Departement Siviele Ingenieurswese
Department of Civil Engineering
Tydskrifartikels/Journal Articles (subsidised)
BABAFEMI AJ, BOSHOFF WP. Tensile creep of macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete (MSFRC) under uni-axial tensile loading. Cement & Concrete Composites 2015; 55:62-69.
BESTER AJ, JACOBS HE, TULLEKEN J. Conceptual framework for sewer pump problems allowing for fuzzy logic application. Water SA 2015; 41(3):335-342.
BURGER GJ, DU PLESSIS JA. Investigation into increasing short-duration rainfall intensities in South Africa. Water SA 2015; 41(3):416-424.
DE CLERCQ H. Modelling and analysis of steel structures. Civil Engineering 2015; 23(6):35-41.
KEUSER M, GOJ K, LENNER R. Verstärkung historischer Brücken über den Main unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schiffanpralls. Bautechnik 2015; 92(7):469-478.
LANGMAAK KR, BASSON GR. Incipient Motion of Riprap on Steep Slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 2015; 141(9):1-7.
PAUL SC, PIRSKAWETZ S, VAN ZIJL GPAG, SCHMIDT W. Acoustic Emission in Determining the Crack Propagation in Strain Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC). Cement and Concrete Research 2015; 69:19-24.
PERDUH M, STRASHEIM JAVB. Finite element analysis of the structural behaviour of pylons supporting an inclined coal conveyor. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 2015; 57(3):44-56.
TURNER DZ, NAKSHATRALA KB, MARTINEZ MJ. Framework for Coupling Flow and Deformation of a Porous Solid. International Journal of Geomechanics 2015; 15(5):1 - 13.
TURNER DZ. Peridynamics-Based Digital Image Correlation Algorithm Suitable for Cracks and other Discontinuities. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2015; 141(2):1 - 10.
VAN ZYL WS, VAN ZIJL GPAG. Dynamic behaviour of normally reinforced concrete wind turbine support structures. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 2015; 57(4):38-44.
VENTER LF, BESTER CJ. Delay and queue lenghts at stop/go control during half-width construction. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 2015; 57(4):2-11.
VOREL J, BOSHOFF WP. Computational modelling of real structures made of strain-hardening cement-based composites. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2015; 267(C):562-570.
WAY AC, VAN ZIJL GPAG. A study on the design and material costs of tall wind wind turbine towers in South Africa. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 2015; 57(4):45-54.
WU J, YE F, HUGO F, WU Y. Strain response of a semi-rigid base aspalt pavement based on heavy-load full-scale accelerated pavement testing with fibre Bragg grating sensors. Road Materials and Pavement Design 2015; 16(2):316-333.
ZANG J, VAN ZIJL GPAG. Developing non-heat treated UHPC with local materials. Concrete Beton 2015; 1(142):12-22.
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