“Economical development of countries of Central and Eastern Europe during the transition period” – in the book “Problems of regional economics: theory and practice”, materials of international scientific-practical conference – Gomel, Gomel State Technical University, 2001.
Theses of Daugavpils Pedagogical University 9th annual scientific conference “Globalizācijas ietekme Latvijā” (The influence of globalization in Latvia) – DPU, “Saule”, Daugavpils, 2001.
Theses of Daugavpils Pedagogical University 8th annual scientific conference “Inflācijas un procentu likmes mijiedarbība pārejas ekonomikā” (The interaction of inflation and percent rate during the transition period) – DPU, “Saule”, Daugavpils, 2000.
Theses of international conference “Central and Eastern countries today: economy, politics, culture” “Filipa līkne: inflācijas paredzēšanas loma” (Philip’s curve: the role of inflation prediction) – DPU, Daugavpils, 1999.
Theses of Daugavpils Pedagogical University 7th annual scientific conference “Inflācijas un bezdarba mijiedarbības loma Centrāleiropas valstīs pārejas posmā” (The interaction of inflation and unemployment in the Central European countries during the transition period) – DPU, “Saule”, Daugavpils, 1999