Globalizaton and the nation-state

Yüklə 92,02 Kb.
ölçüsü92,02 Kb.




ADM- 4192


Prof. Dr. Örsan Ö. Akbulut

Course Objective. The purpose of this course is to analyze the process of globalization as a new stage in the world capitalism. In this context, the problem of the origins of capitalism, the relationship between capitalism and the nation-state will be examined. The relationship between globalization and capitalism will be studied on the basis of transition from feudalism to capitalism. In this course, fundamental characteristics of the capitalist and feudal economy will be discussed in terms of historical and social dimensions. Globalization will be discussed on the basis of production, finance and trade. In addition, the issue of globalization will also be studied within the scope of financilization.

Week 1
Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (1):

(C. Hill and Dobb-Sweezy; The Brenner Debate; E.M. Wood)

Week 2
Reading Material.

Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Ellen M. Wood (2002), The Origins of Capitalism: A Longer View, Verso.
Christopher Hill (1983), The Century of Revolution 1603- 1714, Norton.
Maurice Dobb (1964), Studies in the Development of Capitalism, Routledge and Kegan & Paul.
Paul Sweezy (1976), The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, Humanities .
T. H. Aston and C.H.E. Philpin –eds- (1987), The Brenner Debate, Cambridge.
Ellen M. Wood and Neal Wood (1997), A Trumpet of Sedition: Political Theory and the Rise of Capitalism 1509-1688, New York University.
Ellen M. Wood (1991), The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old Regimes and Modern States, Verso.
Must Reading (1).

Ellen Meiksins Wood (1998), “The Agrarian Origins of Capitalism”, Monthly Review, July-August.

Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (2):

British “Agrarian” Capitalism

Week 3
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2009), Siyaset ve Yönetim İlişkisi-Kuramsal ve Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım, Turhan Kitabevi Yayını, 2. Baskı, Ankara.

Ellen M. Wood (2002), The Origins of Capitalism: A Longer View, Verso.
Maurice Dobb (1964), Studies in the Development of Capitalism, Routledge and Kegan & Paul.
Paul Sweezy (1976), The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, Humanities .
Robert Brenner (1992), Merchants and Revolution-Commercial Change, Political Conflict and London Overseas Traders 1550-1653-, Princeton.

T. H. Aston and C.H.E. Philpin –eds- (1987), The Brenner Debate, Cambridge.

R.W. Boyle (1990), “Tenure and the Land Market in Early Modern England: Or a Late Contribution in the Brenner Debate”, The Economics History Review, Vol. 43, Feb.
Robert C. Allen (2003), “Progress and Poverty in Early Modern Europe”, The Economics History Review, Vol. 56, No. 3, Aug.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2003), “Siyasal İktidarı Kullanma Aracı Olarak Başbakan”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 36, Sayı 1, Mart.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), “Belediye Yönetimi Reformu: Monolitik İktidar Yapısının Güçlendirilmesi”, Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 1, Ocak.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2009), “İktisadi Zorunluluk ve Politik Bir İnşa Olarak Mekan: Merkezin ve Yerelin Yerselliği”, Toplum ve Hekim, Cilt 24, Sayı 4-5, Türk Tabipler Birliği Yayını, Ankara.
Must Reading(2).

Robert Brenner (1982), “The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism”, Past and Present, No. 97, Nov.

Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (3):

Rethinking the French Revolution”

Week 4
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Ellen M. Wood (1991), The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old Regimes and Modern States, Verso.

Geoerge C. Comninel (1987), Rethinking the French Revolution: Marxism and the Revisionist Challenge, Verso.
Must Reading (3).

J.M.Blaut (1994), “Robert Brenner in the Tunnel of Time”, ANTIPODE, 26, 4.

Capitalism and Trade

Week 5
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Andre Gunder Frank (1970), Latin America:Underdevelopment or Revolution-Essays on the Development of Underdevelopment and the Immediate Enemy, Monthly Review.

Immanuel Wallerstein (1974), Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, Academic.
Immanuel Wallerstein (1966), Social Change-The Colonial Situation-, Wiley.
Karl Polanyi (1944), The Great Transformation, Beacon.
Must Reading (4).

Robert A. Denemark and Kenneth P. Thomas (1988), “The Brenner-Wallerstein Debate”, International Science Quaerterly, Vol. 32, March.


Nation and State (1)

Nation as an Economic Category

Week 6
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

E.J. Hobsbawm (1992), Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality, Cambridge.

E.J. Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (2000), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge.
Ernest Gellner (1983), Nations and Nationalism, Blackwell.
Charles Tilly (1992), Coercion, Capital and European States, Blackwell.
Anthony Giddens (1987), The Nation-State and Violence, University of California.
Galip Yalman (2006), “Kapitalizm ve Devlet: Kuram ve Hegemonya”, İktisat, Siyaset, Devlet Üzerine Yazılar: Prof.Dr.Kemali Saybaşılı'ya Armağan".
Alex Callinicos (2007), “Does Capitalism Need the State System”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 20, Nu. 4, December, p.533-549.
Walker Connor (1984), The National Question in Marxist- Leninist Theory and Strategy, Princeton University Press.
Must Reading (5).

Graham Day and Andrew Thompson (2004), Theorizing Nationalism, Palgrave Macmillan, New York (“The Marxist Tradition”, p. 18-41).

Must Reading (6).

Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2014), “Kapitalizm ve Uluslaşma”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 47, Sayı 3, Eylül.

Nation and State (2)

Ethnic Origins of Nation

Week 7
Anthony D. Smith (1987), Ethnic Origins of Nations, Blackwell.
Anthony D. Smith (1995), Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, Blackwell.
Benedict Anderson (1990), Imagined Communities, Verso.
Michael Billig (2002), Banal Nationalism, Sage Publications.
Rogers Brubaker (2009), Nationalism Reframed-Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe, Cambridge.
Must Reading (7)

Anthony D. Smith (1991), National Identity, Penguin Books (“The Ethnic Basis of National Identity”).


Globalization: Overview

Week 8
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Galip Yalman (2009), Transition to Neoliberalism, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi.

Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin (2004) “Global Capitalism and American Empire”, Socialist Register.

Ali Murat Özdemir (2011), Güç, Buyruk, Düzen, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.

Bruno Amoroso (1998), On Globalization-Capitalism in the 21st Century-,Macmillan.

F. Hirst and G. Thompson (1999), Globalization in Question, Blackwell.

Martin Shaw (2000), Theory of the Global State –Globality as an Unfinished Revolution-, Cambridge.

Ankie Hooqvelt (2001), Globalization and the Post-colonial World-The New Political Economy of Development-, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

Henry Veltmeyer -ed.- (2004), Globalization and Anti-Globalization –Dynamics of Change in the New World Order-, Ashgate.

Zygmunt Bauman (1997), Globalization: Human Consequences, New York.

Guglielmo Carchedi (2001), For Another Europe: A Class Analysis of European Economic Integration, Verso.
Linda Weiss (2003), States in the Global Economy, Cambridge University.
Hasan Engin Şener(2009), Macaristan ve Türkiye’nin AB’ye Uyum Süreci-The EU Accession Process in Hungary and Turkey, Phoenix, Ankara.

Linda Weiss (1997), “Globalization and the Myth of the Powerless State”, New Left Review, 225.

Werner Bonefeld and John Holloway (1995), Global Capital, National State and the Politics of

Money, Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Werner Bonefeld (2000), "The Specter of Globalization: On the Form and Content of the World

Market",  The Politics of Change: Globalization Ideology and Critique. edited by Bonefeld W.

and Psychopedis K., Palgrave, New York.

David Held and McGrew, A. G. (2007), The Reconfiguration of Political Power? in Held, D. and McGrew, A. G., Globalization/Anti-Globalization: Beyond the Great Divide, Cambridge: Polity Press.
David Held and McGrew, A. G. (2007), A New World Economic Order? Global Markets and State Power, in Held, D. and McGrew, A. G., Globalization/Anti-Globalization: beyond the Great Divide, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Must Reading (8).

Riccardo Petrella (1998), “Globalization and Internationalization- The Dynamics of the Emerging World Order”, States Against Markets-The Limits of Globalization-,Ed. R. Boyer, D.Drache, Routledge.

Must Reading (9).

Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2013), “Küresel Kapitalizm ve Devlet”, Toplum ve Hekim. Türk Tabipler Birliği Yayını.

Crisis Theories (1)

Classical Political Economy

Accumulation or Division of Labor

Week 9
Simon Clarke (1994), Marx’s Theory of Crises, Palgrave Macmillan.
Must Reading (10).

Bob Rowthorn and Donald J. Harris (1985), “The Organic Composition of Capital and Capitalist Development”, Rethinking Marxism: Struggles in Marxist Theory, H. Magdoff and P. Swezzy (ed.), Autonomedia.

Crises Theories (2)

Over Production-Incomplete Consumption

Week 10
Simon Clarke (1994), Marx’s Theory of Crises, Palgrave Macmillan.
Paul Sweezy (1968), The Theory of Capitalist Development, Monthly Review.
Robert J. Gordon (2016), The Rise and Fall of American Growth, Princeton University Press.
Must Reading (11)

Robert Brenner (2004), “New Boom or New Bubble?”, New Left Review, Jan-Feb.

Crises Theories (3)


Week 11
Alan Freeman and G. Carchedi (1996), Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics, Edward Elgar.
Simon Clarke (1994), Marx’s Theory of Crises, Palgrave Macmillan.
Must Reading (12).

John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff (2008), “Financial Implosion and Stagnation-Back to the Real Economy”, Monthly Review, Oct.

Must Reading (13).

Robert J. Gordon (2016), The Rise and Fall of American Growth, Princeton University Press [“Inequality and the other Headwinds: Long-run American Economic Growth Slows to a Crawl”,s. 605-641].

Globalization and Finance

Week 12
Robert Brenner (2003), The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy, Verso.
Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin (2005), “Finance and American Empire”, Socialist Register, 2005.
Must Reading (14).

John Bellamy Foster (2008), “The Financialization of Capital and the Crisis”, Monthly Review, April.

Globalization as Imperialism

Week 13
David Harvey (2003), The New Imperialism, Oxford University.
James Petras, (2000) “Globalization: A Critical Analysis”, Chilcote, R.H. (ed.), Political Economy of Imperialism , Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Y. Saillard (2002) “Globalisation, Localisation and Sector Based Specialisation: What is the Future of National Regulation?”, Boyer, R. and Saillard, Y. (ed.), Regulation Theory: The State of the Art, Routledge.

Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri (2001), Empire, Harvard University.

Vladimir Lenin (1996), Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Pluto.

Ellen M. Wood (2005), Empire of Capital,Verso, London; New York.

John Bellamy Foster(1986), The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism-An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy-, Monthly Review.

Korkut Boratav (2000) “Emperyalizm mi? Küreselleşme mi?”, Tonak, A. (der.) Küreselleşme: Emperyalizm Yerelcilik İşçi Sınıfı içerisinde, İmge Kitabevi.
C. Farrands and O. Worth (2005) “Critical Theory in Global Political Economy: Critique? Knowledge? Emancipation?”, Capital and Class, 85.
Giovanni Arrighi (1999),  Globalization, State Sovereignty and the Endless Acumulation of Capital, in Smith D. A., Solinger D. J, and Topik S. C (eds.), States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy, London: Routledge.
Must Reading (15).

Erinç Yeldan (2009), “On the Nature and Causes of the Collapse of the Wealth of Nations, 2007/2008: The End of A Facade Called Globalization”, BSB.

Globalization and Nation-State (1)

Week 14
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

Bop Jessop (2002), The Future of the Capitalist State, Polity Press.

Leo Panitch (2000) “The New Imperial State”, New Left Review, 2.

Frans Buelens (ed.) (1999), Globalisation and the Nation-State, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Robert J. Holton (1998), Globalization and the Nation-State, Macmillan, New York.

Nathan M. Jensen (2006), Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation: A Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment, Princeton.

Erinç Yeldan (2002), Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
Sol Picciotto (1990), “The Internationalization of the State”, Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 22 (1), p. 28-44.
Must Reading (16).

Ellen Meiksins Wood (1999), “Unhappy Families: Global Capitalism in a World of Nation-States”, Monthly Review, July-August.

Globalization and Nation State (2)

Week 15
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.

John Dunn –ed.- (1995), Contemporary Crisis of the Nation State, Oxford, Cambridge.

Jean Marie Guehenno (1995), The End of the Nation-State, Minneapolis.

Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay (1999), “Ulus-Devlet Sona mı Eriyor?”, Dinin Fiziği Demokrasinin Kimyası, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.

Paul Hirst and G. Thompson (1995) “Globalization and the Future of the Nation State”, Economy and Society, 24.
Must Reading (17).

Ellen Meiksins Wood (2003), “Globalization and the State: Where is the Power of Capital?” in Saad-Filho A. (ed.) Anti-Capitalism, A Marxist Introduction, London; Pluto Press, pp. 127-142.

Mid-term Assignment.

One of the countries within world economy will be selected. Analysis results derived from the sectoral and employment structure and external trade of these countries will be elaborated in the context of globalization.

Referance Text for Mid-Term Assignment:

Korkut Boratav, (2009) “A Comparison of Two Cycles in the World Economy: 1989-2007”, BSB.

Middle East Technical University

Political Science and Public Administration
ADM 4192











Criteria of Analysis - Countries

Total GNP-GDP and Population (Proportional and Quantitative)

Share in GDP and Rate of Value-added

Share in GDP and Rate of Value-added
Value-added rates of the industries of food, textile, chemistry, mechanics, transportation and etc.
Total energy supply and consumption
Rate of direct investment

Share in GDP and Rate of Value-added

Import and Export Rates of goods, and their share in GDP
Foreign-trade balance and Current account balance

Sectoral distribution of import and export
Countries that the country have import and export relations with
Country’s position in World Trade
Number of trans-national companies

External debt
Short term foreign debt
Ratio of foreign debt to GNP

Public and private employment
Sectoral distribution of public and private sector employment
Unemployment rate

Rate of labour efficiency











































EU (General)

Rules of Writing and Review
Page number shall not exceed 2 A4 size paper.
Top, bottom and right margins will be 2,5 cm; and the left margin will be 3 cm.
Body of the text will be 12pt font size, foot notes will be 8pt font size and the tables will be 8pt font size.
There will be 1 space between rows (lines).
There will not be any cover page.
Endnotes and/or in-text footnotes can be used.
Reference/bibliography adding is not required, yet if added it will not be included within 2 pages limitation.
Concerning the numerical data derived from related sectors of the selected country and using the criteria specified in the table, review will be held to attain the results regarding on the relation of capitalism and globalisation.
It shall be stated specifically when no data could be found related to any of the criterion. At least one criterion shall be used. Increasing the capacity of interpretation, each of the criteria will help you to reach the result.
A specifically selected year after 1990, or generally, the sum of the years can be used for comparison.
In order to strengthen your interpretation, 1990s can be compared to 1870s, 1930s, 1970s. Such review will be graded within the scope of commentary.
In the evaluation, (a) will be considered as the collection and interpretation of the existing data, whereas (b) as drawing a conclusion by comparing the data in themselves, within the framework of criteria. Grading will be applied as a (data): 50; b (comment): 25; presentation: 25. The task (a) is compulsory.
In the first page, reviewed country and sectors will be stated in detail as well as the identity info of the reviewer.

Good Luck

Prof. Dr. Örsan Ö. Akbulut

Yüklə 92,02 Kb.

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