habeo, habitum: have; habilis: handy; habito: live; dubito: doubt; adhibeo: apply; inhibeo: control; praebeo:furnish; prohibeo: forbid
N.B. Many words compound -able, -ible, -ability, -ibility.
-ability, ability, -able, able, able-bodied, ableism, -ably, ably, adhibit, avoirdupois, binnacle, cohabit, cohabitant, cohabitation, cohabitee, cohabiter, disability, disable, disabled, disablement, disabler, disenable, dishabile, disinhibit, disinhibition, doable, enable, enablement, enabler, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhibitionistic, exhibitive, exhibitor, exhibitory, habeas corpus, habena, habenula, habile, habiliments, habilis, habilitate, habilitation, habilitative, habit, habitability, habitable, habitancy, habitant, habitat, habitate, habitation, habitative, habitee, habitual, habitually, habitualness, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitue, habitus, homo habilis, -ibility, -ible, -ibly, inability, inhabit, inhabitability, inhabitable, inhabitance, inhabitancy, inhabitant, inhabitation, inhabitiveness, inhibit, inhibited, inhibitedly, inhibitingly, inhibition, inhibitionism, inhibitive, inhibitor, inhibitory, maladive, malady, microhabitat, nonhabitual, opium habit, overability, overinhibited, possibility, possible, possibilism, possibilist, possibilistic, possibly, prebendary, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitionism, prohibitionist, prohibitive, prohibitively, prohibitor, prohibitory, provender, redhibition, rehab, rehabilitant, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, topoinhibition, unable, uninhabitable, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninhibitedly
OLD denies that dubito = duo + habeo. See also debeo.
W2 lists average from habeo; OED, ODEE, W3 disagree.
N.B. The suffix -able (-ible), -ably (-ibly), -ability, (-ibility) is used in thousands of words, including many whose root is not derived from Latin. If the root is not derived from Latin, the word is omitted. Most derived from Latin are omitted here; they are indicated in the reverse index with an underlining.
Have is not a derivative of habeo; have is cognate with capio.
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