c) Continuation of the current situation, i.e. Mut WPPis not built The decision in favor or against a project investment depends on the expected revenues and risks, like for every other private investment. Investment decisions other than Mut WPP are independent from the question whether Mut WPP is built or not. This alternative is also realistic and credible.
According to baseline scenario, which is described in B.4, there is a need for energy investment to satisfy increasing demand and if the Mut WPP is not built, the same amount of energy will be supplied by other private investors to the grid. Forecasts shows that electricity supplied in the absence of Mut WPP will be mainly based on fossil fuels as the projections for the year of 2017 forecasts 73.85% share for fossil fuels in the energy mix.
In the absence of the project the power will be produced by new and existing power plants in accordance with the baseline in ACM0002 version 15.
Outcome of Step 1.a: Therefore, two realistic and credible alternative scenarios are identified for the project activity:
a) The proposed project activity undertaken without being registered as a GS VER project activity.