Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Laboratory
The Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory (CIM Lab) is an educational and a research laboratory founded in 2001and upgraded in 2010. The objective is to develop, test, and implement Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and Automated Manufacturing Systems (AMS). In addition, the students learn to configure, program, and operate industrial robots in FMS workstations and CIM systems by integrating the robot with a wide range of peripheral automation equipments and end effectors. The Industrial Engineering CIM Lab consists of three FMS workstations (WS) in which performs the following operations; Machining, Assembly, and Quality Control.
Fig. 1: CIM Lab Layout
FMS Workstation I: An ASRS-36u is utilized for storing raw and finished parts in WS II and III. The parts are stored in ASRS in which they are located on pallets. A small closed loop pallet conveyor, equipped with a bar code reader and status light system is used for carrying the raw and finished parts. Pallet Tracking System with Omron CQM1 PLC is controlling the ASRS and conveyor during their operations,
Fig. 2: Workstation I
FMS Workstation II: The Machining operation is being performed in WS II. WS II consists of a 5-axis SCORBOT ER9, five-axis vertically articulated robot, integrated with a linear slide base (LSB) and a CNC milling machine Prolight1000. CNCBase and SperctraCAD are being utilized for controlling the CNC machine and generating G-Codes respectively. ACL software is also provided for controlling the robot.
Fig. 3: Workstation II
FMS Workstation III: The assembly and quality control operation are being performed in this WS. A gluing machine, a ball feeder, a JIG, a Laser Scan Micrometer (LSM), a part bin, and two racks with capacity of four parts are included in WSIII. The quality of cylindrical parts is investigated through the measurement of diameter of each part by LSM. The part is considered as qualified part if the diameter is between the defined ranges, otherwise the robot throws the part into part bin as disqualified part. In assembly operation, a ball game made of plastic is produced as follows; the base is taken to the ‘ball feeder’ to throw five balls into the base. Later, the base is placed into the JIG. The gluing machine is used to put glue on the base. At the end, the lid is placed on top the base to finish the operation.
Fig. 4: Workstation III
The whole laboratory is managed by OPEN CIM software system, which is composed of the following:
Basic CIM software including: CIM management, parts definition, order definition, machine definition, ASRS definition, on-line help, automatic CNC programs downloading for CNC machines.
Advanced CIM software including: MRP package, 3D graphic animated simulation for on-line tracking of the whole system, reports generator for production reports, CIM scheduler module (GANNT chart).
Virtual CIM/FMS software providing construction and manipulations of complete CIM system in a virtual environment. (This feature can also be used independently by students for simulation and practice.).
Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) with a closed loop pallet conveyor.
The overall system is run with a supervisory host control system consisting of a set of workstation PC’s and a host computer, which allows management of FMS orders and operations via the CIM Manager – OpenCIM software system architecture.
The following funded projects conducted in CIM Lab:
Hamed Farahani Manesh, Mustafa Dagbasi, Internet-based bidding for intelligent equipment sharing over the network manufacturıng system for small and medium sized enterprıses (SMEs), Funded by E.M.U. Technology Development Center, T.R.N.C / Turkey, 2008.
Hamed Farahani Manesh, Mert Bal, Majid Hashemipour, Development of virtual reality-based FMS design and analysis systems for SMEs, Funded by Ministry of Education T.R.N.C. / Turkey, 2006.
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Hamed Farahani Manesh, Mert Bal, Majid Hashemipour, Development of a virtual reality based CIM systems training software, VCIMLAB for engineering laboratory education, Funded by E.M.U. Technology Development Center, T.R.N.C / Turkey 2004.
The Virtual CIM Laboratory - VCIMLAB is an educational software system for training on the operating principles of CIM and automated production systems, which make use of programmable industrial robots, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, quality control and automated assembly equipment. The first version of VCIMLAB has been designed and developed completely by the authors in Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Mechanical Engineering Department in 2004 and updated in 2010. The system provides a three dimensional interactive, ‘virtual’ laboratory environment, which consists of virtual simulation models of common CIM hardware, robots, machines and computer systems. For the development of the simulation models, a real model of CIM laboratory located at the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Industrial Engineering Department was taken as a reference model. The reference laboratory consists of a two flexible manufacturing cells, including programmable robot arms, a CNC milling machine and several CIM equipment provided by Intelitek®. Based on the real time operating principles and software interfaces used in the reference laboratory equipment, the virtual model of each equipment has been generated such that the virtual simulation environment very closely represents the real laboratory (Fig 5 and Fig. 6.).
Fig. 5: Real vs. Virtual CIM Laboratory (developed in 2004).

Fig. 6: Real vs. Virtual CIM Laboratory (developed in 2010). 
The following articles have been achieved as result of conducting research in CIMLab:
Hamed Farahani Manesh and Dirk Schaefer (2010):“Virtual Learning Environments for Manufacturing”, Ritke-Jones, W.F.(Editor), Handbook of Research on Virtual Environments for Corporate Education: Employee Learning and Solutions, (IGI Publishing), March 2010, pp. 89-107.
Hamed Farahani Manesh, (2010),” A Virtual Reality Approach to development of PLC-Based Manufacturing Control Systems for Mechanical Engineering Education”, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Hamed Farahani Manesh, (2008), "Networked Virtual Environment Platform for Equipment Sharing Systems of SMEs", Auto Focus Asia, 4, pp. 36-39.
Hamed Farahani Manesh, Mert Bal, and Majid Hashemipour, (2007), "Applications of Virtual Reality in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems", Proceeding of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), September 4-7, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Mert Bal, Majid Hashemipour, and Hamed Farahani Manesh, (2006), "A Virtual Reality Based Methodology of Design and Testing of Flexible Manufacturing System for Small and Medium Size Enterprises: A Demonstration in Die Casting Industry", Proceeding of AMPT 2006 , Jul 30-Aug 3, Las Vegas, USA
The courses currently supported by this lab include the following:
IENG447 Computer Integrated manufacturing.
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