Source: Analysis of Self Assessment Report of NAAC Accredited Colleges by UGC (unpublished). 6.7 Growth in Student Enrollment Growth of higher education in India can be looked at both from supply as well as the demand side. In terms of the supply side what needs to be ascertained is that all those who have passed senior secondary level and are eligible and willing to join higher education must have an access to the institutions of higher education. Secondly, the growth of higher education, both in terms of number and diversification, must meet the growing manpower needs of the economy and society. This means that higher education supply side has backward linkages with school education and forward linkages with economy in terms of supplying skilled manpower to the economy including the well qualified teachers to the education sector itself.
There are three different sources of enrollment/attendance in higher education institutions.
Selected Educational Statistics, MHRD, Government of India – It provides annual enrollment of students by levels (Doctorate, Postgraduate, Graduate, Diploma/Certificate), stream wise enrollment (Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering and Technology, Medicine, Teacher Education and Others) in colleges and universities and enrollment in diploma/certificate courses in Polytechnics, Teacher Training Schools and institutions such as arts and crafts including industrial trade for boys and girls. It also reports enrollment in distance education in IGNOU and 13 state open universities.
Population Census – It provides decennial information on persons of specific age attending college education (UG and PG) in universities or private institutions (recognized or unrecognised) and vocational education. Vocational education includes degree, diploma and certificate in technical/professional courses. Census definition of higher education is very wide and embraces all types of education – public, private, distance, certificate, diploma and degree.
National Sample Survey (NSS) - It provides data on educational attainment and enrolment in its different years – 1983, 1987-88, 1993-94, 1999-2000 and 2003-04.