Sets out the maximum levels (MLs) of specified metal and non-metal contaminants and natural toxicants in nominated foods. Those relevant to seafood include: arsenic (inorganic), cadmium, lead, mercury, tin, acrylonitrile, amnesic shellfish poisons, diarrhetic shellfish poisons, neurotoxic shellfish poisons, paralytic shellfish poisons, PCBs and vinyl chloride.
Maximum Residue Limits (Australia only)
Lists the maximum permissible limits for agricultural and chemical residues present in food e.g. benzocaine, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, isoeugenol, oxolinic acid, oxytetracycline, phosphine, trifluralin, aldrin and dieldrin, BHC, chlordane, DDT, HCB, heptachlor, lindane.
Provides permission for articles and materials to be in contact with food in accordance with the conditions set out in this standard. Standard 1.4.1 sets out the MLs for a number of metal and non-metal contaminants and natural toxicants that may be present in food as a result of contact with the articles and materials regulated in this standard.