The objective of the proposed Azerbaijan Employment Support Project is to improve the access of vulnerable people to sustainable self-employment and income generating opportunities in Azerbaijan. This will be achieved by (i) scaling up and improving the effectiveness of the Self-Employment Program (AzSEP); (ii) strengthening program implementation capacity in the State Employment Services (SES), along with the capacity to provide a broader menu of activation and employment support program; and (iii) improving monitoring and evaluation practices of the SES.
The environmental and social impact assessment concluded that the Project will generate mainly positive socio-economic benefits through the establishment and growth of micro and small enterprises and the support of the required infrastructure. There are environmental aspects related to the activities of project beneficiaries which they will be undertaking using in-kind transfers from the project. This may include small-scale manufacturing, livestock breeding, food processing and service delivery. While the project will not finance any physical works for which in-kind transfer of assets are to be provided, the potential environmental and social risks of such works/activities are subject of the World Bank’s due diligence during the project preparation and are addressed in a set of environmental and social instruments, including this ESMF. Such impacts/risks may be related to waste generation, noise, dust and air pollution, impacts from possible pesticide use, health and safety risks, etc. It is expected that they all will be typical for small-scale project activities (small-scale agribusiness, processing, handicrafts, manufacturing, and various services) and site-specific, and can be easily mitigated by applying the best methods and appropriate mitigation measures. Those mitigation measures should be in line with the provisions of the World Bank ESF, General and industry-specific EHSGs and GIIP, and in accordance with the requirements of national legislation
Any activities that could result in temporary and/or permanent involuntary land acquisition, or restrictions to land use, to economic activities, or access to resources, will be not financed under the Project. Project beneficiaries will need to demonstrate legal ownership or right of use to the land on which their activities will be implemented.