Outbreak Investigation
And Response
Record verbal or written information from lay reporters (community representatives,
Anganwadi workers, teachers) about suspected outbreaks, rumours, or reports of
unexplained events.
Date of notification
Suspected Disease
(signs and symptoms if diagnosis is not available)
No. of cases
Date of 1st case
No: of deaths
Treatment centers
(For outbreaks caused by water borne diseases)
(to be submitted within a day of the first team reaching the outbreak site)
1. Name of the affected village/town/city
2. Name of the reporting center
Sub-centre / PHC / RH / CH / GH / Corpn. Hosp.
3. Block / Districts
4. Population of the affected town / area
5. Date of onset of outbreak
6. Date of reporting
7. Name of the Informant
8. Total attacks reported till date
9. Total deaths reported till date
10. Main symptoms of the patients
11. Presumptive / Final Diagnosis
12. Probable cause of the outbreak
13. Spot map
14. Water supply information
Water supply scheme / wells / bore-wells / others
General / Private
15. Date of stool samples collection (during the outbreak)
16. Stock position
Sr. No.
Name of the medicine
Approximate Stock
O.R.S. packets
Ringer’s lactate
I.V. Normal saline
IV sets
Bleaching Powder
Halogen tablets
Tab. Co-trimoxazole
17. Details of any control measures instituted:
Sr. No.
Control Measures
Action taken
Place of the treatment
No. of the attending staff (MO, Nurses)
Camp hospital opened, if yes details
Date of starting active surveillance
Chlorination of water sources started, if yes,
details thereof
Water samples collected? If yes, details
Date: Signing Authority
Similar ones for Vaccine preventable diseases and Vector borne disease may be made. In the former, details of immunization status need to be included, while in the
latter, details of vector control measures need to be included.
fathers name
date of
onset of
symptoms &
lab reports
exposure to
risk factor
Key to the form
No: serial number
Name: of all the suspected cases
Age: if there are small children involved, then better to record the age in months for ALL
Father’s name: if identification is a problem through name only
Address: as detailed as possible so that later there is no problem while mapping
Date of onset of symptoms: as accurate as possible as this gives an idea of the incubation period.
Symptoms and signs: list the common symptoms and signs in each column. It should be filled as yes and no
Treatment received: the details as well as the place at which it was received. Details include the medicines received
Lab reports: the details as and when they are available. Till then, the samples taken should be filled into this column
Outcome: whether the person is alive and well or whether the person is dead or whether the person is still sick
Exposure to risk factors: Initially this may not be clear, but as risk factors are identified, exposure to them needs to be checked.
This may necessitate going back to the initial cases and checking.
any comments related to the outbreak
(Report to be submitted by RRT within 7 days of reaching the spot)
1. RRT members
2. Name of the affected towns / villages / Blocks / Districts
3. Name of the sub-center(s) / PHC(s) affected
4. Is it a high-risk area?
5. Details of staffing in the affected institutions, including vacancy positions
Prior to the outbreak, existing situation now.
6. Details of the geographic location of the area, preferably supported with
a map, giving details of
the population – both affected and not affected
the institutions and distances involved
the water sources etc
any other risk factors
7. Date of onset of first case
8. Date of reporting of first case
9. Date of onset of last case reported
10. Date of detection of last case reported.
11. How was the outbreak detected?
11.Main symptoms and signs
12. Epidemic curve
13. Details of possible transmission – preferably graphically.
15. Probable diagnosis
16. Lab diagnosis
17. Information of Laboratory Examination
23. Cause of the outbreak (Detail information of the reasons of water contamination)
24. Details of containment measures taken
25. Details of the mortality audit –
1. Name of the diseased :
2. Age : Sex :
3. Complete address :
4. Symptom :
5. Date of onset illness :
6. Treatment received from whom and where :
7. If admitted, and date and time of admission :
8. Date and time of onset of treatment :
9. Condition of the patient at the time of the
10. Details of the treatment :
11. Date and time of death :
12. Place of death (Home / Hosp, etc.) :
13. Whether stool sample was taken ?
(If yes, result)
14. Medical Officer’s opinion :
Similar reports can be developed for the VPD and VBD.
Similar format can be used for the Final report.
A standard report may contain up to 7 parts:
What is the problem you are investigating and why is it important?
What is already known about this and similar problems? What existing information and theories are you going to use to solve the problem?
What experimental steps have you taken to solve the problem?
What raw data have you obtained?
How did you transform the raw data into the data necessary to solve the problem? Show the calculations you performed on the data you collected.
What conclusions can you draw from your results? Discuss any new questions that were generated by your experiments.
Bibliographical citations of all published work from technical journals or books that you used in your study. If a theory or method is not your own, but was borrowed from another researcher’s work, you must acknowledge this by referring the reader to the paper or book in which you found the information.
A report is a presentation of facts and findings, usually as a basis for
recommendations; written for a specific readership, and probably intended to be kept as a record.
When some people write a report, that's all they do: write. But the really successful writers only spend part of their time doing this, and then only towards the end. Before that, they are planning their report - thinking about its purpose, and who is going to read it; deciding what to put in it, and fitting it into shape. And even when they're finally writing it, they'll probably spend just as much time thinking about how best to present their ideas, as actually putting them onto paper.
This guide draws on the experience of such writers, and describes their step-by-step approach, the six stages being:
Purpose and reader
Materials and structure
Style and presentation
The guide has been devised for you to use as a memory aid once you are back at your desk, and working on your next report. We hope that you'll find it helpful, and that you -and your readers - will benefit.
Purpose and Reader
Experienced writers always allow plenty of time for these - the first two stages in report writing, even when they are working against the clock. They know that once these are clear in their minds, they'll save themselves hours of work and worry later on.
1 Defining the purpose
First, the purpose - the major aim - the reason why you are writing the report at all. This will determine what kind of report you write.
a) Factual report
For example, it may be to inform - when, say, there's been an accident, or a new programme of work. What's needed here is a factual report - a straightforward statement of the facts - to give people an accurate record.
b) Instructional report
Or, it may be to explain - for example, when some change is introduced, like a revised appraisal system, or a new job evaluation scheme. Here you write an instructional report - a step-by-step description - to tell people about the new procedures.
c) Leading report
Lastly, it may be to persuade - when you are trying to sell your ideas. This kind is usually called a 'leading' report, because you are leading the reader towards making a decision - the one you want him or her to make.
Once the major aim has been defined in this way, subsidiary aims will fall into place -thus, we inform in order to explain, and inform and explain in order to persuade. And usually the result will be a leading report - which is often the most difficult to write, because it has to motivate the reader to do something at the end.
Identifying the reader
But who is the reader? What do we really know about them? Often, they are just a dim and shadowy figure in the mind, but we can usually get a clearer picture by asking three questions:
a) What does the reader know?
Two common mistakes in report writing are to overestimate a reader's knowledge-and blind them with science, or to underestimate it - and bore them to tears. We must always try to discover how much the reader knows already, so that we can communicate at their level of knowledge.
b) What are the reader's attitudes?
However good our ideas, they may get thrown out if we don't take account of these, the reader’s special interests, likes, and dislikes. The truth has many faces, and it is only sensible to feature the one most likely to appeal to them.
c) What does the reader really want?
The reader is rarely a passive recipient of our report, to be swayed this way and that by our arguments. We'll need to find out just what their hopes and expectations are. Then we shall know what we're up against, and can prepare our case accordingly.
Sometimes, it is difficult to answer these questions, especially when writing for a varied readership. In such cases, aim for the important reader - that is, the most important to you - but without offending others. Some are probably only on the distribution list anyway for reasons of prestige or courtesy, or because no-one remembered to cross them off. They will probably be quite happy just to read the opening summary (see p.7).
3 Setting the objective
Matching the purpose to the reader, we are now ready to set our objective. In other words, what do we want the reader to think and do after reading our report? Here is an example:
To persuade the managing director to authorize a proposed system of flexible working hours.
Notice the words 'to persuade' and 'to authorize'. They show that we must produce a logical and consistent case: one that will spur our reader to positive action. Also, once we have set the objective, we can usually anticipate the likely problems in meeting it e.g.:
a) Knowledge
The managing director is a busy man, and has never heard of flexible working hours. We’ll need to give him ample background information, and define any technical terms as we go along.
b) Attitudes
He is a stickler for discipline and good timekeeping. We'll have to convince him that the scheme won't be a licence for lateness, but that, on the contrary, timekeeping might actually improve.
c) Wants
According to the grapevine, he is worried just now about rising costs. So we'll need to stress how flexible working hours would actually save him money, even if this means playing down other benefits.
Arriving at an objective like this is the most important step in writing any report. Sometimes the process will even show that a report is not necessary at all, and that the objective can best be met in some other way - in which case, you will have saved yourself a great deal of time and trouble.
Materials and structure
Most writers imagine that their report will be the major event in the reader's day, when, in reality, the poor fellow is awash with reading matter, drowning in facts, figures, and opinions. What he wants is easily-digested information, and then only enough to help him reach a decision. So the content of our report, and its structure, must be very carefully planned.
1 Selecting our material
The two golden rules to follow when deciding what to put into a report are:
a) Simplify, and be ruthless about it. Reject the irrelevant, agonize over the doubtful, and make sure you've got the essential.
b) Justify your conclusions with facts, and state their sources. Build the facts into a logical and consistent case, so as to lead the reader to the same conclusions as your own.
2 Planning the structure
The facts themselves should therefore be a set of directions, which will lead and guide your reader along a route. This route has to be planned before you write your report, perhaps as follows:
Turn a large sheet of paper sideways, and work across it. Work horizontally, so that you can see the whole plan of your report at one time (see p.6).
First, divide it into major sections. Every subject can be broken down in this way, and the headings will probably become the headings in your report.
Make a list under each heading of all the points you would like to mention. Note the information that you'll need to support them.
Now mark the most important points, the essential steps in your reasoning.
Next, mark the least important ones, points your reader would find irrelevant. These you will probably reject.
The points that remain-the unmarked ones, are the 'doubtful'. Some you may want to use as examples, or to include in the appendices. But some of these also you'll reject.
Lastly, arrange the points in a final, logical sequence, so as to meet your objective. Some people write them out on scraps of paper at this stage, and shift them around until they get the order right.
A plan like this will show you what information you'll need for the body of the report, and what should go in the appendices. Once written, you draw out your conclusions and add your recommendations. And last of all, you add your title page, summary, contents list, and introduction. These eight items make up the conventional structure of a report, dealt with in more detail below.
3 Rules and guidelines
The following rules and guidelines relate to the conventional structure of a report. Some organizations lay down their own ('House style').
a) Title page
This normally carries the title, sub-title if any, date, author's name and position, and distribution list. It may also carry a reference number or other classification (eg, confidential). But don't overcrowd the page: a clear, simple layout is always the best.
b) Summary
A necessity if the report is a long one. It gives busy people the gist of the report without their having to read it all; but if attractively written, it may whet their appetite, and stimulate them to read the whole thing.
c) Contents list
The contents of short reports may be shown on the title page - or not at all. More extensive ones should always have a separate page, listing the major sections or chapters, sub-sections if any, and appendices, and giving their page numbers. It should be laid out clearly so as to show the relationship between them.
d) Introduction
This gives the background to the report, and shows why it was necessary. It usually states the objective of the report (in formal terms), who called for it, and the scope and treatment. The shorter it is, the better.
e) Body of the report
This contains your detailed facts and findings, shows how they were arrived at, and indicates the inferences to be drawn from them, all in accordance with your horizontal plan (p.5).
f) Conclusions
Here you draw out the main points of your report and present a considered judgment on them.
g) Recommendations
Finally, set down any recommendations, relating them clearly to what has gone before. In a good report, the reader is carried along by the argument, so that by the time here aches the end, he'll need no further convincing.
h) Appendices
Some reports need detailed supporting information, or perhaps information that only some readers need. All this goes in the appendices.
In some cases you may also need to include:
j) Bibliography and/or References
This lists both the books and articles consulted as a basis for the report, or those you want to suggest as further reading - or both. Make clear which they are.
k) Glossary or Nomenclature
This can be a help if your readers include non-experts as well as experts. When writing on a specialist subject for non-experts alone, define any technical terms as you go along.
Style and presentation
Having dealt with the four essential stages in planning our report, we can now look at the two essential aspects of writing it.
1 Style
This is how you write - how any individual writes, so as to convey your thoughts to other people. But problems may arise, especially if you try to evaluate each word or sentence as you write it. 'That's silly,' you say, or, 'That won't work,' and you end up by blocking the natural expression of your ideas.
To overcome these problems:
a) Write the first draft to yourself. Just as it comes. Don't evaluate what you are writing: simply break the spell of that blank, white sheet of paper.
b) Then edit your draft, reading it through the eyes of your reader. In particular:
Clear up any clichés and obvious ambiguities, e.g., '. . . the flooding was caused by the liquidation of the contractors working on the sewage system.'
Substitute short, simple words where appropriate, e.g., 'start' for commencement', and ‘end' for 'termination'.
Choose words familiar to your reader. Technical terms are a useful shorthand to use with fellow specialists, but simply cloud the issue for anyone else.
Use active, rather than passive verbs, eg, 'The Board has approved this project,' rather than 'Approval has been given by the Board for this project.' This is a contentious issue– most scientific reports tend to be written using the passive form. Ask about the
'House Style' if in doubt.
Follow these rules, and your problems will diminish. In fact, choose the right words, and you’ll find that they have a happy knack of arranging themselves.
2 Presentations
You may need to use tables, graphs, bar charts, or other diagrams. This is a subject in itself, so ask your local librarian for some helpful books. (The standard work, but expensive, is Diagrams, by A. Lockwood, published by Studio Vista.)
Also, remember the old journalistic principle: solid blocks of type weary the eye. Set your report out generously. Use wide margins; space out paragraphs; and indent subheadings. It will make all the difference.
Helpful books
General reference material
Get to know your local reference library and the librarians in charge. They are used to handling every type of enquiry, and will help you to draw on a wealth of immediately available reference material, in the shape of encyclopaedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks, year-books, statistical returns, abstracts, etc. They are also able to draw on the help of other, specialist, libraries and information services, many of which are not known to the general public.
Books on report writing
For anyone wanting to know more about the actual job of report writing, we recommend the following:
1. How to write reports John Mitchell. (Fontana/Collins)
2. Report writing A. E. Derbyshire. (Edward Arnold)
3. Writing technical reports Bruce M. Cooper. (Pelican)
4. The technique of clear writing Robert Gunning. (McGraw-Hill)
A writer's friends
There are also a number of books which should be by your side whenever you write a report. We have limited the list below to those in paperback or inexpensive hardback editions:
1.Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary or
2.The Concise Oxford Dictionary (or ideally both)
3.Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (Longmans)
4.Authors' and Printers' Dictionary F. Howard Collins. (OUP)
5.The Complete Plain Words Sir Ernest Gowers. (Penguin)
6.Fowler's Modern English Usage (OUP)
7.Usage and Abusage - a guide to good English Eric Partridge. (Penguin)
How to Review an Article
Guidelines for Reviewing
Here are nine things you should consider as you examine the manuscript and write your review:
Look for the "intellectual plot-line" of the article. You can do this from first skimming through the manuscript and then giving it a once-over read. As you do this, ask the five major questions that are central to the research review process:
What do the researchers want to find out?
Why is that important to investigate or understand?
How are the researchers investigating this? Are their research methods appropriate and adequate to the task?
What do they claim to have found out? Are the findings clearly stated?
How does this advance knowledge in the field? How well do the researchers place their findings within the context of ongoing scholarly inquiry about this topic?
Look at the organization of the article. Can you find answers to the above questions quickly and easily? Can you trace the logic of investigation consistently from the opening paragraphs to the conclusion?
Then go back to the opening paragraphs of the article. Are the research questions specifically stated? Is it clear what the authors want to find out? Do they make the case that this is an important area for research inquiry?
The next section is usually a review of the existing research literature on this topic. Do the authors present a convincing line of argument here--or does it appear that they are just name-dropping (citing sources that may be important, without a clear underlying logic for how they may be important)? Do the authors focus on ideas, or merely on discrete facts or findings? Have they given sufficient attention to theory--the cumulative attempts at prior explanations for the questions they are investigating? Are the research questions or hypotheses clearly derivative of the theory and the literature review? In short: How well do the authors set the stage for the research problem they are reporting?
The methods and procedures section is usually next; and this is where neophyte reviewers often start (unwisely) to sharpen their knives. The selection of methods by which the researchers collect data always involve compromises, and there are few studies that cannot be criticized for errors of commission or omission in terms of textbook criteria for research design and data collection procedures. You could focus on three questions here:
Do the authors clearly describe their research strategies? Do they present sufficient detail about the sample from which they have collected data; the operationalization of measures they have attempted to employ; and the adequacy of these measures in terms of external and internal validity? In addition, there should be no surprises here: The measures should be clearly matched to the research questions or the hypotheses.
Are their choices of methods adequate to find out what they want to find out in this study? Would other methods provide a substantial improvement; if so, would employing these methods be feasible or practical?
Do they provide some justification for the methods they have chosen? Does this appear to be adequate?
The section presenting research results is surely the heart of the article--though not its soul (which the reader should find in the opening paragraphs and in the discussion section). Reviewers might consider four questions here:
Does the results section tell a story--taking the reader from the research questions posed earlier to their answers in the data? Is the logic clear?
Are the tables and figures clear and succinct? Can they be "read" easily for major findings by themselves, or should there be additional information provided? Are the authors' tables consistent with the format of currently accepted norms regarding data presentation?
Do the authors present too many tables or figures in the form of undigested findings? Are all of them necessary in order to tell the story of this research inquiry; or can some be combined? Remember that tables and figures are very expensive (from the standpoint of the journal) and that undigested data obscure rather than advance the cumulative development of knowledge in a field.
Are the results presented both statistically and substantively meaningful? Have the authors stayed within the bounds of the results their data will support?
The discussion section is where the authors can give flight to their findings, so that they soar into the heights of cumulative knowledge development about this topic--or crash into the depths of their CV's, with few other scholars ever citing their findings. Of course few research reports will ever be cited as cornerstones to the development of knowledge about any topic; but your review should encourage authors to aspire to these heights. Consider the following as you evaluate their discussion section:
Do the authors present here a concise and accurate summary of their major findings? Does their interpretation fairly represent the data as presented earlier in the article?
Do they attempt to integrate these findings in the context of a broader scholarly debate about these issues? Specifically: Do they integrate their findings with the research literature they presented earlier in their article--do they bring the findings back to the previous literature reviewed?
Have they gone beyond presenting facts--data--and made an effort to present explanations--understanding? Have they responded to the conceptual or theoretical problems that were raised in the introduction? This is how theory is developed.
Do the authors thoughtfully address the limitations of their study?
The writing style is important. Consider the three guidelines for successful communication--to be clear, concise, and correct---and whether the authors have achieved it:
Is the writing clear? Do the authors communicate their ideas using direct, straightforward, and unambiguous words and phrases? Have they avoided jargon (statistical or conceptual) that would interfere with the communication of their procedures or ideas?
Is the writing concise? Are too many words or paragraphs or sections used to present what could be communicated more simply?
Is the writing correct? Too may promising scientists have only a rudimentary grasp of grammar and punctuation that result in meandering commas, clauses in complex sentences that are struggling to find their verbs, and adjectives or even nouns that remain quite ambiguous about their antecedents in the sentence. These are not merely technical issues of grammar to be somehow dealt with by a copy-editor down the line. Rather they involve the successful communication of a set of ideas to an audience; and this is the basis of scholarship today.
Your evaluation to the editor: Should this paper be (a) rejected for this journal? (b) or does it show sufficient promise for revision, in ways that you have clearly demonstrated in your review, to encourage the authors to invest weeks and months in revision for this journal?
Your bottom-line advice to the editor is crucial. Make a decision; state it clearly (in your confidential remarks to the editor on the page provided).
Remember that only a few of the articles submitted to a journal will result in publication. Rates vary from 5% to 25% of initial submissions.
Some reasons to reject a manuscript:
(a) The research questions have already been addressed in prior studies;
(b) The data have been collected in such a way as to preclude useful investigation;
(c) The manuscript is not ready for publication--incomplete, improper format, or error-ridden.
Most rejected articles do find a home in other journals. Don't tease authors with hopes for publication in this Journal if you feel it is not likely.
Good Reviews and Bad Reviews
A good review is supportive, constructive, thoughtful, and fair. It identifies both strengths and weaknesses, and offers concrete suggestions for improvements. It acknowledges the reviewer's biases where appropriate, and justifies the reviewer's conclusions.
A bad review is superficial, nasty, petty, self-serving, or arrogant. It indulges the reviewer's biases with no justification. It focuses exclusively on weaknesses and offers no specific suggestions for improvement.
Source: How to Review a Journal Article:
Suggestions for First-Time Reviewers and Reminders for Seasoned Experts
By Vern L. Bengtson, University of Southern California,
and Shelley M. MacDermid, Purdue University
Criteria for manuscript review
1. Scientific quality of the work
_ Are the methods appropriate and presented in sufficient detail to allow the results to be repeated?
_ Are the data adequate to support the conclusions?
2. Presentations
_ Writing: Is it clear, concise, and in good English?
_ Title: Is it specific and does it reflect the content of the manuscript?
_ Abstract: Is it brief and does it indicate the purpose of the work, what was done, what was found, and the significance?
_ Figures: Are they justified? Are they sharp, with lettering proportionate to the size of the figure? Are there legends to explain the figures?
_ Tables: Can they be simplified or condensed? Should any be omitted?
_ Trade names, abbreviations, symbols: Are these misused?
3. Research violations
_ Are there violations of the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals?
_ If the research involved human subjects, were the studies performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki?
If you have concerns about the welfare of animal or human subjects used by the authors, include written comments to the editor.
4. Rating
_ Assign a rating on the reviewer form; rank the manuscript relative to other work in the same field.
_ Provide comments regarding the novelty and significance of the manuscript.
_ Provide a recommendation about the manuscript’s suitability for publication in the journal; these comments will not be returned to
the author(s).
6. Comments for authors
_ On the reviewer form, provide specific comments, preferably numbered, on the design, presentation of data, results, and discussion.
DO NOT include recommendations for publication on the second page.
_ Please be certain that your comments to the author(s) are consistent with your rating recommendation.
7. Privileged document
_ This manuscript is a privileged communication; the data and findings are the exclusive property of the author(s) and should not be
disclosed to others who might use this information in their research.
_ The manuscript, illustrations, and tables should be destroyed upon completing the review or, if anticipating a revision, kept
confidential until the review process is complete.
_ If you have shared responsibility for the review of this manuscript with a colleague, please provide that person’s name and
institutional affiliation.
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