Industrial Engineering Department is offering for its successful students the opportunity to go through Double Major Program in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering disciplines. There are several successful students enrolled in the program and the Higher Education Board in Turkey (YÖK) has also approved equivalency certificates for the graduates of the Double Degree in IENG & MENG Program.
A double-major program is made up of at least 36 credits in addition to total credits of all courses in the first major program. Additional to IENG BS curriculum stated in the previous sections, double major students should take following courses from Mechanical Engineering department:
XXXXXXX Non-Technical Elective 3
MATH373 Numerical Analysis for Engineering 3
MENG190 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 0
MENG201 Mechanical Workshop Practice 2
MENG203 Experimental Methods for Engineers 2
MENG222 Strength of Materials 4
MENG233 Rigid Body Dynamics 4
MENG246 Thermodynamics-II 3
MENG303 Principle of CAE 3
MENG331 Dynamics of Machinery 4
MENG332 Control Systems 4
MENG345 Heat Transfer 4
MENG353 Fluid Mechanics 4
MENG375 Machine Elements - I 3
MENG376 Machine Elements - II 3
MENG491 Introduction to Capstone Design 0
MENG492 Capstone Team Project 4
Total Credit = 50
The contents of the courses that are common in both major programs are as follows:
Course in IENG BS Curriculum Equivalent of the course in MENG BS Curriculum
CMPE110 Fund. of Computing & Programming CMPE108 Algorithms & Programming
IENG323 Engineering Economy IENG420 Engineering Economy
IENG300 Industrial Training – I MENG400 Industrial Training
MATH241 Linear Algebra & Ordinary Diff. Eq. MATH201 Ordinary Diff. Eq. and Linear Algebra
MENG102 Engineering Graphics MENG104 Engineering Graphics
MENG182 Materials Science MENG286 Material Science
MENG231 Engineering Mechanics CIVL211 Statics
MENG244 Thermodynamics (RAE-I ) MENG245 Thermodynamics I
MENG363 Principles of Production Engineering MENG364 Manufacturing Technology
For students registered in the double-major program a separate transcript is prepared for each major program. Courses that are common in both major programs appear in the semester registration of each program and are shown on both transcripts. Compulsory courses in the double-major program, equivalency of the courses, common courses in both major programs and principles to be followed in the first major program for those students who leave the program are specified in the “Double-major Programs and Application Regulations”. Being admitted to or leaving a double-major program is not considered as horizontal transfer for students.
Quotas and Student Admission Announcements
Double-major Programs quotas, program admission and application requirements are announced jointly by relevant faculties upon taking the recommendations of relevant departments at least 5 working days prior to the first day of the registration period of each academic semester.
Admission Requirements and Applications
In order to be eligible to apply for the double-major program, students:
Should already be registered at least for a semester in one of the departments that forms the Double-major program and should renew his/her registration during the period of application to the double-major program.
Can apply for the double-major program earliest at the beginning of the third semester of the first major program.
Should obtain minimum grade of ‘D’ for all credit courses in the first major program up to the period of application.
Should hold a minimum CGPA of 3.00.
A student can apply for more than one double-major program. However, students cannot register for more than one double-major program or a double-major and a double minor program at the same time. Applications for double-major programs take place until the last day of the academic semester registration period following the announcement of the double-major programs. Applications are processed by the Registrar’s Office after the submission of an application form and a transcript. Registrar’s Office sends all applications to the department of the first major program on the first working day following the registration deadline. The double-major program committee reviews applicants’ documents and academic reference letters, if available, and determines whether the candidates will be admitted to double-major programs based on the set quota and whether applicants who have gained admission will be exempted from specific courses. The committee then submits the decision in writing to the department head of the first major program who will ask for relevant departments’ and faculties’ approval. Students who have gained admission for the double-major program must register for the double-major program during the add-drop period of the relevant academic semester.
Semester Leave
A student who is granted a leave of absence in the first major program is also considered to be on leave of absence in his/her second major program. Upon the views of the relevant coordinator, the recommendation of the department giving the first major program and the decision of the relevant Faculty Board, students who are not able to take any double-major program courses due to double-major program courses not being opened or course clashes may be granted a leave of absence for a semester in their double-major program.
Course Withdrawal
If a student of the double-major program wants to withdraw from a course that is common both in the first and the second major programs, the process of withdrawal will take place in both programs and this will be shown on both transcripts.
Course Load
The total credit course load of a double-major student who takes courses both from the first and the second major programs:
can exceed the maximum course load of the first major program by one course if the student holds a CGPA between 2.00-2.49 from the first major program
can exceed the maximum course load of the first major program by two courses if the student holds a CGPA of 2.50 and above from the first major program.
Success and Dismissal in the Program
A student’s success and graduation in the first major program are not affected by the second major program in any way. Students who wish to leave the double-major program of their own accord should submit a written petition to the department which offers the first major program until the last day of the add-drop period. Applications submitted after this period, are put into practice at the beginning of the following academic semester. A student who’s CGPA at the first major program or at the second major program falls below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters is dismissed from the double-major program. Only Spring and Fall semesters performance records of a student are taken into consideration during the application of this regulation. Students who do not take any courses from the second major program for two consecutive semesters without any permission are dismissed from the double-major program. If a student is dismissed from the double-major program or leaves the program of his/her own accord, s/he is not required to repeat the failed second major program courses that do not appear in the first major program. Students who leave the double-major program of their own accord or whose registration has been terminated cannot apply for the same double-major program again. If a student goes back to the first major program by leaving the double-major program or transfers to another program horizontally, s/he is required to satisfy the requirements of the new program and loses the privileges of the double-major program. If a student leaves the double-major program and transfers to another department horizontally instead of returning back to the first major program, provisions of the EMU Education, Examinations and Success By-law are applied. A written notification about the situation of a student who leaves the double-major program of his/her own accord or whose registration is terminated from the double-major program is sent to the department head of the second major program and the Registrar’s Office.
Graduation and Diplomas
Students, who gain the right of graduation from the first major program and who, at the same time, complete the second major program with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 are given the second major undergraduate diploma. Students who obtain the right of graduation from the second major program are not given the second major undergraduate diploma until they obtain the right of graduation from the first major program. Students who obtain the right of graduation from the first major program but who have not yet completed the second major program are given a first major degree undergraduate diploma. Such students can benefit from an extension of maximum two semesters excluding the summer term to complete the second major program. This period can be further extended subject to the decision of the Faculty/School Administrative Board. Following the completion of the double-major program, such students receive the second major undergraduate diploma at the end of the relevant semester. Students can register for a postgraduate program between the periods of graduation from the first major program and until they graduate from the second major program. Students in such situation are entitled to pay the tuition fees specified for the postgraduate program. Student related procedures of a student who has graduated from the first major program but who still attends the second major program are carried out by the department of the second major program.
Tuition Fees in the Double-Major Program
Apart from the education fees of the registered department, students who are admitted to a double-major program are entitled to pay the fee per credit for each course in the second major program that is not common with the first major program courses. Those students who benefit from scholarships or discounts that are stated in the Eastern Mediterranean University Student Scholarship Application By-law, in their first major program can also benefit from these rights in their second major programs. The duration of the scholarship is two semesters after having graduated from the first major program. Students who take additional courses from their first major program after having met the requirements (specified in article 6 of the ‘Course Registration By-law’) can use this right in the second major program, if they wish. For extra courses taken under the circumstances specified above, no payment is made.
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