118 I. Tudor, The fair and equitable Treatment Standard in International Law of Foreign Investment, p. 250.
119Azurix v. Argentina, Award, para. 250.
120 F.A. Mann, British Treaties for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, 52 British Yearbook of International Law 241, 244; Tecmed v Mexico, para. 155.
121Occidental Exploration v. Ecuador, paras. 189-190.
122Saluka Investments v. Czech Republic, Partial Award, para. 291.
123 R. Dolzer and C.Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law, p. 140-141; Mondev v. USA para. 134; SGS v. Phillipines, para. 162; Noble Ventures, Inc. v. Romania, para. 162.
130 S. Vascannie, The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard in International Investment Law and Practice, 70 British Year Book of International Law 133; C. Schreuer, Fair and equitable treatment (FET): Interaction with Other Standards, 4(5) Transnational Dispute Management (2007); CMS Gas Transmission Company v. The Argentine Republic, Award, para. 290.
131Waste ManagementInc. v. United Mexican States (Number 2), Final Award, para. 98.
132CMS v. Argentina, Award, para. 290; PSEG v. Turkey, para. 259.
168 C. Schreuer, The Concept of Expropriation under the ECT and other Investment Protection Treaties, in C. Ribeiro (ed.), Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty (2006) 108, 145.
169 R. Dolzer, Indirect expropriations: New developments?, 11 NYU Environmental Law Journal (2002) 79.
170Starrett v. Iran, para. 154.
171Pope v. Canada, para.96.
172Metalclad v. Mexico, para. 103.
173Generation Ukraine v. Ukraine, para. 20.32.
174 A. Newcombe, L. Paradell, Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment, p.341.
175 Uncontested facts, paras. 10-11.
176Waguih v. Egypt, para. 433.
177 P. Malanczuk, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law (Seventh Edition, 1997) 235; K. Hober, Investment Arbitration in Eastern Europe: In Search of a Definition of Expropriation (2007) 38.
178ADC v. Hungry, para. 432; Siemens v. Argentina, Award, para. 273;A.Newcombe, L. Paradell, Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment, p.372.
179ADC v. Hungry, para. 432.
180 A. Newcombe, L. Paradell, Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment, p.370.
198Gabcıkovo–Nagymaros case, paras. 40-41; CMS v. Argentina, Award, para. 331.
199 R. Ago, Addendum to the eighth report on State Responsibility, 2 YB Int’l L Comm/n (1980), p. 19.
200LG&E v. Argentina,para 251.
201Gabcıkovo–Nagymaros case, para. 54.
202Enron v. Argentine, Award, 307.
203Sempra Energy v. Argentina, Award, para. 349.
204LG&E v. Argentina, para. 257.
205 J. Crawford, The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries, p. 184.
206CMS v. Argentina, Award, para. 324.
207Enron v. Argentine, Award, para. 308.
208Sempra Energy v. Argentina, Award, para. 350.
209 A. Reinisch, Necessity in International Investment Arbitration – An Unnecessary Split of Opinions in Recent ICSID Cases?, 8 W IT 191 (2007), p. 201.
210 J. Crawford, The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries, p. 184.