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Characterisation of sprayed CdSb2S4 films by PEC method –

C.H.Bhosale, M.D.Uplane, P.S. Patil and C.D.Lokhande

Ind. Jr. of Pure and Appl. Phys. 32 (1994)267.

Preparation and properties of sprayed antimony trisulphide films-

C.H.Bhosale, M.D.Uplane, P.S.Patil and C.D.Lokhande

Thin Solid Films, 248 (1994)137.

Structural and Optical properties of Electrodeposited Bi2S3, Sb2S3 and As2S3 Thin Films –

N.S.Yesugade, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Thin Solid Films, 263 (1995) 145.

An electronic control System for Spray Pyrolysis unit,

V.V. Killedar, M.D. Uplane, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale

Indian Jr. of Pure and Appl. Phys. 33 (1995) 773.

Effect of Indium doping on properties of Sprayed Cd 0.8 Zn 0.2 S films,

M.D.Uplane, C.D. Lokhande, P.S.Patil and C.H.Bhosale,

Turkish Jr. of Phys. 20 (1996) 1093.

Photoelectrochemical characterization of sprayed Bi2S3 thin films from non-aqueous media,

V. V. Killedar, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Proceedings of the National Solar Energy Convention-96, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, (Dec.27-29, 1996) p.n.304-307.

Photoelectrochemical properties of spray deposited Bi2S3 thin films,

S. R. Gadakh and C. H. Bhosale,

Proceedings of the National Solar Energy Convention-96, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, (Dec.27-29, 1996) p.n. 316-319.

Properties of spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films,

K. Y. Rajpure, C. D. Lokhande and C. H. Bhosale,

Proceedings of the National Solar Energy Convention-96, Jadhavpur University, Calcutta, (Dec.27-29, 1996) p.n. 320-323.

Preparation and Characterisation of Bi2S3 thin films Spray deposited from non aqueous media,

V.V.Killedar, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Thin Solid films, 289 (1996) 14.

Preparation and Characterisation of Spray deposited Sb2S3 Thin films form non- aqueous medium,

V.V.Killedar, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale

Materials Chem. and Phys. 47 (1997) 104.

Characterization of chemically converted Sprayed Bi2O3 to Bi2S3 thin films, C.D.Lokhande, and C.H.Bhosale,

Materials Chem. and Phys. 49 (1997) 46.

On pyrolysed Nickel Oxide thin films,

L.D.Kadam, C.H.Bhosale, and P.S.Patil

Turkish Jr. of Phys. 21(1997)1037.

Preparation and Characterisation of Spray deposited CoFe2O4­ Ferrite Thin Films. S.S. Bellad, C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys.35 (1997) 565.

A comparative study of concentration effect of complexing agent on the properties of spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films and precipitated powders

K.Y. Rajpure, C.D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale,

Materials Chemistry and Physics 51(1997) 252.

Effect of substrate temperature on the properties of spray deposited Sb-Se thin films from non-aqueous medium

K.Y.Rajpure, C.D.Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale,

Thin Solid Films, 311(1997)114.

Characterisation of Spray deposited Bismuth oxide thin films from Non-aqueous medium,

V.V.Killedar,C.D.Lokhane and C.H.Bhosale,

Turkish Jr. of Phys. 22(1998)825.

Design and construction of microprocessor based temperature controller.

V.V. Killedar, M.D. Uplane, C. D. Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Communication in Instrumentation Journal 6(1)(1998)1.

Preparation and characterization of spray deposited AS2S3 thin films from non-aqueous medium

V. V. Killedar, N. S. Gaikwad, C. D. Lokhande and C. H. Bhosale,

Physics of Semiconductor Devices, V. Kumar and S. K. Agarwal (Eds), Narosa publishing house, (1998) p.n. 1189-1192.

Solution concentration dependent properties of spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films,

K. Y. Rajpure and C. H. Bhosale,

Physics of Semiconductor Devices, V. Kumar and S. K. Agarwal (Eds), Narosa publishing house, (1998) p.n.1233-1236.

Photoelectrochemical studies of spray deposited Bi2S3 thin films from non-aqueous medium V.V.Killedar C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys. 36 (1998) 643

Effect of complexing agent on the properties of spray deposited Bi2S3 thin films. S.R.Gadakh C.D.Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Mater. Chem. Phys., 56(1998)79.

Preparation and characterisation of electrodeposited Bi2Se3 thin films,

A.P.Torane, C.D. Lokhande, P.S. Patil and C.H. Bhosale,

Mater. Chem. Phys., 51(1) (1998) 51.

(Photo)electrochemical studies of spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films, V.V.Killedar,C.D. Lokhande and C.H.Bhosale,

Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 36(1998) 33.

Substrate Temperature Dependent Properties of CoFe2O4 Thin Films,

S.S. Bellad and C.H. Bhosale,

Thin Solid Films 322(1998)93.

Effect of relative amounts of complexing agents on the properties of Sb2S3 precipitated powders

K.Y. Rajpure, A.L. Dhebe, C.D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale

J. Materials Chemistry & Physics, 56(1998) 177.

Structural, Optical, and (Photo)electrochemical Properties of Electrodeposieted Cd1-xZnxSe Thin Films,

K.Y. Rajpure, S.M. Bamane, C. D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale

Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys., 37(1999) 413.

A comparative Study of the properties of Spray Deposited Sb2Se3 Thin Films prepared From Aqueous and Non-aqueous Media,

K.Y. Rajpure, C. D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale,

Mater. Res. Bull. 34 (1999) 1079.

Photoelectrochemical studies on electrodeposited Cd-Fe-Se thin films,

K.Y. Rajpure, P.A. Anarse, C.D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale,

physica status solidi (a), 172 (1999) 415.

(Photo) Electrochemical studies on electrodeposited Bi2S3 thin films from non-aqueous media,

V. V. Killedar, S. N. Katore and C. H. Bhosale,

Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on the Physics Of Semiconductor Devices (Dec.14-18, 1999) p.n. 1250-1253.

Preparation and characterization of photoactive spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films prepared from aqueous and non-aqueous media,

K. Y. Rajpure and C. H. Bhosale,

Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on the Physics Of Semiconductor Devices (Dec.14-18, 1999) p. n. 1416-1419.

Transient photoconductivity measurements of spray deposited Sb2S3 and Bi2S3 thin films from non-aqueous medium,

V.V. Killedar, K.Y. Rajpure, P.S. Patil and C.H. Bhosale,

Mater. Chem. and Phys., 59 (1999) 237.

Preparation and characterization of electrodeposited Sb2Se3 thin films,

A.P. Torane, K.Y. Rajpure, C.D. Lokhande & C.H. Bhosale,

Mater. Chem. and Phys., 61(1999) 219.

Properties of photoelectrochemical cell formed with sprayed CdIn2S4 thin films K.Y. Rajpure, V.L. Mathe and C.H.Bhosale

Trans. SAEST 35 (1999) 64.

Photoelectrochemical investigation on spray deposited n-CdIn2S4 thin films

K.Y. Rajpure, V.L. Mathe and C.H.Bhosale

Bulletin of Materials Science 22 (1999) 927.

Preparation and Characterization of CoS Thin Films ,

R. S. Mane, C.D. Lokhande, M. D. Uplane and C. H. Bhosale

Ind. Jr. of Phys. 73A(2) (1999) 169

Preparation and Characterization of spray deposited CdIn2S4 thin films,

A. M. Patil, K. Y. Rajpure and C. H. Bhosale,

Rayat Research Journal 7 (1999) 70

Effect of composition on the structural, optical and electrical properties of sprayed Sb2S3 thin films prepared from non-aqueous medium,

K.Y. Rajpure, C.D. Lokhande and C.H. Bhosale

J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 61 (2000) 561.

Effect of Sb doping on properties of conductive spray deposited SnO2thin films

K.Y. Rajpure, M.N. Kusumade, Michael N. Spallart and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, Taiwan, 64 (2000) 184.

Effect of Se source on properties of spray deposited Sb2Se3 thin films

K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 62(2000)169.

(Photo) electrochemical investigations on spray deposited n- Sb2S3 thin film / polyiodide / C phoelectrochemical solar cells

K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 63(2000) 264.

Sb2S3 Semiconductor - Septum Rechargeable Storage Cell

K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 64 (2000)71.

A study of substrate variation effects on the properties on n- Sb2S3 thin film/ polyiodide/ C photoelectrochemical solar cells

K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 64(2000)14.

Effect of concentration of complexing agent on the spray deposited Bi2S3 Thin Films

S.R. Gadakh and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 64 (2000) 5

Effect of concentration of complexing agent (Tartaric acid) on the spray deposied Bi23 films

S.R. Gadakh and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Research Bulletin, USA, 35 (2000)1097.

Characteristic analysis of spray deposited Cadmium Oxide thin films ,

M. D. Upalane, P. N. Kshirarsagar, B. J. Lokhande, and C. H. Bhosale Materials Chemistry and Physics, 64 (2000)75.

Preparation and characterization of electrodeposited Bi2S3 thin films prepared from non-aqueous media;

V. V. Killedar, S. N. Katore and C.H. Bhosale,

Materials Chemistry and Physics 64 (2000) 166.

Properties of Photoelectrochemical cell formed with sprayed CdIn2S4 thin films

K. Y. Rajpure, V. L. Mathe and C. H. Bhosale,

Transactions of the SAEST 35 (2) (2000) 64-68

Structural Characterization of Electrodeposited EuSe thin films,

N.S.Gaikwad and C. H. Bhosale

Materials Research Bulletin 36 (2001) 2613.

Studies on electrodeposited EuTe thin films, N. S. Gaikwad, V. M. Nikale and C. H. Bhosale, Proceedings of the 44th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 26-30 Dec. 2001, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai. pp. 523 – 524.

Preparation and Characterization of CdIn2Se4 thin films, V. M. Nikale, N. S. Gaikwad and C. H. Bhosale, Proceedings of the 44th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 26-30 Dec.2001, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai. pp. 525 – 526.

Electrodeposition of Europium and its oxide formation,

N.S. Gaikwad and C. H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics 71(2001) 242

Preparation and characterization of electrodeposited Bi2Se3 thin films from non- aqueous media,

A.P. Torane and C. H. Bhosale

Materials Research Bulletin 36( 2001) 1915

Effect of concentration of complexing agent ( EDTA) on the structural, electrical and optical properties of spray deposited As2S3 thin films

S. R. Gadakh, C. H. Bhosale,

Materials Research Bulletin, 36 (2001) 1011-1016

Effect of quantity of complexing agent (EDTA) on the properties of spray deposited Sb2S3 thin films

S.R. Gadakh and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, Taiwan78 (2002)367

Electrodeposition of EuSe thin films onto different substrates,

N.S. Gaikwad and C. H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics 76 (2002) 198

Preparation and characterization of electrodeposited Sb2Se3 thin film from non- aqueous media,

A.P. Torane and C. H. Bhosale

J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63( 2002) 1849

Effect of concentration of complexing agent ( tartaric acid) on the spray deposited Sb2S3 Thin Films S.R. Gadakh and C.H. Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics, (Resubmitted) 2002

Preparation and characterization of spray deposited photoactive Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 thin films prepared from aqueous and non-aqueous media,

K.Y. Rajpure and C.H. Bhosale,

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 73 (2002) 6-12.

Structural and Optical properties of spray deposited CdIn2Se4 Thin Films,

V.M.Nikale, N.S.Gaikwad, K.Y.Rajpure, and C.H.Bhosale

Materials Chemistry and Physics 78(2002)363

Preparation and Properties of Sintered Zn1-xFexS Thin Films Prepared by

Spray Pyrolysis, S.H.Deulkar, C.H.Bhosale and Maheshwar Sharon

Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Advances In

Electrochemical Science & Technology,D6-D7,


Preparation of non-stoichiometric (Zn,Fe)S chalcogenides and evaluation of their thermal, optical and electrical properties

S.H. Deulkar, C. H. Bhosale, Maheshwar Sharon and M.Neumann Spallart,

Jr. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 539.

Substrate dependent properties of electrodeposited EuTe thin films,

N.S. Gaikwad and C. H. Bhosale

Jr. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003)723-73.

Effect of annealing on spray deposited Ni-Zn ferrite thin films,

V. L. Mathe, C. H. Bhosale,

Ind. J. of Engg. & Mater. Sci., 10(2003)166.

Electrodeposition of As2Se3 Thin Films,

A.P.Torne, C.H.Bhosale,

Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 847.

Compositional analysis of Zn1-xFexS pellets by XRF, EPMA and evaluation of their carrier type and energy band gap on the basis of thermo emf and optical data,

S. H. Deulkar, C. H. Bhosale, M. Sharon, M. Neumannspallart,

Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies, Edited by S. H. Pawar and L. A. Ekal, Narosa Publishing House, (2003) p. n.254-256.

Properties of spray deposited CdIn2Se4 thin films for photovoltaic applications

V.M. Nikale and C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 82 (2004) 3 -10.

A comparative study of structural, compositional, thermal and optical properties of non stoichiometric (Zn, Fe) S chalcogenide pelletts and thin films

S.H. Deulkar, C.H. Bhosale and M. Sharon

Jr. Physics Chemistry of Solids 65 (2004)1879.

Effect of Fe substitution on electrical, optical , electrochemical and dielectric properties of (ZnFe)S chalcogenide pellets

S.H. Deulkar, C.H. Bhosale and M. Sharon

Materials Chemistry and Physics 89(2005) 211

Structural, optical and electrical properties of chemically sprayed CdO thin films,

C.H. Bhosale, A.V. Kambale, A.V. Kokate and KY. Rajpure.

Materials Science and Engineering B, 122 - 1,67 (2005)

Effect of solution concentration on properties of spray deposited semiconducting CdIn2S4 thin films, R.R. Sawant and C. H. Bhosale, Proceedings of International Conference on Optoelectronic Materials and Thin Films for Advanced Technology, 24 – 27 Oct, 2005 page 403.

Structural, compositional, and optical properties of electrochemically deposited stoichiometric CdSe thin films from non-aqueous bath

A.V. Kokate, U.B. Suryavanshi and C.H. Bhosale

Solar Energy 80 ( 2006)156

A study of structural, compositional, and optical properties of spray deposited non-stoichiometric (Zn, Fe) S thin films

S.H. Deulkar, C.H. Bhosale and M. Sharon

Jr. Physics Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006)1537.

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