European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, Nice,25-30 mars 2001. Symposium « Northern and Southern Hemisphere climate change and interhemispheric ocean interactions : leads and lags ». Modelling abrupt events in glacial climate. (avec M. Crucifix, M.F. Loutre, A. Berger).
A global meeting presented by the Geological Society of America and The Geological Society of London, Edinburgh, 24-28 juin 2001. Earth System Processes. (invited paper)
IUGG-SPARC Workshop, Long Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Prague, 2-6 juillet 2001. Long-term climate change model prediction. (invited paper). (avec M.F. Loutre)
V Iberian Quaternary Meeting GTPEO, AEQUA ? Sociedade Geologica de Portugal, Lisbonne, 23-27 juillet 2001. The past and future climate at the astronomical time scale. (invited lecture) (avec M.F. Loutre)
First International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age. Dalhousie University, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, 19-24 August 2001. An exceptionally long interglacial ahead ? (avec M.F. Loutre) (invited speaker).
Palaeoperspectives on Gloal Sustainability. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2-3 October 2001. Astronomical theory of paleoclimates, its importance for the future of climate and for high frequency climatic changes. (avec M. Crucifix & M.F. Loutre) (invited paper).
International Meeting on « Climate Change and the Kyoto Procol », University of Evora, 15-16 November 2001. Astronomical forcing of climate. An exceptionally long interglaciao ahead. (invited speaker)
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Milankovitch and Climate: Twenty-five years later, December 2001. Role of CO2, insolation and Antarctic ice sheet on the interglacial marine isotope stage 11. (avec D. Raynaud, M.F. Loutre, J.M. Barnola, J. CHappellaz, J. Jouzel, V. Lipenkov, J.R. Petitt et F. Vimeux).
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Milankovitch and Climate: Twenty-five years later, December 2001. Some novelties in the astronomical theory over the last decades. (avec M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix).
European Science Foundation Forward Look. Earth System Science : Global Problems, Global Science ; Europe’s Contribution to Global Change Research. Stockholm, 30 January – 1st February 2002. The astronomical theory of paleoclimates : does it matter for sustainable development ? (Keynote Invited Lecture)
27th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session ST20 Solar variability and Climate Change, Nice, 24 avril 2002. High frequency variations of the Earth’s orbital parameters and climate change. (avec C. Bertrand, M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix)
27th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session PC4 Variability at Milankoutch scales, Nice, 25 avril 2002. Which 100-kyr cycle ? (avec M.F. Loutre, J.L. Mélice) (solicited lecture)
27th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session NP6 Climate Models: non linear response and thresholds, Nice, 25 avril 2002. Vegetation responsible for rapid climatic change during the last interglacial ? (avec M. Crucifix, M.F. Loutre).
27th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session NP6 Climate Models: non linear response and thresholds, Nice, 25 avril 2002. CO2 solar forcing and glacial cycles: a problem of phase. (avec M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix, D. Raynaud).
27th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session PC4 Variability at Milankovitch scales, Nice, 25 avril 2002. Marine isotope stage 11: the role of CO2, insolation and Antarctic ice sheet on this interglacial. (avec D. Raynaud, M.F. Loutre, C. Ritz, F. Parrenin, J.M. Barnola, A. Berger, J. Chappellaz, J. Jouzel, V. Lipenkov, J.R. Petit, F. Vimeux).
Cinquantenaire du Centre CEA de Saclay. Séminaire « De la Recherche à l’Industrie », Colloque Santé et Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, 23 octobre 2002. Le futur de notre climat à l’échelle géologique.
Workshop « Last Glacial Inception », Potsdam, 24-25 octobre 2002. What is happening in the LLN 2-D model between 125 and 110 kyr BP (avec M.F. Loutre).
Journée Solvay, Paris, 7 novembre 2002. Changements climatiques : état d’urgence ? (séminaire invité).
International Conference on Future Energy Systems and Technology for CO2-abatment. Technologisch Instituut – KVIV, Antwerpen, 17-19 November 2002. The effect of greenhouse gases on the climate. (Invited Plenary).
Colloque européen sur “Waste Management and Climate Change”, Hôtel de Ville de Paris, 21 novembre 2002. The environmental, social and economic impacts of climate change. (Avis d’expert, conférence invitée).
Colloque « Regards Croisés sur les Changements Globaux », CN PCG, Arles, 25-29 novembre 2002. De la théorie astronomique au développement durable. (présentation sur invitation).
Regional Climatic Change in Europe. Processes and Impacts ESF Workshop and PRUDENCE annual meeting, Wengen, 29 septembre – 3 octobre 2003. From the astronomical theory to sustainable development. (Honorary Lecture)
La Chimie en Milieux Extrêmes. Société Royale de Chimie, Mons, 9 octobre 2003. Le réchauffement global au XXIe siècle.
Uncertainty workshop 28th Scientific Committee, European Environment Agency, Copenhague, 22 octobre 2003. Uncertainty in Energy CO2 and Climate. (invited contribution).
Workshop on "Energy, Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change scenarios", EEA, Copenhague, 21-30 juin 2004. Uncertainties and the Climate System. (invited lecture).
EuroScience Open Forum 2004, Stockholm, 16 août 2004. From the astronomical theory to sustainable development. (Plenary lecture).
Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium "Paleoclimate and the Earth Climate System", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 30 août – 2 septembre 2004. Milankovitch and Beyond. (avec M.F. Loutre & J.L. Mélice). (Chairman of the International Scientific Committee).
8th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP8, Programme and Abstracts, p. 18-19), Biarritz, septembre 2004. How long will our interglacial last? (avec M.F. Loutre) (Keynote lecture).
Climats, Cultures et Sociétés aux Temps Préhistoriques. De l'Appparition des Hominidés jusqu'au Néolithique, Session 1 Les Climats au Pliocene, au Pleistocene et à l'Holocène, Paris, Institut de France, 13 septembre 2004. Les causes astronomiques des variations du climat. (Conférence invitée).
ESF-Holivar Workshop "Holocene Climate Variability and Climate Forcing", Kastanienbaum, 23-25 septembre 2004. Orbital Forcing. (invited keynote lecture).
L'Homme Face au Climat, Collège de France, Paris, 12-13 octobre 2004. De la théorie astronomique au réchauffement global. (avec M.F. Loutre). (conférence invitée).
Workshop on Climate Change Research, Yokohama, Japon, 28-29 septembre 2004. Modeling the astronomical theory of paleoclimates. (avec M.F. Loutre & M. Crucifix).
AGU, U01 Climate of the Past Million Years, Union Symposium, San Francisco, 14 décembre 2004. Modelling climate of the last million years. (avec M.F. Loutre & J.L. Mélice).
AGU-PP16-A Tropical Perspectives on the Ice Ages, section paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, San Francisco, 14 décembre 2004. 100 kyr and 5-5 kyr periods in tropical insolation. (avec M.F. Loutre & J.L. Mélice).
Les Inteactions, Institut Universitaire de France, Journées scientifiques 2005, Grenoble, 3-4 mars 2005. Le réchauffement global, une interaction climat-énergie. (conférence invitée).
The Royal Academies for Sciences and the Arts in Belgium, Energy in the 21st Century: From Einstein to Controlled Fusion, Brussels, 5 mars 2005. Impact de la production d'énergie sur l'environnement. (conférence invitée).
DEKLIM/PAGES Conference, The Climate of the next millennia in the Perspective of Abrupt Climate Change during the Late Pleistocene, Mainz, 7-10 mars 2005. Is the Holocene/Anthropocene going to be exceptionally long? (avec M.F. Loutre) (invited lecture).
DEKLIM/PAGES Conference, The Climate of the next millennia in the Perspective of Abrupt Climate Change during the Late Pleistocene, Mainz, 7-10 mars 2005. Insolation and Orbital Forcing as a driver of climate change. (avec M.F. Loutre) (invited lecture).
EPICA ice cores and Quaternary Earth System Dynamics Session CL13/CL29, European Geo Sciences Union, Vienna, 26 avril 2005. On the origin of the 100-kyr astronomical cycles. (avec J.L. Mélice & M.F. Loutre) (solicited paper).
State visit of Their Majesties King Albert II and Queen Paola to the P.R. of China, Beijing, 6 juin 2005. Scientific Research in Belgium and collaboration between Belgium and P.R. of China. (Opening Ceremony, on behalf of the scientists).
17th Annual Conference Academia Europaea, The Scientific and Cultural Architecture of Man in Nature System Earth: a View from Outside, Potsdam, 22-24 septembre 2005. Earth climate: a view from the astronomical theory. (invited lecture).
World Science Forum, Thematic session V: The Future of the Environment, Budapest, 10-12 novembre 2005. Global warming in the XXIst Century and Kyoto in Europe.
Avenir de l'Energie et Energies de l'Avenir, Colloque organisé par les anciens élèves des Facultés des Sciences Appliquées de Bruxelles et Mons, Salle Dupréel, Université libre de Bruxelles, 8 décembre 2005. Climat, Energie et CO2.
International Symposium on Climate Change. Research Challenges in memory of Anver Ghazi, EU DG Research, Belgian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Brussels, 2-3 February 2006. Why Paleoclcimates ? (invited lecture)
Un Monde meilleur pour tous : projet réaliste ou rêve insensé ? Premier Colloque du Collège de France à l'éranger organisé en partenariat avec l'Académie Royale de Belgique, l'Université catholique de Louvain et l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. Palais des Académies, Bruxelles, 8-9 mars 2006. Le Climat du XXIième Siècle sous l'influence des activités humaines. (conférence invitée).
Le Bassin Méditerranéen, Climats et Environnements extrêmes depuis 20 000 ans. Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme, Aix en Provence, 27-28 mars 2006. Le Climat de la Terre, du Passé au Future. (conférence invitée).
ESF/JSPS Conferences on "Climate Change", Nynüshmann, Sweden, 24-29 juin 2006. An exceptionally long interglacial ahead? (invited lecture).
BELQUA National Committee, Scientific Workshop, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, 2 mars 2007. New Challenges in Quaternary Research. (invited Opening Lecture). (with M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix and J.L. Mélice)
Polar Regions and Global Change: The Geological Record – Processes in the Past, Crafoord Jubilee Programme 2007, Geosciences Symposium, 24-25 avril 2007. The Start and End of Our Interglacial. (invited lecture). (with M.F. Loutre and M. Crucifix)
3rd Von Humboldt International Conference on East Asian Monsoon, Past, Present and Future, EGU-IGGCAS, Beijing, 27-30 August 2007. Strong monsoon in the worldwide cool MIS-13. (with Yin Q., M. Crucifix, E. Driesschaert, H. Goosse, M.F. Loutre)
Le Collège de France à Bruxelles "Climats du passé et du futur", Palais des Académies, Bruxelles, 13 février 2008. Notre exceptionnellement long interglaciaire.
Des Etoiles à la Vie, Université Bordeaux 1, Groupe Sciences, Bordeaux, 16-18 mai 2008. Des Climats anciens aux Climats futurs. (conférence invitée).
Changements climatiques et sécurité d'approvisionnement en énergie, SRBE-KBVE, Bruxelles, 11 juin 2008. Une vérité qui dérange. (conférence invitée).
Colloque Gérontologique – Météorologie, Environnement et Santé des Seniors : Connaître et Prévenir. CPAS Charleroi et IEIAS, 17 juin 2008. Quel temps et quelles conséquences pour demain ?
First PIGS/Pages Workshop, Bernin, France, 2-4 octobre 2008. 1) Interglacials over the last 1 million years: forcing and modelling. 2) Modeling climate of Marine isotope stage 13. (avec Q. Yin) (invited lectures)
FWO Kennismakers, Dag van de Onderzoeker, Big Science – Het Klimaat, Brussels, 23 octobre 2008. The Start and End of our Interglacial. (invited lecture).
New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research. European Conference within "ESF-FSMH – Entresciences Conferences on Interdiscicplinary Environmental Sciences, Porquerolles, France, 5-10 novembre 2008. Start and End of Our Interglacial. (avec M. Crucifix, M.F. Loutre, Q. Yin) (invited lecture)
Quelle éthique face au changement climatique ? Agir en situation d'incertitude. ENCPB, Paris, 27 janvier 2009. Changement climatique : état des lieux. (conférence invitée).
ESF-FWF Conference, Mechanisms of Quaternary Climate Change : Stability of warm phases in the past and in the future. Universität zentrum, Oberjurgh, Austria, 6-11 June 2009. Orbital forcing and response during the interglacials of the last 1 Ma (A. Berger & Q. Yin) ; Possible cause of an extremely strong East Asian Summer Monsoon during MIS-13 (Yin Q., A. Berger & Z. Guo)+
Milutin Milankovitch, the 130th Anniversary Symposium. Climate Change at the Eve of the Second Decade of the Century. Inferences from paleoclimate and regional aspects. Belgrade, 22-25 September 2009. Berger A., Mesinger F., Sijacki D. co-organizers. Lectures on A brief theory of the astronomical theories (A. Berger) and Modeling the intergacial of the last million years (Q.Z. Yin and A. Berger).
March 29-30: INTERDYNAMIK Seminar, University of Bremen, Germany. Invited talk: Yin QZ, Berger A. Insolation and CO2 contribution to the climate of the last ten interglacials.
General Assembly 2010 of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 2-5 May 2010. Oral presentation: Yin, Q.Z., Berger, A., 2010. Does the interglacial MIS-13 challenge the Milankovitch hypothesis?
PAGES Working Group on Past Interglacials (PIGS) Third Workshop, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, New York, USA 20-22 October 2010. Modelling the peaks of the interglacials of the last 800 ka, and the timing and duration of MIS-13. A. Berger and Q. Yin
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China. October 16 2010. Invited talk: Yin Q.Z. and Berger A., Insolation and CO2 contribution to the climate of the last ten interglacials. Berger A. and Yin Q.Z.Interglacials before and after MBE, Response to insolation and GHG forcings.
American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010. Insolation and CO2 contribution to the interglacial climates of the past 800 ka (Yin and Berger). and Do modelling experiments and proxy data provide the same MIS-13 ? (Berger and Yin)
EMICs International Workshop, Potsdam, 16-20 Janvier 2011. Do MIS-13 challenge the NH hypothesis of the Astronomical Theory ? CO2 and insolation contribution to the interglacial climates of the last 800 ka. (A. Berger and Q. Yin).
EGU General Assembly. Vienna, 3-8 April, 2011.
Berger and Q.Z. Yin: Intercomparison of the last nine interglacials in response to insolation and CO2 in: Modelling paleoclimates from the Cretaceous to the Holocene (CL1.2).
Q.Z. Yin and A. Berger: Does MIS-13 originates from Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere summer at perihelion. In: Climate response to orbital forcing (CL1.4).
S. Sundaram, Q.Z. Yin, A. Berger, H. Muri: Ice sheet induced North Atlantic Oscillation mode during an intezrglacial 500 ka ago and its impact on the East Asian summer Monsoon. In: Ice-sheet and climate intezractions (CR10.20).
Tyndall Conference 2011, Royal Irish Academy and Environment Protection Agency, Dublin 28-30 September 2011. Global Warming and the Future of our Interglacial (A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin)
PMIP-MARUM-PAGES Workshop on Comparing Ocean Models with Paleo-Archives COMPARE 2012, Bremen, 18-21 March 2012: Role of the ocean in intensifying the monsoon during a La Nina-like climate of MIS-13: a model study (Karami P, Yin Q.Z., Herold N., Berger A.)
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012
Herold N, Yin Q.Z., Karami P., Berger A. Modeling the warm interglacials: analogs of MIS-1.
Karami P., Berger A., Herold N., Yin Q.Z.: A climate model study of an intense Asian Monsoon in a La Nina-like climate of MIS-13
PMIP3 second meeting, Crewe, UK, 6-11 May 2012:Modeling the climatic diversity of the warm interglacials (Herold N, Yin Q.Z., Karami P., Berger A).
4th PIGS meeting of PAGES Past Global Changes. University of Cambridge, 1-5 July 2012. MBE in simulated surface and ocean climates at the interglacial peaks. (Yin and Berger).Climate diversity at the peaks of the interglacials, forcing and model response. (A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin).
Natural and Man-Made Climate Change, a symposium in Honor of Bert Bolin, The Royal swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 21-23 May 2012. Variations in the Earth's orbit: pacemaker of global change with an application to interglacials (A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin).
3d Internationalconference on Earth System Modeling, Hamburg, September 2012. MIS-11 and MIS-19 analogues of our Interglacial (Berger A., Yin Q.Z., Herold N.). Insolation and cO2-induced variations in the sea ice of the last nine interglacials (Q.Z. yin and A. Berger).
ICTP, Trieste Italy, 12-16 Nov 2012. Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific: Mechanisms, Teleconnections and Impacts.Role of the tropical Pacific Ocean in strengthening the East Asian Monsoon: Climate model study of Marine Isotopic stage 13 (M.P.Karami, N.Herold, Q.Yin and A.Berger)
Colloque à la mémoire d'Armand Pons. Past global change and Mediterranean biodiversity. Quel passé pour quell avenir, un homage à Armand Pons. Université Aix-Marseille, Marseille, 25 janvier 2013. Théorie astronomique, interglaciaires et Anthropocène (A. Berger et Q.Z. Yin).
OSM13 Past warm periods informing the Anthropocene, 4th PAGES Open Science Meeting. The Past A Compass for Future Earth, 13-16 Feb 2013, Goa, India. About the difficulty to find a Pleistocene analogue to the Holocene and Anthropocene (A. Berger, Q.Z. Yin, N. Herold).
PAGES Past Interglacials (PIGS) writing workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve, 4-6 March 2013. Organizers: C. Tzedakis, Q.Z. Yin, A. Berger. The Intensity of the interglacials (Q.Z. Yin, A. berger)
EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2013.
-Contributions of Insolation and Warm Pool SST to the strong East Asia Summer Monsoon during the interglacial MIS-13. U. Singh, Q.Z. Yin, A. Berger. CL4.1 (Climate: Past, Present, and Future). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-6990, 2013. Poster, 9 April 2013
-The intensity of interglacials over the last 800 ka. Eric Wolff , Emilie Capron, Katy Pol, Belen Martrat, Qiuzhen Yin, Chronis Tzedakis, and Jerry McManus . Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-3065-1, oral 2013
-Astronomically-induced Mid-Brunhes Transition in the Southern and Deep Oceans. Qiuzhen Yin. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5171-1, oral 9 April 2013
-The Eemian climate simulated by two models of different complexities. Irina Nikolova, Qiuzhen Yin, Andre Berger, Umesh Singh, and Pasha Karami. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5211, poster 9 April 2013
DACA, Davos Atmospheric and Cryospheric Assembly, session A1.3/4 Projecting the climate of the emerging Anthropocene, Davos,8-13 July 2013. Invited paper: Past interglacials, analogues of the Holocene and the Anthropocene?, A. Berger and Qiuzhen Yin.
ACADEMIA EUROPAEA General Assembly, European Science and Scholarship looking ahead-challenges of the next 25 years, Wroclaw, Poland, 15-20 September 2013. Plenary debate: the Anthropocene: Future Challenges, Invited Paper: Past a key of our future, A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin.
CENTENARY of ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Cinquantenaire Museum, 26-27 September 2013. Invited Paper: Past Climates, a Key to the Future, Do we have good analogues for the future global warming, A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin.
Climate Science, Honorary doctorate of Science Ceremony, UNIVESITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, Amherst, 18 October 2013; Astronomical Theory of Paleoclimates, A. Berger
Climate Science Symposium, UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, Amherst, 19 October 2013. The Pleistocene Warm Climates, analogues of the Anthropocene, A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin.
Southwest Associate University Forum, KUNMING, 24 March 2014. Glaobal Warming, past, present and future. A. Berger
YUNNAN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Climate Change, Theory, modeling and case study? A.Berger, Q.Z. Yin;F Riedel, H. Zhang, W. Chen., Kunming, 21-24 March 2014.
EGU, Interglacial Climate Change-Learning from paleolimate archives and models. CL5.7.Vienna, 28 April 2014. The role of CO2 and insolation in explaining interglacial diversity and the origin of the Mid-Bruhnes Event. Q.Z. yin, A. Berger, N. Herold (poster Z262). About past interglacials as analogues to the Holocene and Anthropocene, A. Berger, Q.Z. Yin (poster Z263).
Ice-sheet and Climate Interactions CL3.7, Vienna, 2 May 2014. Ice sheets, insolation and CO2 during the interglacial MIS-13, Q.Z. Yin, A. Berger, A. Ganopolski, H. Goelzer, Z. Guo, P. Huybrechts (oral EGU2014-2910).
PMIP, Response of the interglacial climate to different astromical forcings, Q.Z. Yin (speaker) and A. Berger. Role of insolation and CO2 in explaining interglacial diversity. Poster Q.Z.Yin, A. Berger, N. Herold. Second General Meeting PMIP, Namur, 25-30 May 2014.
Milankovitch Anniversary Unesco symposium. Belgrade, 3-5 Septeber 2014. Milankovitch and the astronomical theories of paleoclimates, A. Berger.Interglacials of the last 800 ka and possible Pleistocene analogues of the Holocene, Q.Z. Yin.
IUGG, 26th General Assembly, Pragues, June 22-July 2 2015. Participation as member to the ICCL Business meeting on June 24. Organization on June 29 of symposium M18 Past climate changes: akey for the future with Q.Z. Yin, A. Haywood, M. MacCracken and K.Alverson. Communication: Yin Q.Z., A. Berger , Response of interglacial climate to insolation and CO2 during the past 800,000 years.
Our Common Future under climate change, UNESCO, Paris 7-10 July 2015. Organization of session S1122 on: Global Warming Hiatus with Cl Jeandron on 7 July. Communication on : Global warming hiatus 1998-2012 and ice melting, A. Berger, Q.Z. Yin, H. Nifenecker, J. Poitou. Abstracts book p. 176-178.
XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan, July 26-August 2 2015. 3 Communications. Yin Q.Z. and A. Berger, Response of interglacial climate to insolation and CO2 during the past 800,000 years. Yin Q.Z., Berger A., Ganopolski A., Goelzer H., Guo Z.T., Huybrechts P., Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the interglacial MIS-13. Yin Q.Z., Singh U.K., Berger A., Guo Z.T., Crucifix M., Relative Impact of Insolation and Warm Pool surface temperature on the East Asia Summer Monsoon during the MIS-13 interglacial.
Dispositif de partenariat en Ecologie –Environnement, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.Des Cycles glaciaires-interglaciaires au Réchauffement global. 27 novembre 2015. A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin.
Castle Meeting, Nex Trends on Paleo Rock and Environment Magnetism, Pont-à-Lesse. From Global warming to the Astronomical Theory of Paleoclimates. 21-27 August 2016. A. Berger and Q.Z. Yin.
Le chanoine Lemaître, un carolo père du Big Bang, Charleroi. La cosmoloie de Lemaître et lez avancées actuelles dans l’infinimnt petit et l’infiniment grand en passant par l’exobiologie ; Table Ronde sur la cosmologie future, A. Berger président. 22 septembre 2016.
The nature of our biophilic Universe, an interdisciplinary workshop in honour of Monseigneur Georges Lemaître, Academia Belgica, Rome. The astronomical theory of paleoclimates, a key to understand past, present and future climate. December 1-2 2016.
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