sura: calf (of leg)
surdus: deaf, unresponsive
ab absurdo, absurd, absurdism, absurdist, absurdity, absurdly, ad absurdum, reductio ad absurdum, surd, surdism, surdity
sus: pig
sin-soiled, soil (vb), soilage, soilure, soily, suilline, sully, suovetaurilia, unsoiled, unsullied
Author cannot substantiate soo-ey, the hog call, as derived from sus.
susurrus: whisper
susurrant, susurrate, susurration, susurrus
suus (own): see sui
taberna: shop (cf. trabs)
contubernal, tabernacle, tabernacular, tavern, taverna, taverner, tavernkeeper
tabes: wasting
contabescence, contabescent, tabes, tabescence, tabescent, tabetic, tabid
tabula: tablet; tabella: tablet
cardtable, contratabular, entablature, entablement, periodic table, planetable, pool table, round table, side table, solar table, steam table, subtabulate, tab, tabella, tablature, table, tableau, tableaux, tableboard, tablecloth, tableful, tableland, tableless, tableline, tablelinen, table manners, tablemountain, table-rapping, tablespoon, tablespoonful, tablestone, tablet, tabletalk, table tennis, tabletop, tableware, table wine, tablinum, tabloid, tab show, tabula, tabular, tabula rasa, tabulary, tabulate, tabulation, tabulator, tabule, tabuliform, tea table, tide-table, timetable, tole (iron), transfer table, turntable, vin de table (Fr), wagontable, watertable, wax tablet, worktable
taceo: be silent
reticence, reticent, reticently, Tacitean, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity, Tacitus
taedet: be weary
tedious, tediously, tediousness, tedium
talea: cutting, thin piece of wood
detail, detailer, entail, entailable, entailer, entailment, retail, retailer, tailor, tailordom, tailoring, tailorize, tailorless, tailormade, tailory, tally, tally sheet
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