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In this work, we provide coverage analysis for cooperative relays networks based on achievable rates. We also proposed a distributed turbo-like coding scheme for a wireless relay network based OFDM in a broadcast scenario where a base station transmits to a mobile station with the help of one or more relays. The proposed scheme achieves a significant gain with respect to the non-cooperation case and it also outperforms gap filler scenarios traditionally used in broadcast systems.

We, further, proposed a new relaying strategy, decode-rotate-and-forward, for a wireless relay network where a source transmits to a destination with the help of a relay where the source and the relay are allocated the same transmission time and transmit in the same bandwidth. The proposed scheme achieves a significant gain with respect to the non-cooperation case in terms of error rate. Moreover, it allows to efficiently exploit the channel resources and to achieve higher spectral efficiency compared to schemes where the transmission time is shared between the source and the relay. Furthermore, it is flexible in terms of the modulation order choice used at the source and the relay and the extension to multiple relays is straightforward.

Figure : BER curves for the decode-rotate-and-forward (φ=90°) scheme over AWGN channels. ks=128 bits, BPSK modulation, 10 iterations.


This deliverable is dedicated to the presenting studies related to advanced component techniques that have been devised or refined in order to solve fundamental issues for reaching required capacity and performance for DVB-NGH. Vast amount of work performed within ENGINES project has been directed to DVB-NGH standardization. Therefore some of the mechanisms presented here have been adopted to the nearly finished DVB-NGH physical layer specification.

Studies on Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding techniques and constellations for data and signalling were presented. Both LDPC and turbo codes were investigated together with Base Band interframe FEC (BB-iFEC) mechanism. The application of rotated constellations was investigated. Further, contributions of the project on optimisation of channel interleaving mechanism and scheduling were considered.

OFDM-OQAM modulation which is particularly efficient against frequency distortions such as Doppler Effect was studied. Performance comparison of PAPR reduction techniques for DVB-NGH was presented. Further, a study on the optimization of the channel estimation pilots, used jointly for PAPR reduction process was performed.

Analysis of Time-Frequency Slicing (TFS) adopted for DVB-NGH was presented. TFS mechanism and its feasibility and requirements were considered.

Multiple antenna technique studies and their outcomes were presented. Space Time (Frequency) codes presented for the DVB-NGH were presented together with performance studies. Further, distributed MIMO schemes are considered.

Finally a study on relaying on broadcasting networks was presented. Cooperative communications in wireless networks have recently been introduced as a new method to increase the throughput, the reliability and the robustness of wireless systems.


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