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Saukane Irita

born January 14, 1966

Identity no. 140166-10274

Address: Daugavpils, Ezeru Street 61a - 8, LV - 5400

tel. 5450972

Education and academic degrees

2000 MA in Latvian philology, Daugavpils Pedagogical University

1989 Latvia State University, Faculty of philology

philologist, teacher of Latvian language and literature

Academic and other titles



1989–2003 Daugavpils University, assistant at the dept. of Latvian language

1993-1997 Daugavpils Pedagogical University, executive head of the dept.of Latvian language

1992 inspector at Daugavpils municipal Language inspection

1996 Daugavpils Experimental secondary school, teacher

2003 Daugavpils Polish secondary school, teacher

Research publication

Monographs -

Articles in research journals and other collections – 9

Conference abstracts - 4

Other research publications – 3

Published teaching literature

Methodical articles - 1

Academic course programmes - 7

Other publications - 2

Major publications

1) Krievu valodas ietekmētās sintaktiskās konstrukcijas latviešu valodā // Valodas aktualitātes - 1990. - R., 1991. - 132.-135. pp.

2) Prefiksālie atvasinājumi latviešu tautasdziesmās// Valoda –2000. Humanitārās fakultātes X zinātniskie lasījumi. – Daugavpils, 2000. – 51. –58.pp.

3) Divdabji latviešu tautasdziesmās// Valoda un literatūra kultūras apritē. Starptautiskas zinātniskās konferences materiāli.- R., 2003.– 75.-88. pp.

4) Verba vēlējuma un pavēles izteiksmes formas latviešu tautasdziesmās// Valoda- 2001. Humanitārās fakultātes XI zinātniskie lasījumi.- Daugavpils, 2001.– 64.- 67. pp.

5) Prefiksālie atvasinājumi latviešu tautasdziesmās// Valoda- 2000. Humanitārās fakultātes X zinātniskie lasījumi.– Daugavpils, 2000.– 51.- 58. pp.

6) Latviešu valodas apguve 20.- 30. gados Daugavpils minoritāšu skolās// Daugavpils Pedagoģiskās universitātes 8. ikgadējās zinātniskās konferences Rakstu krājums. A 10.– Daugavpils, 2000.– 13.- 14. pp.

7) Uzdevumi un vingrinājumi latviešu valodas praktikumā (kopā ar R. Rimšu). – Daugavpils, 2003. – 96 pp.

Academic courses

Introduction to linguistics, modern Latvian literary language (lexicology and phraseology), methods of teaching Latvian

Special courses

Origin and development of language and writing, language of Latvian folk-songs, practical Latvian

Activities in professional and other organizations

National programme for teaching Latvian (LAT 2 modern methods course - 96 hrs) – certificate No. 25/98, teaching LAT 2 methods courses (96 hrs)

Teacher training courses in methods – Daugavpils, Rīga and Ludza.

Coordinator of pedagogical work for courses “LAT 2 for Latvian railway” 1996 –1998.

Director of the professional study programme “Teacher of Latvian language and literature in schools with the language of instruction other than Latvian” at Daugavpils University since 1994

1996 Latvian language expert at Soros foundation – Latvia courses “Teaching Natural Sciences at schools with the language of instruction other than Latvian”

2003 LVAVP multiplicator certificate


Computer skills



Saulitis Juris

Date of birth

Place of birth




1963-1971 - The State University of St. Petersburg, Faculty of Economy, graduate and postgraduate.

Doctor of economics (Dr. oec.)

Doctoral research theses: “Reproduction on the collective farms with different levels of economic development”


1999 to present - Head of the Department of National and Regional economy, Riga Technical University;

1985-1999 - Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Riga Technical University;

1991-1999 - Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Riga Technical University;

1976-1991 - Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Riga Technical University;

1974-1976 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Theory, Riga Technical University;

1972-1974 - Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Riga Technical University.


Agrarian relations; History of the Latvian national economy; Problems of transition from the planned economy to a market economy.

The author of 75 research and methodological publications.

Project or Latvian Science Council 01.01.01. Nr. 483 The competitiveness of the Latvian industry in the foreign trade in 2001. – 2004. – Leader researcher.


J.Saulītis. Economy of Latvia: Development and Problems, p.16-24. Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical university,

Economy: theory and practice, R.2000.

K. Didenko, J. Saulītis. Conditions and problems in the economic development of Latvia on the 21st century, p. 35-48

Humanities and social sciences of Latvia, 1 (26), University of Latvia, R.2000

I.Krasavcevs, J.Saulītis. Latvian woodworking industri- development and problems, p.79-89.

Economics and business. Economy: theory and practice, R. 2001.

A.Nipers, J.Saulītis. Development trends of electronic business, p. 90-98.

Economics and business. Economy: theory and practice, R. 2002.

L.Ekharde, J.Saulītis. Economy of Latvia: development and solutions, p.78-83. Business operation and its legal environment: processes, tendencies and results. Proceedings of International Conference. R.2002.

J.Saulītis. The Agriculture of Latvia: development and perspectives, p.112-118. International scientific and practical conference “The competitiveness of Region”. List of articles. 1. P.D.2002.

J.Saulītis Latvijas augstākās izglītības sistēmas attīstības problēmas – RTU starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Referātu tēzes. – Rīga, 2001., 1.lpp.

J.Saulītis Izglītības un tautsaimniecības pilnveidošanas problēmas Latvijā – II pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. Tēžu krājums. – Rīga, 2001., 10.lpp.

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