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-2001 – publishing house “ABC-Zvaigzne”, “Krievu valoda” Russian language text book, form 7

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2000-2001 – publishing house “ABC-Zvaigzne”, “Krievu valoda” Russian language text book, form 7.

Member of Latvian or international project and programme expert boards and commissions :

June 23, 2001 – reviewer of PhD dissertation: Vilniaus Universitetas – Nediežda Morozova “Lietuvos didžiosios kunigaikštystės metraščių kalbos ir tekstologijos problemos: Bychovco kronika”.

July 3, 2001 – reviewer of doctoral dissertation: Latvijas Universitāte – Irīna Dimante “Adverbu transpozīcija un evolūcija”.

March 26, 2002 – reviewer of PhD dissertation: M.Lomonosov Moscow State University – Валентина Закревская “Употребление приставочных глаголов совершенного и несовершенного видов в диалектной речи (на материале архангельских народных говоров)”.

April 7, 2003 – reviewer of doctoral dissertation: Vilniaus Pedagoginis Universitetas – Svetlana Vlasova “Paprastieji ir įvardžiuotiniai būdvardžiai kaip apibrėžtumo kategorijos raiškos priemonė XII-XIII a. Uspenskij-kodekse”.



1. Кузнецов А.М. К истории форм сам и самый в русском языке. // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 9. Филология. – 1997. – № 4. – 49.-67. pp.

2. Кузнецов А.М. Глаголица: между греческим и латинским // Российская Академия Наук. Отделение литературы и языка. Вопросы языкознания, 2000, № 1. – Москва: Наука. – pp. 111-120.

3. Кузнецов А.М. Согласуемые и управляющие формы количественных местоимений в древнерусском книжном языке XI-XIV вв. // Языковая система и ее развитие во времени и пространстве. Сборник научных статей к 80-летию профессора Клавдии Васильевны Горшковой. – Москва: Изд-во Московского ун-та. – 2001. – 118-130. pp.

4. Kuznecov, Anatolij Mixailovič. La glagolite et les alphabets des langues sacrées // Slavica occitania. Numéro 12: Alphabets slaves et interculturalité. Edité per Jean Breuillard et Roger Comtet. – Toulouse: Departement de Slavistique de l’Université de Toulouse-le Mirail. – 2001. – p. 247-266.

5. Кузнецов А.М. Инновации в парагигме членных прилагательных по данным древнерусской письменности XI века. // Russian Linguistics. International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language. Volume 26. No. 3, 2002. Editors: R. Comtet, W. Lehfeldt and J. Schaeken. Kluwer Academic Publishers. – Dordrecht, Boston, London. – 311.-326. pp.

6. Кузнецов А. М. Взаимодействие адъективного и местоименного склонений в древнерусской письменности ХI века. // Русистика на пороге ХХI века: проблемы и перспективы. Материалы международной научной конференции (Москва, 8-10 июня 2002 г.) / Сост. Н. К. Онипенко. – Москва. 2003. – С. 314-315.


1. Aleksandrs Ivanovs, Anatolijs Kuzņecovs. Dinaburga Krievijas Valsta seno aktu arhīva dokumentos (1656-1666). Александр Иванов, Анатолий Кузнецов. Динабург в документах Российского государственного архива древних актов (1656-1666). 1 daļa. – Daugavpils: DPU. – 2002. – 200 pp. ; 2 daļa. – Daugavpils: DPU. – 2002. – 200 pp.

Participation in international conferences:


1. International conference “Functional Semantics of Language, Semiotics of Language Systems and Methods of their Investigation”, April 22-24, 1997, Moscow.

2. International conference "Problems of Historico-Comparative Linguistics and Linguistic Heritage of F.F.Fortunatov”, January 27-29, 1998, Moscow State University.

3. International conference "Old Languages in the System of University Education: Investigation and Teaching”, January 26-28, 2000, Moscow State University.

4. Russian Language: Historical Trends and the Present Stage. International congress of Russian language scholars. March 13-16, 2001, Moscow State University.

5. International conference “Novelties in Paleo-Russian Studies”, November 16-17, 2001. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Seminar für Slavische Philologie.

6. International conference “Avanesov Readings”, February 14-15, 2002, Moscow State University.

7. International conference “Russian Studies on the Verge of the 21st Century: Problems and Perspectives”, June 8-10, 2002, Moscow.

8. International conference “Historico-Comparative Language Investigation: Contemporary Situation and Perspectives”, January 22-24, 2003, Moscow State University.

Supervised MA theses: 7 theses

Academic courses: Latin – 4; Old Slavic – 4; Historical grammar of Russian – 5; History of literary Russian – 4; Rhetorics – 2; Topical problems of syntax – 1; Functional morphology – 1; Functional grammar – 2; Church Slavic language – 1; Russian for law students – 1; rhetorics for law students – 1

Elaborated academic courses:

BA study programme – Latin, Old Slavic, Historical grammar of Russian, History of literary Russian, Rhetorics, Topical problems of syntax, Russian for law students, rhetorics for law students

MA study programme – functional morphology, functional grammar, church slavic language, Latin

Re-qualification at research institutions in Latvia or abroad:

2002 – sabbatical year, DPU, Moscow

Lectures at schools and other higher educational establishments:

2001 – “Rhetorics” (20 hours) – teachers’ re-qualification courses in Ventspils

2002 – “Rhetorics” (8 hours) – teachers’ re-qualification courses in Rezekne

2002 – “Complex problems of morphology” – teachers’ re-qualification courses in Aizkraukle


1998-2000 – Member of Promotional board at the Faculty of Humanities, DU

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