tantus: so great; tantum: so great
pro tanto, tantamount, tantipartite, taunt, taunter, taunting, tauntingly
AHD and W3 say italicized words from tempto; OED suggests tantus.
tardus: slow; tardo: delay
retard, retardant, retardation, retarder, ritardando (It), tardigrade, tardily, tardiness, tardive, tardy
Tarpeia: Tarpeia
Tarpeia, Tarpeian
Tarquinius: Tarquin
Tarquin, Tarquinian, Tarquinius
taurus: bull: see tauroV
suovetaurilia, Taurid, tauriform, taurine, Taurus, theotaurine, toreador, torero (Sp), torista (Sp), toro (Sp), torry
Surely there was a Greek constellation TauroV preceding the Latin Taurus, yet the OED lists Taurus from L. taurus and not from tauroV.
The standard rule is that -i- connector is Latin and -o- connector is Greek, but surely all the above words ultimately trace to tauroV.
taxo: see tango
taxus: yew
taxin, taxine
tego, tectum: cover; tectum: roof, house (cf. stegw)
antiprotectionist, counterdetection, detect, detectability, detectable, detectably, detection, detectional, detectival, detective, decectivism, detector, EPA, indectible, integument, obtected, overprotect, overprotection, photodetector, photoprotection, photoprotective, plaintile, protect, protectant, protectee, protectingly, protection, protectionary, protectionism, protectionist, protectionistic, protective, protectively, protectiveness, protector, protectoral, protectorate, protectorship, protectory, protectress, protectrix, protege, protegulum, radio protector, slope detection, smoke detector, sodar, soil detection, storage protection, tectibranch, tectiform, tectocephalic, tectorial, tectospinal, tectrix, tectum, tegestology, tegmen, tegment, tegmental, tegmentary, tegmentum, tegula, tegular, tegument, tegumental, tegumentary, testacea, testacean, Testacel, testaceous, tile, tiler, tilery, tiling, time-detector, tog(s), toga, togate, togavirus, tuile, undetectable, undetectably, undetected, unprotected, walltile, wave detector, weathertiled, wind-protected, write-protect
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