pre-: Latin and English suffix now ubiquitous; see OED for exhaustive list.
The general sense of this prefix is before. E.g., prepare = get ready first (before).
prehendo, prehensum: grab; praeda: loot; reprehendo: blame
apprehend, apprehensible, apprehension, apprehensive, apprehensively, apprentice, apprenticeship, apprise, booby prize, comprehend, comprehender, comprehendible, comprehendingly, comprehensibility, comprehensible, comprehensibly, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensively, comprehesiveness, comprehensivize, comprisable, comprise, comps, depredate, depredation, depredator, depredatory, disimprison, disprison, enterprise, enterpriser, enterprising, enterprisingly, entrepreneur, entrepeneurial, gran prix (Fr), impreg, impregnability, impregnable, impregnably, impregnant, impregnate, impregnation, impregnator, impregnatory, imprison, imprisoned, imprisonment, inapprehensible, inapprehension, inapprehensive, incomprehensibility, incomprehensible, incomprehensive, irreprehensible, misapprehend, misapprehension, misprison, overprize, peace prize, POW, predacious, predate, predation, predator, predatory, pregnable, prehensibility, prehensile, prehensility, prehension, prehensive, prey, prison, prisoner, prisonize, private enterprise, prix (Fr), prix fixe (Fr), prize, prize fight, prize fighter, prizeless, prize money, prize-winning, reprehend, reprehensible, reprehension, reprieval, reprieve, reprisal, reprise, surprisal, surprise, surpriser, surprising, surprisingly, surprisingness, unenterprising, unimpregnated, unsurprised, unsurprising, unsurprisingly
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