectrochemical performance of sprayed

n-CdIn2S4 electrodes

R.R. Sawant, S.S. Shinde, C.H. Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure

Solar Energy, 84 (2010) 1208

118. Studies on dielectric and magnetoelectric behavior of 25% CMFO ferrite

and 75% BZT ferroelectric multiferroic magnetoelectric composites

R.C. Kambale, P.A. Shaikh, Y.D. Kolekar, C.H. Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure

Materials Letters, 64 (2010) 520-523

119. Structural and magnetic properties of Co1−xMnxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4)

spinel ferrites synthesized by combustion route

R.C. Kambale, P.A. Shaikh, N.S. Harale, V.A. Bilur, Y.D. Kolekar, C.H.

Bhosale, K.Y. Rajpure

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 490, (2010) 568-571
120. The effect of Mn substitution on the magnetic and dielectric properties of

cobalt ferrite synthesized by an auto-combustion route

Kambale, R.C., Shaikh, P.A., Bhosale, C.H., Rajpure, K.Y., Kolekar,


Smart Materials and Structures 18 (2009), art. no. 115028
121. Dielectric properties and complex impedance spectroscopy studies of

mixed Ni-Co ferrites

Kambale, R.C., Shaikh, P.A., Bhosale, C.H., Rajpure, K.Y., Kolekar, Y.D.

Smart Materials and Structures 18 (2009), art. no. 085014

122. Temperature-Dependent Properties of Spray-Deposited ITO Thin Films

Moholkar, A.V., Pawar, S.M., Rajpure, K.Y., Patil, P.S., Bhosale, C.H.,

Kim, J.H.

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 19 (2010) 531

123. Structural and optoelectronic properties of antimony incorporated tin

oxide thin films

A.R. Babar, S.S. Shinde, A.V. Moholkar, C.H. Bhosale, J.H. Kim, K.Y.


Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505 (2010) 416

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