Lajoie, S. P. (2008). Case-Based Pedagogy: Why do cases facilitate learning? A White Paper. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Lajoie, S. P., Azevedo, R.A., Zhao, X., Kinnon, J. & Fleiszer, D. M. (1997). Cognitive tools for assessment and learning in a high information flow environment. (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Azevedo, R. A., & Lajoie, S. P. (1996). RADTUTOR: The theoretical and empirical basis for the design of a chest X-ray tutor (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Azevedo, R. A., Lajoie, S. P., & Fleiszer, D. M. (1996). Complex clinical decision making in an ill-structured task (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Munsie, S. D., Lajoie, S. P., & Gu, W. (1996). Knowledge extraction tools: Dynamically mapping expert problem-solving. (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Azevedo, R. A., & Lajoie, S. P. (1995). Learning styles underlying radiological expertise (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P. (1995). Learning styles (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P., Azevedo, R., Bouchard, R., & Gu, W. (1995). Report on the activities of the McGill Group (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P., Bouchard, R., & Gu, W. (1995). Validation report of the surgical intensive care unit learning environment (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P., Bouchard, R., Sandrasegaran, N., & Gu, W. (1994). Cognitive framework for the intelligent tutoring system in the SAFARI. (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P., Sandrasegaran, N., & Bouchard, R. (1994). Technician's use of a volume infusion pump: A cognitive task analysis approach (SAFARI Report, SYNERGIE). Montreal, Quebec: McGill University.
Lajoie, S. P., Lesgold, A. M., Eggan, G., Bunzo, M., McGinnis, T., Greenberg, L., Weiner, M., & Weiner, A. (1988). A procedural guide for documenting the avionics troubleshooting tutor development process. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, Operational Technologies Corporation, Learning Research and Development Center.
Lesgold, A., Lajoie, S. P., Bajpayee, J., Bunzo, M., Eastman, R., Eggan, G., Greenberg, L., Logan, D., McGinnis, T., Weiner, A., & Wolf, R. (1988). A computer coached practice environment for the manual test station shop: Sherlock's influence on trainee job performance (Contract No. F33615-84-C-0058). Alexandria, VA.: Human Resources Research Organization.
Bonar, J., Collins, J., Curran, K., Eastman, R., Gitomer, D., Glaser, R., Greenberg, L., Lajoie, S. P., Lesgold, A., Logan, D., Magone, M., Shalin, V., Weiner, A., Wolf, R., & Yengo, L. (1986). Guide to cognitive task analysis (Technical Report). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, Learning Research and Development Center.
Bonner, J., Collins, A., Eggan, G., Frederiksen, J., Lajoie, S. P., Lesgold, A., Massey, D., Means, B., Mumaw, R., & White, B. (1986). Development of an integrated system to assess and enhance basic job skills (Interim Report 86-18, IR(PRD)86-18). Alexandria, VA.: Human Resources Research Organization.
Lesgold, A., Lajoie, S. P., Eastman, R., Eggan, G., Gitomer, D., Glaser, R., Greenberg, L., Logan, D., Magone, M., Weiner, A., Wolf, R., & Yengo, L. (1986). Cognitive task analysis to enhance technical skills training and assessment (Contract No. F41689-83-C-0029). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, Learning Research and Development Center.
Lesgold, A., Magone, M., Collins, J., & Lajoie, S. P. (1985). A training study to test approaches to cognitive task analysis (Technical Report). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, Learning Research and Development Center.
Ballantyne, M., Chambers, J., & Lajoie, S. P. (1984). A comparative study of public and private schools in the San Francisco Bay Area: A descriptive report (Project Report No. 84-A17). Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance.
Chambers, J. G., & Lajoie, S. P. (1983). A comparative study of private and public schooling organizations: A descriptive summary (Report to the National Institute of Education). Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance.
Unpublished Manuscripts
Lajoie, S. P. (1986). Individual differences in spatial ability: A computerized tutor for orthographic projection tasks. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, San Francisco, CA.
Lajoie, S. P. (1980). Intelligence and the speed of mental processing. Unpublished master's thesis. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Teaching and Graduate Supervision
Courses Taught
2011 McGill, Learning Sciences Research Seminar
2009-present McGill, Foundation of the Learning Sciences (Graduate)
1999-present McGill, Cognition and Instruction 416-666 (Graduate)
1992- present McGill, Foundations in Educational Psychology 416-600 (Graduate)
1992-1998 McGill, Cognition and Classroom Learning 416-663 (Graduate)
1997 McGill, Uses of Computers in Education 416-641(Graduate)
1991, 1996 McGill, Research Methods 416-602 (Graduate)
1990-1991 University of Wisconsin, Madison Problem solving (Undergraduate) 319
Individualization of Learning (Undergraduate) 314
Affective Instruction (Undergraduate) 304
1989-1991 University of Wisconsin, Madison
Cognition and Classroom Learning (Graduate) 795
1989 Carnegie Mellon University, Cognitive Psychology (Undergraduate)
University of Pittsburgh, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
University of Western Ontario, Cognitive and Affective Theories of
Instruction (Graduate)
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