Micro cell/Macro cell and TDMA/CDMA – A Comparision
Spread Spectrum Theory and Applications, M.I.T. Campus, 18-19, September 1998, Anna University, Chennai
CorDECT WLL – A cost-effective Wireless in Local Loop Technology for developing coutnries
WLL Conference, 23-25 September, 1998, New Delhi
The Role of Technology in Telecom Expansion in India
IT.Com. ’98, International Technology Park, 2-4 November, 1998, Bangalore
Affordable Fibre Access Networks for India and other Developing countries
Photonics ’98, International Conference on Gibre Optics and Photonics, 14-18 December, 1998,
IIT Delhi
R&D Tasks for Indian Telecom Scientists
National Conference on communications 99, 31 Jan, 1-2 Feb. 1999, IIT Karagpur
Access Technologies for Telecom Expansion in India
Emerging Communication Technologies and the Society, 15-16 March, 1999, INSA New Delhi
Seminar on “Subscriber Access Technology”, BRBRAITT, 8-9 Sep., 1999, Jabalpur
Developing of Network for Digital Information Resrouce Sharing
READIT’99, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, 28th – 29th October 1999, Kalpakkam
Affordable Telecom Technologies from India
Seminar on “Technologies from Inida” on 18th November 1999 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi
Indian R&D in WiLL & Internet Technologies
Pune IT.COM’99, International Seminar, 27 Oct. 1999, Pune
100 Million Telephones and Internet Connections
AICTE Sponsored National Seminar, Shanmuga Engg. College, 30th October – 1st November 1999
Future of Indian R&D
Conference on HiPC’99, 17th – 20th Dec., Calcutta
Emerging Access Technologies
Short course on Mobile Radio Communication Networks, Oct. 25-4 Nov., 1999, IIT Kanpur
Towards Hundred to Two Hundred Million Telephones and Internet Connections in India
Plenary Session on New Millennium Lecture Series : Celebration of Science, 87th Indian Science Congress, 3rd - 7th January 2000
Globalisation and Indian Telecom Technology
Globalisation and Development – XIV NIAS Course for Senior Executive, 10-22 January 2000,