FEHRL PARTNERS by project, alphabetical order, complete
FEHRL works with many other organisations to deliver its projects. Please find below a non-exhaustive list of partners
01dB Acoustics & Vibration Metravib, France, CALM II
5T (Telematics Technologies for Transport and Traffic Turin), Italy, CVIS
ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Association ), EU, SIMBA
AEA (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Automotiva), Brazil, SIMBA and SIMBA2
AEA Technology Rail (AEAT Rail), The Netherlands, SILENCE
AED-DTS (Administration de l’Equipement et des Déplacements – Direction des Techniques Spéciales - represents City of Brussels), Belgium, SILENCE
Alstom Transport, France, SILENCE
Ansaldobreda, Italy, SILENCE
ASF (Autoroutes du Sud de la France), France, CVIS
ATC Bologna, Italy, CVIS
Autostrade per l'Italia -Concessioni E Costruzioni Austrade S.p.A., Italy, ARCHES, NR2C, SILENCE
AVL List GmbH ("Anstalt für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen", Prof. Dr. Hans List (or Institute for Internal Combustion Engines), Austria, CALM II, ERTRAC II, SILENCE
AVVC (advanced Vehicles and Vehicle Control Knowledge Centre), Hungary, CVIS
Bae SATC (British Aerospace Systems Advanced Technology Centre), United Kingdom, CVIS
BCC (Bristol City Council), United Kingdom, SILENCE
BIME (Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment), Belgium, SILENCE
Birmingham City Council, United Kingdom, CALM II
BKSV (Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurement), Denmark, SILENCE
BMW, Germany, CVIS
Bombardier Transportation Germany, Germany, SILENCE
BOSCH, Germany, CVIS
BRBS (Branchevereniging Recycling Breken en sorteren), The Netherlands, DIRECT-MAT
Cementarna Anhovo, Slovenia, ARCHES
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden, SILENCE
CIT (Cork Institute of Technology), Ireland, CVIS
CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers), EU, ERTRAC II
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France, SILENCE
Communauté urbaine de Lyon, France, CVIS
CONCAWE (Conservation of Clean Water in Europe), EU, ERTRAC II
Continental Corporation, Germany, SILENCE, YEAR2008
Corus Rail, United Kingdom, SILENCE
CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat), Italy, ERTRAC II, CVIS
CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) – South Africa, SIMBA and SIMBA2
CTS (Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medecine), United Kingdom, CVIS
D2S (Dynamics, Structures & Systems International), Belgium, SILENCE
Daimler Chrysler, Germany, CVIS, ERTRAC II
Danish Road Directorate, Denmark, DIRECT-MAT, IPL
DDC – Consulting & Engineering Ltd., Slovenia, SPENS, TRA
DeltaRail (formerly AEA Technology Rail (AEAT), Netherlands, SILENCE
Deutsche Bahn (DB Systemtechnik), Germany, SILENCE
DfT (Department for Transport), CVIS
DLR (Deutches Centrum für Luft und Raumfahrt), Germany, CVIS
DRC (Road and Transportation Research Association), Slovenia, SPENS, TRA
DSD (Disseny de Sistemes i Desenvolupament Barcelona), Spain, SILENCE
EAPA (European Asphalt Pavement Association, EU, Re-road
Efkon, Austria, CVIS
EGIS (formerly Isis), France, INTRO
EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research for Industry, Construction and Commerce), Switzerland, FIWI
ERICSSON AB, CVIS (http://cvis.odeum.com/en/cvis_project/consortium/)
ERTICO (European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation), EU, CVIS, ERTRAC II, HEAVYROUTE, SIMBA, SIMBA2
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), EU, CVIS
Eurovia, France, NR2C
Faurecia, France, ERTRAC II
FENO (Ferriere Nord) SpA , Italy, SPENS
Ford, Germany, ERTRAC II
Gatespace Telematics AB, Sweden, CVIS
Greisch Ingénierie, Belgium, NR2C
HA UCA (Hogeschool Antwerpen), Belgium, IPL, Re-road
Heudiasyc UTC/CNRS, France, CVIS
Highways agency, United Kingdom, CVIS
HSVV/VZH (Hessisches Landesamt für Strassen und Verkehrswesen), Germany, CVIS
HTW-Saarland (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft), Germany, CVIS
ifADo (Institute for Occupational Physiology at Dortmund University), Germany, SILENCE
Infoblu, Italy, CVIS
INRETS (Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité), France, INTRO, IPL
INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, France, CVIS
INSA Lyon (NIAS, Institut National des Sciences Appliqués de Lyon), France, SILENCE
INSA Strasbourg (NIAS, Institut National des Sciences Appliqués de Strasbourg), France, DIRECT_MAT
Intempora, France, CVIS
ISMB (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella), Italy, CVIS
ISVR (University of Southampton), United Kingdom, SILENCE
ITS China (China National Intelligent Transport Systems Centre of Engineering and Technology), China, SIMBA, SIMBA2
ITS Denmark (Intelligent Transport Systems), Denmark, SIMBA, SIMBA2
JMI (Jean Muller International), France, NR2C
Kapsch TrafficCom AB, Sweden, CVIS
KTH (Kugliga Tekniska Högskolan), Sweden, SILENCE
LACROIX traffic, France, CVIS
Leggedoor Concrete Repair, The Netherlands, ARCHES
Logica CMG, The Netherlands, CVIS
Lucchini Sidermeccanica, Italy, SILENCE
M+P Raadgevende Ingenieurs (M+P), The Netherlands, SILENCE
Magyar Scetauroute Ltd., Hungary, NR2C
Makewave AB, Sweden, CVIS
Mapflow Ltd, Ireland, CVIS
Min.Vlaams.Gemeensch, Belgium, CVIS
Mizar Automazione, Italy, CVIS
MM-Lab (ex-Alcatel), France, CVIS
NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research), Norway, IPL
NL Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment (VROM), The Netherlands, CALM II
PEAB Asfalt, Zweden, Re-road
Peek Traffic, The Netherlands, CVIS
POLIS (Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services), EU, CVIS, ERTRAC II, SILENCE , SIMBA2
Prisma Solutions, EDV-Dienstleistungen, Austria, INTRO
Provincie Brabant, The Netherlands, CVIS
PTV AG (Planung Transport Verkehr), Germany, CVIS, HEAVYROUTE
Q-Free, Norway, CVIS
RACC (Reial Automóbil Club de Catalunya), Spain, CVIS
Ramsys, Hungary, CVIS
RATP (Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens), France, SILENCE
Recipav (Engenharia e Pavimentos)/Recipneu (Empresa Nacional de Reciclagem de Pneus), Portugal, DIRECT-MAT
Rieter Automotive Management, Switzerland, SILENCE
ROC, Germany, INTRO
RWTUEV Fahrzeug, Germany, CALM II, TRN
SGI (Swedish Geotechnical Institute), Sweden, Re-road, DIRECT-MAT
SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers), India, SIMBA, http://www.simbaproject.org/en/about_simba/simba_partners/SIMBA2
Siemens, Germany, CVIS
SINTEF (Stiftelsen for Industriell og teknisk forskning ved Norges tekniske Høgskole), Norway, CVIS, SILENCE
Skanska Sweden AB, Sweden, SILENCE
SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français), France, SILENCE
SRA (Swedish Road Administration), Sweden, CVIS, in annexe 1 not clear and not on website
STIB (Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles), Belgium, SILENCE
Technolution, The Netherlands, CVIS
TELCORDIA/ICC, United Kingdom, CVIS not on website
Tele Atlas, The Netherlands, CVIS, HEAVYROUTE
Telecom Italia, Italy, CVIS
TfL (Transport for London), United Kingdom, CVIS
Thales Alenia Space, France, CVIS
Thetis S.p.A, Italy, CVIS
Thomas Miller, United Kingdom, CVIS
TNO FEL, The Netherlands, CVIS
Trenitalia, Italy, SILENCE
TUB (Technical University of Berlin), Germany, SILENCE
TUBS/ISBS (Technische Universität Braunschweig/Institut fur Strassenwesen), Germany, DIRECT_MAT, Re-road
TUD (Dresden University of Technology), Germany, DIRECT_MAT, Re-road
TÜV Nord Mobilität RW TUEV Fahrzeug (TUEV Nord), Germany, CALM II, SILENCE
TUZA (Zilina University), Slovakia, SPENS
UAM (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan), Poland, SILENCE, CALM II
UBA (Umweltbundesamt / Federal Environmental Agency), Germany, CALM II
UCD (University College Dublin), Ireland, ARCHES, FIWI, DIRECT_MAT, Re-road, SPENS, YEAR2008
UITP (International Association of Public Transport), EU, ERTRAC II
UNACOMA Service srl (Ministero dell’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio), Italy, CALM II
University of Hannover (UH), Germany, SILENCE
University Zagreb (HR), Kroatia, ARCHES
UNIVPM (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Italy, SILENCE
UNOTT (University of Nottingham), United Kingdom, Re-road
UPC (Technical University of Catalonia), Spain, ARCHES
UPPUMT (Urban Mobility Planning Department - represents City of Genoa), Italy, SILENCE
Vialis Traffic , The Netherlands, CVIS
Vibratec (VTC), France, SILENCE
Vodafone, Germany, CVIS
UBA (Umweltbundesamt / Federal Environmental Agency), Germany, CALM II
VOEZ (the research institute of Vöz, the Austrian Cement Association), Austria, DIRECT-MAT
Volkswagen, Germany, SILENCE
Volvo Technology Corporation, Sweden, CVIS, SILENCE, HEAVYROUTE
Ygomi LLC, Belgium, CVIS
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