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Born October 25, 1939, address: Varšavas Street 16-4,

LV-5404 Daugavpils, tel. 54-32390


Dr. habil.


Dissertation «N.Klulev’s Epic in the Context of New Russian Peasant Poetry»


(Latvia Academy of Science)



Dissertation “Pjotr Oreshin and Peasant Poetry of the Early 20th Century”

(nostrified at Latvia Academy of Science)

PhD kandidat


Dissertation “Pjotr Oreshin and Peasant Poetry of the Early 20th Century”

(A.Hercen Leningrad Pedagogical Institute)




Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of philology, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature and physical education



Riga secondary school no.44



Latvia Academy of Science corresponding member



since 1995

Daugavpils Pedagogical University, Faculty of Humanities, dep. of Russian literature and culture, Vienības street 13, LV –5407

Head of department


Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of philology, dep. of Russian and foreign literature



Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of philology, dep. of Russian and foreign literature

Senior lecturer


Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of philology, dep. of Russian and foreign literature



Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of philology, dep. of Russian and foreign literature


Monographs - 8

Articles in research journals and collections - 118

Conference abstracts -17

Other research publications - 19

Text books - 3

Teaching materials - 10

Methodical articles - 15

Academic course curricula -5

Other publications (number) - 129

1. Русская новокрестьянская поэзия.- Daugavpils, 1991

2. Образ Великой Матери (религиозно -мифологические традиции в эпическом творчестве Н.Клюева).- Daugavpils, 1995.

3.Китеж-град: Хрестоматия по древнерусской литературе.- Daugavpils, 1993, 1998.

4. Сергей Есенин: Три «Радуницы». – Даугавпилс, 1999.

5.Иван Лукаш и Латгалия. //"Встреча": Литературно-художественный журнал.- Москва, 2002.- №1. - 34-37.pp.

6. Монологическая драма Вадима Шершеневича «Быстрь» (спор с Маяковским) //Menninis tekstas. Savokimas. Analize.Interpretacija. Nr3. Vilnius, 2002.


Russian folklore, Slavic mythology, Old Russian literature, 20th century Russian poetry, history of world culture, history of Russian culture, etc/

ACTIVITIES IN member of DU Promotional board (literary science)

PROFESSIONAL Latvian Academy of Science project N 010047 member (2001-2002),

AND OTHER member of the editorial board of a number of reserach publications

ORGANIZATIONS and collections
SKILLS computer skills

Menshikovs Vladimirs

Date of birth

Place of birth




1964-1970 – Polytechnic Institute of Rīga, the Faculty of Power Engineering, engineer - electromechanic

1978 – Kandidate of Philosophical Sciences, Moscow State University

1995 - 1998 – post-graduate studies, LU Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Since 1998 – Doctor of Sociology

Since 2001 – Associate professor


Since 1973 – DPI lecturer, researcher (economic and sociologic projects)

1973 – 1978 – DPU senior lecturer

1978 – 1991 – chief of the Department of Philosophy and Politeconomy, DPI

1991 – 1995 – chief of the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Economics, DPU

Since 1995 – chief of the laboratory of sociological investigations, DPU

1995 – 1998 – senior lecturer of the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Economics, DPU

1998 – 2001 – senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, DPU

Since 2001 – dean of SSF, DU; chief of the laboratory of sociological investigations

Since 2002 – director of the academic studies program “Sociology”


- economic sociology;

- competitiveness of regions;

- dissertation of the kandidate of philosophical sciences (1978 Moscow State University) “The Rosen Ways of Creative Activities of Engineertechnical Intelligentsia”

  • dissertation of Doctor of Sociology( 1998 LU Institute of Sociology) ”Attitude of Latgalian Inhabitants to Market Economy”

Worked out courses: - social stratification;

- urban sociology;

- post-modern social theories;

- input into the speciality (sociology)

1999 -2002 – chief of the LSC project “Sociology of Finance” (Nr.01-0367)

2001-2003- coordinator of the grant in Latvia ”competitiveness of Regions” (Nr.5H02C02221)

2002-2003 – performer of the ANO representatives project in Latvia “Personal Security and Development of Latvian People in 2002./2003”

2002 – scientific chief of LR IZM project “Transition of Youth from Education to the Labour Market”

2002 – chief of the project ordered by Unibank “Mutual Communication and Correlation between Client and Bank


  1. Monogrāfija “Latgale ceļā uz konkurētspējīgu tirgu”. - Daugavpils, DPU izdevniecība “Saule”, 1997 – 120.lpp.

  2. Monogrāfija: “Atomenerģētika un cilvēka dzīves apstākļi (socioloģiskais aspekts)”. (Kopā ar O.Peipiņu) – Daugavpils, DPU izdevniecība “Saule”, 1999 – 116.lpp.

  3. “Outlook for Privatisation and Social Stratification in Latvia”. – Fragmentary Visions on Social hange- Poland, Latvia and Finland. Finland, Tampere, 1992

  4. “Sociological Aspects of Economic Transformation of Postcommunistic Latvia.” - Turen, 1996

  5. “The Research of The Optimal Model of Citie's Social Development.” - Riga, 1991

  6. Finansu sistēma un finanšu rīcība (socioloģiskais aspekts)/IX ikgadējās konferences rakstu krājums. – Daugavpils, DPU, Saule, 2000.

  7. Latvijas sociālais kapitāls: socioloģiskā vērtējuma mēģinājums/ DPU HF XI zinātnisko lasījumu materiali. (5.krāj.). – Daugavpils, DPU. Saule, 2001.

  8. Dzīvesvietu postkomunistiskās metamorfozes (Latgales variansts)/ Akadēmiskās izglītības problēmas universitātē. (rakstu krājums). – Daugavpils, DPU, Saule, 2000.

  9. Līdzdarbības ienākšanas publiskajā politikā/ Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2000./2001. – UNDP Latvijā, Rīga, 2001. (līdzautors)

  10. Jaunatnes adaptācijas stratēģijas un rezultāti. – IT laikmets: jaunatne un sociālās zinātnes/ Starpt.konf. materiāli. – Rīga, LU Filosofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2001.

  11. Latvijas sociālais kapitāls: pašreizējais stāvoklis un jaunākās tendences/Starpt. konf. materiāli (“ Ekonomisko un sociālo attiecību transformācija: procesi, tendences, rezultāti”). – Rīga, Biznesa Augstskola “Turība”, 2001.

  12. The Advent of Participation in Public Policy/Latvia.Human development report 2000./2001.- Riga, UNDP Latvia, 2001.

  13. Reasons and The Results of Suppression of the Regional Reform in Latvia/ book: Current Issues of Cultural and Spiritual Development. – Kaunas, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, 2001.

  14. М. М. Ковалевский о специфике социологического анализа хозяйственной жизни/B книге: Максим Ковалевский и современная общественная мысль (к 150 – летию со дня рождения М.М. Ковалевского). – Санкт- Петербург, Санкт –Петербургский Государственный университет, 2001.

  15. Menshikov V. On Certain Development features in Latgale. – book: Humanities nd Social Sciences.Regional identity of Latgale. – LZA, R., 3(36) 2002. – p.131. – 141

  16. Menshikov V. Ocena sistemow finansowych krajow postkomunistycznych w aspektie sojologicznym.- В кн.: Problemy spolecznogo spodarcze w Europie spodkowo – wschodniej u progu nowego tysiacilecia.- Torun, Polska, 2002. -1.sēj. p. 37. – 45

  17. Меньшиков В. Неофеодализм против социального государства. - В кн.: Социально – экономические проблемы в постсоциалистическом пространстве1.sēj. 98. – 105

  18. Меньшиков В. Социальный капитал Латвии: состояние и новейшие тенденции. В кн.: Strategia rozwoju spolecznej gospoderki rynkowej w Polsce. Lublin, Wydawnictwo Universitety Marii Curie, tom 1, 2002., s. 234. – 240.

  19. Меньшиков В. Причины и торможения региональной реформы в Латвии//Социология. Научно- теоретический журнал. - Минск, Белорусский Государственный Университет, 2002., № 4, стр. 62. – 65.

  20. Meņšikovs V. Reģionālā attīstība globalizācijas apstākļos. – Gr.: Reģiona konkurētspēja. 1. daļa, Daugavpils, Saule, 2002., 17. – 25. lpp.

  21. Meņšikovs V. Sabiedrības pašorganizācija un kultūras mantojuma loma Latgales modernizācijā. – Gr.: Atmiņa kultūrvēsturiskā kontekstā. Daugavpils, Saule, 2002., 26. – 34 lpp.

  22. Meņšikovs V. Finansu socioloģija: daži teorētiskie un

praktiskie aspekti. – Gr.:Finansu socioloģija: problēmas un

to risināšana.Daugavpils, Saule, 2002., 5. – 33 lpp.

  1. Meņšikovs V. Alternatives of neofeodalisms. – book:

Spiritual values in knowledge. – Kaunas, Lithuanian

University of agriculture, Academia, 2003.- p.99 -104.

  1. Meņšikovs V. About specificity of political culture in states

of post communisms. – book: Globalization and Integration

challenges to the rural areas of east un central Europe. –

Kaunas, Lithuanian University of agriculture, Academia,

2003.- p.182. -183.


2002 – International seminar “Competitiveness of Regions”

July 26, 2000 – Soros Foundation in Latvia

July 25, 2001 – public politics Forum (Rīga)

August, 1999 – PHARE courses “Finance Management”

July 9-13, 1990 – XII World’s Sociological Congress (Madrid, Spain) and other international scientific conferences


Since 1995 – work in the laboratory of sociological investigations

  • Member of the Association of Latvian Sociologists

  • Member of the trade-union of Daugavpils University

  • (Since 2001) co-author of the international scientific project “Competitiveness of Regions” (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus)

member of Vroclavek the scientific association (Poland)


2001 – gratitude from Daugavpils City Council for contribution into science

1996 – DPU honour letter from Latvian Scientific Council premium for the winning in the scientific literal competition (3 place)

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