stola: dress: see stolh
stolidus: dull
stolid, stolidity, stolidly
stratus: see sterno
strenuus: active
strenuosity, strenuous, strenuously, strenuousness
strepo, strepitum: make a loud noise, resound; strepitus: noise
obstreperous, obstreperously, obstrepitousness, strepitant, strepitoso, strepitous
stria: furrow
decemstriate, stria, striate, striated, striation, striatum, striature, strigose
strideo: to make a high-pitched sound; stridor: creaking
stridence, stridency, strident, stridently, stridor, stridulant, stridulate, stridulation, stridulator, stridulatory, stridulous, stridulously
stringo, strictum: bind
astrict, astrictive, astringe, astringency, astringent, boa constrictor, bronchoconstrictor, constrain, constrained, constrainedly, constrainer, constrainingly, constraint, constraintless, constrict, constriction, constrictive, constrictively, constrictor, constringe, constringency, constringent, D.A., derestrict, distrain, distrainable, distrainer, distrainment, distrainor, distraint, distress, distressedly, distressedness, distresser, distressful, distressfully, distressfulness, distressingly, district, electrostriction, eye strain, irrestrainable, irrestrictive, nonrestrictive, overstrain, overstressed, overstrict, perstriction, perstringe, prestige, prestigeful, prestigious, redistrict, redistricting, restrain, restrainer, restraint, restrict, restricted, restriction, restrictionist, restrictionistic, restrictive, restrictively, restrictor, self-restraint, strain (v), strainable, strainer, strainless, strait, straiten, strait-laced, straitly, straitless, stress, stressable, stress analyst, stress corrosion, stress diagram, stress factor, stress fracture, stress-free, stress-grade, stressful, stressless, stressman, stress-mark, stress-maximum, stressor, stress phoneme, stress raiser, stress reaction, stress relaxer, stress test, stress-timed, stretto (It), strict, stricti iuris, striction, strictly, strictness, stricture, strigil, stringency, stringendo, stringent, stringently, strong stress, technostress, unconstrained, unconstricted, undistressed, unrestrained, unrestrainable, unrestricted, unstrained, unstressed, venoconstriction, wind stress, yield-stress
struo, structum: build; exstruo: pile up; instruo: draw up
autodestructive, BASIC, construability, construable, construal, construct, constructible, construction, constructional, constructionally, constructionism, constructionist, construct state, constructive, constructively, constructiveness, constructivism, constructivist, constructor, constructure, construe, construer, deconstruct, deconstruction, deconstructionism, deconstructionist, deconstructive, deconstructively, deconstructor, deobstruct, deobstruction, deobstruent, destroy, destroyable, destroyer, destroyingly, destructful, destructfully, destructibility, destructible, destruction, destructional, destructionist, destructive, destructively, destructiveness, destructivity, destructor, destructuralize, destructure, disobstruct, indestructibility, indestructible, infrastructure, instruct, instructible, instruction, instructional, instructive, instructvely, instructiveness, instructor, instructress, instrument, instrumental, instrumentalism, instrumentalist, instrumentality, instrumentalization, instrumentally, instrumentary, instrumentation, megastructure, microinstruct, microinstruction, microstructure, MIDI, misconstruction, misconstrue, misinstruct, misinstruction, nondestructive, obstruct, obstruction, obstructionism, obstructionist, obstructive, obstructively, obstructiveness, obstructor, obstruent, reconstruct, reconstruction, reconstructionism, reconstructionist, reconstructionistic, restructure, self-destruct, self-destruction, self-destructive, strain (type), structural, structuralism, structuralist, structuralistic, structuralize, structurally, structuration, structure, structuredness, structureless, structuring, structurism, structurist, structurization, structurize, struma, strumose, strumous, substruction, substructure, superstructure, technostructure, torpedo-destroyer, transit instrument, ultrastructure, undestroyed, uninstructed, uninstructive, unobstructed, unreconstructed, vasoconstrictor, wind-instrument
studeo: be eager
etude, nonstudent, restudy, self-study, Social Studies, student, student teacher, student union, studentize, studentship, studiable, studied, studier, studio, studiolo, studious, studiously, studiousness, studium, study, study hall, understudied, understudy, unstudied, work-study
stultus: stupid
stultification, stultify, stultiloquence
stupeo: be amazed; stuprum: dishonor; obstipesco: be amazed
stupefacient, stupefaction, stupefier, stupefy, stupemania, stupendous, stupendously, stupendousness, stupid, stupidity, stupidly, stupor, stuporous
suadeo, suasum: persuade; persuadeo: persuade
assuasive, dissuade, dissuasion, dissuasive, dissuasively, impersuadable, persuadability, persuadable, persuade, persuader, persuadingly, persuasibility, persuasible, persuasion, persuasive, persuasively, persuasiveness, suasible, suasion, suasive, suasively, unpersuadable, unpersuaded, unpersuasive
suavis: pleasant
assuage, assuagement, suave, suavely, suavity
Sweet appears to be cognate.
OLD does not associate suadeo and suavis; both LS and OED do associate them
sub: under
sub (boat, replacement), sub-; subway
resuscitate, soutane, subaltern, subdue, subject, subjugate, subjunctive, sublet, sublime, subliminal, submerge, subordinate, suborn, subpoena, subscribe, subsequent, subservient, subside, subsidize, subsist, substance, substitute, subtle, subtract, subtrahend, suburb, subvene, subvert, succeed, succinct, succor, succubus, suffer, suffice, suffix, suffocate, suffuse, suggest, supplant, supple, supplement, suppliant, supplicant, supply, support, supposition, suppress, suppurate, suspect, suspend, sustain
sotto voce, subzonal, subzone
Note alternate spellings in: sotto voce, soutaine, souvenir.
(for a more complete list consult the reverse index) See note under super.
suber: cork
suber, suberic, suberin, suberization, suberose, suberous
subitus (sudden), subito (suddenly): see eo
sublimis (lofty): see limen
subtilis (woven fine): see texo
succinum: amber
succinic, succiniferous, succinite, succinum
sucus (juice): see sugo
sudo (1): sweat; sudor: sweat
desudation, exudate, exudation, exudatory, exude, insudation, sudarium, sudatorium, sudatory, sudoriferous, sudorific, sudoriparous, suint, transudate, transudation, transudatory, transude
suesco, suetum: be accustomed; consuesco: become accustomed; consuetudo: habit
accoutre, accoutrement, accustom, accustomed, consuetude, consuetudinal, consuetudinary, costume, costumer, costumery, costumier, custom, customarily, customary, customer, customerless, customhouse, customization, customize, custom-made, desuetude, disaccustom, manso (Sp), mansuetude, mastiff, unaccustomed, uncustomary, uncustomed
suffrago: support; suffragium: vote cast for a specific candidate
antisuffragist, irrefragibility, irrefragable, irrefragably, suffragan, suffrage, suffragette, suffragism, suffragist, woman suffrage, women’s suffrage
probably not sub + frango
sugo, suctum: suck; sucus: juice
exsuccous, exsuction, florisugent, introsuction, liposuction, liposuctionist, succulence, succulency, succulent, suction, suction pump, suctorial
N.B. Suck is a cognate.
sui: one’s own
ampersand, per se, perseity, pro se, proseity, seity, sua sponte, suicidal, suicide, suicidology, sui generis, sui-mate, suum cuique
sulcus: furrow
bisulcate, sulcal, sulcated, sulcation, sulciform, sulculus, sulcus, trisulcate
sulfur (sulphur): sulfur, sulphur
desulfur, desulfurate, desulfurize, disulphate, disulfide, nitrosulfuric, persulfate, persulfide, sulfa, sulfate, sulfide, sulfite, sulfur, sulfuric
Sulla: Sulla
Sulla, Sullan
sum, esse, futurus: be; absum: be away; adsum: be near; desum: fail; possum: be able; praesens: present; prosum: be of value; supersum: survive (eimi)
absence, absent, absentee, absenteeism, absenter, absently, absentminded, absentmindedly, alea iacta est, coessence, coessential, coessentiality, coessentially, cogito ergo sum, compossible, compresence, compresent, co-presence, co-present, co-rep, corepresent, dedans, disinterest, disinterested, disinterestedly, disinterestedness, ens, entitative, entity, esse, essence, essentia, essential, essentialism, essentialist, essentiality, essentialize, essentially, futural, futurama, futuramic, future, futureless, futurism, futurist, futuristic, futurition, futurity, futurology, id est, i.e., impossibility, impossible, impossibly, impuissance, impuissant, in absentia, inessential, in futuro, interest, interestedly, interesting, interestingly, ite missa est, misrepresent, misrepresentation, multipresence, multipresent, nonentity, nonessential, nonrepresentative, omnipresence, omnipresent, pearlessence, pluripresence, possibilism, possibilist, possibilistic, possibility, possible, possibly, presence, present, presentable, presentation, present-day, presenter, presentism, presently, presentment, prosit, proud, proudful, proud-hearted, proudly, prowess, prude, prudery, prudish, prudishly, public interest, puissance, puissant, QED, QEF, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentially, raison d' etre (Fr), rep, represent, representation, representational, representative, reps, self-interest, sit tibi terra levis, Somos Amigos, special interest, superessential, underrepresented, unessential, uninterested, uninteresting, unpresentable, unrepresentative, unrepresented
Despite appearances, the italicized words are not derived from video (providens).
See is, potis for words with -ence, -ent from present participle of sum
summus (top of, highest), summa (total): see super
sumo, sumptum: take; consumo: use up
all-consuming, assumable, assume, assumer, assumpsit, assumption, assumptive, consume, consumedly, consumer, consumerism, consumerist, consumpt, consumptible, consumption, consumptive, consumptively, consumptivity, inconsumable, nonconsumption, presumable, presumably, presume, presumption, presumptive, presumptively, presumptuous, presumptuously, reassume, resume, resumption, resumptive, scrumptious, subsume, subsumption, sumptuary, sumptuosity, sumptuous, sumptuously, sumptuousness, transume, transumpt, transumption, unassumed, unassuming, unconsumed, underconsumption, unpresuming, unpresumptuous
Sumo is sub + emo.
suo, sutum: stitch
couturier, couturiere, resuture, sutural, suture
super: above; superbus: haughty; summus: top of; supero: defeat; supra: above; summa: total; superior: higher; summus: top of, highest (cf. uper)
consomme, consummate, consummately, consummation, consummator, co-sovereign, co-sovereignty, insuperability, insuperable, mezzo-soprano, sirloin, somersault, sopranino, sopranist, soprano, soubrette, sovereign, sovereignly, sovereign state, sovereignty, sum, summa, summability, summa cum laude, summarily, summariness, summarization, summarize, summary, summate, summation, summational, summative, summatively, summator, summit, summitless, summitry, summulist, summum bonum, summum genus, summum jus, sum total, super, superable, superb, superbity, superbly, super-duper, superhighway, superior, superiority, superman, supernal, superstar, supination, supinator, supine, supinely, supineness, supra, supremacist, supremacy, Suprematism, supreme, Supreme Court, supremely, supremo (Sp), supremum, surmount, surplus, surveillance, surveillant, survey, surveyance, surveying, surveyor, surview, survivable, survival, survivalism, survivalist, survive, surviver, survivingly, unconsummated, unsurmountable, ut supra, White Supremacy
Italicized words may be derived from sub (W3), but ODEE and OED derive from super.
supo (1): pour
dissipate, dissipater, dissipation, dissipative, dissipatively
sura: calf (of leg)
surdus: deaf, unresponsive
ab absurdo, absurd, absurdism, absurdist, absurdity, absurdly, ad absurdum, reductio ad absurdum, surd, surdism, surdity
sus: pig
sin-soiled, soil (vb), soilage, soilure, soily, suilline, sully, suovetaurilia, unsoiled, unsullied
Author cannot substantiate soo-ey, the hog call, as derived from sus.
susurrus: whisper
susurrant, susurrate, susurration, susurrus
suus (own): see sui
taberna: shop (cf. trabs)
contubernal, tabernacle, tabernacular, tavern, taverna, taverner, tavernkeeper
tabes: wasting
contabescence, contabescent, tabes, tabescence, tabescent, tabetic, tabid
tabula: tablet; tabella: tablet
cardtable, contratabular, entablature, entablement, periodic table, planetable, pool table, round table, side table, solar table, steam table, subtabulate, tab, tabella, tablature, table, tableau, tableaux, tableboard, tablecloth, tableful, tableland, tableless, tableline, tablelinen, table manners, tablemountain, table-rapping, tablespoon, tablespoonful, tablestone, tablet, tabletalk, table tennis, tabletop, tableware, table wine, tablinum, tabloid, tab show, tabula, tabular, tabula rasa, tabulary, tabulate, tabulation, tabulator, tabule, tabuliform, tea table, tide-table, timetable, tole (iron), transfer table, turntable, vin de table (Fr), wagontable, watertable, wax tablet, worktable
taceo: be silent
reticence, reticent, reticently, Tacitean, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity, Tacitus
taedet: be weary
tedious, tediously, tediousness, tedium
talea: cutting, thin piece of wood
detail, detailer, entail, entailable, entailer, entailment, retail, retailer, tailor, tailordom, tailoring, tailorize, tailorless, tailormade, tailory, tally, tally sheet
talis: of such a type; talio: retribution (OLD distinguishes these two roots)
retaliate, retaliation, retaliatory, talion
talpa: mole
talpa, talpid, talpine
talus: heel
protalus, talaria, taligrade, taliped, talipes, talon, talus
Tamesis: Thames
tandem: finally (tam + -dem)
tandem, tandem formation
tango, tactum: touch; taxo: value, assess, censure; attigo: touch; integer: fresh
aftertaste, attain, attainability, attainable, attainder, attainer, attainment, attainor, attaint, bitangent, contact, contactable, contactor, contagion, contagionist, contagiosity, contagious, contagiously, contagiousness, contagium, contaminant, contaminate, contamination, contaminative, contaminator, contiguity, contiguous, contiguously, contiguousness, contingence, contingency, contingent, contingential, contingently, contingentness, cotangent, co-tangential, decontaminate, decontamination, disattaint, discontiguity, discontiguous, disintegrable, disintegrand, disintegrate, disintegration, disintegrative, disintegratively, disintegrator, disintegratory, disintegrity, distaste, distasteful, distastefully, distastefulness, entire, entirely, entireness, entirety, foretaste, income tax, incontaminate, inheritance tax, intact, intangibility, intangible, intangibly, integer, integrability, integrable, integral, integrally, integrand, integrant, integrate, integration, integrational, integrationist, integrative, integrator, integrist, integrity, noli me tangere, noncontagious, noncontingent, nonintegral, optacon, overtax, poll-tax, property tax, redintegrate, redintegration, sales tax, surtax, tac-node, tact, tactful, tactfully, tactile, tactility, taction, tactless, tactlessly, tactor, tactual, tactually, tactus, tangency, tangent, tangential, tangentially, tangibility, tangible, tangibly, tangoreceptor, task, taskmaster, taskwork, taste, taste-bud, taste-cell, tasteful, tastefully, tastefulness, tasteless, tastelessly, tastelessness, taster, taste-test, tastevin, tastily, tastiness, tastingly, tasto (It), tasty, tax, taxable, taxation, tax avoidance, tax bill, tax bite, tax break, tax code, tax collector, tax credit, tax deduction, tax dodger, taxer, tax evasion, tax exempt, tax haven, tax holiday, taxing, taxless, tax loss, taxpayer, tax relief, tax shelter, taxtaker, tensegrity, tritactic, unattainable, uncontaminated, untasted, untaxable, untaxed, vibrotactile, virgo intacta, visuotactual, war tax, winetaster
tantus: so great; tantum: so great
pro tanto, tantamount, tantipartite, taunt, taunter, taunting, tauntingly
AHD and W3 say italicized words from tempto; OED suggests tantus.
tardus: slow; tardo: delay
retard, retardant, retardation, retarder, ritardando (It), tardigrade, tardily, tardiness, tardive, tardy
Tarpeia: Tarpeia
Tarpeia, Tarpeian
Tarquinius: Tarquin
Tarquin, Tarquinian, Tarquinius
taurus: bull: see tauroV
suovetaurilia, Taurid, tauriform, taurine, Taurus, theotaurine, toreador, torero (Sp), torista (Sp), toro (Sp), torry
Surely there was a Greek constellation TauroV preceding the Latin Taurus, yet the OED lists Taurus from L. taurus and not from tauroV.
The standard rule is that -i- connector is Latin and -o- connector is Greek, but surely all the above words ultimately trace to tauroV.
taxo: see tango
taxus: yew
taxin, taxine
tego, tectum: cover; tectum: roof, house (cf. stegw)
antiprotectionist, counterdetection, detect, detectability, detectable, detectably, detection, detectional, detectival, detective, decectivism, detector, EPA, indectible, integument, obtected, overprotect, overprotection, photodetector, photoprotection, photoprotective, plaintile, protect, protectant, protectee, protectingly, protection, protectionary, protectionism, protectionist, protectionistic, protective, protectively, protectiveness, protector, protectoral, protectorate, protectorship, protectory, protectress, protectrix, protege, protegulum, radio protector, slope detection, smoke detector, sodar, soil detection, storage protection, tectibranch, tectiform, tectocephalic, tectorial, tectospinal, tectrix, tectum, tegestology, tegmen, tegment, tegmental, tegmentary, tegmentum, tegula, tegular, tegument, tegumental, tegumentary, testacea, testacean, Testacel, testaceous, tile, tiler, tilery, tiling, time-detector, tog(s), toga, togate, togavirus, tuile, undetectable, undetectably, undetected, unprotected, walltile, wave detector, weathertiled, wind-protected, write-protect
tela (web): see texo
tellus (gen. telluris): earth
intratelluric, meditullium, Te, tellurian, telluric, telluride, tellurism, tellurite, tellurium, tellurometer
telum: dart
temere: by chance, rashly; temerarius: rash
temerarious, temerariously, temeritous, temerity
temetum: liquor
abstemious, abstemiously, abstemiousness
temno: despise; contemno: despise
contemn, contemner, contemningly, contempt, contemptibility, contemptible, contemptibly, contemptuous, contemptuously, contemptuousness
templum: temple (building)
contemplant, contemplar, contemplate, contemplation, contemplatist, contemplative, contemplatively, contemplativeness, contemplator, entemple, tempietto (It), templar, templary, template, temple, temple (of head), templeless
tempto (1): try
attempt, attemptable, attempter, attemptor, detemporalize, reattempt, sustentacular, sustentaculum, taunt, taunting, tauntingly, tempt, temptability, temptable, temptably, temptation, temptatious, tempter, tempting, temptingly, temptress, tentacle, tentacular, tentaculate, tentacule, tentaculocyst, tentaculiferous, tentaculiform, tentaculoid, tentaculum, tentation, tentative, tentatively, tentativeness, unattempted, untempted
W3 says italicized words are derived from tempto; OED suggests tantus.
LS derives tempto (tento) from tendo; OLD does not.
tempus (gen. temporis): time; tempero (1): restrain oneself; templum: temple (of head)
bitemporal, contemporaneity, contemporaneous, contemporaneously, contemorarily, contemporary, contemporize, contretemps, detemporalize, distemper, distemperer, even-tempered, extemp, extemporal, extemporaneous, extemporaneously, extempore, extemporize, good-temperedly, humiture, ill-tempered, infratemporal, intemperance, intemperately, intemperate, intemporal, nontemporal, obtemporate, omnitemporal, O tempora o mores!, penecontemporaneous, posttemporal, pro tem(pore), quick-tempered, spatio-temporal, supertemporal, sweet-tempered, tamper, temp, temper, tempera, temperament, temperamental, temperamentally, temperance, temperate, temperately, temperature, Temperate Zone, temperer, tempest, tempestuous, tempestuously, tempestuousness, tempo, temporal, temporale, temporalis, temporalism, temporality, temporally, tempora mutantur, temporarily, temporariness, temporary, temporization, temporize, temporizer, temporizingly, temps, tempus fugit, tense (gr), tenseless, tephigram, transition temperature, transtemporal, well-tempered
Italicized words are from templum (head), at best influenced by templum (building).
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