Flexible production and industrial robots

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Flexible production and industrial robots

Flexible production and industrial robots
These devices are especially in demand today in the national economy. An industrial robot, which bears little resemblance to its prototype in the book Rise of the Robots by K. Chapek, does not at all feed revolutionary ideas. On the contrary, he conscientiously performs, and with great accuracy, both the main production processes (assembly, welding, painting) and auxiliary ones (loading and unloading, fixing the product during manufacture, moving).
industrial robot
The use of such "smart" machines contributes to the effective solution of three major production problems:

  • improving labor productivity;

  • improve people's working conditions;

  • optimize the use of human resources.

Industrial robots are the brainchild of large-scale production
Robots in production massively spread at the end of the 20th century due to a significant increase in industrial production. Large series of products have led to the need for the intensity and quality of such work, the performance of which exceeds the objective human capabilities. Instead of employing many thousands of skilled workers, modern technological factories operatenumerous high-performance automatic lines operating in intermittent or continuous cycles.
The leaders in the development of such technologies, declaring the widespread use of industrial robots, are Japan, the USA, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. Modern industrial robots manufactured in the above countries are divided into two large groups. Their types are determined by belonging to two fundamentally different methods of management:

  • automatic manipulators;

  • devices remotely controlled by a human.

What are they used for?
The need for their creation began to be discussed at the beginning of the 20th century. However, at that time there was no element base for the implementation of the plan. Today, following the dictates of the times, robotic machines are used in most of the most technologically advanced industries.
Unfortunately, the re-equipment of entire industries with such "smart" machines is hampered by a lack of investment. Although the benefits of using them clearly exceed the initial monetary costs, because they allow us to talk not only and not so much about automation, but about profound changes in the sphere of production and labor.
The use of industrial robots has made it possible to more effectively perform work that is beyond human strength in terms of labor intensity and accuracy: loading / unloading, stacking, sorting, orientation of parts; moving blanks from one robot to another, and finished products to a warehouse; spot welding and seam welding; assembly of mechanical and electronic parts; cable laying; cuttingblanks along a complex contour.

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