Law no. 176/2000 on medical devices, republished in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 79 of 24 January 2005, as subsequently amended and supplemented
2.4.8Law no. 176/2000 on medical devices, republished in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 79 of 24 January 2005, as subsequently amended and supplemented
This law establishes the legal and institutional framework for medical devices, as well as for the control of the marketing, distribution and provision of services in the field of medical devices.
Section 3 identifies and assesses the potential environmental impact, as well as the environmental issues arising from the implementation and operation of the Health Sector Reform - Improving Health System Quality and Efficiency Project. These have been divided into those that are relevant for the construction phase (demolition and re-building/renovation) and those that are relevant for the operational phase. The legislation in the environmental field must be observed both in the construction and in operational phase. Because of their special impact during the operational phase, the radiation protection issues are treated separately.
As regards each individual site, where the circumstances may be different, and in any event local conditions must be taken into account, a site-specific assessment will be carried out by the contractor before construction works begins, to determine the following aspects:
frequently arising environmental problems at the sites (soil erosion, water supply contamination, land slides, etc.);
potential requirements, if any, for temporary relocation of services for patients and location of patients and clinical staff during the construction activities.