Ecv ice Sheets Technical Proposal

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7Risk Register

In Table we present the forseen risk elements of non-technical nature.

Risk Description

 Proposed mitigation

Team is not able to meet the schedule constraints

Regular monitoring of project progress will be performed. First sign of delay will be noted and discussed between science leader, project manager and team members

The loss of a project key person

Identify person that could take over the position. Options are avilable at the institutes. Schedule meeting with ESA to discuss the available options and to insert replacementto ensure timely continuation of the project

Table First iteration of the Risk Register

We wish to stress that the technical challenges discussed in this proposal cannot cause the project workflow to halt, and no outcome to be produced. In fact, the main uncertainties are related to the outcome of the SAR data processing and to its useful incorporation within PSHA models. The strategy of proposing an integrated SAR and GPS approach implies that within the project PSHA models will anyhow benefit from the GPS processing activities. The extent and nature of the added value provided by SAR is the main objective of this study, so that even a partially negative answer would represent a valuable piece of information.


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