General assembly aitu iuta

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MINSK July 6th at 2.30 p.m
AGENDA / (meeting translated into Russian and Spanish)

  1. President's introduction : there will be an important election of new members for the COMEX.

approval of the agenda : OK

  1. Message of M. Tobias Biancone, General Secretary of ITI, who has been present during the whole duration of the Congress and Festival

« I had a lot of discusssion here with students; directors, professors and I feel at ease, doing for a goal close to the one of our association. What is important is to collaborate, and it started with the invitation of AITU ( Jean-Marc Larrue) to come to Paris last year.

We will continue to help each other, for example in Africa (ITI has contacts with universities there) and the other way round if AITU has contacts in countries where ITI has none)

It is a great honour to be here and I congratulate Katsiaryna and organisation for the enormous work of this Congress. I want to thank students for their performances and the academic for the inspiring papers . I invite you to Paris. »

  1. 27 institutional members in good order : Hoseo University, South Corea, -,Manila, Philippines -, TECHNION -  Israël ,- Jahangirnagar University,Dhaka , Bangladesh , -Collège de Valleyfield Québec – Canada , -University at Buffalo,USA. -Long Island University,New York,USA..- Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla,-Mexico.- Universidad Veracruzana Mexic - , Universidad de Caldas,Colombia - , Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.., UTAD,Villa Real, Portugal. - Insituto Universitario Nacional de la Artes,Argentina..- Taller de Teatro de Paysandu,Uruguay. - Anadolu Universitesi,Turquie. - Hacettepe University,Turquie - De Montfort University,UK – INSA Lyon, France. - Ruhr University, Bochum  - Germany., - Turlg, Liège, Belgique..,- Teatro Aenigma, Urbino, Italie - ,University of Athens, Greece..,-Belarussian State University, Minsk,Belarus - TEST, Zagreb - University Theatre Association of Lithuania. - , Moscow State University. - Académie de Theatre “Branko Pr.vice”, Belgrade

and 7 new members registrered for this Congress : Université d’Angers, Université de Coimbra

Insituto Universitario Nacional de las Artes (Buenos Aires),National Investigating Tomsk State, UniversityModern Georgian Theatre research Centre, Central Academie of drama- Beijing, Université du Québec à Montréal

  1. the minutes of Leicester General Assembly in July 2011 are approved

  1. President's report :

– I was delighted to come here and again in Eastern Europa (since 2001 in Krakow) and meet people from Belarus, Russia, Georgia, and China (for the first time). We had great expectations and the organizing comittee went beyond them : thank you a lot, and to directors, students, demonstrations and papers.

– during the past 2 years we undertook many administrative changes inside AITU, because of our expansion.

* The main one being the beginning of a annual colloquium, because many institutions propose such an event,in between the World Congresses. The first one took place in Manila in July 2011. Nick Lizaso , the organiser, reports on stage :there were 700 students from several universities of the Philippine, along with 200 professors and specialists from Philippine and other countries.

* due to our expansion, we've decided to establish regional ou national Centers when it seemed useful for the development of the association. These structures are not related to ITI Unesco Chair. They are tools of development for members of AITU who wish to work with our Association. We've already created one Center in Philippine, another one in Mexico, and possibly next year one in Bengladesh.

* 8 th World Congress in Leicester in 2010 : the first one in an English speaking country

Rob Brannen reports on stage. There were 200 delegates from 25 countries, 74 papers and demonstrations, 6 performances, and 24 new members. «  it has been a great benefit for my University and the prestige of university theatre. I'm very grateful and thank Jean Marc, the Comex and everybody who has been involved in the organization. »

That's why we want to diffuse our rich exchanges and experiences outside our association. We have the ambition to rank among the top publications dedicated to theatre.
6. Financial report (Alain Chevalier)

Accounts for 2010 : according to status and the Belgian law we must produce accounts every year. In 2010, the gross benefit was 120, 20 Can $ and in 2011 it was 3.182,37 Can $. Each Congress brings a good sum of money.

  1. membership report

since 2010, we have 95 new members including 35 institutional

on the whole, 350 institutional members, not all in good order and 150 festivals.

  1. Publications : we are reconfigurating them to have the best evaluated papers.

The proceedings of Leicester Congress have been taken in charge by Jane Baldwin, Maria Horne, Christiane Page and Rob Brannen. A few copies of the book have been presented to th COMEX and the final publication is due very shortly.

There is a volume of Vox Teatri in prepartion about Arab Theatre.

  1. Elections for the COMEX.

We elect a committee for this election : Alain Chevalier, Lucie Villeneuve and Sergio Sierra

there are 9 vacancies and 11 candidates: each of them introduces his or her objectives for the next COMEX. Rob Brannen (AITU since 2003), Jean Marc Larrue, Katsiaryna Saladukha (2006), Maria Horne ; Cristina Flores (2003), Carine Freymeyer (2003), Mustafa Sekmen (2006), Türel Ezici (2008), Anatoly ????? (2010), Raul Rodriguez (2003), Shafi Ahmed (represented by Nick Lizaso)

there were 20 voters (institutions) : were (re)elected for a second (or third) mandate : Rob, Jean-Marc, Katsiaryna, Maria, Mustafa, Carine, Cristina, and were elected for the first time Shafi and Anatoly.

  1. Next Congress will be in Liege in June 2014, 20 years after the foudation Congress

  1. closure of the GA at 5 p. m

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