Curriculum vitae (ÖzgeçMİŞ)

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 1.      ADI SOYADI: Dilek Latif

2.     DOĞUM TARİHİ: 26 Ekim 1973


4.      EĞİTİM:





















5.      Akademik Düzey

Dr. Uluslararası İlişkiler Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi. 2005-

Okutman Uluslararası İlişkiler Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi 2003 -4.

Eğitmen Uluslararası İlişkiler Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2001-2003.

  1. Master Tez danışmanlığı

1. Philip O.R. Ebiotubo, Tez konusu: “Niger Delta Sorunu: Petrol Gelirleri için Af [Amnesty for stability in oil revenue trends of the Niger Delta conflict]” Uluslararasi İlişkiler Bölümü, Yakın Doğu Üniveristesi, Bahar 2013.

  1. Yayınlar

    1. Kitaplar

1. Dilek Latif, “Bölünmüş Toplumlarda Din ve Ahlak Eğitimi: Kıbrıs Örneği” [Religion and Ethical Education in Divided Societies: The Case of Cyprus], Edited by Adam B. Seligman Religious Education and the Challenge of Pluralism, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014

2. Dilek Latif, “Kıbrıs Sorunu: BM Neden Başaramadı”, Editör Nezir Akyeşilmen, Barışı Konuşmak Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yöntemi, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 2013, ss.195-216.

3. Dilek Latif ve Ari Sitas: “The Potential for Reconciliation, Forgiveness, and Social Transformation”, Edited by Nicos Trimikliniotis and Umut Bozkurt, Beyond a Divided Cyprus A State and Society in Transformation, New York: Palgrave, 2012, pp. 201-216.

4. Dilek Latif, “An Overview of the Turkish Cypriot Right Wing in the case of National Unity Party (UBP) and Cyprus Problem”, Edited by Stanislav Tkachenko and Muhittin T. Özsağlam, Isolated Part of Cyprus, St. Petersburg: VVM Publishing, 2011, pp.48-55.

5. Hakan Karahasan ve Dilek Latif, “Re-writing History Textbooks- History Education: A Tool for Polarization or Reconciliation?” Edited by Lukas Perikleous and Denis Shemilt, The Future of the Past: Why History Education Matters, Nicosia: UNDP-ACT, 2011, pp. 433- 451.

5. Chara Makriyianni, Charis Psaltis ve Dilek Latif, “History Teaching in Cyprus”, Editors Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg, Facing Mapping, Bridging Diversity: Foundations of a European Discourse on History Education, Part 1, Germany: Wochen Schau Wissenschaft, 2011, pp. 91-138. (ISBN-10: 3899747313, ISBN-13: 978-3899747317)

6. Dilek Latif, “ Çatışma Sonrası Toplumlarda Tarih Kitaplarının Yeniden Yazılması: Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Barış Eğitimi Deneyimi”, Editör Kenan Çayır, Eğitim, Çatışma ve Toplumsal Barış- Türkiye’den ve Dünya’dan Örnekler, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, 2010, ss. 96-102.

7. Hakan Karahasan ve Dilek Latif, “Textual and Visual Analysis of the Upper Secondary School Cyprus History Textbooks, Comparative Analysis of the Old and New Cyprus History Textbooks” Edited by Mehveş Beyitoğlu Önen, Shirin Jetha- Dağseven, Hakan Karahasan, Dilek Latif, Re-Writing History Textbooks History Education: A Tool for Polarisation or Reconciliation?, Nicosia: Tipograf Arts, 2010, pp. 13-96.

8. Stavroula Philippou, Dilek Latif ve Hakan Karahasan, “Representations of ‘Europe’: a comparative analysis of Geography curricula and textbooks used in Cyprus”, Edited by Stavroula Philippou, Exploring Europe and Ourselves: Geographies and Identities at Work, Nicosia: PC’s Printways, 2008, pp. 3-48.

9. Dilek Latif, “Research Ethics” and “Disseminating Research Findings”, Edited by Spyros Spyrou, Children as Social Researchers - A Resource Book for Teachers and Other Educators, Publication of Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence, UNDP 2008, pp. 36-43 and pp. 139-146.

10. Dilek Latif, “The Role of the Media and Local Initiatives in the Presentation of the Annan Plan in North Cyprus”, Edited by Pamela Kilpadi, Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2006, pp. 120-125.

11. Luisa De Bivar Black, Dilek Latif ve Marios Epaminondas, “Using of historical sources when teaching about childhood through history: child labour-children in mines in Cyprus, 19th-20th centuries”, Reported by Chara Makriyianni and Mehvesh Beyidoglu, The use of sources in teaching and learning history, The Council of Europe’s activities in Cyprus, Volume 2, Nicosia, 2006, pp.33-53.

7.2  Uluslararası akademik konferanslarda sunulan ve yayınlanan makaleler

1. Dilek Latif, “Peace Education in Cyprus: Fostering a Solution?”, Cyprus Eight Years after the Referanda: Re-Unification or Two-State Solution- An Intractable Conflict?, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany, 13-15 June, 2013.

2. Erol Kaymak and Dilek Latif, “Legitimizing Peace Education in a Protracted Conflict: AHDR and the Role of NGO Entrepreneurs”, Panel: Transitioning From Protracted War to Peacebuilding Efforts, TC11, Power, Principles and Participation in the Global Information Age, ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, California/USA, April 1st-4th, 2012.

3. Dilek Latif, “Religion and Ethical Education in Divided Societies: The case of Cyrus”, Religion and Ethical Education in Multicultural Societies, Boston University, Boston, USA, 28-30 April 2011.

4. Dilek Latif, “An Overview of the Turkish Cypriot Right-Wing: Is there a Change?” Middle East Technical University, 9th METU Conference in International Relations: The Mediterranean in the World System- Structures and Processes, METU Northern Cyprus Campus, Güzelyurt, 20-22 May 2010.

5. Dilek Latif, “Revising and Re-Revising History Textbooks in a Post-Conflict Setting: Peace Education Experience of North Cyprus”, International Symposium on Reconstructing Formal Education for Societal Reconciliation, IV Session: Teaching Peace in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings, Istanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul, Turkey, 19-20 June 2010.

6. Stavroula Philippou, Hakan Karahasan ve Dilek Latif, “What Room for European Citizenship? Exploring Constructions of ‘Europe’ in Geography Curricula across the Divide in Cyprus”, The Tenth annual CiCe Conference: ‘Reflecting on Identities: Research, Practice, Innovation’, İstanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, 29-31 May 2008.
7. Dilek Latif , “The United Nations’ Engagement in Cyprus: Humanitarian Intervention or Peacekeeping Effort?”, Fourth Congress for Cyprus Studies, EMU (Eastern Mediterranean University), Famagusta, Cyprus, November 2002.

8. Dilek Latif ve Kudret Özersay, “The International Relations of Unrecognized States, A Case Study: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus-Organization of the Islamic Conference Relations”, Third Congress for Cyprus Studies, EMU (Eastern Mediterranean University), Famagusta, Cyprus, November 2000.

    1. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlar

1. Dilek Latif, “From Peacekeeping to Humanitarian Intervention -The United Nation’s Approach to Peace: The Case of Cyprus”, Journal of Cyprus Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Special Issue ’Cyprus, Cypriotism, and Europe’ volume 8/9, number 22/25, 2002/2003.

2. Dilek Latif, “Refugee Policy of the Turkish Republic”, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Ankara University Press, Number XXXIII, 2002.

3. Dilek Latif “United Nations' Changing Role in the Post Cold War Era”, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Ankara University Press, Number XXX, 2000.

7.4 Ulusal akademik konferanslarda sunulan ve yayınlanan makaleler

1. Dilek Latif, “Obstacles of Peace Education in Cyprus: Nationalism and/or History Education?” The Role of Education in a Multicultural Cyprus, Cyprus Academic Dialog and University of Nicosia/ Cyprus, 22 November 2013.

2. Dilek Latif, “Misuse of history and promotion of nationalism: history education in Cyprus”, The emergence and Development of Nationalism in Cyprus, Association for Historical Dialog and Research (AHDR), Home for Cooperation, Nicosia/Cyprus, 27 April 2013.
3. Dilek Latif, “Cyprus Negotiations and Role of the UN [Kıbrıs Müzakereleri ve BM’nin Rolü]”, Ethnic Conflicts and Solutions [Etnik Çatışmalar ve Çözümleri], Near East University, 13 May 2013.
4. Dilek Latif, “Uniting, Dividing or Neither? Religious Education in north Cyprus”, Religion and Education in Cyprus, The Cyprus Academic Forum (CAF) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Goethe Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, 6 June 2012.

5. Dilek Latif, “Textual and Visual Analyses of the Upper Secondary School Turkish Cypriot history Textbooks”, Association for Historical Dialog and Research (AHDR): History Education International Symposium- What Does it Mean to Think Historically: 6 Years On, Nicosia, Cyprus, 7-8 May 2010.

6. Dilek Latif, “Comparative Textual and Visual Analysis of the Upper Secondary School Cyprus Turkish History Textbooks”, POST Research Institute: Learning Different Histories- Discussing Alternative Approaches, Ledra Palace, Nicosia, Cyprus, 19-20 March 2010.

7. Dilek Latif, “Dynamics of Change towards the Revision of the Textbooks”, Bi-Communal Workshop: Education for Peace II, A Comparative Analysis of the Old and the New History Textbooks, Goethe Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13 June 2007.

    1. Diğer Yayınlar

Hakan Karahasan ve Dilek Latif, “Education for Peace III: Textual and Visual Analysis of the Upper Secondary School Cyprus History Textbooks”, POST Research Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 2010.

Öncel Polili, Dilek Latif, Ali Dayıoğlu, “Racism in Cyprus”, European Network Against Racism (ENAR), ENAR Shadow Report 2008, Authors: James Mackay (KISA - Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism) (TCHRF – Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation), ENAR, Brussels, October 2009.

Dilek Latif, “Kıbrıs'ta uzlaşma, bağışlama ve birlikte varolmaya bir bakış, Gaile Dergisi, vol. 6, October 2008.

Mehves Beyidoglu, Shirin Jetha-Dağseven, Hakan Karahasan ve Dilek Latif, “Textual and Visual Analyses of the Lower Secondary School History Textbooks, Comparative Analysis of the Old and the New History Textbooks”, POST Research Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 2007.

Dilek Latif, “Gelecek için Kıbrıs’ta tarih kitaplarını yeniden yazmak”, Kıbrıs gazetesi, 1 July 2007.

Dilek Latif, “Etnik Çatışma Sonrası Barış İnşasi Ne Kadar Mümkün? Dayton Sonrası Bosna ve Hersek, Kıbrıs Yazıları, vol. 3-4, Summer –Spring 2006.

8. 1 Uluslararası konferans ve sempozyumlarda sunulan bildiriler

1. Dilek Latif, “Peace Education in Cyprus: Fostering a Solution?”, Cyprus Eight Years after the Referanda: Re-Unification or Two-State Solution- An Intractable Conflict?, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany, 13-15 June, 2013.

2. Erol Kaymak and Dilek Latif, “Legitimizing Peace Education in a Protracted Conflict: AHDR and the Role of NGO Entrepreneurs”, Panel: Transitioning From Protracted War to Peacebuilding Efforts, TC11, Power, Principles and Participation in the Global Information Age, ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, California/USA, April 1st-4th, 2012.

3. Dilek Latif, “Religion and Ethical Education in Divided Societies: The case of Cyrus”, Religion and Ethical Education in Multicultural Societies, Boston University, Boston, USA, 28-30 April 2011.

4. Dilek Latif, “An Overview of the Turkish Cypriot Right-Wing: Is there a Change?” Middle East Technical University, 9th METU Conference in International Relations: The Mediterranean in the World System- Structures and Processes, METU Northern Cyprus Campus, Güzelyurt, 20-22 May 2010.

5. Dilek Latif and Hakan Karahasan, “The Current debates and dilemmas on history and reconciliation amongst the Turkish Cypriots”, Annual Conference: Learning from Comparing Conflicts and Reconciliation Process: A Holistic Approach, Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus, 18-20 June 2009.

6. Dilek Latif, “Prospects of Reconciliation, Co-Existence and Forgiveness in Cyprus”, Cyprus Colloquium: Discourses and Education in the process of Reconciliation, London Metropolitan University, London, England, 8 May 2009.
7. Dilek Latif and Mehves Beyidoglu, “Analysis of the History Textbooks: The Present and the Past”, Taking the Perspective of the Others: Intercultural Dialogue, Learning and Teaching of History, EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators), 16th Annual Conference and Professional Development Course, Nicosia, Cyprus, 5-11 April 2009.

10. Dilek Latif, “Peace Education in Divided Societies: Rewriting the history books in the North” Session 2 (20 June); “Prospects of Reconciliation, co-existance and forgiveness in Cyprus in the post-referendum period” Session 3 (21 June), Rethinking Reconciliation and Cooperation with View to Reconciliation in Cyprus: Challenges for Citizens, Political and Social Actors, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 20-21 June 2008

8. Stavroula Philippou, Dilek Latif and Hakan Karahasan, “Representation of Europe: a Comparative Analysis of Geography curricula and textbooks used in Cyprus”, Exploring Europe and Ourselves: Geographies and Identities at Work, European University-Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1-2 February 2008.

9. Dilek Latif, “Cyprus: The Divided Island”, Hinckley Institute Forums of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, 10 April 2007.

10. Dilek Latif, “Peace Education in Divided Societies: Rewriting the History books in North Cyprus”, Middle East Center of the University of Utah Discussion Sessions, Salt Lake City, USA, 5 April 2007.

11. Dilek Latif, “Lessons Learnt from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Kosovo? A Flawed Approach to Peace-building and Reconciliation”, Fifth METU Conference on International Relations: International Security: Old Issues and New Challenges, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2006.

12. Dilek Latif , “Historical Perceptions and Education for Peace after an Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Cyprus (Reporting on the UNOPS Project on History Teaching, Teaching History in a Divided Society – Methodological Problems, )”, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany, February 2005.
13. Dilek Latif, “Two Instruments of Peace building- Democratization and Development of Human Rights: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Seventh International Seminar- Democracy and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2004.

8.2 Ulusal Akademik Konferans ve Çalıştaylarda sunulan bildiriler

1. Dilek Latif, “Kıbrıs Müzakereleri ve BM’nin Rolü”, Etnik Çatışmalar ve Çözümleri, Yakın Doğu Üniveristesi, 13 May 2013.

2. Dilek Latif, “Misuse of history and promotion of nationalism: history education in Cyprus”, The emergence and Development of Nationalism in Cyprus, Association for Historical Dialog and Research (AHDR), Home for Cooperation, Nicosia/Cyprus, 27 April 2013.
3. Dilek Latif, “Uniting, Dividing or Neither? Religious Education in north Cyprus”, Religion and Education in Cyprus, The Cyprus Academic Forum (CAF) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Goethe Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, 6 June 2012.
4. Dilek Latif, “The perceptions of differences and similarities in Greek/Turkish/Cypriot Identities”, “Our songs vs. theirs- The dividing and uniting force of music, Future Worlds Center, Goethe-Zentrum, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23 March 2008.

5. Dilek Latif, “International Community’s Peace Building Efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, The Monday Untitled Seminars, Faculty of Art and Science, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, Cyprus, May 2004.

6. Dilek Latif, “Recommendations for an Education for Peace in Divided Societies”, Bi-Communal Workshop: Education for Peace, Ledra Palace, Nicosia, Cyprus, December 2004.

7. Kudret Özersay and Dilek Latif, “International Relations of the Unrecognized States, The Example of TRNC and Organization of the Islamic Conference [Tanınmamıs Devletlerin Uluslararası İliskileri KKTC- İslam Konferansı Örgütü Örneği]”, KIBES, İstanbul, January 2001.

  1. Projeler

Eğitmen, “Barış Eğitimi /Barış Dili”, Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education Project, Generation Democracy, Joint Project of European Union, the Council of Europe, and Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education, İzmir-28 June 2013 and Kızılcahamam/Ankara- 5 July 2013.

Danışman ve Yazar, ‘Education for Peace III: Textual and Visual Analysis of Upper Secondary School Cyprus History Textbooks’, Funded by EU, carried out by POST-Research Institute, September 2009 – July 2010.

Yerel Eğitmen, Luisa De BivarBlack, Dilek Latif and Marios Epaminondas, “Children in mines in Cyprus, 20th century, Taking the Perspective of the Others: Intercultural Dialogue and History Teaching, Practical Workshops, EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators), 16th Annual Conference and Professional Development Course, Nicosia, Cyprus, 5-11 April 2009.
Koordinator, Senior Researcher and Author, ‘Prospects of Reconciliation, Co-existence and Forgiveness in Cyprus in the Post- Referendum Period’, Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO), Cyprus Centre, September 2005- February 2008.
Araştırmacı ve Yazar, ‘Developing Young Researcher’, The Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence, European Cyprus University-Cyprus, UNDP&USAID, September 2007-October 2008.
Araştırmacı ve Yazar, ‘Exploring Europe and Ourselves: Geograpies and Identities at Work, European University Cyprus and UNDP, July 2007- February 2008.
Danışman ve Yazar, ‘Education for Peace II: Textual and Visual Analyses of the Lower Secondary School History Textbooks, Comparative Analysis of the Old and the New History Textbooks’, Funded by UNDP-ACT and USAID, carried out by POST-Research Institute, September 2006-July 2007.
Conflict Resolution Facilitator, ‘Youth Dialog Project and World Forum’, RockRose Institute, San Francisco - Cyprus, December 2006-May 2007.

Yerel Eğitmen, Luisa De Bivar Black, Dilek Latif and Marios Epaminondas, “The use of historical sources in teaching cultural and social history of Cyprus”, The Council of Europe Workshops in Cyprus, Nicosia, June 2006.

Araştırmacı, ‘Civil Society Index (CIVICUS-World Alliance for Citizen Participation) Project on Cyprus’, Carried out by National Coordinating Organization, Management Centre and Intercollege, June-September 2005.
Araştırmacı, ‘Cyprus Media Study: Annan Plan Coverage November 2002-May 2004’. Bi-Communal Support Program funded by AMIDEAST and prepared by Ridder/Braden, Inc., Politicks Index, October 2004-February 2005.
Danışman ve Yazar, ‘Education for Peace: Pilot Application of the History and Literature Books of the 5th Grade of the Elementary School’, Bi-Communal Development Programme funded by USAID and UNDP executed by UNOPs in Cyprus, and carried out by POST-Research Institute, July-December 2004.
9. Akademik yaz okulları ve sertifikaları

US Institute of Peace Certificate, “Governance: Paths to Democratic Institution Building in Transitional Environments, 5-Day Onsite Training Course, USIP, Washington DC, United States of America, 9-14 September, 2012.

ISSRPL Certificate- “Together and Apart: Divided Cities”, The Eight International Summer School on Religion and Public Life (ISSRPL), Boston University, University of Nicosia, Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, 21 July- 4 August 2010.

Teacher Training Certificate Program, “Development of African American Culture and its contribution to American Culture”, Teaching American History-History Connections, Kenyon Collage and WVIZ/PBS Cleveland, OHIO, St. Helena- Penn Centre and Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America, 6 July- 22 July 2009.

Teacher Certificate Training Program, “Teaching American History First”, American History and Classroom Integration, Kenyon Collage and WVIZ/PBS Cleveland, OHIO, United States of America, 26 July – 9 August 2008.

European Academy Certificate, “The Enlarged European Union and its Regions”, Summer Academy 2003, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, 25 August – 5 September 2003.

10. Akademik birliklere üyelik

Tarihsel Diyalog ve Araştirma Derneği.

Siyasal Bilimler Topluluğu.

Kıbrıs Akademik Forumu


Fulbright Kısa Dönem Eğitim Ödülü, Cyprus-America Scholarship Program, Project theme: “Societal Reconciliation and Peace Education: New Approaches to Teach a Contested History”, Research fellow, Culture, Religion, and World Affairs (CURA), Boston University and US Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington DC/USA, July-August 2012.

Makale Yarışma Ödülü, “Dilemmas of moving from the divided past to envisaged united future: Rewriting the History Books in the North Cyprus”, Eleventh Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality Memory Politics: Education, memorials and mass media, Irmgard Coninx Research Grant 2009, Irmgard Coninx Foundation, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and the Humboldt-University Berlin.

Fulbright Misafir Ögretim Üyesi, Research grant “Peace Education: New Approaches to the Teaching of a Contested History”, Visiting Research fellow, California State University, Los Angeles, USA, Fall 2006 Semester.

Makale Yarışma Ödülü,Centre for Policy Studies/ Central European University, Budapest: “The Role of Media and Local Initiatives in the Presentation of the Annan Plan in North Cyprus”, 2005.

Eğitim Bursu, Master ve Doktora Eğitimi, KKTC Eğitim Bakanlığı, 1996-2002.

12.  Son iki yılda verilen dersler

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