Fall 016 Credits: hours Prerequisites: none Location of class

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Music 1301.701.2168: Jazz, Pop, & Rock I

An Introductory Survey of Jazz

& the American Popular Song to Approximately 1970

Fall 2016

Credits: 3 hours

Prerequisites: none

Location of class: http://online.utpb.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp

Professor: Dr. Dan Keast; 432-552-4292-office; 432-552-3280-FAX

E-mail (most effective): keast_d@utpb.edu

Office hours: T 2pm-4pm, Monday 10am-11am, or by appointment.
Course description: Jazz, Pop, and Rock seeks to inform the student about the progression of jazz and American popular song from its beginnings in New Orleans, through the “golden era” of rockabilly, and finally, to explain modern rock music with appropriate vocabulary. The class concludes with students analyzing their own listening habits and articulating those as a music preference.
Why teach jazz history?

Wow - why not? Jazz is America's musical contribution to the world. Americans cannot claim rock music, classical music, rap, or even country. We can only claim jazz and blues as truly "American" in origin. Jazz, like many other styles of music, are recognized internationally as an art form. The early jazz musicians became international cultural icons. Such musicians include Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, and Miles Davis to name but a few. You can hear street musicians performing jazz in Paris, London, Moscow, and Tokyo. Rightly so - jazz is a mixture of many cultures' music; from West Africa, Europe to the Caribbean and Latin America. Jazz is not the end of the influence - it influences too! Jazz has influenced art music, rhythm and blues, soul, pop, country, and even rock-n-roll.

Your learning objectives are to:

  • Students will draw well-reasoned, logically-supported conclusions from information (term paper).

  • Students will demonstrate effective written, oral, and visual communication skills (term paper).

  • Students will work effectively with others in support of a shared purpose or goal (group member evaluation).

  • Students will demonstrate intercultural competence, civic responsibility and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities (CD Review)

Text and required materials:

An open ear

A reliable Internet connection

A desire to learn

A commitment to the course

DeVeaux & Giddins (2015). Jazz (2nd ed.). New York: WW. Norton.

Listening quiz format:

There are three listening quizzes in this course. Listening quizzes are graded quizzes that may only be taken once. Please be sure to have at least an hour to take the quiz once you click "Begin." You are required to listen to an audio file, so make sure you have your speakers on before starting the quiz. Questions will be in the form of short answer. Each quiz contains 30 questions. Listening quizzes are counted as 10% each of the final course grade (totaling 30% of your course grade).

  • Listening quiz #1 covers material from lecture and reading up to, and including, the Swing Era.

  • Listening quiz #2 covers material from lecture and reading from Bop through Free-Fusion-Mainstream Jazz.

  • Listening quiz #3 covers material from lecture and reading from the Popular Song Tradition through 1970's and Beyond.

Online Student Authentication

UTPB requires that each student who registers for an online course is the same student who participates in, completes, and receives credit for the course. UTPB’s Distance Education Policy requires faculty members to employ at least two methods of verification to ensure student identities.  To access online courses students must login to the UTPB learning management system using their unique personal identifying username and secure password.  UTPB’s Distance Education Policy requires at least one additional student identification method within the course that has been determined and approved by the faculty or academic program.  This course satisfies the second method of student authentication by: 

Presentation of approved photo ID* through a web cam and video recorded proctoring during assessment (Respondus Monitor)

My expectations for your time:

A normal 3 credit hour course meets MWF for one hour each day or T/Th for an hour and a half both days. My expectation is that you will spend time online with this course in a similar fashion (Monday, Wednesday, Friday for one hour each, or Tuesday and Thursday for one hour and thirty minutes each) and maybe some other times if needed to complete assignments, projects, papers, and quizzes. Learning is not done in isolation, but during interaction with others. Therefore you will be consistently interacting with your classmates.

Communication guidelines:

Dr. Keast (within Blackboard Learn’s “Mail” function) (if Blackboard Learn fails, keast_d@utpb.edu )

    • I will make every effort to respond to email within 24 hours of receiving it. Many of my former students have commented that they received answers within only a few minutes. I constantly check my email and try to respond as soon a possible to every student quickly.

24/7 Help Desk (1-877-633-9152)

    • Technical questions about logging in to Blackboard Learn, server questions, etc. Basically any kind of technical support question should be called to this number.

Discussion Boards

    • Discussion boards are to be used for most communication in the course except for the private messages to your peers and questions about your grades.

Discussion board postings:

  • Your participation is necessary for the course to work. I believe that learning is not done in isolation, but in interaction with materials and/or other learners.

  • Keep your comments focused on the topic at hand. If you want to leave an off-topic posting, please do so in the appropriate spot – the "water cooler" discussion board. In most offices, the water cooler or coffee pot is where a lot of random topics occur. The same concept should apply in our course. Want to vent about something – vent away!

  • Please respond to your peers in the discussion boards – let them know your ideas about their posting. The interaction is important.

  • Your participation grade in the discussion boards is not based on the length or number of your postings, but rather on the quality of your postings. If your posting is a simple "I agree with you, Jim.", then you are not participating in a meaningful way. Follow up on the comment with why or how you agree with Jim. Give your arguments or position some context and justification.

Technologies involved:

Convert files from mp3 to wav (instructions provided in course)

Upload MS Word documents (or Rich Text Format documents) and PowerPoint slides

Visit external links (to websites outside of Blackboard Learn)

Print materials
Listen to music using RealPlayer (free download at www.realplayer.com)

Viewing Flash media found within the lectures (free download at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/)

Email peers (some attachments may be necessary)
Viewing portable document files (PDF) (free download at www.adobe.com)

Post and view comments on discussion boards

Course structure:

Unit 1 includes:

      • Reading from the textbook

      • Lecture

      • Individual assignment

      • Course familiarity quiz

Units 2-7 include:

      • Reading from the textbook

      • Lecture

      • Group activity

      • CD Review is submitted at the end of Unit #2

      • Listening quiz #1 is completed at the end of Unit #3

      • Listening quiz #2 is completed at the end of Unit #7

      • Group member evaluation is submitted after Unit #7 via private email

Units 8-11 include:

      • Lecture

      • Individual assignment

      • Special Topic Research Paper is submitted at the end of Unit #10

      • Listening quiz #3 is completed at the end of Unit #11

      • Self-evaluation is submitted after Unit #11 via private email

      • Posting of concert program in forum “My Musical Involvement”

      • Jazz concert review is submitted anytime before the end of the course

"Dr. Keast, what do I need to do to get an A?"

  • Complete all readings in a timely manner

  • View and listen to lectures on time

  • Be active in the course with your peers

  • Complete 3 Listening Quizzes

  • Complete the Course Familiarity Quiz

  • Attend a jazz concert during the course of this class and complete a review of the event for your peers

  • Complete a review of a favorite CD and post the review in the appropriate discussion board

  • Post a concert program showing your involvement in a musical performing ensemble

  • Complete a topic research paper of your choice

  • Complete a group member evaluation

  • Complete a self evaluation of your performance in this course

Evaluation of learning:

5% Self-Evaluation of Your Performance in Course

5% Group Member Evaluation

10% Jazz Concert Review (2 pg. paper)

10% CD Review

10% Special Topic Research Paper

30% Class contributions (group projects & discussion forum postings)

CB Course Familiarity Quiz

10% Listening Quiz #1

10% Listening Quiz #2

10% Listening Quiz #3

Assignments 70%

Quizzes 30%

(* CB = completion based grade)

Grading scale:

99-100% A+ 77-79% C+

92- 98% A 72-76% C

90- 91% A- 70-71% C-

87- 89% B+ 60-69% D

82- 86% B below 60% F

80- 81% B- Incompletes are highly discouraged and rare.
Format for papers:

  • Microsoft Word (File, Save as type, Word 2007) or RTF (rich-text-format) documents only

  • 14 point Times New Roman font

  • Double-spaced

  • 1 inch margins (top, bottom, and sides)

  • APA or MLA Styles are acceptable

  • Please proofread your papers

  • Book and CD titles should be italicized (i.e.: Miles Davis’ Steamin’)

  • Chapters from books or newspaper articles and song titles should be in quotes (i.e.: “Salt Peanuts” from Miles Davis’ album Steamin’)

  • University Writing Center (432-552-3350, Mesa Building 2215): FREE service for brainstorming, organizing your paper, proofreading, citing resources, and APA or MLA styles guidelines. After you email the paper, call 432.552.3350 and set an appointment with a writing tutor; a tutor will review your work with you in real time over the phone or on Skype.  Make the appointment several days before the due date to allow time to revise and, if you want, make a follow up appointment with the tutor. Your file must be in .doc or .rtf format and should include your name, student number, and “MUSI 2310.701 – Jazz, Pop, & Rock with Dr. Keast”. The style is up to you (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.). Just pick a style and be consistent. To receive credit for your rough draft from Dr. Keast, please Cc him when sending the manuscript to the Writing Center. His email is keast_d@utpb.edu.

  • All student work is graded on individual merit and completion of assignment's objective as per the standards set forth in the grading rubric distributed prior to the assignment's due date. Graded work will be returned to students as quickly as possible with feedback to support the grade earned.

Term paper guidelines:

A course in music can be boring unless you, the student, have some input into what you study. This is that opportunity! Think of a topic that we might have touched on a bit, not enough, a lot, whatever, and research it further. The purpose of writing a term paper is to convince the reader of your unique perspective on a subject. I am anxious to see your inspired research! A paper about the cool jazz style may seem narrow, but there are many things to cover in such a paper. A good topic may have a fairly long title – my dissertation was a 200 page book about a very small topic. I had plenty to talk about in the book.

Over the next few weeks you will be assigned tasks that will lead to the completion of your term paper. There are due dates for each task. Completing each task by its due date is vital in order for you to complete the term paper by the final due date so do not get behind. The paper, including the process, is 10% of your final grade, so please take it seriously.

I generally ask that the topic for your paper be stated as an unsettled argument. State the topic as some sort of problem or argument and then work to convince me of your position or unique perspective. For example, something along the lines of: Elvis was the primary developer of the Rockabilly style.  State your argument and use words of probability such as "probably," "might be," or "75% chance." The point is to describe your topic as a discussion of what is more or less likely. Be aware of your data and resources when making statements. Data from a 4th grade class project is not as strong as data generated from the US Census Bureau. To get your topic approved, send an email to Dr. Keast BEFORE YOU START! Once your topic is approved, gather your resources and begin formulating your arguments. Research librarians and the databases in the library are amazing resources.

The introduction to your paper is the thesis where you put forth an unsettled argument. I generally suggest that a thesis is about one paragraph containing roughly 5-8 sentences. More than this ends up off topic, less than this will have some problems successfully arguing the case.  As you develop your thesis, the 4-5 main arguments to support the topic become your thesis and outline of your paper. Each argument becomes a page or two of your paper. I request that you cite a source or some data in each argument with your commentary weaving it into your topic. Your claim (the topic or argument) is supported by the data. Tie the data to your topic (this is the warrant). For example, your claim is that humans cause global warming and your data is that we are emitting substantially more carbon dioxide into the environment than we were a century ago. The warrant would be the explanation of what products increase CO2 emissions. The warrant is the REASON why. Think of the arrest warrant - that is the reason why police are taking the person to jail.

Simply put - control your topic by utilizing a thesis and resulting outline: Take the four or five points to your argument and list them as major sections of your paper. Under each point, list a few sub-points to support the main point. Cite some data or another person’s writing as a reference to back up your point that supports your argument (topic).

To get your thesis paragraph approved create an email to Dr. Keast (keast_d@utpb.edu) with your thesis as the body of the email. Dr. Keast will reply with his approval or suggestions for improvement.

Once your thesis is set and approved by Dr. Keast, begin adding in your discussion points, citations, and material. Anticipate attacks on your position and respond to them. For example, in the global warming argument, address the issue that some scientists have publicly acknowledged using false data. You could do this by saying: "Some people object that scientists have committed serious mistakes in explaining warming. While true, the errors of some scientists do not negate the large body of objective science which has accumulated on this point." The intention is to get the reader to see particular objections that you point out and explain the objection away before the reader can object to your argument.

The final paragraph(s) of your paper is the burrito - wrap it all up and show how/why you’re correct. You cannot say anything new here.  If you haven’t said it earlier in the paper, you cannot introduce the thought now. 

Submit a rough draft to the UTPB Success Center by sending them an email to: writingcenter05@gmail.com After you email the paper, call 432.552.3350 and set an appointment with a writing tutor; a tutor will review your work with you in real time over the phone or on Skype.  Make the appointment several days before the due date to allow time to revise and, if you want, make a follow up appointment with the tutor. Your file must be in .doc or .rtf format and should include your name, student number, and “MUSI 2310.701 – Jazz, Pop, & Rock with Dr. Keast”. The style is up to you (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.). Just pick a style and be consistent. To receive credit for your rough draft from Dr. Keast, please Cc him when sending the manuscript to the Writing Center. His email is keast_d@utpb.edu.

CD Review guidelines:

Select your favorite band or musical artist which you have access to a few of their CD's or cassettes. Review one of their albums discussing the singer's/group's instrumentation, the variety of musical sounds on the CD you are reviewing, the creativity or freshness of the sound for the singer/group. Once you select a group/singer to study, listen to a variety of their work (2-5 albums). Decide which album you want to review for the project.

1. Discuss the album as a whole - is it fresh or divergent of past albums by the singer/group? Support your answer with comparisons. (10 points)

2. Pick at least two tunes to discuss further and analyze them for the "trademark" sounds of the performer. (10 points)

3. Listen to lyrics and see if they are consistent with other pieces. Discuss the ethical issues that you find (i.e.: drugs, alcohol use, sex, marriage, abortion, suicide, religion, or immigration) (5 points)

4. Why are you drawn to listening to this group? Sell the group as if you are a used car salesman. (10 points)

5. Compare the group/singer’s sound to “Mora Na Roca (I Live on a Farm)” or “Corporal Williams” using a musical element discussed in Unit #1 (melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture, form, or expressive elements). Discuss the differences you hear in terms of cultural influence (not just the language barrier). (10 points)

6.  Reply to at least two others' CD Reviews in this discussion forum. (5 points)

You will be expected to submit this assignment to the appropriate drop box located on the "Drop Boxes" button of your main course menu. Additionally, you will need to post this assignment as a new thread in the appropriate forum found in the course Discussion Board. Review the work of several of your other classmates and respond with your comments about their review.

Group Member Evaluation form (completed near end of the course for each peer in your small group):


Group member being evaluated:
Your name:
Using the following scale, rate the group member listed above:

5=Excellent 4= Good 3=Average 2=Fair 1=Needs improvement
Contributed higher-quality work than expected by the team
Was prepared and accomplished tasks on time, present for team meetings
Asked for feedback or provided feedback to team members
Encouraged the team and was enthusiastic
Kept team members informed and checked for understanding
Helped the team stay focused on the goals of the tasks
Provided timely and constructive feedback
Illustrated a desire to achieve more than a grade, but to create a good product
Acquired knowledge or skills necessary to perform tasks on behalf of the team
Overall rating I would give this team member
Policy on late work:

This is not a self-paced course. All work is due the date announced by Dr. Keast. Late work might be deducted 5% per day the assignment is late. In my face-to-face courses, I am rather forgiving about deadlines. However, in an online course with a degree of social interaction such as this, we need deadlines.

Dr. Keast’s philosophy of college teaching and learning:

I believe students who regularly attend class, participate in classroom discussions and activities, complete assigned readings, and thoughtfully finish assignments should arrive at a mastery of the course material. The purpose of learning in college is to master course skills. When a student does not achieve the objectives of a course, then the student has not learned the material and the student should initiate corrections to quizzes or quizzes in order to learn from their mistakes. Quizzes and quizzes are not the end of learning, but rather a measure of student learning. The students’ mastery of the material is my teaching goal. I hope that learning the material is every student’s learning goal.

My philosophy of music education: A music curriculum should consist of sequentially organized learning experiences leading to specific skills and knowledge. The goal of music education is not great student performances, but musical learning allowing active participation in, or appreciation of, a musical culture. The curriculum should include the performance of published music and provide students with opportunities in improvisation and composition. Music classes should develop students’ problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills. The curriculum should also emphasize the interdisciplinary potential – facets of musical understanding that can be applied to other areas of the fine arts, as well as to social studies, language arts, and other fields of study. If these elements are absent from a music curriculum, classes are mere rehearsals and music education becomes music production.
My teaching style is that of a social constructivist approach:

What is Social Constructivism?

    • Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding (Derry, 1999; McMahon, 1997). This perspective is closely associated with many contemporary theories, most notably the developmental theories of Vygotsky and Bruner, and Bandura's social cognitive theory (Shunk, 2000).

Assumptions of Social Constructivism

    • Social constructivism is based on specific assumptions about reality, knowledge, and learning. To understand and apply models of instruction that are rooted in the perspectives of social constructivists, it is important to know the premises that underlie them.

    • Reality: Social constructivists believe that reality is constructed through human activity. Members of a society together invent the properties of the world (Kukla, 2000). For the social constructivist, reality cannot be discovered: it does not exist prior to its social invention.

    • Knowledge: To social constructivists, knowledge is also a human product, and is socially and culturally constructed (Ernest, 1999; Gredler, 1997; Prat & Floden, 1994). Individuals create meaning through their interactions with each other and with the environment they live in.

    • Learning: Social constructivists view learning as a social process. It does not take place only within an individual, nor is it a passive development of behaviors that are shaped by external forces (McMahon, 1997). Meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities.

Civility statement: Because this class needs to be a participatory community, if students are to fulfill their potential for learning, people who disrupt the community by their words or actions (rude, sarcastic, obscene, disrespectful speech, or disruptive behavior) will be removed from the course. In order to achieve our educational goals and to encourage the expression, understanding, and creation of a variety of ideas and opinions, respect must be shown to everyone.

Acceptable Student Behavior:

Classroom behavior should not interfere with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program (Code of Student Life). Unacceptable or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior may be asked to leave the course. Inappropriate behavior may result in disciplinary action or referral to the University’s Behavioral Intervention Team. This prohibition applies to all instructional forums, including electronic, classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc.

Class netiquette:

Dr. Keast and your fellow students wish to foster a safe on-line learning environment. All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you are not to attack an individual. Our differences, some of which are outlined in the University's nondiscrimination statement, will add richness to this learning experience. Please consider that sarcasm and humor can be misconstrued in online interactions and generate unintended disruptions. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course ambience.

Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. Any suspicion of academic dishonesty will be reported and investigated. A student who engages in scholastic dishonesty that includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and collusion will receive an “F” for the course. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. For complete information on UTPB student conduct and discipline procedures consult the university’s handbook at: http://ss.utpb.edu/dean-of-students/scholastic-dishonesty/. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, collaboration, or Internet applications, consult Dr. Keast. Assignments generated by downloading or printing from the Internet are considered under the auspices of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with disabilities that are admitted to The University of Texas of the Permian Basin may request reasonable accommodations and classroom modifications as addressed under Section 504/ADA regulations. Students needing assistance because of a disability must contact Leticia Madrid, Director, Programs Assisting Student Study (PASS) Office, 552-2630, no later than 30 days prior to the start of the semester.
The definition of a disability for purposes of ADA is that she or he (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantively limits a major life activity, (2) has a record of such an impairment or, (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.
Students who have provided all documentation and are eligible for services will be advised of their rights regarding academic accommodations and responsibilities. The University is not obligated to pay for diagnosis or evaluations nor is it obligated to pay for personal services or auxiliary aids.
If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with the instructor, or if you need special arrangements in the case the building must be evacuated, please inform Dr. Keast immediately. It is best to contact Dr. Keast after class or during his office hours.
Fall 2016 course calendar for MUSI 1301/3310 – Jazz, Pop, & Rock with Dr. Keast

            August 24 – Course begins

            September 2 – “Meet & Greet” posting due in the discussion forum

            September 2 – Course familiarity quiz is due

            September 2 – “Week #1 Discussion” posting due in the discussion forum

            September 9 – Unit #1 opens – Intro to Music

            September 9 – “Week #2 Discussion” posting due in the discussion forum

            September 9 – Self-enrolled in a small group

            September 16 – Unit #2 opens – Ragtime and Blues

            September 23 – CD Review due in DROP BOX and discussion forum

            September 23 – Unit #3 opens – Early New Orleans Jazz

            September 23 – SMALL GROUP PowerPoint over Blues Artist due in discussion forum

            September 30 – Blues song due (use the iPad app from the AppStore)

            September 30 – Unit #4 opens – Swing/Big Band

            September 30 – Listening Quiz #1 opens

            September 30 – SMALL GROUP project over ENOJ due in the discussion forum

            October 7 – Listening Quiz #1 closes

            October 7 – SMALL GROUP project over Swing due in the discussion forum

            October 7 – Unit #5 opens – BeBop

            October 14 – SMALL GROUP project over Bop due in the discussion forum

            October 14 – Unit #6 opens - Cool

            October 21 – Argument due for persuasive term paper (10+ pages)

            October 21 – Unit #7 opens – Free Fusion Mainstream

            October 21 – Listening Quiz #2 opens

            October 21 – SMALL GROUP project over Cool due in discussion forum

October 28 – Listening Quiz #2 closes

            October 28 – SMALL GROUP project over Free/Fusion/Mainstream due

October 28 – Unit #8 opens - Pop

November 4 – Unit #9 opens - Rockabilly

November 4 – Group member evaluations (use the form provided)

November 4 – Pop artist reflection due in discussion forum

            November 11 – Rockabilly want ads due in discussion forum

            November 11 – Thesis due for persuasive term paper (10+ page paper)

November 11 – Unit #10 opens – The Turbulent 1960s

            November 18 – 60’s Album Cover due to discussion forum

November 18 – Unit #11 opens – The 1970s and Beyond

            November 18 – Listening Quiz #3 opens

December 2 – Rough draft of term paper to Smarthinking

December 2 – Favorite band presentation due to discussion forum

            December 2 – Listening Quiz #3 closes

            ***** – Upper-Level papers due in Drop Box (if you are enrolled in 3310)

December 9 – HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY – Our music involvement posting

            December 9 – Concert Review due in the discussion forum

December 14 – Special Topic Research Paper due to Drop Box and discussion forum

            December 14 – Self-Evaluation form (use the form provided)

            December 14 – Course ends

Let this syllabus serve as an outline to the objectives and materials that we will cover.

This syllabus is subject to revision at the discretion of Dr. Keast.
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