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7. M. Jouni, A. Boudenne, G Boiteux, V. Massardier, B. Garnier, A. Serghei Electrical and thermal properties of polyethylene/silver nanoparticle composites

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Rad 40. D. K. Božanić, V. Djoković, S. Dimitrijević-Branković, R. Krsmanović, M. McPherson, P. S. Nair, M. K. Georges, T. Radhakrishnan

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Rad 42. L. Csóka, D. K. Božanić, V. Nagy, S. Dimitrijević-Branković, A. S. Luyt, G. Grozdits, V. Djoković, Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 1139-1146. (2012)

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