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Research Techniques İn Human Engineering, John Weimer, Prentice Hall, 1994
Methods, Standars, And Work Design, B. Niebel, A. Freivalds, Mcgraw Hill, 2003
Usability Engineering, Jakob Nielsen, Morgan Kaufmann Pub, 1994, ISBN 0125184069
Handbook Of Human-Computer Interaction, Martin G. Helander (Editor) ,Thomas K. Landauer (Editor), Prasad V. Prabhu (Editor),North-Holland,1997, Edition 2nd Rev, 02, ISBN 0444818626
Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development Of Human-Computer Interaction,John M. Carroll, Diane D. Cerra (Editor), Natalie Hill (İllustrator), Mary Beth Rosson, Morgan Kaufmann Pub, 2001, ISBN 1558607129
Handbook Of Usability Testing: How To Plan, Design, And Conduct Effective Tests, Jeffrey Rubin, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1994, ISBN0471594032
The Usability Engineering Lifecycle: A Practitioner's Handbook For User Interface Design, Deborah J. Mayhew, Morgan Kaufmann Pub, 1999, ISBN 1558605614
THE HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION HANDBOOK, Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies And Emerging Applications, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Edited By Julie A. Jacko, Andrew Sears, A Volume In The Human Factors And Ergonomics Series
THE HANDBOOK OF TASK ANALYSIS FOR HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Edited By Dan Diaper ,Neville A. Stanton
OF COGNITIVE TASK DESIGN, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Edited By ,Erik Hollnagel, A Volume In The Human Factors And Ergonomics Series
CONTROL THEORY FOR HUMANS, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Quantitative Approaches To Modeling Performance, Richard J. Jagacinski, John M. Flach
HANDBOOK OF HUMAN FACTORS TESTING AND EVALUATION, Samuel G. Charlton (Ed.) And Thomas G. O'Brien (Ed.), ISBN: 0-8058-3290-4, 2002
HUMAN-AUTOMATION INTERACTION, Mustapha Mouloua (Ed.) And Jefferson M. Koonce (Ed.), ISBN: 0-8058-2841-9, 1997
AUTOMATION AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE: Theory And Applications, Raja Parasuraman (Ed.) And Mustapha Mouloua (Ed.),ISBN: 0-8058-1616-X, 1996
A Guide To Task Analysis , Edited By: B. Kirwan University Of Birmingham; L.K. Ainsworth Synergy, Cumbria. , Taylor And Francis, ISBN: 0748400583, 1992
Hierarchial Task Analysis ,Andrew Shepherd ,Taylor And Francis ISBN: 074840838X,2000
A Guide To Ergonomics Of Manufacturing ,Martin Helander ,Taylor And Francis ISBN: 0748401229, 1997 Type:
The Ergonomics Of Workspaces And Machines A Design Manual , E. N. Corlett, T. S. Clark ,Taylor And Francis ISBN: 0748403205, 1995
An Introduction To Usability ,Patrick Jordan ,Taylor And Francis, ISBN: 0748407626 998
Handbook Of Human Factors And Ergonomics, Gavriel Salvendy, 1997 Edition: 2nd Edition , ISBN: 0471116904, Wiley, John & Sons
The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook, Waldemar Karwowski, William S. Marras ,1998 Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 0849326419,: C R C Press LLC
International Encyclopedia Of Ergonomics And Human Factors, Waldemar Karwowski, ISBN: 0748408495 , Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Limited
Engineering Psychology And Cognitive Ergonomics, Don Harris (Edited By) ,2001 , ISBN: 0754613372 ,Ashgate Publishing,
Applied Occupational Ergonomics : A Textbook, Fernandez, Marley , 1998
ISBN: 0787252107, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Human Reliability : Analysis,
Prediction, & Prevention Of Human Errors, K. S., 1987 ISBN: 0444427279 ,Elsevier Science
A Guide To Practical Human Reliability Assessment, Barry I. Kirwan ,1994
ISBN: 0748401113, Taylor & Francis, Limited
Human Reliability Analysis : Context & Control, Erik Hollnagel, 1994 ISBN: 0123526582 Academic Press
An Introduction To Human Factors Engineering, Christopher D. Wickens, Sallie Gordon, Yili Liu, 1997, ISBN: 0321012291,Prentice Hall PTR
Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, Kjell B. Zandin, Harold B. Maynard , 2001, Edition: 5th Edition ISBN: 0070411026, Mcgraw-Hill
Ergonomic Design For People At Work, Workplace, Equipment, And Environmental Design And Information Transfer,
Eastman Kodak Company Staff ,1989, ISBN: 0471289248, Wiley, John & Sons
Kodak's Ergonomic Design For People At Work , Second Edition, Eastman Kodak
ISBN: 0-471-41863-3, October 2003
Cognitive Psychology: A Neural Network Approach, Colin Martindale, ISBN 0534142307, Brooks/Cole Pub Co,1990
Helander, Martin, Design For Manufacturability : A Systems Approach To Concurrent Engineering, Taylor & Francis London ;Washing 1992
Occupational Ergonomics : Principles And Applications, Tayyari, F., Smith, J.L., (1997 ),, Chapman&Hall
Ergonomics: How To Design For Ease And Efficieny , Kroemer, K., Kroemer, H., Kromer-Elbert, K., (2001),Prentice Hall
Human Factors In Engineering And Design, Sanders, M.S., Mccormick, E.J., (1993), Mcgraw-Hill International Editions
Introduction To Ergonomics, Bridger, R.S., (1995), Mcgraw-Hill International Editions
Usability Testing And Research, Bornum. Carol M., New York, Longman,20002
Usability Testing For Library Websites:
A Hands On Guide, Elaine Narlin, CM Winters, Chicago, American Library Association, 2002
Human Factors In Product Design: Current Practice And Future Trends, Edited By W.S. Green And P.W Jordon, Taylor And Franchis, 1999
Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics And Design Of Work, Stephan Pheasant, Basım Yılı 2002
R.W. Bailey, Human Performance Engineering, Prentice Hall PTR, 1996, ISBN: 0-13
A Practical Guide To Usability Testing / Joseph S. Dumas, Janice C. Redish Exeter, England ; Portland, Or. : Intellect Books, C1999. 062117110523
Ergosolution Http://Www.Ergosolutionsmag.Com/
Ergonomics Abstract Http://Www.Tandf.Co.Uk/Ergo-Abs/
Ergoweb Http://Www.Ergoweb.Com/
Human Factors And Ergonomics Society Http://Www.Hfes.Org/Web/Default.Aspx
International Ergonomics Association Http://Www.Iea.Cc/
NIOSH Homepage Http://Www.Cdc.Gov/Niosh/Homepage.Html
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