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Keith jarrett Discography Version 35

July 2016

More than 650 tracklists and 1200 entries

I Received The skeleton of this Discography on December 2010 from Klaus Muller (Many thanks to Him) with more than 300 tracklists (mainly official recordings)

I added more than 600 Tracklists/entries coming from the following discos:

Olivier Bruchez’s (BR)


Davide Sparti’s (SP)

Peter Losin’s (PL)

Dime entries (DI) Arnulf Muller (mu)



My Collection +++

Concerts Prepared by Flambay + u014945 (fl+++) Concerts prepared by U014945 (+++) (Myself)

For every mistake and update please e-mail me at Maurizio.garbolino@intesasanpaolo.com


19520422 Keith Jarrett solo + others

April 22, 1952 (8:15 PM)

Salem Evangelical and Reformed Church, Allentown, PA, USA

Other musicians: Donna Francella (soprano soloist),

Norman Flores (tenor soloist),

Albert Hofammann (accompanist),The Albright Marimba Players.

A flyer announcing this concert is included in :Keith Jarrett: The Man And His Music€.


19530412 Keith Jarrett solo + others

April12, 1953 (3:00 PM)
Woman’s Club Auditorium, Allentown, PA,

USA - Solo

Keith Jarrett played compositions by Mozart, Bach, Brahms,Beethoven, etc., as well as personal compositions

(A Walk in the Zoo - and€Mountain Scene€).

The complete programme is included in: €KeithJarrett: The Man And His Music€.


19620000 Don Jacoby And The College All Stars

Bob Crull, Don Jacoby, Gary Slavo, Tom Wirtel, Chris Witherspoon (tp) Dee Barton, Willie Barton, Loren William Binford, Dave Wheeler (tb) Al Beuler, John Giordano (as) Don Melka, Bob Pierson (ts) Jerry Keys (bs, as) Keith Jarrett (p) Don Gililland (g) Toby Guynn (b) John Van Ohlen (dr)

1962, Chicago, IL

1 Dizzy Atmosphere

2 Young Man With The Blues

3 Sing

4 It's Good For You

5 Just For A Thrill

6 Anema E Core (How Wonderful To Know)

7 Mais Oui

8 Sleepy Serenade

9 Jey Out Of Town

10 Jacob Jones

11 Let Me Love You

12 Teach Me Tonight

13 Groovin' High

14 The End Of A Love Affair

15 Lover Man(Oh, Where Can You Be?) (Davis – Ramirez – Sherman)

16 You Don't Know What Love Is (Raye-DePaul)

17 Back To The Beat

1-17: Don Jacoby - Swinging Big Sound (Decca DL 4241)

19650300 Keith Jarrett trio (PA)

Kent Carter (Bass) Danny Fullerton (Drums)

Winchester , Massachussets, USA

. Home recording by Ted Knowlton. Keith was 19. http://www.tedknowlton.com/music/Keith.htm

1 Tangerine (Schertzinger – Mercer) 12.:54
Home recording of Keith Jarrett - March 1965
Winchester, Massachusetts
by Ted Knowlton

Back in 1965 I was a full-time engineer doing piano gigs whenever.  Each year my wife and I threw a jazz party and invited friends and musicians that I had worked with.  That year I invited a drummer with whom I had worked, Dannee Fullerton, to be the drummer at out party.  Dannee asked if he could bring a friend, a piano player. (Dannee said he didn't want the guest piano player to crowd my act!)  I said "fine," no problem.  So Dannee showed up with a kid (see picture) and a bass player, Kent Carter.

After I played for awhile, I asked the kid if he'd like to play.  He sat down and started playing the standard tune, 'Tangerine.'  I said "WOW!" and dragged out an old Bell 2-track tape recorder (mono).  I had an old condenser mic which I plopped down in the middle of the drum, bass, and piano.  The piano was a "no-name" baby grand (Bradbury).

I was so excited that I wound the take-up end of the tape (a 95-cent Radio Shack bargain) around the hub of the tape recorder - rather than the take-up reel itself.  (When I went to remove it later, you can imagine the pile of spaghetti tape I had on my hands.)  The resulting misalignment of the tape accounts for some gaps in the recording.

The recording of 'Tangerine' is a tour-de-force of the young Keith.  After a few choruses of "regular" playing (right-hand solo lines, left-hand chords), he gets into some two-handed octave lines that are pretty incredible.  During the bass solo, he silently sets up chords using the selective sustain pedal - the middle pedal, then strums the strings to get the harp-like effect - which is immediately answered with some regular piano chords.

After the Kent Carter bass solo comes an awesome solo right-hand exercise.  This leads into Danny's drum solo.  Keith's left hand emerges from the drum solo with yet another prodigious display of technique.

Then the crowd-pleaser final chorus.

This mp3 file may take awhile to download, but it's worth it!

19651200 Art Blakey group with Keith Jarrett (br)

Art Blakey (drums),Chuck Mangione (?) (trumpet), Frank Mitchell (?) (tenor saxophone), and

Reggie Johnson (?) (bass)

December 1965 Five Spot Café’, New York, NY, USA

Kenneth K.: "Blakey had a residency for the month".

19660000 Charles Lloyd Quartet

Charles Lloyd, Keith Jarrett,Cecil McBee, and Jack DeJohnette

1966 Berlin, Germany - Sponsored by the Ford Foundation.

1966 Portugal - -

1966 Helsinki, Finland -

Mentioned in "Charles Lloyd in Russia: Ovations and Frustrations"

19660000 Keith Jarrett trio (SP)

Köln, 1966 (SP)-

Jarrett K. Trio (American)

Duration: 6 minutes

Sound quality: A

Source: radio broadcast

1. Memories of tomorrow (same piece as in Köln concert, ECM, track IIc)

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