Daly-Scheller Final 1/8/19 08: 20: 40 strengthening arbitration by facing its challenges

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Daly-Scheller Final 1/8/19 08:20:40


Joseph L. Daly* and Suzanne M. Scheller**

The purpose of arbitration is to provide quick, efficient, and inexpensive resolution of disputes. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Research shows the purpose is often achieved, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT but nothing is perfect. Litigation surrounding arbitration has continued. From 2005-2007, more than five hundred new judicial opinions on mandatory arbitration provisions have been published. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Such challenges reduce the time, cost, and efficiency savings expected in arbitration. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

The challenges will not disappear by ignoring them. In order for arbitration to maintain its vitality, the problems with arbitration must be addressed. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT It is possible to make arbitration better by looking at its strengths and weaknesses. The key idea behind this article is to strengthen arbitration by discussing, not solving, its challenges.


One challenge to arbitration is the validity of the arbitration agreement itself. In a typical case, the plaintiff files suit in court and the defendant seeks to compel arbitration. The plaintiff then resists the motion to compel arbitration by challenging the validity of the arbitration agreement. Reasons for resistance include: contract of adhesion; unconscionability of the agreement; and limitation of statutory rights. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Facing these challenges can strengthen arbitration.

A. Adhesive Nature of the Contract

A party may challenge an arbitration agreement by arguing that it is a one-sided contract of adhesion. A contract of adhesion is a standard form agreement presented to one of the parties on a “take-it-or-leave-it” basis with no opportunity to negotiate terms or provisions. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Many consumer and employment contracts are presented in this manner. The problem is that form contracts often contain arbitration provisions that require the parties to arbitrate all disputes and foreclose the right to litigate future grievances in court. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The troubling issue is whether both parties have knowingly consented to all the terms in the standard form agreement. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

For instance, if a consumer wishes to be included in a cell phone plan or sign up for a credit card, the consumer must sign the contract as printed—there is no bargaining for the terms of the agreement. Similarly, an employee may waive the right to a trial when entering into an employment contract. Yet invalidating the arbitration provision is complicated and difficult.

1. Invalidating a Contract of Adhesion Requires Proving Unconscionability

Courts are unwilling to invalidate an arbitration clause simply because it is a contract of adhesion. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT A contract of adhesion is not per se invalid. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In order to invalidate the arbitration clause in an adhesive contract, the clause must be unconscionable.

i. Unconscionability

Unconscionability is determined at the time of making the agreement and is marked by unfair terms that are oppressive to a disadvantaged party, taking into account the “setting, purpose and effect” of the particular agreement. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Generally, the contract must be both procedurally and substantively unconscionable in order to be invalidated; NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT however, a sliding scale test is sometimes used to find unconscionability in the aggregate. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The party challenging the arbitration provision must prove it is unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

ii. Procedural Unconscionability

Procedural unconscionability is defined as an absence of meaningful choice by one of the parties and focuses on the circumstances surrounding formation of the contract. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Generally, the existence of a contract of adhesion is just one factor in determining procedural unconscionability. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Other factors include the existence of market alternatives, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT “lack of voluntariness, inconspicuous print, the use of complex legalistic language, disparity in sophistication or bargaining power of the parties and/or lack of opportunity to study the contract and inquire about the contract terms,” and the element of surprise in the challenged clause. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

iii. Substantive Unconscionability

Substantive unconscionability is defined as contract terms that are unreasonably favorable to one of the parties. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Arbitration clauses themselves are not substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Although, a term that significantly alters the legal rights or remedies available to one of the parties may be per se unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Specific terms of the agreement that represent oppression or gross disparity between the parties may be substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Even if a term is found to be substantively unconscionable, an attempt will first be made to strike the term and uphold the remainder of the arbitration agreement. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

iv. Proving Both Procedural and Substantive Unconscionability

Procedural unconscionability is often easier for consumers or employees to prove than is substantive unconscionability. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Consequently, most current litigation surrounds whether the arbitration agreement is substantively unconscionable. For example, a heavily litigated area is whether class action or class arbitration waivers are substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

In the Ninth Circuit, class arbitration waivers in consumer and employment contracts have been held to be substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT For instance, a class arbitration waiver in a cell phone contract was held substantively unconscionable in Shroyer v. New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Prosecution of cases with small sums on an individual basis is difficult and class arbitrations may be the only effective way to redress harm. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

A class arbitration waiver was similarly found unconscionable when an employee filed suit on behalf of retail managers alleging misclassification of the managers as exempt employees under state labor laws. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The unconscionable waivers went to the heart of the contract and were not separable, causing the entire arbitration provision to be unenforceable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Reversing the lower court, the New Mexico Supreme Court held that a class action ban in an arbitration clause was unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In reaching it decision, the court held that “the class action ban is contrary to fundamental New Mexico public policy” of allowing claimants to join in a class action as a remedy for small monetary claims. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Grounds for finding substantive unconscionability include: (1) allowing one party to sue in court for certain disputes, but requiring the other party to arbitrate all disputes; NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT (2) limiting damages; NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT (3) prohibiting punitive damages; NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT and (4) requiring that the challenging party pay arbitration fees, regardless of the outcome. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

v. Beyond the Reasonable Expectation of the Parties

In addition to unconscionability challenges, plaintiffs have also recently challenged arbitration clauses in contracts of adhesion based on the clause being outside the reasonable expectations of the parties. This relatively new challenge has been met with mixed results. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

2. The Reality of a Contract of Adhesion Results in Unfairness to an Individual Party

The court system currently offers little relief to those entering contracts of adhesion. To invalidate the agreement, the contract must be both procedurally and substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Yet contracts of adhesion are not per se procedurally unconscionable and mandatory pre-dispute arbitration clauses are not per se substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

The reality for those entering contracts of adhesion may have similar, oppressive effects as unconscionability. Mandatory, pre-dispute, binding arbitration clauses remain non-negotiated provisions that significantly alter the legal rights of the parties. Moreover, one of the parties is often unaware of the clause.

Arbitration provisions are analyzed under traditional contract principles as between two sophisticated business parties that have meaningful choices when entering the contract. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT When products become so common in the industry as to entice everyday consumers to enter into contracts with multi-million dollar corporations, however, perhaps variations of traditional contract principles should be considered.

B. Arbitrability of Statutory and Common Law Rights

1. Authority to Arbitrate Statutory Claims

Some argue that disputes involving the statutory rights of a party should be dealt with only by the court, not an arbitrator. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The United States Supreme Court, however, has repeatedly held that statutory disputes are arbitrable, including claims arising under the Age Discrimination in Employment, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT RICO, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Sherman, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Securities, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Truth in Lending, and Equal Credit Opportunity Acts. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Understanding and applying the statutory rights afforded in these and similar Acts is complex and critical to many claims.

One challenge with arbitrating a statutory claim is whether the arbitrator accounts for the statutory law when making a decision or simply applies the four corners of the contract.

In Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the United States Supreme Court held that the arbitrator should apply substantive law to disputes and that, “[a]lthough all statutory claims may not be appropriate for arbitration, ‘having made the bargain to arbitrate, the party should be held to it unless Congress itself has evinced an intention to preclude a waiver of judicial remedies for the statutory rights at issue.’” NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The Court’s finding represents a two-part test to determine the enforceability of the arbitration agreement: (1) whether the parties agreed to arbitrate the issue in dispute; and (2) whether Congress has expressed a specific intent to prohibit waiver of judicial remedies on the issue. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Many courts also apply the Randolph test NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT which seeks to determine whether the party opposing arbitration “can[] effectively vindicate his statutory rights in the arbitral forum.” NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The party opposing arbitration has a substantial burden of meeting the test, such as proof of extensive additional costs. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

2. Split of Court Opinion Regarding Arbitrating Statutory Claims

Circuit courts are split regarding the validity of arbitrating statutory claims. First, disagreement exists as to whether a court or arbitrator must determine the merits of a motion to compel arbitration if the arbitration clause forecloses or limits statutory remedies.

The Ninth and Eleventh Circuits hold that the court, rather than the arbitrator, must determine the merits of such a motion because a prohibition on statutory remedies violates public policy. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Challenges to the validity of an arbitration provision itself, including a challenge to the formation of the contract, are properly heard by district courts. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

The Eighth Circuit, however, holds that statutory prohibitions are not per se invalid. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In the Eighth Circuit, arbitration should be compelled if a valid agreement to arbitrate exists and the claim is within the scope of the agreement. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Second, courts differ as to whether arbitration provisions limiting statutory rights are unconscionable. The Fourth Circuit held an arbitration clause unenforceable because it prohibited joinder of co-conspirators in an anti-trust/price-fixing claim and shortened the statute of limitations from four years to one year. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT On the first issue of joinder, the court concluded that domestic antitrust claims were suitable for arbitration and that the plaintiff could effectively vindicate statutory rights in arbitration, without joining co-conspirators. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Regarding the second issue of the shortened statute of limitations, statutory limitation periods may be shortened by the parties as long as the new timeframe is reasonable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Similar to other courts, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the Fourth Circuit found shortening the statutory limitations from four years to one year was reasonable and thus valid. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT By contrast, the Ninth Circuit held that fixing the statute of limitations on all employment claims to one year was substantively unconscionable. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

In another decision upholding statutory limits, the Eighth Circuit stayed a Title VII cross-claim by an employee in an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) action against her employer that required the employee to arbitrate her claim individually. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The court rejected the plaintiff’s argument that the costs of arbitrating her claim individually would be a financial burden and that it would be more efficient to intervene in the EEOC action. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

More importantly, the court rejected the plaintiff’s arguments that forcing her to arbitrate the claim would interfere with the EEOC action. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT As noted in EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc., NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT an employee is generally prevented from bringing a separate Title VII action during the pendency of an EEOC action, but may intervene in that action. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Yet while intervention by the EEOC action is permitted, it is not necessary to preserve the employee’s substantive rights. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Because the employee’s rights continued to exist apart from the EEOC action, the employee’s right to contract for an arbitral forum trumped her right to intervene in the EEOC action. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Other courts find statutory limits unconscionable. The Ninth Circuit held that a waiver of administrative proceedings in a suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act was unconscionable because it violated an employee’s statutory right to seek public relief. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Since the EEOC may seek non-individual relief as well as victim-specific relief on behalf of the employee, any requirement that prohibited an employee from ultimately bringing an administrative claim to the EEOC was void as against public policy. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

Under California law, a court must vacate an arbitration award if it violates the party’s statutory rights. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In Gentry v. Superior Court of Los Angeles, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the court set four minimal requirements to determine a violation: (1) the arbitration agreement may not limit statutory damages; (2) discovery must be sufficient to arbitrate the claim; (3) the arbitration decision must be written and the judicial review sufficient to ensure the arbitrator complied with the statute; and (4) the employer must pay all costs unique to arbitration. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

The split of circuit court authority reveals a need to address the validity of arbitrating important statutory rights.

3. Split of Court Opinion Regarding Arbitrating Common Law Rights

Similar to arbitrating statutory claims, common law claims may involve complex, significant rights. For example, pre-dispute, mandatory arbitration clauses at issue in wrongful death claims preclude a right to a jury trial. Litigation of wrongful death claims addressing the validity of arbitration agreements in nursing home contracts tripled in 2007. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The resulting decisions are varied, suggesting a need to address the problem.

Some courts hold that arbitration clauses in nursing home admissions contracts are binding on the patient as well as the surviving beneficiaries of the deceased patient. For example, in Covenant Health Rehab of Picayune, L.P. v. Brown, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the Supreme Court of Mississippi upheld an arbitration agreement signed by the deceased patient’s daughter. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The patient lacked capacity to sign the nursing home agreement and her daughter was in the statutory class of members that could act as a surrogate for her mother. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

In Owens v. National Health Corp., NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the Supreme Court of Tennessee reversed the lower court and held that the attorney-in-fact was authorized to enter into a binding arbitration agreement on behalf of the patient. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In a case of first impression, the court found that the nursing home contract was a “health care decision” under the scope of authority of the attorney-in-fact. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT This means that attorneys-in-fact who sign admissions contracts on behalf of the patient may be subjecting not only the patient to binding arbitration, but also themselves.

Some courts reach a contrary conclusion, finding that arbitration agreements in wrongful death claims are unenforceable. A Texas court held that the deceased patient’s wife was not bound by an arbitration agreement in a wrongful death action when she specifically declined to sign the nursing home admission contract in her individual capacity. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Since a wrongful death claim is personal to the statutory beneficiaries asserting the claims, recovery did not benefit the estate of the former patient, but rather the wife in her individual capacity. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

In Noland Health Services, Inc. v. Wright, NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT the Alabama Supreme Court held that an arbitration clause was unenforceable in a wrongful death claim brought by the administrator of a deceased patient’s estate. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The patient’s daughter-in-law signed the nursing home contract as personal representative; however, the daughter-in-law never had power of attorney and the administrator bringing the action never signed the agreement. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Therefore, in some jurisdictions, nursing homes are unable to rely on binding arbitration clauses in wrongful death actions when someone other than the patient signs the admissions contract.

Finally, in wrongful death claims, some courts find arbitration clauses in nursing home contracts void as against public policy. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The nursing home contract in Blankfeld v. Richmond Health Care, Inc. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT required that disputes be resolved by arbitration before the National Health Lawyers Association (“NHLA”). NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The rules of the NHLA required the arbitrator to use a clear and convincing standard to determine liability. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The clear and convincing evidence standard, however, is contrary to Florida’s Nursing Home Rights Act (“NHRA”), which requires a preponderance of the evidence burden of proof. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT In addition, the NHRA allowed an action to be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction, not limited by an arbitral forum. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

In conclusion, court opinion is split as to the validity of an arbitration provision itself and as to whether an arbitration provision violates important statutory or common law rights.


Once the parties have completed arbitration, one party may appeal the award. Under the Federal Arbitration Act, an appellate court must confirm an arbitration award unless it is vacated, modified, or corrected. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT “‘[C]ourts may not review the merits of an arbitration award . . . .’” NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Grounds for vacating an award are extremely narrow and include only: (1) corruption or fraud; (2) evident partiality by the arbitrator; (3) misconduct of the arbitrator which prejudices one party; or (4) the arbitrator exceeded his or her scope of authority. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Courts have added “complete irrationality” and exhibition of a “manifest disregard for the law” to the statutory reasons for vacating an arbitration award. NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT “[A]n arbitration award is irrational when it, ‘fails to draw its essence from the agreement.’” NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT The award manifests disregard for the law if “arbitrators clearly identify the applicable, governing law and then proceed to ignore it.” NOTEREF _Ref191734334 \h \* MERGEFORMAT

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