Emergency situation can occur at anytime in any work place. An emergency can occur in many forms. Medical Emergencies, Natural Disasters, disgruntled employees, industrial fires, major accidents, robbery, assault and other types of emergency can affect the well being of our employees and operations at the facility.
Emergency situation can occur at anytime in any work place. An emergency can occur in many forms. Medical Emergencies, Natural Disasters, disgruntled employees, industrial fires, major accidents, robbery, assault and other types of emergency can affect the well being of our employees and operations at the facility.
Means an unexpected and uncontrolled event that has seriously harmed or threatens harm to workers
Any potential occurrence such as but not limited to, equipment failure, rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment which could result in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical into the workplace.
Plan safe evacuation for the range of anticipated emergencies
Before the Emergency Occurs
Plan safe evacuation for the range of anticipated emergencies