TBCSA initial scoping of Empowerment &Transformation
Actions taken
The Charter & The First Annual Review
Findings of the Review
Post Review agreement on way forward
Other areas of intervention
TBCSA key priorities for 2003
Future opportunities & challenges
One Voice for Tourism
Public Private Partnerships
SA Tourism
THETA (Tourism Hospitality & Sports Education Training Authority)
National Grading Council of South Africa
Airline Bilaterals & Aviation Policy Review (DoT)
Lotteries (DTI)
Tourism Enterprise Programme
Transformation Forum (DEAT)
Active member of ‘Team SA’
TBCSA Achievements
Cementing partnerships
One Channel Communications
Identification and leading, lobbying and working together on priority areas that affect the growth and development of tourism in SA
Joint marketing of the destination
Considerable more funds for international marketing
TOMSA growth exceeding expectations
The Tourism Economy
The fastest growing economic sector in the World
Worldwide effect of 9/11
SA defying world trends – showed a growth of 20.1% from key markets in 2002
Total foreign tourist arrivals increased by 11.1% to 6.4 million tourists
Contribution to SA’s GDP expected to increase to 9%
Many large companies reported 25% increase in profits last FY
Tourism economy broad & diverse and has major downstream impact on other SA’n industries
Jobs, empowerment, benefit spread – needs a concerted effort – will not just happen
The Tourism Economy (cont.)
TBCSA initial scoping of Empowerment and Transformation
Definitions – needed to be clarified
Active participation in management
Finance and investment access and support
Skills development and training
Support to emerging SMME’s (not the only focus)
Business linkages
Business practices and labour relations
Workplace culture
Job creation
Access to the tourism experience
Actions Taken
Consultation with a number of large players
Board agreement on way forward and scope
Industry report commissioned and comments
Survey of success stories and linkages made
Survey of our black / emerging / new / small business members for obstacles
A Draft Charter of Commitment developed
The first annual review launched in June 2002
Second annual review underway – due June 2003
The Charter & The First Annual Review
The first step – Charter launched & signed in 2001
Pioneering & historic
Compliance underpinned by Annual Review & peer pressure
World best practice on reporting and auditing
The survey questionnaire
The consultant – Letsema
Favorable response
Industry is ahead of the game
Agreed measurement tools
The Charter & The First Annual Review (cont.)
Annual survey on ownership & report on success stories
Track employment equity data & compliance with labour legislation
Track IDC, TEP, DTI targets
Track representivity in associations and industry bodies
Monitor constructive relationship with labour
Achievement of targets in the international marketing campaign – jobs, geographical spread
Track domestic marketing efforts
Track number of signatories on the Charter
Findings of the review
Compliance with govt legislation Equity planning and skills development
Affirmative procurement still a challenge, parastatals leading here
Gap in funding for start ups and follow thru
Quantitative data scarce and problems with definition
Communication and access to info uneven
To enter risk capital difficult to get
Profits slow
The industry very co-dependent almost ‘Old Boys’ to function
The practice of non –active black partners
Ignorance of industry
After 1st Annual Review: agreement on way forward
Representivity on associations and bodies (2nd review to look at this)
Tackle affirmative procurement & develop models
Business Linkages – 6 site areas
2 rural
2 deep urban
2 small urban
Setting up an affirmative procurement agency
Agreement in principle
Do pilot
Seeking large tourism player to cooperate
Communication and popularisation – tourism & tourism business broadly
Grow domestic tourism particularly LSM
4 to 6
Other areas of intervention for BEE
Access to co-operative marketing (SAT)
Preferential access to southafrica.net website
Business Trust/THETA learnership programme
Tourism Enterprise Programme
IDC commitment to targets
Large events – e.g. WSSD & WCC, and improve
Government travel and procurement policy – Cabinet decision and Black database
DTI’s incentives programme
Parks concessions
Other privatisation and unbundling processes
TBCSA Key Priorities for 2003
Act as a communication conduit
Facilitate the information flow to & from SA Tourism
Grow the TOMSA levy
Ensure TBCSA representative of industry views
Identify key impediments
Maintain & improve existing partnerships & identify new ones
Identify & clarify roles of other organisations
Fight crime & grime
Ensure that capacity follows demand and vice versa
Focus on macro issues and trend analysis
Future opportunities & challenges
Empowerment & Transformation
Local & International Perceptions of South Africa
One-Stop Communications and Benefits for Tourism
New Product Development
Local & International Investment & Financing
Getting the Market Intelligence Right
Propagating a Tourist Friendly Culture among all South Africans
Drive to include businesses that benefit and effect tourism (i.e.. Music, sports, film, arts etc.)
Review refined targets
Tweeking the process of the puzzle
“One Voice”
Our industry has a long history of fragmentation and self-interest. Yet international best practice has shown that this industry, more than any other thrives on national co-operation, pooling of resources and benefit sharing to be internationally competitive. The growth of the past 10 years has shown that strategic leadership in the key areas that affect our industry and the active public/private partnership has made our industry and sector highly successful.