Scope and objectives of the Environmental and Social Management Framework
The potential risks considered by this ESMF include those related to increased generation of wastes, increased level of noise, dust, air pollution, health hazards and labor safety issues. Overall, most of these risks and impacts are expected to be typical for small scale works, agri-business activities, small handicrafts and manufacturing, etc., temporary by nature and site specific, and can be easily mitigated by applying relevant mitigation measures.
The ESMF describes the process of how environmental and social impacts will be assessed, addressed and managed during the project implementation, when the sub-projects will be identified in terms of technical aspects and location; as well as a set of measures for mitigation, monitoring and institutional responsibility that should be taken during the project implementation to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts, their neutralization or reducing up to acceptable levels.
The ESMF covers general mitigation measures for possible impacts of different proposed activities to be supported by the project; implementation arrangements for project environmental and social aspects, relevant capacity building activities, consultation process etc.
Subprojects-specific ESMPs will be prepared in due course as part of subproject identification and preparation.
ESMF identifies the responsibilities of project stakeholders, procedures for environmental and social safeguards screening, review and approval, monitoring and reporting requirements, as well as plans to enhance institutional capacity through capacity building activities. It also offers sample terms of reference for carrying out ESIAs.
Finally, this ESMF will be an integrated part of the Project Operation Manual (POM) and is applicable to all linked investments financed in the project areas regardless of their funding source or implementing agency.