Dr. Flora Musonda
Ms. Lorah Madete
22 July 2002
Paper Prepared for CUTS Centre for International Trade Environment and Economics-Investment for Development (IFD) Project
1.0 Introduction 1
2.1 Macroeconomic Performance for the Past Decade 2
2.2 Infrastructure 3
2.2.1 Transport 3
2.2.2 Communications 4
2.2.3 Power Sector 4
2.2.4 Water 5
2.3 Technology and Skill Level 5
2.3.1 Technology Level 5
2.3.2 Skills 5
2.4 Investment Flows 6
2.4.1 Domestic Investment 7
2.4.2 Foreign Investment 8
3.0 MAIn Policy trends over the past decade 18
3.1 National Development Strategy 18
3.1.1 Growth Promotion and Poverty Reduction Efforts 18
3.2 Trade Policy 18
3.2.1 The Tariff Regime 19
3.2.2 Regional and International Trade Arrangements 19
3.2.3 WTO Membership 19
3.3 Capital Controls 19
3.4 Privatisation Regulation 19
3.4.1 Parastatal Reform Process and Methods 20
3.5 Competition Law 20
3.5.1 The Legislation and Institutional Framework 20
3.6 Labour Regulations 21
3.7Environmental Regulation 22
3.8 Fiscal Regime Facing Investors 22
3.9 Intellectual Property Rights Regime 24
4.0 INVESTMENT policy Audit 25
4.1Background 25
4.2 Investing in Tanzania 26
4.2.1 The Registration Process 26
4.2.2 Investment Incentives 27
4.2.3 Dispute Settlement 27
4.3 Bilateral/Regional Agreements on Investments 27
4.3.1 Bilateral Investment Treaties 27
4.3.2 Bilateral Treaties for Avoidance of Double Taxation (DTT) 28
5.0 Policy making Process for INVESTMENT Issues 29
5.1 National Policy Objectives for Investment 29
5.2 Policy Formulation Process 29
5.3 Independence of Sub-National Layers in of Government in Dealing with Investment Issues 29
5.4 Importance Accorded to Investment 30
6.0 INVESTMENTs In ZAnzibar 30
6.1 Background 31
6.2 Investment Patterns 31
6.2.1 Sectoral Distribution 31
6.2.2 Spatial Distribution 31
6.2.3 Source Countries 32
6.2.4 Institutional Framework 32
6.2.5 Investment Incentives 33
6.3 Impact of FDI in Zanzibar 34
6.3.1 Employment Opportunities 34
6.3.2 Transfer of Technology and Technical Know How 34
AD - Arusha Declaration
ARIPO - Africa Regional Industrial Property Registration Organisation (ARIPO)
ATC - Air Tanzania Cooperation
ATE - Association of Tanzania Employers
BoT - Bank of Tanzania
BRELA - Business Registration and Licensing Agency
CBI - Cross Boarder Initiative
CDTT - Centre for Development and Transfer of Technology
COSTECH - The Commission for Science and Technology
DPS - Deputy Permanent Secretary
DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
DSE - Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange
EAC - East African Community
EADB - East African Development Bank
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
ERP - The Economic Recovery Program
ESAP - Economic and Social Action Programme
ESRF - Economic and Social Research Foundation
EU - European Union
EWURA - Energy and Water Regulatory Authority Act
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
GATS - General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT - General Agreement Tariff Trade
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GFCF - Gross Fixed Capital Formation
HDI - Human Development Index
HIPC - Highly Indebted Poor Countries
ICSID - International Center for Settlement Disputes
ICT - Information and Communication Technology
IFTD - Integrated Framework for Trade and Development
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IMTC - Inter -Ministerial Technical Committee
IOR-ARC - Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation
IPC - Investment Promotion Centre
IPR - Intellectual Property Right
IPTL - Independent Power Tanzania Ltd
ISD - Insurance Supervision Department
ISPs - Internet Service Providers
LART - Loans Advances and Realisation Trust
MEBO - Management/Employment Buy Out
MHSTE - Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MTEF - Medium Term Expenditure Framework
MTS - Multilateral Trading System
NISC - National Investment Steering Committee
NBS - National Bureau of Statistics
NDC - National Development Corporation
NEAP - National Environmental Action Plan
NEMC - National Environmental Management Council
NEP - National Environmental Policy
NESP - National Economic Survival Program
NGO - Non Governmental Organization
NPES - National Poverty Eradication Strategy
NSTP - National Science and Technology Policy
OFL - Own Funds Facility
OGL - Open General License
PER - Public Expenditure Review
PPP - Purchasing Power Parity
PRSP - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PSRC - Parastatal Sector Reform Commission
RBPS - Restrictive Business Practices
RPFB - Rolling Plan and Forward Budget.
SADC - Southern African Development Community
SAP - Structural Adjustment Programme
SUA - Sokoine University of Agriculture
SUMATRA- Surface and Maritime Regulatory Authority Act
TANESCO - Tanzania Electrical Supply Company Ltd
TAZARA - Tanzania Zambia Railways Authority
TBC - Tanzania Broadcasting Commission
TCC - Tanzania Communications Commission
TFTU - Tanzania Federation of Trade Unions
THA - Tanzania Harbours Authority
TIC - Tanzania Investment Centre
TIN - Tax Identification Number
TPTC - Tanzania Posts and Telecommunication Corporation
TPC - Tanzania Posts Cooperation
TRA - Tanzania Revenue Authority
TRC - Tanzania Railway Cooperation
TRIPS - Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Poverty Rights
TTCL - Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd
TUCTA - Trade Unions Congress of Tanzania
UK - United Kingdom
UNDP - United National Development Program
URT - United Republic of Tanzania
USD - United States Dollar
VAT - Value Added Tax
VP - Vice President
WTO - World Trade Organization
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organisation
ZAFREZA - Zanzibar Free Zone Authority
ZFA - Zanzibar Free Zone Authority
ZIPA - Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency
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