This course focuses on the nature and function of communication in the political process. The course is organized around: (1) Political communication in the media; (2) Political campaigns and; (3) Effects of political communication. Major topics are; media and democracy, election campaigns, campaign coverage, political campaign debates, political advertising, and political opinion polls. Students completing the course will gain an understanding of: the ways in which media shape and reflect perceptions of politics; how political campaigns are formed and operated; how political opinion polls are prepared and conducted; and the effects of political communication.
Abbreviated Title: Political Communication Category: University Core-SB Teaching Language: English
Department offering the course: FCMS
Course Descriptions – I - Turkish: All core courses offered by the department of the program
Ders Tanımları – I – Türkçe: Programı sunan Bölüm tarafından verilen tüm temel dersler