Frajzyngier, Zygmunt

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Arabic Linguistics Bibliography for the Year 2008

(with Abstracts and some materials about other Afro-Asiatic languages)

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Abbate, Lucia. 2008. Toponomastica siciliana di origine arabe nel versante tirrenico e ionico dei peloritani. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso. [Book announcement]

Abdalla, Fauzia; Martha B. Crago. 2008. Verb morphology deficits in Arabic-speaking children with specific language impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics 29: 315-340. [Abstract]

Adam, Galit; Outi Bat-El. 2008. Morphological knowledge without morphological structure: Morphology-prosody interface in the first Hebrew verbs. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 197-222. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Al-Batal, Mahmoud (ed.). 2008. The Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign Language: Issues and Directions. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. [Book announcement]

Albright, Adam. 2008. Inflectional paradigms have bases, too: Arguments from Yiddish. Inflectional Identity, ed. Asaf Bachrach, Andrew Nevins, . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Alemohamad, Seyed Ali. See Nasidze, I.

Al-Shatter, Ghassan. 2008. The development of verbal structures in L2 Arabic. Processability Approaches to Second Language Development and Second Language Learning, ed. Jörg-Ulrich Kessler, 267-299. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publications.

Amberber, Mengistu. 2008. Differential case-marking of arguments: Amharic. The Oxford Handbook of Case, ed. Andrej Malchukov, Andrew Spencer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Amberber, Mengistu. 2008. Semantic primes in Amharic. Cross-Linguistic Semantics, ed. Cliff Goddard, 83-120. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Amit-Kochavi, Hannah. 2008. Arabic plays translated for the Israeli Hebrew stage: A descriptive-analytical case study. Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in Homage to Gideon Toury, ed. Anthony Pym, Miriam Shlesinger, Daniel Simeoni, 19-32. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Armon-Lotem, Sharon. 2008. Subject use and the acquisition of verbal agreement in Hebrew. The Acquisition of Verbs and their Grammar: The Effect of Particular Languages, ed. Natalia Gagarina, Insa Gülzow, 45-70. Berlin: Springer.

Armon-Lotem, Sharon. 2008. The interaction between question formation and verbal morphology in the acquisition of Hebrew: A minimalist perspective. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 223-244. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Armon-Lotem, Sharon; Gabi Danon; Susan Rothstein (ed.). 2008. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Book announcement]

Asic, Tijana. 2008. Espace, temps, prépositions. Genève: Droz. [Abstract]

Awad, Magdi. 2008. Die koptischen Wörter in der ägyptischen Umgangsprache der Gegenwart. Vom Nil an die Saale: Festschrift für Arafa Mustafa zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 2005, ed. Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, Jürgen Tubach, Jens Kotjatko, 35-50. Halle (Saale) : Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Orientalisches Institut.

Baalbaki, Ramzi. 2008. The Legacy of the Kitāb: Sībawayhi’s Analytical Methods Within the Context of the Arabic Grammatical Theory. Leiden: Brill. [Book announcement]

Baldi, Sergio. 2008. Dictionnaire des emprunts arabes dans les langues de l’Afrique de l’ouest et en swahili. Paris: Karthala.

Batal, Mahmoud al. See Al-Batal, Mahmoud.

Batal, Mahmoud al-. See Al-Batal, Mahmoud.

Bat-El, Outi. 2008. Morphologically conditioned V alternation in Hebrew: Distinction among nouns, adjectives and participles, and verbs. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 27-60. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Bat-El, Outi. See Adam, Galit.

Béland, Renée. See Idrissi, Ali.

Ben Shalom, Dorit. See Schaeffer, Jeannette C.

Benmamoun, Elabbas. 2008. Clause structure and the syntax of verbless sentences. Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, ed. Robert Freidin, Carlos P. Opero, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta, 105-131. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. [Abstract]

Bentahila, Abdelâli. See Davies, Eirlys E.

Berjaoui, Nasser. 2008. Four Types of the Moroccan “ġuş”. München: Lincom.

Berjaoui, Nasser. 2008. Moroccan Secret Languages: Evidence from the ġuş. München: Lincom. [Book announcement]

Berjaoui, Nasser. 2008. The Moroccan Arabic “ġuş”: Five Categories. München: LINCOM Europa.

Berjaoui, Nasser. 2008. The Moroccan Arabic Substitution ġuş. München: Lincom.

Berjaoui, Nasser. 2008. The X…XəyyuC Family of Moroccan Secret Languages. München: Lincom. [Book announcement]

Binay, Sara. 2008. ?ušunat lafZihi: Über die (Aus-)Sprache des Beduinen in der klassisch-arabischen Literatur. Vom Nil an die Saale: Festschrift für Arafa Mustafa zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 2005, ed. Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, Jürgen Tubach, Jens Kotjatko, 75-82. Halle (Saale) : Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Orientalisches Institut.

Blom, Elma; Daniela Polienská; Fred Weerman. 2008. Articles, adjectives and age of onset: The acquisition of Dutch grammatical gender. Second Language Research 27: 297-331. [Abstract]

Boeckx, Cedric; Norbert Hornstein. 2008. Superiority, reconstruction, and islands. Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, ed. Robert Freidin, Carlos P. Opero, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta, 197-225. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

Bomhard, Allan R. 2008. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic: Comparative Phonology, Morphology, and Vocabulary. 2 vols. Leiden: Brill.

Boneh, Nora; Edit Doron. 2008. Habituality and the habitual aspect. Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect, ed. Susan Rothstein, 321-347. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Botwinik-Rotem, Irena. 2008. A closer look at the Hebrew Construct and free locative PPs: The analysis of mi-locatives. Adpositions, ed. Dennis Kurzon, Silvia Adler. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Botwinik-Rotem, Irena. 2008. Object gap constructions: Externalization and operator movement. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 105-134. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Botwinik-Rotem, Irena. 2008. Why are they different? An exploration of Hebrew locative PPs. Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P, ed. Anna Asbury, Jakub Dotlacil, Berit Gehrke, Rick Nouwen, ??-??. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Botwinik-Rotem, Irena; Arhonto Terzi. 2008. Greek and Hebrew locative prepositional phrases: A unified case-driven account. Lingua 118: 399-424. [Abstract]

Boufalgha, Noureddinne. 2008. Morphologie und Syntax im Arabischen: Wege zur Erneuerung. Marburg: Tectum-Verlag. [Book announcement]

Boukous, Ahmed. 2008. Globalization and sociolinguistic stratification in North Africa: The case of Morocco. Globalization and Language Vitality: Perspectives from Africa, ed. Cécile B. Vigouroux, Salikoko S. Mufwene. London: Continuum.

Brugnatelli, Vermondo. 2008. La famiglia delle lingue afro-asiatiche (o camito-semitiche). Le lingue extraeuropee: Asia e Africa, ed. Emanuele Banfi, Nicola Grandi, 443-487. Roma: Carocci.

Bulk, Andreas. 2008. Word order, clitics, and agreement in Arabic information structure. The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures, ed. Anita Steube, 461-486. Berlin: DeGruyter.

Corriente, Federico. 2008. Code-switching and code-mixing in Ibn Quzmān revisited. Lenguas en díalogo: El iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria; Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong, ed. Hans-Jörg Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar, 65-86. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoromanica/Vervuert.

Corriente, Federico. 2008. Dictionary of Arabic and Allied Loanwords: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, and Kindred Dialects. Leiden: Brill. [Book announcement]

Corriente, Federico. 2008. Los arabismos del iberorromance entre Asín y Coromines. Joan Coromines: Vida y obra, ed. I. M. Badia i Margarit, J. Sola. Madrid: Editorial Gredos.

Corriente, Federico. 2008. Romania arábica: Tres cuestiones básicas; arabismos, ”mozárabe” y “yarchas”. Madrid: Trotta. [Book announcement]

Corriente, Federico; Ángeles Vicente (ed.). 2008. Manual de dialectología neoárabe. Zaragoza: Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo. [Book announcement]

Crago, Martha B. See Abdalla, Fauzia.

Dahlgren, Sven-Olof. 2008. The relevance of tense and aspect in Semitic languages: The case of Hebrew and Arabic. Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses, ed. Folke Josephson, Ingmar Söhrman, 221-247. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Danon, Gabi. 2008. Definiteness agreement with PP modifiers. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 137-160. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Danon, Gabi. 2008. Definiteness spreading in the Hebrew construct state. Lingua 7: 872-906. [Abstract]

Danon, Gabi. See Armon-Lotem, Sharon.

Davies, Eirlys E.; Abdelâli Bentahila. 2008. Code switching as a poetic device: Examples from rai lyrics. Language & Communication 28: 1-20.

de Ruiter, Jan Jaap. See Ruiter, Jan Jaap de.

Döhla, Hans-Jörg. 2008. La traducción como contacto de lenguas: El caso de las traducciones árabe-castellanas del siglo XIII. Lenguas en díalogo: El iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria; Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong, ed. Hans-Jörg Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar, 87-110. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoromanica/Vervuert.

Doron, Edit; See Boneh, Nora.

Drost-Abgarjan, Armenuhi; Jürgen Tubach; Jens Kotjatko (ed.). 2008. Vom Nil an die Saale: Festschrift für Arafa Mustafa zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 2005. Halle (Saale) : Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Orientalisches Institut.

Eid, Mushira. See Versteegh, Kees.

Eilam, Aviad. 2008. Intervention effects: Why Amharic patterns differently. Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 27), ed. Natasha Abner, Jason Bishop, 141-149. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla. [Abstract] [Link to pdf – accessed 12/27/08]

Elgibali, Alia. See Versteegh, Kees.

Elouazizi, Noureddine; Radoslava Trnavac. 2008. Identification and syntax of semantic prime MOMENT in Tarifyt Berber. Cross-Linguistic Semantics, ed. Cliff Goddard, 241-258. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Engsheden, Åke. 2008. Differential object marking in Sahidic Coptic. Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses, ed. Folke Josephson, Ingmar Söhrman, 323-344. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Fasssi Fehri, Abdelkader; Marie-Thérèse Vinet. 2008. Number and classifier distributions in Arabic and Chinese and their complementarity. Architectures, Rules, and Preferences: Variations on Themes by Joan W. Bresnan, ed. Annie Zaenen, . Standord: Center for the Study of Language and Information.

Fehri, Abdelkader Fassi. See Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader.

Frajzyngier, Zygmunt. 2008 (2007). A Grammar of Gidar. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.

Friedmann, Na’ama. 2008. Traceless relatives: Agrammatic comprehension of relative clauses with resumptive pronouns. Journal of Neurolinguistics 21: 138-149.

García González, Javier. 2008. Cuestiones pendientes en el estudio de los arabismos del espñol medieval: Una nueva revisión crítica. Lenguas, reinos y dialectos en la Edad Media ibérica: La construcción de la identidad; Homenaje a Juan Ramón Lodares, ed. Javier Elvira, Inés Fernández-Ordoñez, Javier García González, Ana Serradilla Castaño, 257-286. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoromanica / Vervuert.

Greenberg, Yael. 2008. Predication and equation in Hebrew (nonpseudocleft) copular sentences. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 161-196. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Guedri, Christine Marie. 2008. A Sociolinguistic Study of Language Contact of Lebanese Arabic and Brazilian Portuguese in São Paulo, Brazil. Diss., Univ. of Texas at Austin. [Abstract]

Hartmann, Katharina. 2008. Focus and emphasis in tone and intonational languages. The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures, ed. Anita Steube, 389-412. Berlin: DeGruyter. [On Hausa]

Hdouch, Youcef. 2008. Extraprosodicity and Syllable Structure in Berber: An Optimality-theoretic analysis. München: LINCOM Europa.

Hendriks, Bernadet. 2008. Jordanian Sign Language: Aspects of Grammar from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Diss., Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics.

Hornstein, Norbert. See Boeckx, Cedric.

Horvath, Julia; Tal Siloni. 2008. Active lexicon: Adjectival and verbal passives. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 27-60. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Idrissi, Ali; Jean-François Prunet; Renée Béland. 2008. On the mental representation of Arabic roots. Linguistic Inquiry 39: 221-259. [Abstract]

Kayyal, Mahmoud. 2008. Interference of the Hebrew language in translations from modern Hebrew literature into Arabic. Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in Homage to Gideon Toury, ed. Anthony Pym, Miriam Shlesinger, Daniel Simeoni, 33-50. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Khan, Geoffrey. 2008. The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Barwar. 3 Vols. Leiden: Brill.

Kiegel-Keicher, Yvonne. 2008. Arabismos y romancismos: El iberorromance y el hispanoárabe en diálogo. Lenguas en díalogo: El iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria; Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong, ed. Hans-Jörg Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar, 201-218. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoromanica/Vervuert.

Lecarme, Jacqueline. 2008. Tense and modality in nominals. Time and Modality, ed. Jacqueline Guéron, Jacqueline Lecarme, 195-225. Berlin: Springer. [Abstract]

Lenora, Antje. 2008. Eine Handschrift des „Martyrium des Arethas“ als Sprachzeugnis des mittelalterlichen Arabisch. Vom Nil an die Saale: Festschrift für Arafa Mustafa zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 2005, ed. Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, Jürgen Tubach, Jens Kotjatko,189-216. Halle (Saale) : Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Orientalisches Institut.

Levy, Alissa. 2008. Hebrew negative polarity items um and af. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 313-336. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Maalej, Zouhair. 2008. The heart and cultural embodiment in Tunisian Arabic. Culture, Body, and Language: Conceptualizations of Internal Body Organs across Cultures and Languages, ed. Farzad Sharifian, René Dirven, Ning Yu, Susanne Niemeier, 395-428. Berlin: deGruyter.

MacDonald, Michael C. A. 2008. Ancient North Arabian. The Ancient Languages of Syria-Palestine and Arabia, ed. Roger D. Woodard, 179-224. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Martínez Núñez, María Antonia; Isabel Rodríguez Casanova; Alberto Canto García. 2008. Epigrafía árabe. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia y Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. [Book announcement]

Matushansky, Ora. 2008. On the attributive nature of superlatives. Syntax 11: 26-90. [Abstract]

Mielke, Jeff. 2008. Interplay between perceptual salience and contrast: /h/ perceptibility in Turkish, Arabic, English, and French. Contrast in Phonology: Theory, Perception, Acquisition, ed. Peter Avery, B. Elan Dresher, Keren Rice, 173-192. Berlin: DeGruyter.

Montero Muñoz, Raquel. 2008. Convergencias léxicas entre dos lenguas calco: Los arcaísmos del español judaico y del español islámico. Lenguas en díalogo: El iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria; Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong, ed. Hans-Jörg Döhla, Raquel Montero Muñoz, Francisco Báez de Aguilar, 257-272. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoromanica/Vervuert.

Moscoso García, Francisco; Luis Miguel Pérez Cañada; Nadi Hamdi Nouaouiri Izrelli (ed.). 2008. Actas del Segundo Congreso Árabe Marroquí: Estudio, Enseñanza y Aprendizaje. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones. [Book announcement]

Mughazy, Mustafa. 2008. The Negative Operator as a Discourse Marker in Egyptian Arabic. Linguistics in an Age of Globalization: Perspectives on Arabic Language and Teaching, ed. Zeinab Ibrahim, Sanaa Makhlouf, 91-104. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.

Mutzafi, Hezy. 2008. The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Betanure (Province of Dihok). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Nasidze, Ivan; Dominique Quinque; Manijeh Rahmani; Seyed Ali Alemohamad; Mark Soneking. To appear. Close genetic relationship between Semitic-speaking and Indo-European-speaking groups in Iran. Annals of Human Genetics. [Abstract]

Nouaouiri Izrelli, Nadi Hamdi. See Moscoso García, Francisco.

Pérez Cañada, Luis Miguel. See Moscoso García, Francisco.

Preminger, Omer. See Szterman, Ronit.

Prunet, Jean-François. See Idrissi, Ali.

Pym, Anthony; Miriam Shlesinger; Daniel Simeoni (ed.). 2008. Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in Homage to Gideon Toury. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Quinque, Dominique. See Nasidze, Ivan.

Rahmani, Manijeh. See Nasidze, Ivan.

Rothstein, Susan. See Armon-Lotem, Sharon.

Roux, Arsene. 2008. Textes en parler arabe des musulmanes de Meknès (Maroc). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Rubin, Aaron D. 2008. The subgrouping of the Semitic languages. Language and Linguistics Compass 2: 79-102. [Abstract]

Ruiter, Jan Jaap de (ed.). 2008. Langues et cultures en contact: Le cas des langues et cultures arabes et turques en France et aux Pay-Bas. Paris: L’Harmattan. [Book announcement]

Sande, Van de Axel. See Van de Sande, Axel.

Schaeffer, Jeannette C.; Dorit Ben Shalom. 2008. On child subjects in a partially pro-drop language. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 245-266. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Schwarzwald, Ora (Rodrigue). 2008. The special status of nifal in Hebrew. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 293-312. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Sevi, Aldo. 2008. A two-layered analysis of the Hebrew exceptive xuc-min. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 337-352. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Shalom, Dorit Ben. See Ben Shalom, Dorit.

Sharvit, Yael. 2008. Bare minimizers. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 27-60. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Shatter, Ghassan al-. See Al-Shatter, Ghassan.

Shlesinger, Miriam. See Pym, Anthony.

Siloni, Tal. 2008. The syntax of reciprocal verbs: An overview. Reciprocals and Reflexives: Theoretical and Typological Explorations, ed. Ekkehard König, Volker Gast, 451-498. Berlin: DeGruyter. [Data on Hebrew]

Siloni, Tal. See Horvath, Julia.

Simeoni, Daniel. See Pym, Anthony.

Soneking, Mark. See Nasidze, Ivan.

Součková, Kateřina. 2008. Intensive plurality: Hausa pluractional verbs and degree semantics. Linguistics in the Netherlands 2008, ed. Marjo van Koppen, Bert Botma, 133-144. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Steedman, Mark. 2008. On becoming a discipline. Computational Linguistics 34: 137-144.

Stolz, Thomas; Andreas Ammann. 2008. The Maltese continuative: A grammaticalization borderliner. Studies on Grammaticalization, ed. Elisabeth Verhoeven, Stavros Skopeteas, Yong-Min Shin, Yoko Nishina, Johannes Helmbrecht, 169-184. Berlin: DeGruyter.

Szterman, Ronit; Omer Preminger. 2008. Resumptive pronouns as a last resort when movement is impaired: Relative clauses in hearing impairment. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 267-290. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Abstract]

Talay, Shabo. 2008. Die neuaramäischen Dialekte der Khabur-Assyrer in Nordostsyrien: Einführung, Phonologie und Morphologie. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Terzi, Arhonto. See Botwinik-Rotem, Irena.

Trnavac, Radoslava. See Elouazizi, Noureddine.

Trommer, Jochen. 2008. A feature-geometric approach to Amharic verb classes. Inflectional Identity, ed. Asaf Bachrach, Andrew Nevins, . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Uziel-Karl, Sigal. 2008. Acquisition of verb-argument structure in a developmental perspective: Evidence from Child Hebrew. The Acquisition of Verbs and their Grammar: The Effect of Particular Languages, ed. Natalia Gagarina, Insa Gülzow, 15-44. Berlin: Springer.

Van de Sande, Axel. 2008. Nouvelle perspective sur le système verbal de l’hébreu ancien: Les formes *qatala, *yaqtul et *yaqtulu. Leuven: Peeters.

Versteegh, Kees. Non-Indo-European Pidgins and Creoles. The Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Studies, ed. Silvia Kouwenberg, John Victor Singler, 158-186. Walden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Versteegh, Kees; Mushira Eid; Alia Elgibali; Manfred Woidich; Andrzej Zaborski (ed.). 2008. Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3: Lat-Pu. Leiden: Brill.

Vicente, Ángeles. See Corriente, Federico.

Vinet, Marie-Thérèse. See Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader.

Woidich, Manfred. See Versteegh, Kees.

Woodard, Roger D. (ed.). 2008. The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Woodard, Roger D. (ed.). 2008. The Ancient Languages of Syria-Palestine and Arabia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Zaborski, Andrzej. See Versteegh, Kees.

Zack, Liesbeth. 2008. Egyptian Arabic in the seventeenth century: A study and edition of Yûsuf al-Maghribî's Daf` al-isr `an kalâm ahl Misr. Diss., Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics.

Zdorenko, Tatiana; Johanne Paradis. 2008. The acquisition of articles in child second language English: Fluctuation, transfer or both? Second Language Research 24: 227-250. [Abstract]

Ziamari, Karima. 2008. Le code switching au Maroc: L'Arabe marocain au contact du français. Préface de Carol Myers-Scotton. Paris: L'Harmattan. [Book announcement]

Ziv, Yael. 2008. Codifying apparent inconsistencies in discourse: The case of Hebrew ma. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, ed. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, Susan Rothstein, 353-388. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
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