General assembly of north carolina

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SECTION 6A.5.(c1) To offset the transfer in this act of fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) from the Information Technology Internal Service Fund to the State Controller, the sum of two million eight hundred thousand dollars ($2,800,000) shall be transferred to agencies utilizing federal funding for IT Internal Service Fund payments to provide the appropriate refunds to the federal government.

SECTION 6A.5.(d) Limitation on Charges for Alternate Services. – In the event that the State Chief Information Officer discontinues or privatizes a service during the 2012 2013 fiscal year, if the agencies choose to use an alternate service provided by the Office of Information Technology Services or their vendor, the amount that State agencies are charged for alternate services, inclusive of any service charge the State Chief Information Officer adds to the vendor charge, shall not exceed the IT Internal Service Fund charges for the same service in effect on May 31, 2012.

SECTION 6A.5.(e) The State Chief Information Officer shall report on a monthly basis to the Chairs of the House of Representatives and Senate Committees on Appropriations, to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology, and to the Fiscal Research Division of the General Assembly. The reports required by this section shall include:

(1) How close the receipts of the Information Technology Internal Service are to the limits set forth in Section 6A.8(a) of S.L. 2011 145.

(2) The rates established by the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) to support the IT Internal Service Fund.

(3) The amount charged to date to each State agency for services provided by the Office of the State Chief Information Officer or the Office of Information Technology Services during the 2012 2013 fiscal year.

(4) The amount that State agencies are charged for alternate services in the event that a service is discontinued or privatized during the 2012 2013 fiscal year, inclusive of any service charge the State Chief Information Officer adds to the vendor charge.

SECTION 6A.6.(a) Section 6A.9 of S.L. 2011 145 reads as rewritten:

"SECTION 6A.9.(a) Any privatization of any grouping of information technology services, or "towers," identified in the Infrastructure Study and Assessment (INSA) or any privatization to provide a new service or privatize an existing service shall require prior approval from the General Assembly. Funding to support any outsourcing of any of these towers or any privatization involving a new or existing service shall be specifically appropriated by the General Assembly for that purpose, to include any use of Information Technology Internal Service Fund receipts. No new privatization shall occur until the Office of the State Chief Information Officer and the Office of Information Technology Services accomplish the following:

(1) The establishment and presentation to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology of a budget for the Information Technology Internal Service Fund with rates for services that accurately reflect costs.

(2) The development and implementation of an accurate, comprehensive asset management system for executive branch agencies and report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology the results of the implementation.

(3) Issuance of a new request for proposal to solicit bids for any privatization initiative.

(4) Consultation with and approval from the State Treasurer.

"SECTION 6A.9.(a1) The limitations set forth in this section shall apply to the IT Services Management Services Desk (Help Desk), the Application Development and Support Services (Hosting Services), and the video portfolio and to any other IT service privatization.

"SECTION 6A.9.(b) Before privatizing any major information technology functionnew or existing information technology service during the 2011 2013 fiscal biennium, the State Chief Information Officer shall do all of the following:

(1) Develop a detailed plan for implementing any privatization initiative to include the following:

a. A governance and accountability structure for the privatization effort.

b. Detailed time line with milestones.

c. Any costs necessary to accomplish outsourcing with funding sources identified.

d. Estimated monthly cost for each participating agency for the first five years of privatization.

e. Risks associated with privatization, measures being taken to mitigate those risks, and any costs associated with the mitigation measures.

f. Any security issues associated with outsourcing each application impacted by the outsourcing, with a detailed plan to mitigate those issues.

g. A list of State employees to be terminated with information on their job description and how long they have been employed by the State, a schedule of when the terminations are to occur, the cost of terminating each employee, and plans to assist each terminated employee.

The State Chief Information Officer shall consult the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations and report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology on the completed plan prior to any implementation of privatization.

(2) Have a detailed plan in place, to include associated costs and sources of funding, to return the function to State control in the event privatization fails to provide anticipated cost­savings or required service levels.

(3) Privatize only those individual functions where verifiable market data collected after January 1, 2012, by a disinterested third party consultant shows that privatization will result in cost­savings to the State and there is no data identifying alternatives that generate greater savings, ensuring that agencies receive at a minimum the same level of service and functionality as the level prior to privatization.

(4) Document and certify any anticipated savings resulting from privatization by individual function.

(5) Ensure full disclosure of any privatization decisions that combine multiple services or towers into a single contract, including the costs associated with each specific service or tower included in the contract.

(6) Ensure that any changes are made across the entire executive branch.

(7) Consult the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations and report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology regarding the plan for funding any requirements formerly covered by the receipts from the privatized function.

"SECTION 6A.9.(b1) Agency Participation in Privatization Initiatives Is Voluntary. – Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a State administered information technology service is privatized, or a new service is provided through a private vendor, continued receipt of or participation in the service by State agencies shall be voluntary.

"SECTION 6A.9.(b2) Agency Options in the Event of Privatization. – If a State administered information technology service is privatized, or a new privatized service is offered, State agencies may do any of the following:

(1) Elect to discontinue receiving or participating in the service and to provide the service within the agency. If an agency elects to provide the service internally, any positions previously transferred to the Office of Information Technology Services to support the service shall be transferred back to that agency. The Office of the State Chief Information Officer and the Office of Information Technology Services shall provide necessary support to facilitate the transfers of positions.

(2) Submit their own requests for proposal and contract with a vendor to provide the privatized service.

(3) Enter into agreements with other agencies to independently obtain information technology services that have been privatized, either by participating in the other agency's current service or by executing contracts for services.

(4) Elect to receive or participate in a new or newly privatized service.

"SECTION 6A.9.(b3) Council of State Approval Required. – Notwithstanding any other provision of law, both requests for proposal and contracts privatizing State administered information technology services must be approved by the Council of State.

"SECTION 6A.9.(c) After privatizing any major information technology function, the State Chief Information Officer shall do all of the following:

(1) Report quarterly on the results of the privatization, including a detailed comparison of projected savings to actual cost, data on whether or not the vendor is meeting service level agreements, and an explanation of the reasons for any deficiency or difference.

(2) Immediately notify the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations of any outsourcing effort that does not meet projected savings or required service levels for two quarters in a row or during any two quarters of a fiscal year, and develop a corrective action plan.

(3) Terminate any contract where privatization fails to achieve projected savings or meet service levels over a period of 12 months.

"SECTION 6A.9.(d) Reporting. – The State Chief Information Officer shall consult with the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations prior to issuing a request for proposal to privatize any State administered information technology service.

"SECTION 6A.9.(e) Access by Private Vendors. – If the State Chief Information Officer provides to a potential vendor any information or access to State facilities in connection with or anticipation of the privatization of a State administered information technology service, the State Chief Information Officer shall provide the same information or access to all potential vendors. The State Chief Information Officer shall certify the Officer's compliance with this subsection to the General Assembly."

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