(h)arena: see arena
(h)arundo: see arundo
hasta: spear
hastate, hastifoliate, hastiform
haurio, haustum: drink completely
exhaust, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustless, haustorium, haustral, inexhaustibility, inexhaustible, inexhaustibly, inexhaustive, inhaust, oust (W2, but W3 etc. assign to sto.), soil exhaustion, unexhausted
hebeo: be dull
hebetate, hebetation, hebetude
hedera: ivy
hederic, hederiferous, hederiform, hederigerent, hederine, hederose
Helvetia: Switzerland
Helvetia, Helvetian
herba: grass
anguis in herba, arbour, herb, herbaceous, herbage, herbal, herbalist, herbarium, herbary, herbicarnivorous, herbicide, herbicolous, herbiferous, herbivore, herbivorous, herbivory, herbless, herbous, herby, pot-herb
Schaeffer associates arbor and herba; no other source does so.
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