Curriculum Vitae (Updated February 2014)

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Curriculum Vitae

(Updated February 2014)
Corey K. Creekmur
Business Address: Department of Cinema & Comparative Literature

W211 AJB

University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52242

Office Phone: (319) 335-2824

Home Phone: (319) 354-4748



  1. Higher Education

1991 Ph.D. in English University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Certification in the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory

1981 M.A. in English University of Chicago

1979 B.A. in English University of Florida

with High Honors

2. Professional and Academic Positions
2000-present University of Iowa Associate Professor of English and

Cinema & Comparative Literature (with 0% Appointment in Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies)

1997-2000 University of Iowa Assistant Professor of English

1992-1997 Wayne State University Assistant Professor of English

1995, 1996, 1997 University of Iowa Visiting Assistant Professor of

English & Communication Studies

1991-1992 Wayne State University Lecturer in English

1987-1991 University of Chicago Lecturer in English and Humanities

3. Honors and Awards
2004 Outstanding International Educator, International Programs, UI

1998 Selected Participant, International Forum for United States Studies, UI

4. Grants Funded

  1. External

2006-07 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Grant ($5000) (with Sasha Waters-Freyer)

    1. Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Grant ($7500) (with Sasha Waters-Freyer)

  1. Everett Helm Visiting Fellowship, Lilly Library, Indiana University

  1. Ball Brothers Foundation Visiting Scholar Grant, Lilly Library, Indiana


  1. Internal (University of Iowa only)

2011 Ida Beam Visiting Professorship Grant ($7000) (Phoebe Gloeckner)

(with Ana Merino and Rachel Williams)

2011 International Programs Major Project Grant ($12,500) for “Comics,

Creativity, and Culture: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” (with Ana Merino and Rachel Williams)

2010 Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Humanities Symposium

Award ($15,000) for “Comics, Creativity, and Culture: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” (with Ana Merino

and Rachel Williams) [note for Fall 2011 events]

2007 International Programs Summer Institute for Teachers (competitive)

2006-07 International Programs Major Projects Grant ($10,000)

2004 Arts and Humanities Initiative (AHI) Major Project Grant ($10,000)

2004 Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Summer Seminar (with Mark Sidel)

2003 Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Interdisciplinary Research Semester Participant (Spring 2004)

2003 Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Fellow (Spring 2003)

Council on Teaching Instructional Improvement Award ($2000)

  1. Arts and Humanities Initiative (AHI) Conference Grant ($10,000)

2000 International Programs Course Development Grant, University of Iowa

2000 Curriculum Development Grant, University of Iowa

1998 nTITLE Summer Seminar participant, University of Iowa

1998 Old Gold Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa

1997 Central Investment Fund for Research Enhancement (CIFRE) Award, University of Iowa
5. Memberships
Modern Language Association

Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Domitor: Society for the Study of Early Cinema

Oscar Micheaux Society (devoted to the study of Early African-American Cinema)


  1. Publications (all refereed)

Work in Progress:
Love & Rockets [book manuscript]
Experiments with Truth: The Contemporary Indian Historical Film [book manuscript]
Cattle Queens and Lonesome Cowboys: Gender and Sexuality in the Western. Durham:

Duke University Press, forthcoming 2014.

The International Film Musical, co-edited with Linda Mokdad. Edinburgh:

Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

Cinema, Law, and the State In Asia, co-edited with Mark Sidel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. [includes my Introduction and an original essay]
Out in Culture: Gay, Lesbian and Queer Essays on Popular Culture, an anthology co- edited with Alexander Doty. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995: currently in second printing; includes introductory material, extensive bibliography, and my essay “Acting Like a Man: Masculine Performance in My Darling Clementine”: 167-182.
Edited Book Series:
General Editor, “Comics Culture” series for Rutgers University Press, to launch in

2014. [Five books currently under contract]

Edited Journals:
Edited (and wrote 2 of) 8 weekly essays on “Breaking Bad” Season 5 for Kritk, the

online public forum of The Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, August 12 - September 30, 2013.

Guest Editor (with Thomas Keegan), “Comics,” Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies Issue 6

(Spring 2006).

Articles in Anthologies and Journals:
“The Indian Graphic Novel,” in A History of The Indian Novel in English, ed. Ulka

Anjaria. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. [solicited essay]

“Multiculturalism Meets the Counterculture: Racial Difference in Underground Comix,”

in Representing Multiculturalism in Comics and Graphic Novels, ed. Ian Hague. London: Routledge, 2015.

“Indian Film Noir,” in International Noir, ed. Homer Pettey, Susan White, and R. Barton

Palmer. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. [solicited essay]

“Science Fiction and Comics,” in The Oxford Companion to Science Fiction, ed. Rob

Latham. London: Oxford University Press, 2014.

“The Sissy’s Courage: In Memoriam Alexander Doty,” Cinema Journal 53:2 (Winter

2014): 122-126.

“What It Feels Like: Childhood in Gilbert Hernandez’s Marble Season,” Afterword

to Gilbert Hernandez, Marble Season. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly, 2013. [solicited essay]

“Film Noir and Cinephilia,” in The Companion to Film Noir, ed. Andrew Spicer

and Helen Hanson. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013: 67-76.

“Jacques Tourneur,” in Film Noir: The Directors, ed. Alain Silver and James

Ursini. Woodstock, NY: Limelight, 2012: 398-409. [solicited essay]

“The Cowboy Chorus: Musical and Narrative Functions of the Western Theme

Song,” in Music and the Western, ed. Kathryn Kalinak. New York:

Routledge, 2011: 21-36.
“John Frankenheimer’s “War on Terror’,” in A Little Solitaire: John

Frankenheimer on the American Screen, ed. R. Barton Palmer and Murray

Pomerance, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2011: 103-116.

“The American Western Film,” in A Companion to the Literature and Culture of

the American West, ed. Nicolas Witschi. London: Blackwell, 2011: 395-408.
“Gary Cooper: Rugged Elegance,” in Star Decades: the 1930s, ed. Adrienne

McLean New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2011: 66-83.

“The Sound of the ‘War on Terror’,” in Reframing 9/11: Film, Popular Culture and

the “War on Terror,” ed. Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula, and Karen Randell.

New York: Continuum, 2010: 83-96.

Pyaasa ” in The Cinema of India, ed. Lalitha Gopalan. London: Wallflower Press,

“The Film Musical: Showcasing Musical Performance,” in Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media: A Critical Overview, ed. Graeme Harper. New York: Continuum,

2009: 250-260.
“Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through Devdas,” in Popular Indian Cinema and Literature: Recasting Classics, ed. Heidi Paulwels. London: Routledge, 2008: 173-189.
“Bombay Bhai: The Gangster in and Behind Hindi Cinema,” in Cinema, Law, and the State in Asia, ed. Corey K. Creekmur and Mark Sidel. New York: Palgrave MacMillian, 2007: 29-43.
Brokeback: The Parody,” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 13:1 (2007): 105- 107. [solicited essay]
“Contemporary Indian Cinema,” (with Jyotika Virdi) in Contemporary Asian

Cinema: Popular Culture in a Global Frame. ed. Anne Ciecko. Oxford, UK: Berg

Publishers, 2006: 133-143.

“Popular Hindi Cinema and the Film Song,” in Traditions in World Cinema, ed. Linda

Badley, R. Barton Palmer and Steven Jay Schneider. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006: 193-202. [solicited essay]

“Bombay Boys: Dissolving the Male Child in Popular Hindi Cinema,” in Where the Boys

Are: Cinemas of Masculinity and Youth, ed. Murray Pomerance and Frances

Gateward. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2005: 350-376. [solicited

“An Interview with Andrew Ross,” Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 1 (Spring 2002): 6-

“Foreward” to Richard deCordova, Picture Personalities: The Emergence of the Star

System in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2001, vii-viii. [solicited for first paperback edition]
“Buffalo Bill (Himself): History and Memory in the Western Biopic,” in Westerns: Films Through History, ed. Janet Walker. New York: Routledge / American Film

Institute, 2001: 131-147. [solicited essay]

“Picturizing American Cinema: Hindi Film Songs and the Last Days of Genre” in

Soundtrack Available: Essays on Film and Popular Music, ed. Pamela Robertson- Wojick and Arthur Knight. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001: 375-406.
“Telling White Lies: Oscar Micheaux and Charles W. Chesnutt” and [co-authored] “An Oscar Micheaux Filmography: From the Silents through His Transition to Sound,

1919-1931” in Oscar Micheaux & His Circle: African-American Filmmaking and Race Cinema of the Silent Era, ed. Pearl Bowser, Jane Gaines, and Charles Musser. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001: 147-158; 228-277. [solicited essays]

“On the Run and On the Road: Fame and the Outlaw Couple in American Cinema,” in

The Road Movie Book, eds. Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark. New York: Routledge, 1997: 90-109.
“Lost Objects: Photography, Fiction, and Mourning,” in Photo-Textualities: Reading Photographs and Literature, ed. Marsha Bryant. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1996: 73-82.
“Acting Like a Man: Masculine Performance in My Darling Clementine,” in Out in

Culture: Gay, Lesbian and Queer Essays on Popular Culture, eds. Corey K. Creekmur and Alexander Doty. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995: 167-182.
“The Space of Recording: The Production of Popular Music as Spectacle,” Wide Angle 10:2 (Spring 1988): 32-40.
“The Cinematic Photograph and the Possibility of Mourning,” Wide Angle 9:1 (Winter 1986): 41-49.
“Mizoguchi and Desire: Osaka Elegy and Sisters of the Gion,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Purdue Conference on Film (1983): 106-112.
“How Movies End: Narrative Closure in Cruising,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual

Purdue Conference on Film (1983): 140-145.
Online Essays:
“Under Pressure, Kritik, September 30, 2013.
“Bad Breaks,” Kritik, August 12, 2013.
“What Sally Knew,” Kritik, June 10, 2013.
“Remembering Alexander Doty,” Flow, August 7, 2012.
“Remembering Locas,” The Hooded Utilitarian, March 29, 2012.
“The Golden Age of Batman: A Comic Scholar’s Top 5 Batman Picks,” Cultural

Transmogrifier Magazine, August 7, 2012.
The Reckless Moment,” La Furia Humana 9, 2011.
Newspaper and Magazine Articles:
“`Laramie’ in Ottumwa,” Iowa City Press-Citizen, July 29, 2013. [invited]

“Comics Studied at UI?!” Iowa City Press-Citizen, September 22, 2011. [invited]

“Exhibition Overview: Graphic Language: The Art and Literature of Comics,”

UIMA (University of Iowa Museum of Art) Magazine, Fall 2011: 6-7.
Book Reviews:
Steven Prince, Firestorm: American Film in the Age of Terrorism, Cineaste 34:4

(2010): 67-69.

(with Teresa Mangum) “A Graphic Novel Depicting War as an Interspecies Event: A Review of Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon, Pride of Baghdad.”

Society and Animals 15:4 (2007): 405-408.
Jigna Desai, Beyond Bollywood: The Cultural Politics of South Asian Diasporic

Film, Film Quarterly 59:1 (Fall 2005): 49-51.
“Superheroes and Science Fiction: Who Watches Comic Books?,” Review-Essay of

George Khoury, The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore, Geoff Klock. How to Read Superhero Comics and Why, Smoky man and Gary Spencer Millidge, eds. Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman, Jess Nevins, Heroes & Monsters: The Unofficial Companion to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Lance Parkin. Alan Moore, Science Fiction Studies 93 (31:2) July 2004: 283-290.

Eric Greene, Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race, Politics, and Popular Culture,

Science Fiction Studies, 27 (2000): 535-539.
Leland Poague, Another Frank Capra and Robert Sklar and Vita Zagarrio, eds., Frank Capra: Authorship and the Studio System, The Hitchcock Annual (1998-99): 109-

Martha Gever, John Greyson, and Pratibha Parmar, eds., Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video, Film Quarterly 49:4 (Summer 1996): 56-58.

Robert J. Corber, In the Name of National Security: Hitchcock, Homophobia, and the Political Construction of Gender in Postwar America, LGSN (MLA Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter) 22:3 (Fall 1995): 36-38. [published with missing section restored in subsequent issue]
Caryl Flinn, Strains of Utopia: Gender, Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music, Discourse 17:1 (Fall 1994): 172-175.
Roberta Pearson, Eloquent Gestures: The Transformation of Performance Style in the Griffith Biograph Films, Arachne 1:2 (1994): 266-269.
Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark, eds., Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinies in Hollywood Cinema, The Hitchcock Annual (1994): 168-174.
Pat Kirkham and Janet Thumm, eds., You Tarzan: Masculinity, Movies, and Men, Film Quarterly 48:1 (Fall 1994): 60-61.
Constance Penley, The Future of an Illusion: Film, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis, Modern Philology 89:1 (August 1991): 166-169.
Teresa de Lauretis, Alice Doesn’t: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema, Film Quarterly 40:1

(Fall 1986): 48-50.

Encyclopedia, Bibliography and Textbook Entries:
“Westerns” for Oxford Bibliographies Online: Cinema and Media Studies. NewYork:

Oxford University Press, 2014. [solicited]

Original (14) entries on Lynda Barry, Robert Crumb, Hernandez Brothers, Joe

Sacco, and Chris Ware (500 words each), “Crisis on Infinite Earths,”

“Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?,” Fritz the Cat, Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth, Love and Rockets, My Troubles with Women, Weirdo, and Zap (1000 words each), and Crime Comics (4000 words), for the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Comics, ed. M. Keith Booker. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2010. [solicited entries]
“Texas Guinan” The Women Film Pioneers Project, ed. Jane Gaines. Durham:

Duke University Press, 2010.

Original essays on“The Western” and (with Jyotika Virdi) “Indian Cinema” for The

Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film, ed. Barry Keith Grant. Farmington Hills, MI:

Thompson Gale, 2006.

Original entries on “Popular Music, Actors and Actresses, and Homoeroticism and

Homosociality for The Encyclopedia of American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and

Transgender History and Culture, ed. Marc Stein. New York: Charles Scribner’s

Sons, 2006.

Original essays on Top Hat (1935) and The Searchers (1956) for Understanding Film

Genres, ed. Steven Jay Schneider. New York: McGraw Hill, forthcoming.
Original entries on Alfred C. Kinsey, The Pin-Up, Paul Robeson, and The Star

System in St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Detroit: St. James Press,

Two original entries on Harvey Keitel and Demi Moore, and seven updated entries on Fred Astaire, Irene Dunne, Setsuko Hara, Machiko Kyo, Paul Robeson, Chishu Ryu, and Isuzu Yamada in International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers: Actors and Actresses, 3rd edition, ed. Amy L. Unterburger. Detroit: St. James Press, 1997; 4th edition, 2000.


Public Exhibitions:
Curator (with Ana Merino, Rachel Williams, and Kathleen Edwards) of “Graphic

Language: The Art and Literature of Comics,” University of Iowa Museum of Art, Black Box Theatre, September 24-December 11, 2011. [I wrote all of the overview text and individual labels for this exhibit of over 100 pieces of original art.

Mass Media and Public Presentations:
Participant, “WorldCanvass: The Rupture of Civil War,” Old Capitol Museum,

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, January 25, 2013.

“Dickens in Film,” Iowa City Public Library, Iowa City, IA, March 9, 2012.
Curator’s Talk, “Graphic Language: The Art and Literature of Comics,” University

of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA, November 3, 2011. (with Ana Merino, Rachel Williams, and Kathleen Edwards)

“Comics and Creativity,” 7th-12th grade student-teacher workshop, Iowa Memorial

Union Main Lounge, Iowa City, IA, October 5, 2011.

“Thought Balloons: Talking About Comics,” brown-bag lunch discussion,

University of Iowa Library, Iowa City, IA, October 4, 2011.

“Conversations and Controversies” public discussion of Joe Sacco’s graphic novel

Footnotes in Gaza, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies/Prairie Lights

Bookstore, Iowa City, IA, September 27, 2011.

Guest on “Talk of Iowa” Iowa Pubic Radio program on “Graphic Language: The

Art and Literature of Comics,” Iowa City, IA, September 26, 2011.

Participant on WordCanvass Radio Program, “Comics, Creativity, and Culture,”

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, September 23, 2011.

Participant on WorldCanvass Radio Program, “The American West of the

Imagination,” University of Iowa, December 10, 2010.

Guest Curator of film clips to accompany the display of the original manuscript of Jack

Kerouac’s On the Road, University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA, January 19-March 13, 2005. [selected film clips and wrote accompanying program notes]

Participant on KSUI “Know the Score” Radio Program on “Sounding the Voice,” Iowa City, IA, November 12, 2004.
Participant on WSUI “Iowa Talks Live from the Java House” program on “Hollywood Cowboys,” Iowa City, IA, February 21, 2003.
Participant on Chicago Public Radio “Odyssey” program on “Film Forum: Bollywood

and Foreign Cinema,” Chicago, IL, June 14, 2002.

Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations

  1. International

“Multiculturalism Meets the Counterculture: Racial Difference in Underground Comix,” Comics Forum 2012, Leeds, England, November 16, 2012.

“Death From (Far) Above: Watching the ‘War on Terror’ from a Safe Distance,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Tokyo, Japan, May 2009. [conference cancelled:

paper was accepted for the conference in the following year]

Chair for The First Phalke Memorial Lecture by P. K. Nair, The Nehru Centre, London,

England, July 9, 2002. [by invitation of Girish Karnad, Director of the Nehru Centre]

“D. W. Griffith and Oscar Micheaux,” Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India, January 2002. [by invitation of Professor Alok Bhalla]
“Re-posing the Question of the Pose,” Udine International Film Studies Conference,

Udine, Italy, March 2001.

“Telling White Lies: Oscar Micheaux and Charles W. Chesnutt,” Society for Cinema Studies, Ottawa, Canada, March 15, 1997.

  1. National

“Experiments with Truth: The Contemporary Hindi Historical Film,” South Asian

Studies Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, March 10, 2013.
“Comics in the Library, Museum, and Classroom,” [with Rachel Williams]

Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,

February 26, 2013.
“Analysis Terminable and Interminable: Comics Continuity from a Narratological

Perspective,” Festival of Cartoon Art, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, November 14, 2013.

“Experiments with Truth: The Hindi Colonial Historical Film,” The Unit for

Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL, December 9, 2013. [invited lecture]

“The Psychoanalysis of Comics,” International Comic Arts Forum, University of

Oregon, Portland, OR, May 23, 2013.

Respondent for Workshop “Queer About Comics: On Working at the Intersections

of Queer Theory and Comics,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies,

Chicago, IL, March 9, 2013.
“Experiments with Truth: Popular Hindi Film and Historiography,” Global Modernities

Series, Humanities Center, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA, April 3 2012. [invited lecture]

“Comix: The Possibilities and Limitations of a Revolution in Popular Culture,” 12th

Annual Craft, Critique, Culture Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, March 30, 2012. [invited keynote lecture]

“The Historical and Historiographical in Popular Hindi Cinema,” South Asia

Seminar Series, South Asia Institute, University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX,

February 2, 2012. [invited lecture]
“Gandhi, Our Father: Representations of M.K. Gandhi in Contemporary Hindi

Cinema,” Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31, 2011.

“The Cowboy Chorus: Musical and Narrative Functions of the Western Theme

Song,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, New Orleans, LA, March 14,

“Experiments with Truth: The Colonial Historical Hindi Film,” Postcolonial Nation

in Popular Culture Lecture Series, University of Houston-Downtown, November 5, 2010. [invited lecture]

“Experiments with Truth: Confronting Colonial History in Popular Indian

Cinema,”Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, October 28, 2010 [Invited: Annual Soli Sorabjee Lecture in South Asian Studies]

“Bharat in the 1970s: Popular Hindi Cinema, Periodization, and Manoj Kumar,”

Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, October 15, 2010.

“Race, Revision, and Revenge: Alternate Histories of the African American

Superhero,” Annual Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels, The

University of Florida, Gainesville, March 2010. [invited keynote lecture]
“Death From (Far) Above: Watching the ‘War on Terror’ from a Safe Distance,”

Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Los Angeles, March 17, 2010.

“The Black Voice on The Wire,” English Department Colloquium Series, University

of Iowa, February 25, 2010.

“Race, Revision, and Revenge: Alternate Histories of the African American Superhero,” American Studies Floating Friday Lecture Series, University of Iowa, November 11, 2009. [invited lecture]
“Race, Revision, and Revenge: Alternate Histories of the African American Superhero,” Understanding Superheroes Symposium, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, October 23, 2009.
“Experiments with Truth: Confronting Colonial History in Popular Hindi Cinema,” Culture, Politics, and Performativity: Cinemas of the Middle East and South Asia, University of California, Davis, May 15, 2009. [invited lecture]
“Oscar Micheaux’s Black Crime Narratives,” Faded Glory: Oscar Micheaux and the Pre- War Black Independent Cinema, Columbia University and The Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York, NY, February 7, 2009. [invited lecture]
“Experiments with Truth: The Contemporary Indian Historical Film,” Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA, December 28, 2008.
“The Sound of the ‘War on Terror’,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Philadelphia, PA, March 2008. [panel chair]
“Gandhi and the Goonda: Non-violence in the Bombay Gangster Film,” Cinema South Asia Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, February 2, 2008.
“Gandhi and the Goonda: Non-violence in the Bombay Gangster Film,” Global Gangsters: Crime and International Cinema conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, October 20, 2007. [invited lecture]
“Guru Dutt and the Indian Melodramatic Imagination,” South Asian Studies Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 2007.
“`The Indians are Making Dark Films Too’: The Case for 1950s Bombay Noir,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, IL, March 2007. [chair and organizer of panel]
“Evergreen Songs from a Golden Age: Nostalgia and Hindi Film Songs,” 35th Annual

Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October 20, 2006.

“A Wilde Night at the Theatre” Co-presentation with Teresa Mangum. Terrace Hill

Lecture Series, Des Moines, IA, June 2006. [invited lecture]

“Guru Dutt and the Indian Melodramatic Imagination,” New York University, New York,

April 2006. [invited lecture]

“The Case for Queering Dosti in Popular Hindi Cinema,” Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, IL, March 2005.
“The American Road in Postwar Film and Popular Music,” University of Iowa Museum

of Art, February 10, 2005. [invited lecture]

Devdas and Repetition,” The South Asia Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, April 2, 2004. [invited lecture]
Organizer and Chair, “Workshop on Indian Cinema and Film Studies Pedagogy,” Society

for Cinema and Media Studies, Atlanta, GA, March 2004.

“Oscar Micheaux and the Black Crime Tradition,” Micheaux Festival, Great Bend, KS,

June 2003.

“A Marginal Mainstream: How Film Studies Neglects Popular Indian Cinema,” Cultural

Studies Association, Pittsburgh, June 7, 2003.

“The Underground Negro: Race and Racism in Comix,” 2003 University of Florida

Conference on Comics: Underground(s), Gainesville, February 7, 2003.

“Bombay Boys: Dissolving the Male Child in Popular Hindi Cinema,” South Asian Studies Seminar, University of Iowa, October 24, 2002.
“From Angry Young Man to Happy Old Boy: Projecting the Male Child in Hindi Cinema,” 31st Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, October 11, 2002.
“A Marginal Mainstream Cinema: The Neglect of Indian Cinema by Film Studies,” Chicago Film Seminar, Art Institute of Chicago, February 2002. [invited lecture]
“All Hindi Films Are (Not) Musicals: Film Songs and Genre Definitions in an

International Frame,” 30th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, October 20, 2001.

“Cocktails for Two: The Addictions of Cinema,” University of Iowa Museum of Art,

October 6, 2001. [invited lecture]

“The Masala Film Genre,” Bollywood and Beyond: South Asian Film and Popular Culture, Ann Arbor, MI, September 29, 2001. [invited lecture]
“Oscar Micheaux and Film Noir,” Sixth Annual Oscar Micheaux Film Festival, Gregory,

SD, August 2001. [invited lecture]

“`I Love My India’: The Hindi Film Star as Non-Resident Indian,” Society for Cinema

Studies, Washington DC, May 2001.

“Cowboy Drag: Gender and Sexuality in the Film Western,” The Lure of the West

Exhibition, University of Iowa Museum of Art, February 8, 2001. [invited lecture]

“Oscar Micheaux and Charles W. Chesnutt ,” Fifth Annual Oscar Micheaux Film Festival, Norman, SD, August 15, 2000. [invited lecture]
“Western Drag: Portraits of the Cowboy and the Homosexual,” Modern Language

Association, Chicago IL, December 28, 1999.

“Marketing Film Music from Hollywood to Bollywood,” Society for Cinema Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton FL, April 17, 1999.
“The Sounds of Negro Heaven,” Cinema and Popular Song Conference, University of

Iowa, April 15, 1999.

“Sounds of Blackness: African American Dialect in the Context of Early Cinema,” Domitor: Society for the Study of Early Cinema, Library of Congress, Washington DC, June 3, 1998.
Respondent, Bollywood (Un)limited: Global Responses to Indian Popular Cinema, University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, April 18, 1998.
“Let’s Go West Again: Cowboy Drag in American Popular Culture,” Center for Twentieth-Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI, March 20, 1998. [invited lecture]
“What Does Race Sound Like?: Dialectical Blackness in American Popular Culture,” Sound Research Seminar, University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, February 27, 1998.
“Telling White Lies: Oscar Micheaux and Charles W. Chesnutt,” American Studies Association, Washington DC, October 30, 1997.
“Cowboy Drag in American Popular Culture,” American Studies Program Forum, University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, October 29, 1997. [invited lecture]
“Boots, Buckskin, Buttons, and Bows: Cowboy Drag in American Popular Culture,” The Style Conference, Bowling Green OH, July 28, 1997. [invited lecture]
“Picturing the Cowboy and the Homosexual,” Constance Feminore Woolson Society Convention, Mackinac Island MI, October 4, 1996.
“Opposed Poses: Exhibiting the Cowboy and the Homosexual,” Interdisciplinary Nineteen-Century Studies Conference, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven CT, April 12, 1996.
“On the Run and On the Road: Fame and the Outlaw Couple in American Cinema,” Society for Cinema Studies, Dallas TX, March 7, 1996.
“Bettie Page’s Bondage and Freedom,” Society for Cinema Studies, New York NY, March 3, 1995.
Workshop presentation, “Feminism Meets Queer Studies in the Classroom,” Society for Cinema Studies, New York NY, March 2, 1995.
“Between the West and the Western: Buffalo Bill’s Wild West in Chicago, 1893,” Interdisciplinary Group for Historical Literary Study, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, March 24, 1994.
“Clara Bow’s American Twenties,” Society for Cinema Studies, Syracuse NY, March 3, 1994.
“Necrography: The Work of Mourning in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Semiotic Society of America, St. Louis MO, October 22, 1993.
“Annie Oakley’s Performance on the Gender Frontier,” Society for Cinema Studies, New Orleans LA, February 12, 1993. [on my proposed and chaired panel “Cattle Queens and Lonesome Cowboys: Gender Trouble in the Western”]
“Film Studies and the Politics of Enthusiasm: The Louise Brooks Cult,” Midwest Modern Language Association, St. Louis MO, November 6, 1992. [on my proposed panel “The Film Critic and the Movie Fan”]
“Our Miss Brooks: Film Studies and the Politics of Enthusiasm,” Society for Cinema Studies, Pittsburgh PA, May 2, 1992.
“Remembering and Forgetting Citizen Kane: Adrienne Rich and Madonna,” Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago IL, November 15, 1991.
“Constructing the Contemporary Soundtrack,” Ohio University Film Conference, Athens OH, November 8, 1991. [on my proposed and chaired panel, “At the Margins of the Musical”]
“Acting Like a Man: Masculine Performance in My Darling Clementine,” Society for Cinema Studies, Los Angeles CA, May 25, 1991.
“Rock Music, Popular Film, and the Problem of Elvis Presley,” Society for Cinema Studies, Iowa City IA, April 14, 1989.
“The Postmodernist Parody of Alfred Hitchcock,” Midwest Faculty Seminar, Chicago IL, March 9, 1989.
“Lost Objects: Film, Fiction, and Mourning,” Modern Language Association, New Orleans LA, December 29, 1988. [on co-chaired and organized panel]
“Video and Version,” Society for Cinema Studies, Bozeman MT, July 2, 1988.
“Signifying Subcultures in Love and Rockets,” Midwest Popular Culture Association, St. Louis MO, October 16, 1987.
“The Space of Recording: The Production of Popular Music as Spectacle,” Ohio University Film Conference, Athens OH, March 5, 1987.
“The Cinematic Photograph and the Possiblity of Mourning in Frampton’s nostalgia and Syberberg’s Hitler,” Ohio University Film Conference, Athens OH, November 9, 1985.
“Roland Barthes’s Photo-Graphic Text,” Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory Colloquium Series, Urbana IL, March 25, 1985.
“How Movies End: Narrative Closure in Cruising,” Seventh Annual Purdue Conference on Film, West Lafayette IN, March 25, 1983.
“Mizoguchi and Desire: Osaka Elegy and Sisters of the Gion,” Seventh Annual Purdue Conference on Film, West Lafayette IN, March 24, 1983.



Course Number

Course Title


Spring 2014

Career Development Award

Fall 2013


Sex & Popular Culture in the Postwar United States


Fall 2013


Seminar: Loving the Cinema: Hollywood, Cinephilia, and Film Studies


Spring 2013


Topics in Contemporary Film: Contemporary American Film Authorship: Lynch, Haynes, Tarantino


Spring 2013


Readings in American Literary Genres: Critical Approaches to Comics


Fall 2012


Advanced Film Theory: The Afterlife of Classical Film Theory


Fall 2012


Sex & Popular Culture in the Postwar US


Spring 2012


Topics in Book History: The Comic Book and the Graphic Novel


Spring 2012


Advanced Film History: New Asian Film Histories


Fall 2011


Sex and Popular Culture in the Postwar US


Fall 2011


Obermann Center Special Topics Seminar: Comics, Creativity, and Culture


Spring 2011


Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies: American Literature and Mass Culture


Spring 2011


Advanced Film History: Histories of Experimental Cinema


Fall 2010


Advanced Film Theory: Contemporary Film Theory


Fall 2010


Sex and Popular Culture in the Postwar US


Spring 2010


Topics in Book History: The American Comic Book


Spring 2010


Advanced Film History: The Western and Hollywood Historiography


Fall 2009


Sex and Popular Culture in the Postwar US


Fall 2009


Topics in Asian Cinema: Popular Hindi Film


Spring 2009


Seminar in Film Theory: Legacies of Marx and Freud


Spring 2009


Topics in Contemporary Literature: Reading Popular Literature


Fall 2008


Advanced Film Theory: Cinema and the “War on Terror”


Fall 2008


Topics in Transnational Literature: Literature and the “War on Terror”


Spring 2008

Career Development Award

Fall 2007


Topics in Popular Culture: Sherlock Holmes


Fall 2007


Advanced Film Theory: The Voice in Cinema


Summer 2007


International Programs Summer Institute for Teachers: Terrorism & Mass Media


Spring 2007


Topics in Popular Culture: The Graphic Novel


Spring 2007


Topics in Asian Cinema: Popular Hindi Cinema


Fall 2006


Introduction to Contemporary Theory


Fall 2006


Advanced Film Theory: Film Noir & Hollywood Historiography


Spring 2006


Topics in World Cinema: New Asian Cinemas


Fall 2005


Topics in Popular Culture: Superhero Narratives


Fall 2005


Seminar: Problems in Aesthetics & Literary Theory: Globalization & New Asian Cinemas


Spring 2005


Topics in Film and Literature: Camp and Drag


Fall 2004


Topics in Asian Cinema: Popular Hindi Cinema


Fall 2004


Honors Special Topics: Theoretical Approaches to Popular Culture


Spring 2004


Advanced Film History: African American Cinema


Fall 2003


Seminar in American Literature & Culture: Race & Racism in Popular Texts


Fall 2003


Proseminar in Cinema & Culture: Asian Noir


Fall 2003


Styles & Genres: Film Noir


Spring 2003


Advanced Film Theory: Stars & Fans


Spring 2003


Topics in Popular Culture: Comic Strips, Comic Books & Graphic Novels


Fall 2002


The American Novel since 1945


Fall 2002

048: 173

Styles & Genres: The International Film Musical


Spring 2002


Advanced Film History: D.W. Griffith


Spring 2002


Seminar in Cultural Studies: The Production & Consumption of Popular Texts


Fall 2001


Topics in Film & Popular Culture: Verbal & Visual Collage


Fall 2001


Topics in Asian Cinema: Indian Film


  1. Students Supervised (University of Iowa only)

Degree Objective: Student Name Years Outcome

  1. Ph.D. Candidates

Ernesto Acavedo-Munoz Ph.D.

Ulrich Adelt Ph.D.

David Banash Ph.D.

Sushmita Banerji (director) in progress

Greg Beatty Ph.D.

Jay Beck Ph.D.

Nilo Couret Ph.D.

Brandon Dean in progress

Leslie DeLassus in progress

Laura Dubek (director) Ph.D.

Kevin Esch (director) Ph.D.

Kara Fagan in progress

Larissa Faulkner Ph.D.

Michael Germana Ph.D.

Brian Halstoos (co-director) Ph.D.

Dennis Hanlon Ph.D.

Taylor Harrison Ph.D.

Sabine Henlin-Stromme Ph.D.

Eleanor Hersey Ph.D.

Michael Hetra (co-director) in progress

Jacob Horn (director) in progress

Christian Keathley Ph.D.

Kyle Keough (director) in progress

Se Young Kim in progress

Yung Bin Kwak (co-director) Ph.D.

Young Hee Kwan Ph.D.

Dimitrios Latsis in progress

Hee-Eun Lee Ph.D.

Sucheta Mallick Ph.D.

Allison McCracken Ph.D.

Allison McGuffie (director) Ph.D.

Stephanie Mueller Ph.D.

Lori Muntz Ph.D.

Bjorn Nordfjord Ph.D.

Russell Peterson (director) Ph.D.

Gemmicka Piper in progress

Kevin Quirk Ph.D.

Swarnavel Eswaran Pillai (director) Ph.D.

Elissa Rashkin Ph.D.

Bianca Rizzoli Ph.D.

Satomi Saito (co-director) Ph.D.

Jesse Schlotterbeck (director) Ph.D.

Louis-Georges Schwartz Ph.D.

Michael Slowik Ph.D.

Amy Spellacy Ph.D.

Erica Stein Ph.D.

Kyle Stine Ph.D.

Sara Sullivan (director) Ph.D.

Ellen Sweeney (director) Ph.D.

Brittany Tullis in progress

James Tweedie Ph.D.

Richard H. Wiebe Jr. (co-director) in progress

Alison Wielgus (co-director) in progress

Nicholas Yanes (director) in progress

Shari Zeck (co-director) Ph.D.

b. Master’s Candidates

Mauricio Caleiro (advisor) MA

Sarah Dunham MFA

Nicole Esquibel MFA

Mark Huelsbeck MFA

Erica Mena-Landry MFA

Katarzyna Plazinska MFA in progress

Andre Silva MFA

Shannon Silva MFA

Remington Smith MFA in progress

Richard H. Wiebe Jr. MA

c. Undergraduate Students Advise approximately 20-25 CCL undergraduates annually
d. Honors Students Gwen Cassidy (thesis director) B.A.

Nathan Kreuter (thesis director) B.A.

Kim Nelson (committee member) B.A.

Michael Sudmeier (thesis director) B.A.

JoDana Thompson (thesis director) B.A.

Robert Blalock (thesis director) B.A.

Morgan McCormick B.A.

Ryan Grandick (thesis director) B.A.

SERVICE (at University of Iowa only)

  1. Profession

Consulting Reader for (journals): Iris, Critical Inquiry, Criticism, Mosaic, masculinites,

Journal of Men’s Studies, M/MLA Journal; (university presses): Duke University

Press, The University of Minnesota Press, Wayne State University Press, Indiana University Press, University of Illinois Press, Southern Illinois University Press, University of Texas Press, Oxford University Press, and The University of Chicago Press. (approximately 3 book manuscripts and 2 essays per year)

2014-16 Editorial Advisory Board, The Velvet Light Trap

2012-15 Secretary, Society for Cinema and Media Studies

2012-present Editorial Advisory Board, REFRAME (open access academic digital

platform, University of Sussex)

2011-12 Chair, Distinguished Career Achievement Award Committee, Society

for Cinema and Media Studies

2010-11 Member, Distinguished Career Achievement Award Committee,

Society for Cinema and Media Studies

2009-12 Member, Media Archives Committee, Society for Cinema and Media


2011 Outside Tenure reviewer for SUNY-Binghamton

2010- present Editorial Board, BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies

2010 Outside Tenure reviewer for Yale University

2007-09 Professional Evaluator, American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Award Grants

2007 Outside Tenure reviewer for University of Southern California and Texas Christian University

1998 Advisor, St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, 1999.

1998-2000 Member, The Living Nickelodeon (a scholarly recreation of early cinema exhibition); performances in Iowa, Washington DC, Montreal,

New York City, Detroit, Williamsburg, VA, and Bologna, Italy

1997-2012 Faculty Participant, Sound Research Seminar, University of Iowa

1998 Selected Participant, International Forum for United States Studies (IFUSS), University of Iowa

1996-present Faculty Consultant, Educational Testing Service, Princeton NJ

1991-1992 Chair, Film Studies Division, Midwest Modern Language Association

1989-1990 Acting Director, Film Studies Center, University of Chicago

1988-1991 Faculty Coordinator, Mass Culture Workshop, University of Chicago

1988-1991 Faculty Member, Psychoanalysis and Literature Workshop, University of Chicago

1988-1991 Faculty Advisor, Documentary Film Group, University of Chicago

1988 Mentor, Summer Research Opportunity Program for Minority Students, University of Chicago

  1. Departments

2013-14 Chair, Tenure Review Committee of Assistant Professor Steve Choe,


2013 Director of Graduate Studies, CCL (Fall only)

2012-13 Assistant Professor Review Committee, English

2012-13 Chair, Search Committee, Transnational Sexualities, GWSS

2012-13 Chair, Film Studies PhD Qualifications Committee, CCL

2012-13 Chair, Film Studies Graduate Admissions Committee, CCL

2011-12 Assistant Professor Review Committee, English

2011-12 Film and Video Production Search Committee, CCL

2011-12 Film Studies MA Exam Committee, CCL

2010-13 Director of Film Studies, CCL

2010-12 Chair, Film Studies Admissions Committee, CCL

2010-12 Chair, Film Studies PhD Qualifications Committee, CCL

2010-11 Pre-Tenure Review Committee of Assistant Professor

Michael Hill, English

2010-11 Assistant Professor Review Committee, English

2009-10 Undergraduate Advisor, English

2009-10 Chair, Film Studies PhD Qualification Committee, CCL

2009-10 Director of Film Studies, Fall 2009, CCL

2008-09 Member, Search Committee, Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies

2008-09 Chair, Tenure Review Committee of Assistant Professor Jeff Porter, English

2008-09 Chair, Tenure Review Committee of Assistant Professor Paula Amad, CCL

2007-09 Member, M.A. Examination Committee, Film Studies, CCL

2007 Member, Film Studies Search Committee, CCL (MLA interviews only)

2007 Faculty Supervisor, “Studies in Sound” conference, CCL

2007 Director of Film Studies Program, CCL (Fall only)

2007 Chair, Fifth Year Review of Assistant Professor Jeff Porter, English

2006-07 Director of Undergraduate Studies, CCL

2006-07 Chair, M.A. Examination Committee, Film Studies, CCL

2006-07 Member, Tenure Review Committee of Assistant Professor Priya Kumar, English

    1. Chair, Fifth Year Review of Assistant Professor Harry Stecopoulos

  1. DEO, Department of Cinema & Comparative Literature (Spring-Summer)

    1. Director of Film Studies, CCL

2004-05 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee, Film Studies, CCL

    1. Chair, Literatures of Africa Search Committee, Department of English

    1. Chair, Cultural Studies Search Committee, English

    1. Chair, Graduate Qualifications, English

2001-06 Film Collection and Equipment Supervisor, CCL

    1. Member, Graduate Qualifications Committee, English

1997-00 Teaching Assistant Advisor, General Education in Literature

1997-02 Undergraduate Advisor, English

  1. College

2010-13 Dean’s Executive Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    1. Member of Faculty Assembly, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

1998-2008 Member of Executive Committee, Program in Sexuality Studies

  1. University

2012-present Provost’s Arts Advancement Committee

2011 Review Committee, Crossing Borders Program

2010-11 Provost’s Committee to Review the International Studies Major

2008-10 Advisory Board, Dual Career Network

2009 Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Faculty Mentor

  1. Co-author of Review of Director of International Programs Diana Davies (at request of Dean William Reisinger)

2007 Evaluator of Seashore-Ballard Graduate Fellowships, Graduate College

    1. Member, Provost’s Committee on Gender Equity

2004 Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) Faculty Mentor

2002-2005 University of Iowa Museum of Art Consulting Committee

2002-2005 Member, Faculty Senate

2001-present Director, Institute for Cinema and Culture

2000-2012 Executive Committee, International Programs

    1. Interim Director, Institute for Cinema and Culture

  1. Advisory Board, Institute for Cinema and Culture

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