Volume 10, Issue 7, January 2010 Concordia University, St. Paul
Faculty Bulletin can be accessed directly from the Academic Affairs web page: http://concordia.csp.edu/academicaffairs/Faculty_bulletin/index.html. (Or go to the Faculty/Staff Portal, click on “Academic Affairs, and then click on Faculty Bulletin. The bulletin will emphasize faculty policy and business issues, upcoming events, professional development opportunities, and DEADLINES. News items for the faculty and the Concordia community are publicized through the weekly CSP Update. It is expected that faculty will fully read the Faculty Bulletin and respond, if requested. Articles for publication in the Faculty Bulletin may be submitted via email to haeg@csp.edu at least three working days prior to publication. The next issue will be sent on February 2, 2010. The submission deadline for articles for the next issue is
Discussing “Rivals” and God’s Plans
Matthew Pinsker, author of Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home, teaches Civil War history at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. In the November 18, 2008 Los Angeles Times, he wrote:
People love Doris Kearns Goodwin's book on the Lincoln presidency,
Team of Rivals. More important, for this moment in American history,
Barack Obama loves it. The book is certainly fun to read, but its claim
that Abraham Lincoln revealed his "political genius" through the management
of his wartime Cabinet deserves a harder look, especially now that it seems
to be offering a template for the new administration.
So, I guess, the account that I read last summer about the “political genius of Abraham Lincoln” – maybe isn’t so wonderful in everyone’s mind. Well, so be it and let the discussions abound. After all, such matters are often fun to discuss and can be quite engaging.
For this new year, however, I would like to take a moment and remind us all that there are other matters that should be even more engaging in our lives and even more worthy of our contemplation. The words of the prophet Jeremiah come to mind: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (29:11; ESV)
God’s blessings to each of you this new year, 2010.
Lonn Maly, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Theme for the 2009-2010 Academic Year is:
“The Light Shines in the Darkness”
Based on John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 ESV
Here are a couple of texts that are also appropriate to accompany the TOTY
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. John 3:19 ESV
Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind." John 9:39 ESV
Please feel free to use this theme in your course outlines and syllabi and seek other appropriate opportunities to share the theme with our campus community, in your congregation and with other publics that are served by Concordia University.
In this Issue: Page
Upcoming Calendar Events 2
Academic Affairs
Blessed are you 3
January Faculty Meeting & Retreat
An Interesting Thought
Searches for Faculty Administrative
and Teaching positions
Lutheran Identity Seminar 4
Off Campus/Global Travel
MLK Celebration
Ninth Annual Poehler Lecture 5
Annual Research & Scholarship Symposium
First Fridays Series: College of Arts
And Sciences
Faculty Professional Activity Report 6
Triennial Convention
DCE & DCO Interns
Mission Central
News Release – Hoffman Institute 7
Department of Music Schedule 8
Department of Theatre Schedule
From the Faculty Scholarship Center
Book of the Year 9
Computer Services News
CSP Connect - Updates
Call for Papers: Hmong Conference 10
Upcoming Calendar Events – MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
January 18, Monday Martin Luther King Day Celebration; 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
January 20, Wednesday Classes begin
January 22, Friday Faculty Business Meeting and Retreat; 2:00 – 4:30 pm
January 26, Tuesday Last day to add a full semester course
Last day to add or drop a first half semester course without record
February 2, Tuesday Last day to drop a full semester course without record
February 5, Friday First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series
“What Does Childhood Overindulgence Have to Do With Generosity,
Delayed Gratification, Materialistic Values, Happiness, and Self-Control
In Adulthood?”
February 17, Wednesday Spring Convocation: Jearlyn Steele: “Together We Can, Together We Did!”
February 23, Tuesday Deadline for requesting a P-N
Last day to withdraw from a first half semester course
Blessed are You!
CSP adjunct professor and St. Paul pastor Bob Benke recently was a contestant on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” hosted by Meredith Viera, which will air on May 24-25, 2010. Although the rules of the show prohibit Benke from sharing results until the episodes air, he was able to mention the many ministry opportunities at Concordia. Look for more details this spring.
January Faculty Meeting and Retreat
The FDC, FSC and the Office of Academic Affairs are presenting a Mini-Faculty Retreat directly following the University Faculty Meeting on January 22, 2010.
Strategies for Student Engagement for the 21st Century
Winter Faculty Retreat, January 22, 2010
BEC and 2nd Floor LTC Classrooms
2:00 – 4:30pm
The focus of this retreat will be on student engagement with possible workshops on:
Effective Group Work, Assigned Readings – making students accountable, the Micro Lecture, Building Classroom Community, Content Preparation – using KWL and Double Entry Journals, Service Learning for engaging students, Utilizing Technology for Student Engagement and Blogging for student engagement
Happy Hour at Green Mill: 4:30 – 6pm (appetizers provided)
Contact Cate Vermeland at vermeland@csp.edu if you would like to contribute to this retreat.
An Interesting Thought
John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State during the Eisenhower administration, said, “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”
Searches for Faculty Administrative and Teaching Positions
Several faculty administrative and teaching positions have been in transition or are in the search process as you read this. Search committees have been working and some have completed their work as they have recommended candidates to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for appointment. We wish to thank all faculty and staff for their dedicated work. The positions and the chair of each search committee are:
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences (concluded)
David Lumpp (Chair, CVM), Dale Trapp (CAS), Steve Morgan (CAS), Nancy Harrower (CBOL), Nedra Robinson (COE), Miriam Luebke (Office of Student Services)
Dean, College of Education (for appointment ASAP)
Jim Gimbel (Chair; CVM), Nan Hackett (CAS), Rita Kenyon (CBOL), Angela Nippert (COE), Sue Starks (COE), Kristin Schoon (Office of Admissions)
Dean, School of Graduate Studies (concluded)
Rich Carter (Chair, CVM), Marilyn Reineck (CAS), Steve Manderscheid (CBOL), Julie Jochum Gartrell (COE), Judy Troye (Office of the Registrar)
Chair, Criminal Justice (CBOL) (concluded)
Julie Tschida (Chair, CBOL), Craig Lein (CBOL), Carolyn Zapor (CAS), Laurel Forsgren (CBOL), Fred Bartling (COE), Mark Press (CVM), Kimberly Craig (Office of Admissions)
Biology (CAS) (for appointment August 1, 2010)
Rob Krueger (Chair, CAS), Shellie Kieke (CAS), George Guidera (COE), Rich Carter (CVM), Susan Hanlon (Staff), Marilyn Reineck (ex officio)
Special Education (COE) (for appointment August 1, 2010)
Sally Baas (Chair, COE), Kasya Willhite (COE), Sarah Jahn (CAS), Tom Trapp (CVM), Melissa Fletcher (Staff), Julie Gartrell (ex officio)
Graduate Teacher Education (COE) (for appointment August 1, 2010)
Michael Walcheski (Chair, COE), Phyl Burger (COE), Jean Rock (CBOL), Kevin Hall (CVM), Debbie Tewes (Staff), Julie Gartrell (ex officio)
Accounting/Finance (CBOL) (for appointment August 1, 2010) TBD
Lutheran Identity Seminar
Concordia University is rooted in Lutheran Christian values. It has a unique culture and context for learning and working. What does it mean to work at Concordia University? What does the mission statement mean as it is lived out by faculty and staff? All faculty and staff who have not yet participated in the Lutheran Identity Seminar are encouraged to sign up for this Spring Semester offering. Sessions meet on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for chapel and to explore readings and hear guest speakers address various aspects of the unique CSP Lutheran Identity. There will also be WebCT-based discussions of the topics. Contact Dr. Jim Gimbel at gimbel@csp.edu or x 6187 by January 15 for questions or to register. Books and other resources will be provided.
Off Campus and/or Global Studies/Trips
At Concordia University, all off-campus events, tours, and trips are coordinated through the Office of Academic Affairs. All such events for the 2009/10 academic year have been planned. The deadline for trips for the 2010/11 year is February 1, 2010. The “clearinghouse” for students to receive information, ask questions, secure forms, etc. is now through the Community Action Leadership and Learning (CALL) Center and Kelly Dotson, Director (x8236).
Concordia Hosts Annual MLK Celebration
Each year, in conjunction with Saint Paul Central High School and the Council on Black Minnesotans, Concordia University hosts a celebration of the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On Monday, Jan. 18, the campus community is encouraged to join the events, which begin with a rally at Central High School. Participants will march with colorful signs and banners they have prepared down Marshall Avenue to the main program in the Gangelhoff Center.
Rally – 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Saint Paul Central High School Auditorium (275 N. Lexington Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104). The rally kicks off the day with student and young adult speakers, musical and dance performances.
March – 10:35 a.m.
From Central High School to Concordia University at 10:35 a.m. Approximately 1,500 people make the half-mile march from St. Paul Central High School (275 Lexington Ave.) to Gangelhoff Center. Students and organizations can display positive, creative and colorful banners.
Main Program – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Gangelhoff Center (235 Hamline Ave.) This year’s MLK Day Celebration themed “The Fierce Urgency of Now – Make That Change,” features a keynote address by Nekima Levy-Pounds. The program includes a historical Power Point exhibit, musical, dance, spoken-word and poetry performances, as well as awards and various elected officials speaking on the legacy of King and the hope of Obama.
Education Fair – 1-3 p.m.
Gangelhoff Center. Check out the numerous information booths.
Ninth Annual Poehler Lecture
March 23, 7:30 p.m., Concordia University, St. Paul
Buenger Education Center
We are pleased to announce that this year’s speaker for the Ninth Annual Poehler Lecture on Faith and Learning is Dr. Loma Meyer, Professor Emeritus of Education, past Vice President for Academic Affairs, and past chairperson of the CSP Board of Regents. The lecture is an annual event designed to explore how faculty members connect their Christian faith with both their academic discipline and (especially in Dr. Meyer’s case) their experiences in leadership roles in higher education. Speakers are selected on the basis of their excellence in their academic discipline and their maturity in the Christian faith.
Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium
Participation Deadlines for the Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium
The Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2010. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase the research and/or scholarship that they have completed either in the context of a course or with a faculty mentor. Research is typically displayed using a poster format, but other display needs can be accommodated. Please be planning for this as you teach your fall and spring courses! Questions can be directed to Jessica Allen (jallen@csp.edu) or Sharon Mosgrove (Mosgrove@csp.edu). Deadline for Registration: March 24, 2010.
First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series
The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce its Spring Schedule for
First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series. This lecture series will be showcasing the extensive research and scholarship currently being conducted by the CAS faculty.
Spring Schedule:
First Friday of the Month
12:00 – 12:50
Room TBD
Feb. 5: Presenters: Dr. David Bredehoft and Mary Slinger (Student Research Assistant)
Title: What Does Childhood Overindulgence Have to Do With Generosity, Delayed Gratification, Materialistic Values, Happiness, and Self-Control in Adulthood?
The sample consisted of 446 participants from thirty-six states and the countries of Canada, Mexico, Australia, France, Japan, Germany, Israel, and Iceland. Participants logged into the study through the web at www.overindulgence.info and answered 128 questions consisting of demographic data and seven psychological scales.
Come and find out the answers to what childhood overindulgence has to do with adulthood generosity, delayed gratification, materialistic values, happiness, instant gratification, self-control, and gratitude.
April 16: Presenter: Dr. Monica Murray
An Exploration of Spanish Song – Lecture/Recital
A lecture recital of Spanish song from Spain, Cataluña, and Latin American countries (including Brazil) will be presented by Monica Murray and a few of her students who are also exploring this wonderful repertoire. A discussion about the development of song in each of the countries will also be presented.
Faculty Professional Activity Reports
As a Reminder: Please submit your Faculty Professional Activity Reports at any time through the year. The official deadline schedule is: November 1, February 1 and May 1, however, only about 10% of the faculty members are doing this. This is the responsibility as faculty to submit current and updated professional service. It is a helpful tool to support your portfolio when seeking advancement and it supports our goal to recognize and share our strengths and contributions. It also helps to shape grant requests and proposals.
Remember that you must submit all your activity to this site: http://www.csp.edu/fac_act/ . It WILL NOT get into the report when it is sent directly to the Academic Affairs office, it must go into this data base.
Triennial Convention of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod – The 64th Regular Convention of the LC-MS will be held July 10 – 17, 2010, in Houston, Texas. Dr. Dale Trapp has been designated as the official faculty representative from Concordia University. Additional information about the convention can be found at http://www.lcms.org/pages/default.asp?NavID=13524
DCE and DCO Interns on Campus
Please extend a warm welcome to the Director of Christian Education (DCE) and Director of Christian Outreach (DCO) Interns who will be returning to campus for the Mid-Year Intern Retreat from Sunday, January 24 to Tuesday, January 26, 2010. The interns are at a mid-point in their year-long internships at congregations and ministry organizations throughout the nation. We are thankful for their continued service to the people of their ministry organizations and communities.
Mission Central for January – from Rev. Dr. Richard Carter
I noted last month something of the connection of mission with the Christian Gospel and ministry. You may know that the importance of mission and mission statements pops up in an array of professional literature.
“A statement of mission is probably the single most important strategic document you can have whether you are functioning as a Fortune 500 corporation, a small to medium size business, or as an individual professional. It establishes a firm foundation providing clear guidance for all significant decisions” (Morrisey, Creating Your Future). We can set CSP’s mission at the top of every syllabus but the real question is, how are we doing for using it at the “bottom” as a foundation?
If we look to pair “mission” with “vision,” Jim Collins (author of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap …) offers us the following:
There is a big difference between being an organization with a vision
statement and becoming a truly visionary organization. The difference
lies in creating alignment-alignment to preserve an organization’s core
values, to reinforce its purpose, and to stimulate continued progress towards
its aspirations. When you have superb alignment, a visitor could drop
into your organization from another planet and infer the vision without
having to read it on paper (http://www.jimcollins.com/article_topics/articles/aligning-action.html).
Given that our mission at CSP commits us to education (we “prepare students for thoughtful and informed living, for dedicated service to God and humanity, and for enlightened care of God’s creation, all within the context of the Christian Gospel”) it may seem strange to classify us as a business. Grant this, at least, that we do our teaching and educating in the context of financial and business realities. If good business argues that vision is vital, that mission is central, then the challenge is before us to do good business by attending to our mission.
(May I argue that something of “team” applies this month not only to Bowl
Games but also to business and mission? I am grateful to Richard Brynteson
and Renata Mayrhofer of our CBOL faculty for the quotations in this article.)
News Release
Name Change: The Hoffmann Institute (formerly OHSCO)
December, 2009
Mark G. Press, 651-641-8830, press@csp.edu
The Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach (OHSCO) announces a change of name for the outreach leader training organization. Beginning in February, 2010, the new name will be the Oswald Hoffmann Institute for Christian Outreach, to be known more commonly as the Hoffmann Institute.
For 25 years the Hoffmann Institute (under the OHSCO name) has been creating mission vision and multiplying outreach leaders in the church. That has been done through both formal and non-formal/informal training. This organization is a faith-based mission unit based on the campus of Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. Oswald Hoffmann (Concordia alumnus, former Lutheran Hour speaker and passionate outreach leader) lent his name and his reputation to the organization. That legacy is vital to the Hoffmann Institute as it moves forward.
Mark Press, Director of the Hoffmann Institute, expresses the following hope: “We are excited to announce this name change, which we trust will express more concisely the purpose of the Hoffmann Institute. We intend to provide creative, catalytic, dynamic leadership that multiplies the number of those who are living witnesses to the lordship of Jesus Christ.”
One of the new undertakings of the Hoffmann Institute is a “Focus” program which will provide training for congregational leaders who are passionate about outreach and desirous of learning how to multiply outreach leaders within their faith communities. This online program will equip people to be associates of the Hoffmann Institute.
The Hoffmann Institute has been developing its website to help connect with partners and friends of the Institute. Outreach training DVD sets are available through the website, and visitors can also become acquainted with the Hoffmann Institute Partner of the Month.
The name change is seen as one way to clarify the mission of the organization. To find out more, visit the Hoffmann Institute’s website at www.csp.edu/hoffmanninstitute or contact Director Mark Press, 651-641-8830 or press@csp.edu.
A Reminder About Emergencies in the Classroom
-Each classroom at Concordia has a CARE Guide posted in it. This is Concordia’s Actions to Respond to Emergencies. This is a first steps in emergency response that should be taken in situations. If you find that there is a classroom without a CARE Guide, please notify Sara Mulso at smulso@csp.edu
-The most common emergency that we expect you may encounter is one of a medical nature. In any medical situation, security should be notified by calling them at 651-641-8777 ( a good number to have programmed into your cell phone). 911 may also be called but we ask that you also notify security so they can assist with meeting the paramedics.
Christus Chorus/Guest High School Choirs Concerts
7:00 p.m. at Jehovah Lutheran Church, 1566 Thomas Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104
Friday, February 26, 2010
Student Directed Production TBA
March 20-22 Westlund Theatre
April 29- May 2 E. M. Pearson Theatre
Two e-newsletter sources from the Faculty Scholarship Center:
We are pleased to present your new issue of Collaboration Newsbytes, the e-bulletin published monthly by The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching & Learning. Each issue contains important news and updates about upcoming programs and professional development opportunities. Collaboration Newsbytes website: (www.collab.org), to stay updated with the Council on Undergraduate Research: www.cur.org
Convocations Spring Semester 2010
Wednesday at Noon, Buenger Education Center (BEC)
Feb. 3: TBD
Feb. 17: Jearlyn Steele: “Together We Can, Together We Did!”
Nationally known gospel singer and radio host Jearlyn Steele will present “Together We Can, Together We Did!” at this year’s Annual Black History Month Convocation. Steele’s vocal career has included touring with Prince, recording with George Clinton and Mavis Staples, and performing on Broadway and in Carnegie Hall. Born in Indiana and now based in Minnesota, she has been a frequent guest on public radio’s A Prairie Home Companion and has been heard on local and national commercials. A mother of two, she is deeply involved in public service, often focusing on ways to inspire women and children through her music and public speaking.
Mar. 3: Rev. Dr. Metri Raheb pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. Dr. Raheb is a Palestinian Christian, peace activist, writer, and pastor. He also directs the Dar Annadwa Academy in Bethlehem. (http://www.annadwa.org/en/). Location to be announced
Mar. 17: Disability Awareness Week Convocation, presented by Student Support Services
April 7: Asian History Month, presented by SEASA
April 21: Annual Honors Convocation
2009-2010 CSP Book of the Year: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
From the front flap: Acclaimed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin illuminates Lincoln’s political genius as the one-term congressman and prairie lawyer rises from obscurity to prevail over three gifted rivals of national reputation to become president. When Lincoln emerged as the victor, his rivals were dismayed and angry. That Lincoln succeeded, Goodwin demonstrates, was the result of a character that had been forged by experiences that raised him above his more privileged and accomplished rivals. Team of Rivals tells the biography of these four men and their ability work together through one of the darkest eras of America’s history.
Please visit the Book of the Year Website for background information and library resources: http://concordia.csp.edu/BookoftheYear/2009.html
For even more background information and on-line chapter discussions, visit the Book of the Year Blog:
Team Of Rivals One-Stop Blog.
SPAM Senders Target Concordia University Faculty and Staff.
The Concordia University Help Desk and IT Staff will never ask you for your username and password. You should never tell anyone your username and password. We have had an increase of attempts by SPAM mail senders trying to compromise our e-mail system by sending fake official notices posing as IT Professionals at Concordia requesting log in information. To learn more about phishing attempts please visit the following article in our Support site: http://support.csp.edu/Phishing
CSP Connect
There is a new News/Events Submission Form – find it under Quicklinks – Forms – Marketing & Communications
On the University Calendars page there are 2 new calendars “Student Organizations” and “University Events & Calendars” which provides options to view all calendars or filter calendars according to preferences. Find this under Quicklinks – University events Calendars http://concordia.csp.edu/Portal/all-calendars.html
Help Desk Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 9pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Sunday: 1pm – 9pm
Call for Papers/Presentations
The 3rd International Conference on Hmong Studies, April 9th – 11th, 2010
Concordia University, St. Paul "Hmong Global Identities in the 21st Century."
The Center for Hmong Studies at Concordia University-St. Paul is pleased to announce its Third International Conference on Hmong Studies.
It is estimated that over two million Hmong and eight million Miao exist worldwide. Hmong Studies scholars invest much time and energy in debating whether Hmong and Miao are the same. Often, more questions emerge than answers. When a person says he or she is Hmong, what does that mean? Does sharing a common history and culture mean one is a Hmong person? What essential characteristics constituted Hmong identity fifty years ago? How do they differ from current interpretations of who can be considered Hmong? This growing complexity in the development of Hmong global identities will be the theme for the Third International Conference on Hmong Studies.
The purpose of this conference is to provide opportunities for emerging and established scholars to share their research on Hmong related topics, to inspire and motivate students to engage in scholarly research, and to recognize distinguished scholars for their work in the field of Hmong Studies.
Call for Papers/Presentations
The Third International Conference on Hmong Studies is seeking proposals for individual papers and organized panels. The deadline for submission of proposals is December 31, 2009. Complete papers are due on February 26, 2010. Selected papers will be considered for publication in an edited volume by the Center for Hmong Studies.
For individual papers, please provide the title, a 250-word abstract, name and affiliation, contact information and a one-page curriculum vitae or brief biography. Individual presentations should run no longer than 20 minutes, excluding time for questions.
Organized panels should consist of three to four panelists and one moderator. Please provide a title, brief description of the panel, 250-word abstracts for each paper, and the names and institutional affiliations of all participants. Each panel is allotted 1 hour, inclusive of open forum. Please submit panel proposal to Xiong@csp.edu.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
Language development and changes
Teaching of Hmong language
Culture and society
War experiences in Laos
Political participation
Business endeavors (or maybe development)
Hmong in the media
Religious beliefs and practices
Impact of changing demographics on collective outlook and identity
Higher education
Health and wellness
Acculturation and integration in various societies?
Changing gender roles within the Hmong community
Intergenerational issues
Being Hmong and American
Impact of tourism on Hmong culture and village life in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and China
All tracks will be presented in English unless noted. When submitting your abstract/proposal, please indicate whether your presentation will be in Hmong, English or other languages. Proposals should be submitted to xiong@csp.edu.
Please direct questions concerning this Call for Papers or the conference to Lee Pao Xiong, Center for Hmong Studies
Phone: 651-641-8870 xiong@csp.edu
     
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