I. Answer the following questions:
What are the mechanical properties of metals and alloys?
What is strength of a material?
What does the strength of metals and alloys depend on?
Can you explain the stress and strain?
What are a unit force and a unit stress?
What happens when a material is subjected to an external load?
Can you explain the phenomenon of elasticity?
What is a yield point?
How is the toughness of metals and alloys defined?
What does brittleness imply?
II. Translate the following sentences into your native language:
1. Elements which do not possess the physical or chemical properties which we associate with metals are known as non-metals.
2. The resulting substance possesses neither the characteristic properties of the acid nor those of the base.
3. When metals conduct an electric current , electrolysis does not take place.
4. Can chemical energy be converted into heat?
5. Rich ores of certain of the heavy metals have been exhausted.
6. The temperature of the metal for hot working depends on the metal or alloy.
7. Specimens are also subjected to physical tests for toughness, strength, and hardness.
8. Hot rolling and forging are widely used in the fabrication of metal shapes.
9. We can separate manganese from its oxide by the use of chemical reducing agents.
10. Carbon does not melt at ordinary pressures.
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